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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Nobody touched Bernie; he was never subjugated to the relentless Republican media machine like Clinton was. To act like his GE polling from early primary season were at all reflective of how the election would go is nonsense.

Yet there is an entire thread that did just that. I'm actually finding Bernie supporters, who to quote myself from last night: "Who think Bernie can heal the racial divide and get white rural white americans to vote for a candidate pushing socialist policies that will help minorities."

To be more insufferable today.
“Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” —Hillary

I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.

Messaging like "Boy I can't wait to work with Republicans because they're so right about things" makes you look weak to the voting public. If the Republicans are so right about things, why not just vote for them? That thinking kills Democrats in midterms as well.
I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.

No its not. Its not elitist at all. We won more votes. We need more votes. We don't need to change peoples mind. Worrying about changing minds is stupid. It doesn't happen.

More votes wins. We see this mid term after mid term. We need our voters voting. Its how we won 2006-2008




Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Messaging like "Boy I can't wait to work with Republicans because they're so right about things" makes you look weak to the voting public. If the Republicans are so right about things, why not just vote for them? That thinking kills Democrats in midterms as well.

I agree with this as well. Way, way too passive in dealings with republicans. They play politics exponentially better than democrats.

No its not. Its not elitist at all. We won more votes. We need more votes. We don't need to change peoples mind. Worrying about changing minds is stupid. It doesn't happen.

More votes wins. We see this mid term after mid term. We need our voters voting. Its how we won 2006-2008

No, this isn't true at all. It IS elitist. This isn't a popular vote election. Why did democrats lose? Because they didn't win votes from a specific group. THAT is why they lost. Every single number shows this.
Don't worry.

I learned my lesson. So did a lot of people last night.

I suspect it is not the lesson the white liberals who refused to fight Donald Trump are hoping I would learn.

Yes. They can miss me with that "poor people angst" bullshit. Poor rural whites voted aganist their own interests. Poor rural whites vote based on identity politics, something that, ironically, everyone else is accused of doing. Poor rural white people don't care if safety nets are taken away, because it also means blacks have no protection, because the pipe dream of upward mobility is still alive for them. They don't care about killing the environment because it means that they have a shitty, dangerous job for 10 more years, they root against expansion of rights for anyone who isn't like them, and poor rural white women think feminism is for uppity elitist man hating lesbians. If this was about poor people, poor male minorities would have found some comfort in trump,

Here is the lesson that every educated white woman, ethnic minority, LGBTQIA, religious non christians, and immigrant learned last night: Nobody gives a fuck about you. Nobody is going to protect you, and you are not a "real American". The media, which I'm 85% avoiding at this time, is going to pivot to economic unrest as the main reason for this outcome. It is not. Racism, sexism, fearmongering, hatred and apathy for fellow human beings.
And when a grand sum of 0 dollars had been spent advertising against him by super pacs. We have no idea how he would have held up had the GOP actually been going after him instead of propping him up to try and hurt Clinton.

He might have won.

But we'll never be able to say for certain. Sorry.

Try and think about things we can actually do to fix this, rather than obsessing over things we can't do next time out.

I agree that focusing too much on Bernie specifically and relitigating the primary is not particularly helpful, but you can't only look forward.

The better, related question is why the entire Democratic establishment - the DNC/DCCC/DSCC, think tanks like CAP, various affiliated media outlets like Mother Jones, key interest groups like Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood Action - decided it was in their best interest to do everything possible to advance the coronation of a (like it or not) deeply unpopular candidate who was so thoroughly unsuited for an anti-establishment political moment.

That's one of the biggest questions that any autopsy of this election will have to address.
Any chance Trump eliminates public interest loan forgiveness? It's a GWB program but I'm kind of shook right now. I'm three years into my public service job and would be totally fucked if that program goes away because I have been making minimum IBR payments and still owe basically what I graduated from law school with.

I'm scared.


“Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” —Hillary

I don't know how many times it needs to be said: This is the EXACT thought process that lost the election and is losing countless local elections across the country. Enough with the elitist attitudes.

Nah, he's right. Obama got 65.9 million votes in 2012 vs Romney's 60.9 million.

Clinton got 59.3 million vs Trumps 59.1 million.

It has everything to do with having those high unfavorable numbers. We need a candidate to inspire the democratic base, a democrat with charisma, and Clinton didn't have enough.
Of course they would have went after him. He still had nowhere near the baggage Hillary did. He didn't have the specter of a national security failure over his head. That was a colossal motivator for the rural white vote. Why people keep brushing this fact off is beyond me. The emails thing crushed her. Bernie had nothing like that.

Look--I didn't vote for Bernie in the primaries. I wasn't a huge fan. But I was never naive enough to refuse that he was a better GE candidate.

