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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Trump gets to call Mexicans rapists, say Black people are living in squalor, say Muslims need to be banned, etc. and wins the election.

Clinton says some number of Trump supporters are KKK, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists and loses the election.

Fuck off America.
I seriously think the Democrats win 2020 in a walk if they nominate Mark Cuban.

That's what we've come to.

We need to go into 2020 assuming we are going to lose and nominate the absolute best candidate we possibly could. It will not be won "in a walk"

Let's not make the same mistakes we made in 2004. And 2016. We got complacent because Obama was such a great person and a great campaigner, that he was able to get over the issues this country has. And so we didn't really notice that maybe Democrats were slipping, and maybe the presidency isn't really a lock, it's just Obama.
I live in Kentucky. Economics are literally all our Democratic politicians promise. And we get destroyed -- especially in the counties that are most dependent on federal welfare. These people are voting identity, not economics. The New Deal means nothing to them compared to pride.

Dude no one here is talking about winning Kentucky. It's the rust belt.
I just want to say, I think the loss of the Obama boogeyman is going to have unpredictable changes in how the electorate acts. When you consider the GOP's entire platform at every level of government has been "stop Obama" predicting what will happen when they don't have that anymore is difficult. These fuckers were given free reign thanks to this racist anger, but pretty soon it won't work and their policies will be exposed. When Trump not only does nothing to help rural voters but actually makes things worse for them, there won't be a single level of Democratic power they can blame for their problems. The Democrats have a massive opportunity to rebrand in the next 2-4 (hopefully 2) years. Seeing people's social media posts about perseverence and fighting back, along with the numerous protests (the one on inauguration day will be legendary) gives me a lot of hope, even though things are inevitably going to be awful for the future.

And as sad as it is, I do fully agree the Dems need to nominate a white dude for the next cycle, the division in this country won't be healed by a minority or a woman for the time being.

Labor and civil rights.

The dems need to get back to basics.

100% this


I'm not convinced there was a right candidate, given Feingold's colossal failure to appeal to Wisconsin voters. Maybe no one would have overcome Trump pulling ten million new older WWC voters out of the woodwork in the Midwest.

If Clinton couldn't win I don't think Bernie could've won either. And I'm also not entirely sold on the "if Biden ran we'd have won easily" argument because he does not have the reputation of being a great campaigner and he's just as much establishment as Hillary.

As others have said, we need someone like Obama who can re energize the democratic base. And while I'm not a huge fan of Mark Cuban or Kanye, if that's what needs to be done then so fucking be it.


If Clinton couldn't win I don't think Bernie could've won either. And I'm also not entirely sold on the "if Biden ran we'd have won easily" argument because he does not have the reputation of being a great campaigner and he's just as much establishment as Hillary.

As others have said, we need someone like Obama who can re energize the democratic base.

We will never know, because any decent candidate got out of the way because it was Hillary's "turn".


Anyone but Trump.

Serious question, is there anything Trump could do to not have elections held in 2020? Like a martial law situation?

I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even get the nomination in 2020. He can't actually do the job, and that will be apparent soon enough. And no, it's not good enough to have pence playing shadow President.
Trump gets to call Mexicans rapists, say Black people are living in squalor, say Muslims need to be banned, etc. and wins the election.

Clinton says some number of Trump supporters are KKK, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists and loses the election.

Fuck off America.
I saw a post that went on about how "the deplorables are taking their country back!"

I wanted to throw up
I just want to say, I think the loss of the Obama boogeyman is going to have unpredictable changes in how the electorate acts. When you consider the GOP's entire platform at every level of government has been "stop Obama" predicting what will happen when they don't have that anymore is difficult. These fuckers were given free reign thanks to this racist anger, but pretty soon it won't work and their policies will be exposed. When Trump not only does nothing to help rural voters but actually makes things worse for them, there won't be a single level of Democratic power they can blame for their problems. The Democrats have a massive opportunity to rebrand in the next 2-4 (hopefully 2) years. Seeing people's social media posts about perseverence and fighting back, along with the numerous protests (the one on inauguration day will be legendary) gives me a lot of hope, even though things are inevitably going to be awful for the future.
I'm not optimistic about this. Trump will blame all the problems that he will create on democrats leaving a bad system behind and Obama ruining the healthcare with ACA. He's draining the swamp after all and it takes some time and effort.
Clinton was a terrible candidate for right now, and that fact will haunt me for decades.

