I only started paying attention to elections around 2004 (I was 17 in 2000). That election, you had the feeling Kerry would lose, and he did. 2008 and 2012 were over quick. But this was surreal, and I've never seen anything like it in my life. From jubilation to feeling less good after Florida, to real panic, to holy shit, Trump is going to win, all within about an hour or less. I still can't believe Trump won states like Wisconsin, Michigan (still not called), and Pennsylvania, and the last time a Republican won those states I was playing with old school Ninja Turtles. and NES...in 1988! The whole time, we talked about him picking off a state in the blue wall, and he got three of them or more. The whole thing just calls into question everything you think you know and understand about this country and the whole human race.
For what it's worth, I don't think Sanders would have won either. He may have done a little better, but he was too easy to paint as a radial socialist and to scare off independents. I think only Joe Biden could have beaten Trump because he would have appealed better to white working class voters, no one would vote against him because of being a woman, and he didn't have any baggage like Hillary.