There's trans rights too. And Pence probably gives no fucks about the popular opinion, though hopefully that wakes people up.Gay marriage is very popular across the country. I'm concerned, but not as much as I am for other things
Terrorism appears to be working
Nobody touched Bernie; he was never subjugated to the relentless Republican media machine like Clinton was. To act like his GE polling from early primary season were at all reflective of how the election would go is nonsense.
Gay marriage is very popular across the country. I'm concerned, but not as much as I am for other things
It's easy for her to say that. When she's a white woman. It's so damn easy for her to say that.
Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Hillary
I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.
Yes. Obama missed the opportunity.I think we need to look to late 1920s history to see where our path forward is. We need to really be as transformative as Roosevelt.
I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.
Messaging like "Boy I can't wait to work with Republicans because they're so right about things" makes you look weak to the voting public. If the Republicans are so right about things, why not just vote for them? That thinking kills Democrats in midterms as well.
No its not. Its not elitist at all. We won more votes. We need more votes. We don't need to change peoples mind. Worrying about changing minds is stupid. It doesn't happen.
More votes wins. We see this mid term after mid term. We need our voters voting. Its how we won 2006-2008
Don't worry.
I learned my lesson. So did a lot of people last night.
I suspect it is not the lesson the white liberals who refused to fight Donald Trump are hoping I would learn.
Ugh just broke down and started crying at work
It is actually not a small thing that the acceptance and the concession went traditionally.As much as it pains me to hear her say that and I"m sure it pains HER to say that. She's gotta say it. She's gotta bow out gracefully.
And when a grand sum of 0 dollars had been spent advertising against him by super pacs. We have no idea how he would have held up had the GOP actually been going after him instead of propping him up to try and hurt Clinton.
He might have won.
But we'll never be able to say for certain. Sorry.
Try and think about things we can actually do to fix this, rather than obsessing over things we can't do next time out.
Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Hillary
I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.
Of course they would have went after him. He still had nowhere near the baggage Hillary did. He didn't have the specter of a national security failure over his head. That was a colossal motivator for the rural white vote. Why people keep brushing this fact off is beyond me. The emails thing crushed her. Bernie had nothing like that.
Look--I didn't vote for Bernie in the primaries. I wasn't a huge fan. But I was never naive enough to refuse that he was a better GE candidate.
Yes. They can miss me with that "poor people angst" bullshit. Poor rural whites voted aganist their own interests. Poor rural whites vote based on identity politics, something that, ironically, everyone else is accused of doing. Poor rural white people don't care if safety nets are taken away, because it also means blacks have no protection, because the pipe dream of upward mobility is still alive for them. They don't care about killing the environment because it means that they have a shitty, dangerous job for 10 more years, they root against expansion of rights for anyone who isn't like them, and poor rural white women think feminism is for uppity elitist man hating lesbians. If this was about poor people, poor male minorities would have found some comfort in trump,
ZZT developer and Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney has reportedly paid $15 million to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to permanently protect 7,000 acres of undeveloped land in his home state of North Carolina.
Any chance Trump eliminates public interest loan forgiveness? It's a GWB program but I'm kind of shook right now. I'm three years into my public service job and would be totally fucked if that program goes away because I have been making minimum IBR payments and still owe basically what I graduated from law school with.
I'm scared.
Tim Kaine is a democratic Jeb!.
Trump underperformed Romney and still lost. A lot of these raw numbers are reading like a midterm election.
Real Charlie Sykes Verified account
Trump won Wisconsin because Dems didn't turnout: Bush 2004 - 1,478,120; Romney 2012 - 1,410,966; Trump 2016 - 1,407,401
Just because Hillary lost doesn't mean Bernie would have won. He would have lost too, just differently. A big part of the 2010 narrative was Republicans rallying their voters to stop the socialist Obama(care). Socialism is just as bad if not worse than emails for Sanders.
Viability of a Tim Kaine 2020 run? People generally like him, very moderate, white, man.
Kaine's boring.Tim Kaine is a jolly Mario. Jeb's a boring stiff.
Sadly, I place it at 99% probability. Why? It's attached to the ACA. Once that's repealed, it's overI have 3 more years of payments and $46000 would be wiped away. I'm going to be saddled with an almost insurmountable amount of debt.
so, democrats fucked themselves.
Thank you you selfish fucks. Thank you for fucking the country for an entire generation.
Any chance Trump eliminates public interest loan forgiveness? It's a GWB program but I'm kind of shook right now. I'm three years into my public service job and would be totally fucked if that program goes away because I have been making minimum IBR payments and still owe basically what I graduated from law school with.
I'm scared.
The nation didn't change.
We didn't get overcome by the alt right/racists.
None of that happened.
Dems didn't vote, that's it.
I think we need to look to late 1920s history to see where our path forward is. We need to really be as transformative as Roosevelt.
Yes. Obama missed the opportunity.
Hindsight is 20/20. It was the inner bedwetter amongst the Dem leadership. Hillary was seen as "next in line" after losing to Obama in 2008, and her wealth of experience was thought of as an asset that could push her over the top. No one could have figured the racists would suddenly start galvanizing around their hero and no amount of nothing from anyone could convince them otherwise.I agree that focusing too much on Bernie specifically and relitigating the primary is not particularly helpful, but you can't only look forward.
The better, related question is why the entire Democratic establishment - the DNC/DCCC/DSCC, think tanks like CAP, various affiliated media outlets like Mother Jones, key interest groups like Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood Action - decided it was in their best interest to do everything possible to advance the coronation of a (like it or not) deeply unpopular candidate who was so thoroughly unsuited for an anti-establishment political moment.
That's one of the biggest questions that any autopsy of this election will have to address.
So we have to talk about the GOTV operation. It sucked.
I'm not sure there's an FDR out there right now.
People didn't show up. You can only bus so many people, call so many people, knock on doors, bargain, etc. Ultimately it comes down to a citizen saying "I can vote if I get up early before work" or "I can vote during my lunch break" or "I can vote early" or all the other ways people decide to vote. And it comes down to the candidate and people's enthusiasm in specific states.
It worked in Florida, it didn't work in Wisconsin. And that blows my fucking mind.
I'm not.I am 100% confident Bernie Sanders would have motivated more democrats to vote than Hillary Clinton.
I'm concerned right now about it. I got my green card because I married my husband last year. There's a non-zero chance I could get it revoked now.