Who gives a fuck who runs in 2020? Shit is going to be nigh-on-permanently fucked during the next 4 years anyway.
This is now a question of survival, not victory. Winning in 2020 won't count for shit.
how about mark cuban
No, I don't think the answer was running more Clinton. After last night's results, I can admit this.
If you've followed my posts, you remember me saying this months ago: Politics is performance, and Dems lose up and down the ticket when they forget that.
It's the thing we've been talking around all election. These people:
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Elizabeth Warren
What do they have in common? They understand, on an intrinsic level, that Charisma Matters. It matters more than it should. But it matters. It's why they can grip us with a speech. It's why they can so effortlessly talk about complex politics in a fervor and language that grips even the uninitiated. They're not afraid to speak simply, and in absolutes.
It hurts me to write that, because I adore Hillary Clinton. She's devoted decades of her life to being a public servant, to preparing for this. She's the type of person we SHOULD WANT to be our President.
But the next person we runs needs to have the one thing she admitted she didn't and never had: an affinity for the performance of politics. We need to run performers, and those performances need to be aimed squarely at the Democratic base.
I seriously think the Democrats win 2020 in a walk if they nominate Mark Cuban.
That's what we've come to.
*We need to better appeal to the WWC*
*Ok, how?*
*Stop being elitist!*
Plinko, you need to lay down some actual ideas man. You can't just say "do this!" if you won't offer any suggestions onto how to do it
how about mark cuban
I dunno if they have one of those currently in the party. The Democrats have to hope that the trump presidency is a massive clusterfuck, and then they can go "We can clean this up!" with a damn charismatic person.
I mean, Obama is still an amazing orator when he speaks, even after all this time.
Then get out there and volunteer. Spam the DNC! You think they like this situation? Do something!
I posted earlier about how, even though I'm in Jordan, if there was something valuable I could, I would fly to the States to help out. This is how serious everyone single one of us posting here should be. The time for posting on forums and whining is over - look at where the fucking Pepes who did that are now. Activism is the way forward. Contact DNC officials or bloody tweet Mook, Huma or Hillary.
But the next person we runs needs to have the one thing she admitted she didn't and never had: an affinity for the performance of politics. We need to run performers, and those performances need to be aimed squarely at the Democratic base.
I seriously think the Democrats win 2020 in a walk if they nominate Mark Cuban.
That's what we've come to.
I would also like to point out that we're already skipping 2018. MIDTERMS.
Bernie would have raked Trump over climate change, the Iraq war(Clinton loses again in that regard), minimum wage, trickle down economics and so forth. Yeah, Clinton hit those points too but Bernie is grumpy when he speaks and it would have held weight.
I did volunteer!
You're right that we need to do more.
I like Warren where she is. Really depends on how things play out, but I think she would be as hard of a sell as Bernie would be running.
Colbert hits the millenial, religious, charismatic and recognition checkboxes pretty well IMO.I seriously think the Democrats win 2020 in a walk if they nominate Mark Cuban.
That's what we've come to.
Anyone else think dems need to drop gun control?
I seriously think the Democrats win 2020 in a walk if they nominate Mark Cuban.
That's what we've come to.
Who gives a fuck who runs in 2020? Shit is going to be nigh-on-permanently fucked during the next 4 years anyway.
This is now a question of survival, not victory. Winning in 2020 won't count for shit.
The CNN exit polls showed that most had decided long before the Comey letter what they were going to do.
Trump's base was enthused as fuck, while Clinton's was not.
Clinton was a bad candidate for this electorate. People need to let that sink in, or else 2020 is gonna be the same fucking problem all over again.
Yeah, because it's "elitist" to be opposed to racism.
Like it or not, that's the problem here. Millions--or at least hundreds of thousands--of people are predisposed to believe in empty promises because they inherently are willing to believe that black and brown people are the cause of the problems.
Plenty of people have pointed out that she could not reach working white voters and at worst that she seemed to have disdain for them. Comments like those deriding whites who voted for Trump miss the point entirely and shows why she did so poorly.
The democratic party's policies favor the rust belt. We can't do anything if they get energized by racism and bigotry. We should chart a new map with Arizona and Georgia in mind. Fuck the racist deplorables and let them rot in their abandoned crumbling shitholes.This election was not lost over the Democratic base.
Like, how much more clear can it be at this point? It was lost because in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, people who did not feel represented by the Democratic base's identity politics decided to vote Trump despite having been Democratic themselves in the past. Offering the base red meat means, knowing the base, campaigning on civil rights reform and LGBT issues. That would get you massacred in 2020.
No, I don't think the answer was running more Clinton. After last night's results, I can admit this.
If you've followed my posts, you remember me saying this months ago: Politics is performance, and Dems lose up and down the ticket when they forget that.
It's the thing we've been talking around all election. These people:
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Elizabeth Warren
What do they have in common? They understand, on an intrinsic level, that Charisma Matters. It matters more than it should. But it matters. It's why they can grip us with a speech. It's why they can so effortlessly talk about complex politics in a fervor and language that grips even the uninitiated. They're not afraid to speak simply, and in absolutes.
