Wait pigeon isn't a super woke white dude? Mind blown.I do actually like you so I'll try one more time with reduced aggression.
You genuinely don't seem to understand the degree to which white nationalism was the animating factor behind Trump's campaign.
Saying "no, it wasn't white nationalism, it was Wall Street" is, as I've been saying this whole year, legitimizing white nationalism and suggesting there are acceptable reasons to vote for a candidate that advocates violence against mnorities.
This has happened a lot in this thread tonight from people -- white male people -- who want to take defeat laps now that the candidate that beat their preferred candidate has been defeated. I understand that. But I consider it a moral failing in you and in them -- literally the exact same moral failing that causes people to vote for Donald Trump. A person who believes that some issues are potentially more important or worthy of consideration than the lives of people of color is literally not somebody I can safely coexist with.
Anybody who voted for Donald Trump because they don't like Wall Street is not somebody I can trust to care about my life or the life of my daughter. I do not wish to iterate on our campaign strategy to find a way to temporarily convince them to vote for a candidate who might care about our lives. This republic is not a safe place for me if it is filled with people like them, and like you. I want white socialists who will be allies with me, not allies with them.
I feel like I just got bizarro ripclawe'd