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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I knew republicans that voted McCain that were optimistic about Obama.

This is 2004 .

I meant I felt like a GOP congressman from 2008.

I'm looking at the swung counties right now, holy shit at NY. Good thing NYC is so massive, cause the rest of the state is getting so much redder. On a good note, Georgia is trending well for 2020.

We need an Obama 2.0 in four years.


I meant I felt like a GOP congressman from 2008.

I'm looking at the swung counties right now, holy shit at NY. Good thing NYC is so massive, cause the rest of the state is getting so much redder. On a good note, Georgia is trending well for 2020.

We need an Obama 2.0 in four years.

We will never get another Obama.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Looking at the numbers coming out of AZ, GA and even TX the republicans probably can't afford to use the trump strategy twice.

Republicans have two years to push as much voter suppression bullshit through as possible knowing it will go completely unchallenged

I'm still not convinced turnout in this election wasn't hurt far more by that bullshit than anyone anticipated


I meant I felt like a GOP congressman from 2008.

I'm looking at the swung counties right now, holy shit at NY. Good thing NYC is so massive, cause the rest of the state is getting so much redder. On a good note, Georgia is trending well for 2020.

We need an Obama 2.0 in four years.

Where is Obama 2.0? That guy (or Gal) doesn't exist right now.


Trump brought far more shit, but none of it mattered.
So I don't get this argument.

Shit, a President-Elect will be in court TWICE before January.

Trump stepped in more shit yes, and worse shit, but Clinton came into this unpopular and it only got worse. What it seems to have come down to, is a majority of people disliked his faults less than they disliked her faults.

Like it or not he ran against political elite backroom deal shit, and that's basically exactly what Clinton represents to a lot of people (which I don't agree. I voted for her) and it energized a lot of people against Clinton, and arguably did a lot to make Democrats unenthused.

I'm not at all convinced this is the future state of our nation. I think this is the result of running someone so unpopular and old school when the nation clearly wants more of what got Obama elected (change)


Looking at the numbers coming out of AZ, GA and even TX the republicans probably can't afford to use the trump strategy twice.
There's no guarantee things will move that fast in those states to benefit us next time.

If Dems stay demoralized after this one, it could take them a while to figure out how to bounce back from this.
Jesus christ I just saw his smug orange face accepting the nomination

This feels like bizzaro world

I didn't expect this to happen, at all

This isn't even a Romney situation where the demographic trends and polls were so blatantly against him... she was supposed to win

I need another drink
Looking at the numbers coming out of AZ, GA and even TX the republicans probably can't afford to use the trump strategy twice.

I wouldn't lay money on them not trying for a repeat performance though.

After all, it worked and conventional wisdom didn't.
Well we get to be on the other side now guys, it's our turn to nit pick everything like lapel pins and salutes and make memes for face book.

I can't believe we lost on turnout, I was Hillary since the primaries and it was a mistake. Hopefully we can Rally around someone in 2020 and get some seats in 2018. It's going to be a scary ride.

Hillary won popular vote and was as close as 8% in Texas?

Who would ever predict a loss

Angry Fork

That's not the argument being made. Angry Fork wants to claim voters concerned with flip-flopping were taken in by Trump's working class rhetoric while ignoring his own flagrant history of flip-flopping.

With the flip flopping I meant that more as a lefty complaint, like as a reason millennials didn't like her and felt she was dishonest. But it's true for the right also, it's just they don't care with Trump because he's saying all the right things to them.

Like I hate Clinton and know she's a lying opportunist but if she came out even further left than Bernie and was super hardcore on leftist positions (the kinds of statements you can't come back from politically if you wanted to), even I'd be like well shit maybe I should support her.


There's no guarantee things will move that fast in those states to benefit us next time.

If Dems stay demoralized after this one, it could take them a while to figure out how to bounce back from this.

Hard for Trump to run the same 'change' and 'outsider' message after 4 years of unlimited power. He doesn't even have the gridlock argument, he'll need to deliver. He won't. It'll be Kansas redux.


I wouldn't lay money on them not trying for a repeat performance though.

After all, it worked and conventional wisdom didn't.

Repeat performance with the right democratic candidate will probably hurt them in all those states signficantly. They should seriously be watching all three states in the next 4 years or so.

PInk Tape

People literally chose someone they didn't think was qualified for President over someone they admitted they believed was qualified for President.

I...what can I say?

Basically just willingly stabbing ourselves in the heart for no real reason other than to punish ourselves.