It hurts me to write that, because I adore Hillary Clinton. She's devoted decades of her life to being a public servant, to preparing for this. She's the type of person we SHOULD WANT to be our President.
But the next person we runs needs to have the one thing she admitted she didn't and never had: an affinity for the performance of politics. We need to run performers, and those performances need to be aimed squarely at the Democratic base.
We all survived Bush. Some of us (not me, too young) survived Reagan.
We can do it again. It'll be hard and painful. But we'll make it. And it'll make us a better country. Look towards the neo-Obama/Bill Clinton that will arise in 2020 or 2024. During our darkest times as Liberals, a new, fresh face of the party comes to our aid and the country is set back on track for 8 years.
We ARE making progress in this country. It's slow. It's laborious. There are set backs. But we've always bounced back. We're a better country than we were 20 years ago, and we'll be a better country in 20 years than we are right now.
We all survived Bush. Some of us (not me, too young) survived Reagan.
We can do it again. It'll be hard and painful. But we'll make it. And it'll make us a better country. Look towards the neo-Obama/Bill Clinton that will arise in 2020 or 2024. During our darkest times as Liberals, a new, fresh face of the party comes to our aid and the country is set back on track for 8 years.
We ARE making progress in this country. It's slow. It's laborious. There are set backs. But we've always bounced back. We're a better country than we were 20 years ago, and we'll be a better country in 20 years than we are right now.
The democratic party's policies favor the rust belt. We can't do anything if they get energized by racism and bigotry. We should chart a new map with Arizona and Georgia in mind. Fuck the racist deplorables and let them rot in their abandoned crumbling shitholes.
I think Dems need to get stronger at the local level first.
Tell me more about Bernie Sanders white males
That rumored VP offer to Kasich doesnt look that bad now.Welp.
This election was not lost over the Democratic base.
Like, how much more clear can it be at this point? It was lost because in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, people who did not feel represented by the Democratic base's identity politics decided to vote Trump despite having been Democratic themselves in the past. Offering the base red meat means, knowing the base, campaigning on civil rights reform and LGBT issues. That would get you massacred in 2020.
1. I was in the middle of teaching a class.
2. I offered numerous ideas last night. I've been a regular in this thread for over a year now and have discussed this at length.
Start promising things to people. Universal income. No tax rate for those under $55000. Medicare for all. Make a guarantee your guns won't be taken away, but the loopholes (which the vast majority of voters are against) will. Start actually claiming you care about the 2nd amendment. Provide actual plans for helping fix the healthcare crisis. Hillary was AWFUL at messaging in this area. "We need to fix it." HOW? What possible benefit could you offer these low-income rural voters?
You can't just broadly brush this aside as "Racists won him the election." That's insane. These people wanted change. They want help. They feel ignored. Trump reached them effectively. Clinton was the farthest thing from it.
You guys think Duckworth has a chance, nationally?
Posted this in another thread, may as well put it here:
We're now going to see if Republicans are willing to pull the trigger on all the rhetoric and red meat legislation they fed their base. They knew they could never follow through on it under Obama, but now there's nothing stopping them.
Then good luck winning any elections in the next 20 years.
Colbert hits the millenial, religious, charismatic and recognition checkboxes pretty well IMO.
Posted this in another thread, may as well put it here:
We're now going to see if Republicans are willing to pull the trigger on all the rhetoric and red meat legislation they fed their base. They knew they could never follow through on it under Obama, but now there's nothing stopping them.
No, I don't think the answer was running more Clinton. After last night's results, I can admit this.
If you've followed my posts, you remember me saying this months ago: Politics is performance, and Dems lose up and down the ticket when they forget that.
It's the thing we've been talking around all election. These people:
Bill Clinton
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Elizabeth Warren
What do they have in common? They understand, on an intrinsic level, that Charisma Matters. It matters more than it should. But it matters. It's why they can grip us with a speech. It's why they can so effortlessly talk about complex politics in a fervor and language that grips even the uninitiated. They're not afraid to speak simply, and in absolutes.
It hurts me to write that, because I adore Hillary Clinton. She's devoted decades of her life to being a public servant, to preparing for this. She's the type of person we SHOULD WANT to be our President.
But the next person we runs needs to have the one thing she admitted she didn't and never had: an affinity for the performance of politics. We need to run performers, and those performances need to be aimed squarely at the Democratic base.
how about mark cuban
I think the democratic party is going to fight over going further left like UK labour or something. We're going to be in the woods for another 20 years, watch. which is amazing considering how popular obama is.
I wouldn't actively fight against this strategy, becaus I'm all for those things. I'll just passively predict that it won't work. Why? Because racism. Universal income helps black/brown people. Why do you think so many of the working class whites who just voted for Trump did so in spite of the fact that Hillary's policies would greatly benefit them? This isn't new. This phenomenon has been happening for decades. It started to some extent in the 60s, and to a larger extent in the 80s.
Agreed, he reached them...with racism. It's really not disputable that racism was his strategy, and it was successful. You're arguing that the people who fell for it didn't do so because of his racist strategy, but that's a stretch.
Your (and many others on here) problem with that argument is that just because someone is a racist doesn't mean you can't reach out to them in another area. THAT is elitist.