I don't disagree, it's just that no one here was really saying this when she won all three debates and consistently led in the polls for almost the entire race. With Kerry, he was mostly lagging in the polls and you had a sense that he would lose and was a terrible candidate before the election. Same with McCain and Romney on the other side. With Hillary, we didn't know she was terrible (though it was clear she had some big flaws) until it was too late.


What happened to Feingold remains the most inexplicable thing in this entire election. He went from being a virtual lock to running worse than Hillary in the state.

The moratorium on what went wrong there will be fascinating.
I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even get the nomination in 2020. He can't actually do the job, and that will be apparent soon enough. And no, it's not good enough to have pence playing shadow President.

I've thought about this a bit last night. I think he's in a position to only run one term. He's very old. I don't think he really wanted this job and the responsibilities it comes with. I think there's a non-zero chance he doesn't seek re-election. He won his prize. A second term is meaningless.


I'd like to say Cory Booker has a chance in 2020 because he certainly has the obama-esque charisma but he's also very establishment.

Maybe he could be VP to someone like Cuban and do most of the heavy lifting like Pence will most likely do for Trump.
I don't disagree, it's just that no one here was really saying this when she won all three debates and consistently led in the polls for almost the entire race. With Kerry, he was mostly lagging in the polls and you had a sense that he would lose and was a terrible candidate before the election. Same with McCain and Romney on the other side. With Hillary, we didn't know she was terrible (though it was clear she had some big flaws) until it was too late.

People stopped saying it after they were mobbed during the primaries for saying it then.


I mean, I'll fucking take it, honestly.

Who the fuck cares. Systemic racism and social conservative laws throwing minorities and women into the 50s won't be beaten by the President alone. Sometimes I feel that we think there will be a battle on a hill where the champion of liberals will slay the last racist. Change needs to happen, but it also needs to be defended. You can't do this if you just care about the prestige price.

If black lives matter then every election matters. Not just the GE. Even the GE plus midterms is too little. Judges, state attorneys, mayors. Real change can be made for the people around you. Your state even your city can be a shield for the shit that will roll down the federal hill for the next 4 years.

It is even "easier" to change the Democratic Party. You think it's too much GOP light. Primary, you never had more of a lever because less people are doing it.


What happened to Feingold remains the most inexplicable thing in this entire election. He went from being a virtual lock to running worse than Hillary in the state.

The moratorium on what went wrong there will be fascinating.

I think we all completely underestimated the surge of Trump voters in the midwest.

A week ago MI and WI were a given.
Dude one here is talking about winning Kentucky. It's the rust belt.
It's the same downscale white dynamic, though. Those voters are not moved by New Deal economic appeals -- see Feingold getting wrecked last night in Wisconsin despite being anti-nafta/TPP, pro single payer, etc. You have to appeal to their pride. Maaaaybe Biden could've done it. But not Bernie.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I don't disagree, it's just that no one here was really saying this when she won all three debates and consistently led in the polls for almost the entire race. With Kerry, he was mostly lagging in the polls and you had a sense that he would lose and was a terrible candidate before the election. Same with McCain and Romney on the other side. With Hillary, we didn't know she was terrible (though it was clear she had some big flaws) until it was too late.

Some of us in here DID say this and were thrashed for it. Adam et al were quite rude when it came to anybody saying Clinton was a flawed candidate.


