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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Rupert Myers ‏@RupertMyers 10m10 minutes ago

In 2016 a woman won the popular vote in the United States of America. Hillary Clinton has beaten the path for whoever comes next.

When you think about it that way, it really is astonishing... And all the more depressing.


As long as we get Harry Reid to lead the DNC and get the nuclear codes out of Trump's hands, we'll be okay.

We need to start organizing now to get the nuclear codes out of the presidency, the fate of humanity depends on it.

How the fuck does that even happen? I'm as depressed as anyone but let's not go crazy
I am 100% confident Bernie Sanders would have motivated more democrats to vote than Hillary Clinton.

Demonstrably wrong since he lost to Hillary in the first place. He might have done better with rural whites but would have done worse with the rest of the core constituents.

But I guess this is where the "rigged" narrative comes in.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, unless I'm missing something, I will happily promise every Bernie Sanders supporter that I won't support Hillary Clinton for President in 2020 when she doesn't run.

There isn't another Hillary Clinton out there whether we want there to be or not. There is no practical application if the lesson is that Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate.

Fighting each other, when it's pretty goddamn clear who we need to be fighting is just a waste of fucking time. No?

There are multiple arguments being made, one of them is.

Do you campaign on impossible promises, or like Hillary did.
I guess the country is incapable of reasonable change?

If you don't promise the impossible, then people are too fucking lazy to vote. But won't that run into more voter apathy as those things don't happen?
If things are bad now, mid term elections will seem catastrophic. This country will lurch farther to the [fringe] right than it has in quite a white.
How is everyone holding up?

I'm trying to be optimistic. Of course there are ways this could go very wrong. But right now I'm hoping Trump will be a good or decent president. That's all we can hope for at the moment, right?

I'm also trying to comfort myself with the thought that if things go very, very wrong then hopefully we will make Democratic gains in Congress to offset it. Since Republicans now control everything they will also be blamed if things go wrong.
Another opponent outperformed Hillary and the polls in the midwest again.

Obama also outperformed his polls in the Midwest and the West

Source: 538

Look a this not too long ago for Michigan.

Why The Polls Missed Bernie Sanders’s Michigan Upset

If Bernie Sanders were to defeat Hillary Clinton in Michigan’s Democratic primary, it would be “among the greatest polling errors in primary history,” our editor in chief, Nate Silver, wrote Tuesday evening when results started to come in. Sanders pulled it off, and now we’re left wondering how it happened. How did Sanders win by 1.5 percentage points when our polling average showed Clinton ahead by 21 points and our forecasts showed that Sanders had less than a 1 percent chance of winning?

Pollsters underestimated Sanders’s dominance among young voters. Not only did more young voters turn out than expected, but Sanders won 81 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds. A YouGov poll showed him winning 66 percent.1
Pollsters underestimated the number of independent voters who would participate in the primary. YouGov expected Sanders to beat Clinton by 38 percentage points among independent voters participating in the open Democratic primary. He won those voters by 43 percentage points. But no one expected independents to make up 27 percent of voters; YouGov expected about 12 percent. “There were too many Democrats in the poll,” said Will Jordan, elections editor at YouGov.

Source: 538

What about Wisconsin?

Sanders had a very good night. He’ll likely end up winning by around 13 percentage points over Clinton in Wisconsin, which is a bigger margin than all the polls had it. He won in almost every county in the state (except Milwaukee). This is the type of night that Sanders needs to replicate going forward if he is going to have a shot at the Democratic nomination.

Source: 538

Sanders even outperformed the polls in PA but ultimately lost.

Projection: 39.7% Result:43.6%

Source:projection 538 Result: Patch

The trends on these battleground states were always there, fuck!!!
We should have foreseen this shit :( That was the wall that Hillary was the worst candidate to build. We were unable to talk about these things cause we couldn't get past the smugness that permeated all discourse about trying to make the case for sanders as a more viable candidate for the general.

We need to be more humble and open to others.

Also, Nate Silver is a good statistician.


IDK if I pin it on Obama per se. The party wasn't there.

But if I look how the GOP went from 2010 to today. They promised fundamental change (they said they were just going back to the good old days) and their voters were sold imposibilities.

They now stand on the possibility of accomplishing them all.

There are more democratic voters.

We can't be running on minor criminal justice reform. Nobody believes that.

We need to run on whole sale reform top to bottom.

We can't be running on minor climate change promises.

We need to promise we'll fully subsidize rapid, almost militaristic decarbonization, keep fossil fuels in the ground

(This is personal to me because I'm wrong) We need to fully run on free-at point of service medicare.