Just because Hillary lost doesn't mean Bernie would have won. He would have lost too, just differently. A big part of the 2010 narrative was Republicans rallying their voters to stop the socialist Obama(care). Socialism is just as bad if not worse than emails for Sanders.


I mean, I think maybe people forgot that Hillary was literally sabotaged by Russian intelligence services.

How well does Bernie do when the KGB spends a year trying to destroy him?
Yes. They can miss me with that "poor people angst" bullshit. Poor rural whites voted aganist their own interests. Poor rural whites vote based on identity politics, something that, ironically, everyone else is accused of doing. Poor rural white people don't care if safety nets are taken away, because it also means blacks have no protection, because the pipe dream of upward mobility is still alive for them. They don't care about killing the environment because it means that they have a shitty, dangerous job for 10 more years, they root against expansion of rights for anyone who isn't like them, and poor rural white women think feminism is for uppity elitist man hating lesbians. If this was about poor people, poor male minorities would have found some comfort in trump,

whats that quote

convince the lowest white man they're better than a black person and they won't notice you picking their pocket?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Abolish the Electoral College.

Abolish First-Past-the-Post

Abolish the Two Party System
Hillary vs. Trump was the biggest mismatch in religious devotion possibly in U.S. history and white evangelicals went 80% for Trump.

Heh, heh, heh.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

White Evangelicals are the worst people in the United States. I don't care about heaven at this point, I just hope hell is real.

Quit fucking posting that turnout chart while California has barely counted any votes yet, jesus fucking christ.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Any chance Trump eliminates public interest loan forgiveness? It's a GWB program but I'm kind of shook right now. I'm three years into my public service job and would be totally fucked if that program goes away because I have been making minimum IBR payments and still owe basically what I graduated from law school with.

I'm scared.

Sadly, I place it at 99% probability. Why? It's attached to the ACA. Once that's repealed, it's over :( I have 3 more years of payments and $46000 would be wiped away. I'm going to be saddled with an almost insurmountable amount of debt.


Again, the more I look at the raw votes I see a midterm election which has historically shown a lower turnout for Democrats. The lack of Dem enthusiasm and Trump vomiting so much negativity ultimately depressed turnout, though outright suppression likely had a measurable impact.

Tentatively interested in seeing actual county numbers and demographic breakdowns, but I'm still nearly out the door in my political interests. Might adopt a new hobby, like sniffing paint thinner.

Max Boot

Obama got 65.9m votes in '12, Romney 60.9m. Clinton has 59.3m, Trump 59.1m. R vote didn't go up; Dem vote went down. 6.6m missing votes.

Trump underperformed Romney and still lost. A lot of these raw numbers are reading like a midterm election.

Real Charlie Sykes Verified account

Trump won Wisconsin because Dems didn't turnout: Bush 2004 - 1,478,120; Romney 2012 - 1,410,966; Trump 2016 - 1,407,401


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just because Hillary lost doesn't mean Bernie would have won. He would have lost too, just differently. A big part of the 2010 narrative was Republicans rallying their voters to stop the socialist Obama(care). Socialism is just as bad if not worse than emails for Sanders.

I am 100% confident Bernie Sanders would have motivated more democrats to vote than Hillary Clinton.


I cried this morning for the first time in years. I cried again through Hillary and Kaine's speeches. Fuck. Sad or upset doesn't begin to cover what I'm feeling now.

Viability of a Tim Kaine 2020 run? People generally like him, very moderate, white, man.

He would probably lose.

I don't want to sacrifice a stop-gap nominee in 2020 for the sake of long-term party rebuilding. I want a real contender in 2020.
Sadly, I place it at 99% probability. Why? It's attached to the ACA. Once that's repealed, it's over :( I have 3 more years of payments and $46000 would be wiped away. I'm going to be saddled with an almost insurmountable amount of debt.

Fuck. This will ruin me financially. I don't know what to do.


so, democrats fucked themselves.

Thank you you selfish fucks. Thank you for fucking the country for an entire generation.

Why do you think I'm pushing people to think of the mid-terms. This can't be left to continue, and people shouldn't wallow. The Dems need an excited base, and I'm sure DNC staff also need to know that people aren't giving up already.
Any chance Trump eliminates public interest loan forgiveness? It's a GWB program but I'm kind of shook right now. I'm three years into my public service job and would be totally fucked if that program goes away because I have been making minimum IBR payments and still owe basically what I graduated from law school with.

I'm scared.

I'm also scared about this. I have so much uncertainty in my future right now
The nation didn't change.

We didn't get overcome by the alt right/racists.

None of that happened.

Dems didn't vote, that's it.

Hillary was a poisoned well. When all the liberal people I know on facebook are hesitant to vote her, and when dems on a national level don't vote for her, it stops being an anecdotal thing. At this point I fully believe Hillary was a poisoned well. possibly anybody else running for dem presidency might've been better. Someone with more charisma.
Yes. Obama missed the opportunity.