Madness. Complete and utter madness.
Honestly I'm so drunk and depressed. I feel like I don't have a future. I'm not diablosing (that term isn't even fair anymore) but god, nothing..at all..Looks good for me. I'll probably move soon.
Hard for Trump to run the same 'change' and 'outsider' message after 4 years of unlimited power. He doesn't even have the gridlock argument, he'll need to deliver. He won't. It'll be Kansas redux.

I don't believe anything anymore. Talk like this is what got us here.
Tje worst part is

That social media lied. That polls lied. That data lied. That data lied. we were told hillary had 100+ paths to victory. trump only had what, 5? trump did it. He beat the odds. It hurts gaf. it really does. I was on hopium the last week. telling everyone at work how happy I was that hillary had a sure path. I'm hrut. I can't trust this country anymore.


I'm crying and I'm drinking.

This is a new one for me. I'm drinking. My fathers and alcoholic. And abusive one. And here I am. I'm no better than him. fuck me. fuck me. my brother drinks, causes problems because of it. here I am. I'm drinking. Half bottle of vodka down. oh my god.

Throw it out now. Pour it down the drain and put the bottle in the trash. Stand up, walk over to your sink, and pour.
Repeat performance with the right democratic candidate will probably hurt them in all those states signficantly.

That's what I'm counting on.

I imagine the narrative will be "mandate" and "Trump coalition" and not "democrats tuned out".

If you say a falsehood often enough, you'll come to believe it.


Reality is setting in... I'm just devastated for the American friends I've made over the years, especially the ones belonging to the oppressed demographics.

Donald Trump severely out performed Mitt Romney in every swing state.

Clinton basically performed as well as Obama in most swing states. And even in the ones she didn't, had she, she'd still have lost.

Trump actually found the missing white voters. And since every reliable Republican doesn't give a shit and will vote R unless shamed out of doing it (ala Akin), it doesn't matter anymore.

until this missing white voters die off, I don't see how you overcome it. Now the GOP knows all it has to do is pander directly to their racist, bigoted bullshit.


What can Trump even do to have his voters turn against him in 2020?

This man has proven he can get away with anything.


Tje worst part is

That social media lied. That polls lied. That data lied. That data lied. we were told hillary had 100+ paths to victory. trump only had what, 5? trump did it. He beat the odds. It hurts gaf. it really does. I was on hopium the last week. telling everyone at work how happy I was that hillary had a sure path. I'm hrut. I can't trust this country anymore.
This makes me feel so fucking stupid. Trump supporters had to put up with so much ridicule, yet they were right all along.


Hard for Trump to run the same 'change' and 'outsider' message after 4 years of unlimited power. He doesn't even have the gridlock argument, he'll need to deliver. He won't. It'll be Kansas redux.
This country is heading for a recession if he turns the US into Kansas.


Why are people already flocking towards a Wall Street candidate after what just happened?

I do actually like you so I'll try one more time with reduced aggression.

You genuinely don't seem to understand the degree to which white nationalism was the animating factor behind Trump's campaign.

Saying "no, it wasn't white nationalism, it was Wall Street" is, as I've been saying this whole year, legitimizing white nationalism and suggesting there are acceptable reasons to vote for a candidate that advocates violence against mnorities.

This has happened a lot in this thread tonight from people -- white male people -- who want to take defeat laps now that the candidate that beat their preferred candidate has been defeated. I understand that. But I consider it a moral failing in you and in them -- literally the exact same moral failing that causes people to vote for Donald Trump. A person who believes that some issues are potentially more important or worthy of consideration than the lives of people of color is literally not somebody I can safely coexist with.

Anybody who voted for Donald Trump because they don't like Wall Street is not somebody I can trust to care about my life or the life of my daughter. I do not wish to iterate on our campaign strategy to find a way to temporarily convince them to vote for a candidate who might care about our lives. This republic is not a safe place for me if it is filled with people like them, and like you. I want white socialists who will be allies with me, not allies with them.


Tje worst part is

That social media lied. That polls lied. That data lied. That data lied. we were told hillary had 100+ paths to victory. trump only had what, 5? trump did it. He beat the odds. It hurts gaf. it really does. I was on hopium the last week. telling everyone at work how happy I was that hillary had a sure path. I'm hrut. I can't trust this country anymore.

Get some sleep and come back to it with perspective. I've lost elections before (Bush was hard in 04 especially)

It feels like shit now, but you'll come back to it with perspective and hopefully a willingness to fight on. Giving up is literally not a choice right now.


don't think i forgot about this from exactly one month ago!
Just so everyone understands how bad this video is for Trump, the political fallout from this is on the same level as catching him using the n-word, and it's just a step below him being indicted for rape or murder. He's done.

