User 463088
Why do I ever leave PoliGaf?
I'm voting on Wednesday.
I'm voting on Wednesday.
WHew. Just a momentary lapse into Diablos.
So I dont know if Wikileaks is blowing its load or saving the most damning emails a day before election, but so far it looks like they miscalculated in released batches of emails every few days. Over time, it's gone from zomg speeches! to duh, call me when you find something in it.
Also a quote:
I would be the youngest woman ever elected President in the US.
Oh, Hill. You so funny
wait you were serious?
Yeah it really makes me angry.No. Those speeches are a basket of nothingburger with That's it fries?
What really gets under my skin, though, is someone who posts something on facebook asking if Trump was abusing women for 30 years, why wait until 3 weeks before the election to come out?
People seem to be too stupid to realize the fear that is accompanied with sexual assault, especially when it's by a "billionaire" who could legally destroy you if you said anything.
Why do I ever leave PoliGaf?
The Electoral College is a check against the Tyranny of the Majority. It serves an important purpose and is one of the reasons American Democracy has been more consistently stable than others.
Why do I ever leave PoliGaf?
I'm voting on Wednesday.
The Electoral College is a check against the Tyranny of the Majority. It serves an important purpose and is one of the reasons American Democracy has been more consistently stable than others.
Just remembered this happened at the RNC
The Electoral College is a check against the Tyranny of the Majority. It serves an important purpose and is one of the reasons American Democracy has been more consistently stable than others.
Yes, the tyranny of the majority that wanted Al Gore to be president. Not George Bush. Good thing we dodged a bullet THERE.
Please tell me you aren't serious. After people on GAF tried to tell me that superdelegates were more democratic than caucuses I find it impossible to tell anymore.
If Tumpkins really do try and prevent people from voting or try and intimidate them, or if they have a post-election shit fit and try to prevent a peaceful transfer of power, I hope the full force of US power comes down upon them.
MonmouthPoll @MonmouthPoll
Coming Monday: New national numbers.
Also, impact of Clinton Wikileaks, sexual assault allegations, and
Do most men talk like Trump?
Prepare the rubber sheets.
My wife and I have had our Florida absentee ballots for over a week. I finished mine the day we got them, but i'm waiting to mail it until my wife fills hers out. While she is a dedicated feminist and pretty darn Liberal, she absolutely hates politics, and has made it clear she trusts me to research the ballot issues and candidates, and she will vote the same way as I do. While I appreciate the trust, I find this attitude both flippant and dangerous. I am not going to bring it up to her, but I wish she would take more responsibility as a voter.
Pet peeve, had to vent
More consistently stable than which others?
Yes, the tyranny of the majority that wanted Al Gore to be president. Not George Bush. Good thing we dodged a bullet THERE.
Please tell me you aren't serious. After people on GAF tried to tell me that superdelegates were more democratic than caucuses I find it impossible to tell anymore.
Name one instance the electoral college has protected the country from tyranny of the majority. Also, provide a scenario in which the electoral college could, in the future, protect the country from the tyranny of the majority, given that most states have laws binding their electors to the popular vote of the state.
Shitty amendments this year huh?
1 is a shit giveaway to power monopolies. No way it should be an amendment. Of course, it looks like it will pass.
2 will become pointless once it's legal nationwide within the next 10 or so years.
3 and 4 should be laws passed by the state, not amendments.
The only interesting bit is the $2,619,021.83 dollars spent by the Law Firm Morgan and Morgan for Yes for Medical Marijuana.
Prepare the rubber sheets.
In all seriousness, though, Leslie Jones just looks like a butch woman.
Michelle Obama's body structure makes it very statistically unlikely she was born a woman. She also has a visible bulge which AFAIK Leslie Jones doesn't have.
That first amendment is worded so confusingly that I bet a lot of people voting for that actually think they are helping further solar polar instead of hindering it.
No doubt that it was intentional.
I actually know people that think this! I've had to show them Wikipedia which is followed by "oh, that's just because so many people live in California and New York"Trump thinks Obama lost the popular vote in 2012?
Found on r/The Donald
These guys will turn anything into a conspiracy.
I'm making the third debate thread now. Does anyone have links to live streams so I can add them into the OP or will they come up at a later time? I never use them.
That's such an odd reasoning. Like yes, Obama won the first and third most populous states in the country. He won. Nothing is contradictory here.I actually know people that think this! I've had to show them Wikipedia which is followed by "oh, that's just because so many people live in California and New York"
This posted yet?
GOP Civil War: Trump Camp Officially Severs Ties with Ohio GOP Chairman
Sorry, I thought you meant the fact that electors could, theoretically, not follow the desire of the voters. Yes, I agree that our all-or-nothing points system is good.Think about how different Elections would be if we went straight popular vote. Entire sections of the country would be ignored. Politicians could camp out in urban centers. The Electoral College is a nod to States Rights. An acknowledgement that this is a Republic.
Out of interest, how is UK an example of democratic* instability?Some of them, all of them? Seriously I look at parliamentary systems and see tons of problems. I think they are too radical and reactive. The UK, Brazil, Spain, Greece and Belgium are all recent examples of democratic instability. The US is the only Federal Republic with a full Presidential with a two party system.
I think American Exceptionalism does exist and I think that out very unique government system is a part of that.
Think about how different Elections would be if we went straight popular vote. Entire sections of the country would be ignored. Politicians could camp out in urban centers. The Electoral College is a nod to States Rights. An acknowledgement that this is a Republic.
Shitty amendments this year huh?
1 is a shit giveaway to power monopolies. No way it should be an amendment. Of course, it looks like it will pass.
2 will become pointless once it's legal nationwide within the next 10 or so years.
3 and 4 should be laws passed by the state, not amendments.
The only interesting bit is the $2,619,021.83 dollars spent by the Law Firm Morgan and Morgan for Yes for Medical Marijuana.
MonmouthPoll @MonmouthPoll
Coming Monday: New national numbers.
Also, impact of Clinton Wikileaks, sexual assault allegations, and
Do most men talk like Trump?
Corey L hopped in the Trump motorcade and may be on his plane.