I so wanted to go Black Man > White Woman > Woman of Color train going ;_;

It would have been so historical. No its Black Man > Super Racist White Man :(

I'm not optimistic about this. Trump will blame all the problems that he will create on democrats leaving a bad system behind and Obama ruining the healthcare with ACA. He's draining the swamp after all and it takes some time and effort.

"Draining the Swamp" while putting all his Washington friends (who have been there forever) into positions of power. Guliani as the AG is a NIGHTMARE.



Yea an honest to god true change needs to happen. The time for extending olive branches is over.

Right now Dems and our famous faces really need to build a new coalition. Starting now they need to try and build local and state infrastructure in hopes to starting winning these things.

Go into 2020 expecting to lose unless some real fucked up shit happens.
I'd like to say Cory Booker has a chance in 2020 because he certainly has the obama-esque charisma but he's also very establishment.

Maybe he could be VP to someone like Cuban and do most of the heavy lifting like Pence will most likely do for Trump.

Booker would be a test to see whether being super establishment, but charismatic, is workable, or if any establishment at all, even if you're a rock star, is a death sentence.

I think it's the former and he would lose. We need an outsider like Obama. Or at least, someone who seems outsider. Hillary was running on 30 years of a proven record. It turns out that proven record might have actually been a negative.

Obama had just enough experience to come across as knowing what he's doing, while also being new enough and fresh enough to not seem like he was deep in the establishment.

He was the perfect candidate for the era he ruled in. We basically need Obama 2.0. A minority freshman senator with great orator abilities and no notable negative past.


Yea an honest to god true change needs to happen. The time for extending olive branches is over.

Right now Dems and our famous faces really need to build a new coalition. Starting now they need to try and build local and state infrastructure in hopes to starting winning these things.

Go into 2020 expecting to lose unless some real fucked up shit happens.

I mean it's Trump so I think we're all expecting some real fucked up shit to happen

A recession is basically a given at this point


For those of you who were active and voted in the disappointments of 2000 and '04: how does this compare? For as long as I've been into politics, I've never really been on the losing side of a presidential election before ('04 was the first one I was into, and being a conservative teen at the time, I sided with Bush, which I'm still embarrassed about). I feel completely devastated today, but I don't know how much of that is just the unfamiliarity of losing like this or if it's rooted in the unique danger that Trump with a GOP-controlled government poses.

I'm running on 2 hours of sleep... Still in complete shock at this turn of events.

Same. I, somehow, fell asleep only at 4am...and was up at 6.

I feel like a total zombie. Not tired, but like walking in a dream. The world is an absolutely surreal place today.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yeah I think Feingold is sort of a cautionary tale in Wisconsin. He DID appeal to rural working class voters and has historically appealed to them. What happened? He actually ran worse than Clinton.


I think the reality is that we haven't had as much progress in this country as we liked, but I still think it is trending in the right direction. It is just more oscillatory. We are in a valley right now unfortunately.


I think her main weaknesses - as a function of herself and not the GOP hit machine or the media or being an "insider" - were her charisma and oratory skills.

However, weirdly, I think she beats Jeb or a lot of the Republican establishment candidates. I really underestimated how much the country was willing to put up with lies, racism, sexism, fascism, etc. because they thought the dude was "charismatic" or an "outsider" or whatever.

The lesson from last night will be that both parties will likely throw away these points in future elections. I feel sick. When others in here talk about better appealing to the WWC (which I think is good to do in theory), I'm not sure they realize how painful it will be if the way to do that is throw away all of the above to anyone who is a PoC.

You left out the first one!

There won't be another woman candidate for president for a major party in our lifetimes.

I used to tell my daughter she could be anything she wanted.

Hopefully she was too young to remember.


If we're going to go with a politician, is Kander such a bad choice?

Dude ran SIXTEEN points ahead of Hillary in MO. That's unprecedented in this day and ago.
Have to remember that Trump won the Republican primary first. Everyone there was selling the standard Republican economic message. So what was Trump selling in that that his opponents weren't?
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