All but the most hardcore bigots are walking away now, and while Republicans won't vote for Clinton, they will stay home on Election Day. So, no, it's not implausible that Clinton will capture 70-80% of the popular vote.
Please name a bigger (costlier) political scandal that has hit one of the big two candidates this close to the election in the last 100 years. Just one. I'll wait.

McGovern in '72 absolutely pales in comparison. Male GOP voters will stay home in droves and women GOP voters will stay home or vote for Clinton. We're about to watch history happen.
You have complete lost touch with reality if you think women are going to show up for Trump after he JOKED ABOUT SEXUALLY ASSAULTING A WOMAN.

Seriously, like, do you even know any women?


Right, but my point is there are many Republicans who don't like Trump, and yet they still went out and voted for him. Conservative women supported him way more than we anticipated. I dont they they were excited to vote for a pussy grabber, but they did it anyway.

Democrats need that level of voter investment to be competitive. You can't rely on a fickle voter electorate because you can't predict how they will respond.

Is there definitely data to support that? Trump got less votes than Romney in WI for instance. Is is possible that Trump's numbers were more due to people who don't typically vote?


I'm crying thinking about all the progress Obama made being undone. And how Michelle must feel.

And Hlilary, who will be a villain (in the eyes of many) forever now for "letting this happen."

And the women who waited to see this day. I'm only in my 20s but I now genuinely feel like I may never see a female president. I think it will be ages before anyone is willing to try again.

Crushed. Just utterly crushed.


Donald Trump severely out performed Mitt Romney in every swing state.

Clinton basically performed as well as Obama in most swing states. And even in the ones she didn't, had she, she'd still have lost.

Trump actually found the missing white voters. And since every reliable Republican doesn't give a shit and will vote R unless shamed out of doing it (ala Akin), it doesn't matter anymore.

until this missing white voters die off, I don't see how you overcome it. Now the GOP knows all it has to do is pander directly to their racist, bigoted bullshit.
Doe snot mean they will come out again though I mean we learn that the hard way.
No, you have primary voters to blame. Like I said in my post just above this, you cannot predict the reactions of a fickle and constantly evolving mass of the electorate. Hopeful idealism brought to an apathetic or opposing conclusion is the fault. Idealism is nothing without a sense of the reality surrounding it.
The thing is, though in the rust belt reality isn't that great. The reason why they keep going is hope. I was driving around michigan small towns and we wondered, where do these people work? what do they do? You could see some old factories but mostly, there's nothing there but history of better times. That's why fucking #MAGA worked and they rejected Hillary, heck, they rejected her during the primaries as well. She's an avatar of that hopelessness that inhabits those communities. This was clear back then and it was even more true today.

People literally chose someone they didn't think was qualified for President over someone they admitted they believed was qualified for President.

I...what can I say?

Is a protest vote.

Kid Heart

I'm crying thinking about all the progress Obama made being undone. And how Michelle must feel.

And Hlilary, who will be a villain (in the eyes of many) forever now for "letting this happen." And the women who waited to see this day.

I'm only in my 20s but I now genuinely feel like I may never see a female president. I think it will be ages before anyone is willing to try again.

Crushed. Just utterly crushed.

The worst part is if the country truly wanted a firebrand Warren was probably the next safest bet, but god knows if she will ever run now due to the potential stigma of a female candidate.


Tje worst part is

That social media lied. That polls lied. That data lied. That data lied. we were told hillary had 100+ paths to victory. trump only had what, 5? trump did it. He beat the odds. It hurts gaf. it really does. I was on hopium the last week. telling everyone at work how happy I was that hillary had a sure path. I'm hrut. I can't trust this country anymore.

This is really insane.

Trump could've lost FL or OH and still won.


Donald Trump severely out performed Mitt Romney in every swing state.

Clinton basically performed as well as Obama in most swing states. And even in the ones she didn't, had she, she'd still have lost.

Trump actually found the missing white voters. And since every reliable Republican doesn't give a shit and will vote R unless shamed out of doing it (ala Akin), it doesn't matter anymore.

until this missing white voters die off, I don't see how you overcome it. Now the GOP knows all it has to do is pander directly to their racist, bigoted bullshit.

Like I said in this thread before AZ, GA and maybe TX may all be ticking time bombs for the republicans in the next 4 years or so. If they lose all those states it will be impossible for them to rely on missing white voters to win an election in the future.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
They'll fall in line as they always do.

It will be the newspapers, if they survive, to do the reporting. Unless it's juicy enough TV media won't touch anything. They sure as fuck don't investigate anything.
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