We need to run a voting rights amendment.

We need to run on free college

We need to run on debt relieve.

We need to run on fully repealing Trump/ryan's tax cut

We need to run on all that fully. No haphazardly. The GOP has total control. There's no reason we can't. We shouldn't promise based on the idea we have to compromise (we might and probably will!) but that can't be how we run a race.

Obama ran on maximalist promises. He won.

Hillary was tepid. She lost.

100%. This is what I feared during the primaries when I said we have to go all out and everyone said no no incremental change is fine.

Maybe in practice. But it doesn't rile people up.
Hindsight is 20/20. It was the inner bedwetter amongst the Dem leadership. Hillary was seen as "next in line" after losing to Obama in 2008, and her wealth of experience was thought of as an asset that could push her over the top.

Her approval ratings were shit before Sanders even declared his candidacy, though. They just decided it didn't matter.


I love Hillary Clinton, in my personal opinion, she's a damn fine candidate.

But the public doesn't want her because they think she's awful and it pains me to say this but I don't think she could run again. She deserves better.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
How is everyone holding up?

I'm trying to be optimistic. Of course there are ways this could go very wrong. But right now I'm hoping Trump will be a good or decent president. That's all we can hope for at the moment, right?

I'm also trying to comfort myself with the thought that if things go very, very wrong then hopefully we will make Democratic gains in Congress to offset it. Since Republicans now control everything they will also be blamed if things go wrong.

I'm listening to podcasts this morning and trying to not check PoliGAF. When I'm not on the internet, I'm pretty happy, and when I come on here, it all hits me again and I get upset. Definitely shooting for the whole ignorance is bliss thing.
Bannon succeeded at doing the only thing that could have given Trump a win. By depressing turnout enough to get Trump over the threshold.

That really was the genius of it all. Make everyone hate "both sides". Make both choices look like shit(media would always balance one sides negative attack with the other) but play to the racists and xenophobes that they will be priority number 1. The sad part about all this is that Independents didn't punish this strategy, Latinos didn't punish it(more than Romney), and Blacks didn't punish it(more than Romney), women didn't punish this strategy. It's insanity.


How is everyone holding up?

I'm trying to be optimistic. Of course there are ways this could go very wrong. But right now I'm hoping Trump will be a good or decent president. That's all we can hope for at the moment, right?

I'm also trying to comfort myself with the thought that if things go very, very wrong then hopefully we will make Democratic gains in Congress to offset it. Since Republicans now control everything they will also be blamed if things go wrong.

Yeah, I think Kristoffer was right last night. Sadly, accelerationism is now the most optimistic view of the future.
Its literally turnout.

At first I was shocked that the country had a major shift, and that we've lost everything.

But it's not like that, Dems didn't turn out. You get a popular, charismatic candidate, and they will turn out. They don't want logic, experience, that just want someone they can listen to and get excited for. You gotta sex it up for them.

So yea, liberals are idiots, but I already knew that.
Re; posts saying Kaine is too dull/whatever - Kaine had a very successful career in Virginia for years before his disappointing showing in this election. I'm not sure how much of it is Kaine just resonating well with Virginians, but I never got the impression the campaign properly utilized him (I mean even in this topic people were asking why his Spanish-speaking wasn't being used). I could be wrong, though.

Feingold and Kander losing were the other two big things for me. Did Feingold just not resonate in Wisconsin any more?
Yeah, that's been on my mind ever since the ruling. If Obergefell is overturned, I wonder what happens. I guess it goes to the states, but are existing marriage licenses nullified, or do they stand? And then there's full faith and credit to consider.

Such a potential mess. All it'll take is one state refusing to honor a license in some way, and a lawsuit will kick-off the process.
Just replacing Scalia isn't going to overturn Obergefell

They'll need way more justices. The Supreme Court isn't really known for removing rights it's granted in the past. I don't see Roberts and co doing that. The matter was settled and has a rock solid legal precedent.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Another opponent outperformed Hillary and the polls in the midwest again.

Source: 538

Look a this not too long ago for Michigan.

Source: 538

What about Wisconsin?

Source: 538

Sanders even outperformed the polls in PA but ultimately lost.

Projection: 39.7% Result:43.6%

Source:projection 538 Result: Patch

The trends on these battleground states were always there, fuck!!!
We should have foreseen this shit :( That was the wall that Hillary was the worst candidate to build. We were unable to talk about these things cause we couldn't get past the smugness that permeated all discourse about trying to make the case for sanders as a more viable candidate for the general.

We need to be more humble and open to others.

Also, Nate Silver is a good statistician.