IDK if I pin it on Obama per se. The party wasn't there.

But if I look how the GOP went from 2010 to today. They promised fundamental change (they said they were just going back to the good old days) and their voters were sold imposibilities.

They now stand on the possibility of accomplishing them all.

There are more democratic voters.

We can't be running on minor criminal justice reform. Nobody believes that.

We need to run on whole sale reform top to bottom.

We can't be running on minor climate change promises.

We need to promise we'll fully subsidize rapid, almost militaristic decarbonization, keep fossil fuels in the ground

(This is personal to me because I'm wrong) We need to fully run on free-at point of service medicare.

We need to run a voting rights amendment.

We need to run on free college

We need to run on debt relieve.

We need to run on fully repealing Trump/ryan's tax cut

We need to run on all that fully. No haphazardly. The GOP has total control. There's no reason we can't. We shouldn't promise based on the idea we have to compromise (we might and probably will!) but that can't be how we run a race.

Obama ran on maximalist promises. He won.

Hillary was tepid. She lost.
I agree that focusing too much on Bernie specifically and relitigating the primary is not particularly helpful, but you can't only look forward.

The better, related question is why the entire Democratic establishment - the DNC/DCCC/DSCC, think tanks like CAP, various affiliated media outlets like Mother Jones, key interest groups like Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood Action - decided it was in their best interest to do everything possible to advance the coronation of a (like it or not) deeply unpopular candidate who was so thoroughly unsuited for an anti-establishment political moment.

That's one of the biggest questions that any autopsy of this election will have to address.
Hindsight is 20/20. It was the inner bedwetter amongst the Dem leadership. Hillary was seen as "next in line" after losing to Obama in 2008, and her wealth of experience was thought of as an asset that could push her over the top. No one could have figured the racists would suddenly start galvanizing around their hero and no amount of nothing from anyone could convince them otherwise.
So we have to talk about the GOTV operation. It sucked.

People didn't show up. You can only bus so many people, call so many people, knock on doors, bargain, etc. Ultimately it comes down to a citizen saying "I can vote if I get up early before work" or "I can vote during my lunch break" or "I can vote early" or all the other ways people decide to vote. And it comes down to the candidate and people's enthusiasm in specific states.

It worked in Florida, it didn't work in Wisconsin. And that blows my fucking mind.
I feel so cynical right now. I work with a lot of pro-trump jewish people and part of me is hoping that anti-antisemitism rises so they can understand how fucked us PoC of feel right now. It's amazing how quickly history if forgotten.

The other part of me hopes all the rural pieces of shit lose their jobs to automation and have zero fucking safety nets. they fucking deserve it.
I'm not sure there's an FDR out there right now.

Trump was a buffoon praising Clinton 2 years ago. FDR wasn't elected to NY Gov until after GOP took total control

People didn't show up. You can only bus so many people, call so many people, knock on doors, bargain, etc. Ultimately it comes down to a citizen saying "I can vote if I get up early before work" or "I can vote during my lunch break" or "I can vote early" or all the other ways people decide to vote. And it comes down to the candidate and people's enthusiasm in specific states.

It worked in Florida, it didn't work in Wisconsin. And that blows my fucking mind.

Fear doesn't work.

We ran a campaign on fear of Trump. That didn't get anybody but Latinos out. This country is still white majority
As long as we get Harry Reid to lead the DNC and get the nuclear codes out of Trump's hands, we'll be okay.

We need to start organizing now to get the nuclear codes out of the presidency, the fate of humanity depends on it.
Well, unless I'm missing something, I will happily promise every Bernie Sanders supporter that I won't support Hillary Clinton for President in 2020 when she doesn't run.

There isn't another Hillary Clinton out there whether we want there to be or not. There is no practical application if the lesson is that Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate.

Fighting each other, when it's pretty goddamn clear who we need to be fighting is just a waste of fucking time. No?


I am 100% confident Bernie Sanders would have motivated more democrats to vote than Hillary Clinton.
I'm not.

The reason for that is he doesn't have the pull with minorities and women that Hillary did. Hillary's pull with minorities is not as strong as Obama's, but it was nothing to scoff at, especially since that's why he lost in the primary.


I'm concerned right now about it. I got my green card because I married my husband last year. There's a non-zero chance I could get it revoked now.

Yeah, that's been on my mind ever since the ruling. If Obergefell is overturned, I wonder what happens. I guess it goes to the states, but are existing marriage licenses nullified, or do they stand? And then there's full faith and credit to consider.

Such a potential mess. All it'll take is one state refusing to honor a license in some way, and a lawsuit will kick-off the process.
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