The argument that Sanders did better in those states makes little sense, since if he lost big in FL, and other states would that same logic not apply?


As long as we get Harry Reid to lead the DNC and get the nuclear codes out of Trump's hands, we'll be okay.

We need to start organizing now to get the nuclear codes out of the presidency, the fate of humanity depends on it.

Organizing is not going to change military command and control. It's set up that way for quickest response.

Best thing Obama can do right now is commit to no first use. But I don't think it will happen.


Just replacing Scalia isn't going to overturn Obergefell

They'll need way more justices. The Supreme Court isn't really known for removing rights it's granted in the past. I don't see Roberts and co doing that. The matter was settled and has a rock solid legal precedent.

I know.. I'm mentally preparing for the day when we lose one of the Obergefell 5. I just don't trust Scalia-like justices to exercise restraint.

(I hope that this is me just being paranoid and emotional.)
I can't believe Dems stayed home for this election.

...against Trump.

"Well she didn't outreach to me. So fuck this country I got mine."

Republicans always get in line. Dems have too much vanity to do the same. Dems need to learn how to get in line. If they got in line every damn election, we would be controlling this country.

Here we are though. "Even though I voted Obama, she didn't reach out to me. Fuck her got my own."

I feel that's the reason why Dem turnout was so low compared to 8, even 4 years ago.


DNC cleared the field for a historically hated candidate who still almost lost the primary.

Gotta be better.
The public hates Hillary Clinton. I'm not sure what lesson there is to be learned from that because there is no one else who has been under the GOP attack machine for decades. Literally she has been the most villified person for over 20 years. There is no point in relitigating the primaries because no matter what Sanders was never going to win that primary.

She is a good person who deserved better than that. At least Obama can leave with his popularity intact somehow.
If you can cure racism of 20% of white racists in Georgia and the Florida panhandle and Arizona then you're guaranteed to win.

Anyway, Kamala Harris probably should be the 2020 nominee if we just need to fire up Dems.
100%. This is what I feared during the primaries when I said we have to go all out and everyone said no no incremental change is fine.

Maybe in practice. But it doesn't rile people up.

This is true, apparently. Incremental change is what works, but it utterly failed to move people to the polls.

I fear for the effect it has long term, though. As each successive promiser fails to deliver, people look further and further afield for more heroes. That's sort of what led to Trump, honestly; his candidacy, if not his win.

We need to start working on reeducating people as to how government actually functions. Local level, schoolboard stuff is the way to go.


I love Hillary Clinton, in my personal opinion, she's a damn fine candidate.

But the public doesn't want her because they think she's awful and it pains me to say this but I don't think she could run again. She deserves better.

this isn't even a question, she is done.

If Trump can get elected I propose a Stewart/Colbert ticket. For America.
This is what I meant when I said the primaries were "rigged." Not actual vote-rigging. Just that the whole thing was set up because they believed she deserved it.

The primaries weren't "rigged" in the sense of voter fraud, no, but the DNC, in tandem with the media, had anointed Clinton long before anybody had even declared. It's clear a bunch of Obama voters chafed at that, probably because they had had a reason not to vote for her in the first place in '08 and still did not want to vote for her, now, especially with the feeling that there was never a real choice, in the first place.

This is politics. Perception is reality.
I'm tired of you all blaming Hillary. She didn't fail us we failed her, and as a country we have to live with that failure for 8 years. Hell, the rest of our lives because the damage will last that long. We had one shot and we failed, not Hillary. I'm out, see ya'll in 2018 for the midterms and maybe by then you'll see who is to blame for this shit.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is true, apparently. Incremental change is what works, but it utterly failed to move people to the polls.

I fear for the effect it has long term, though. As each successive promiser fails to deliver, people look further and further afield for more heroes. That's sort of what led to Trump, honestly; his candidacy, if not his win.

We need to start working on reeducating people as to how government actually functions. Local level, schoolboard stuff is the way to go.

Yeah, echos of what I said above.

What happens if there is this perpetual promising of the impossible on both sides?
If you can cure racism of 20% of white racists in Georgia and the Florida panhandle and Arizona then you're guaranteed to win.

Anyway, Kamala Harris probably should be the 2020 nominee if we just need to fire up Dems.
I adore Kamala and i don't wanna see her go through the alt right machine and a Trump campaign. just way too disgusting.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
DNC cleared the field for a historically hated candidate who still almost lost the primary.

Gotta be better.

This obviously incorrect historical revisionism doesn't help with determining what we should do next and certainly doesn't make you look insightful. She won by more than 3 million votes and was never in danger of losing the primary.
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