I'm expecting one of the most scandal laden presidencies ever.
Will certainly show off the hypocrisy of the GOP.
I'm expecting one of the most scandal laden presidencies ever.
Does it even matter? His base didn't give a shit that he has been divorced twice, was accused of sexually assaulting/harassing 10+ women, and is involved in a civil child rape case, you think infidelity is going to phase them?
Georgia, NC, safe blue Florida, Texas, Alaska. Keep Virginia and Nevada reliable blue.So, back to the question of the whole popular vote thing. Which states should we be concentrating on to get that measure on the state law books of enough states to make up 270 electoral college votes?
And after reading Hillbilly Elegy, read The Road to Wigan Pier.
History repeats itself, and we never seem to learn.
Did we over-demonize Trump?
The idea that democrats should court racists/bigots by abandoning minorities since they're only a small percentage of the population is disgusting by the way. Fuck gay people amiright, they're only like 2% of the population after all, who needs em? Let's repeal gay marriage to court back the religious democrats, winning elections is all that matters now I guess, who needs progress.
So my room mate is a real piece of shit;
He also said I had no balls because I voted for Clinton, and that "I couldn't vote for her, not because I'm sexist, but because I think women can't make good leaders. They lack things like Charisma, Emotional Stamina, and Reliability." I called him a fucking idiot. Things were rough at my place last night.
Did we over-demonize Trump?
It doesn't seem to have scared people into voting against him, not in significant numbers. And it certainly did a hell of a job of lionizing him to his base. "Look at how much these people we hate hate him! He must be FANTASTIC."
I'm also curious if by leaning into the "Trump is the worst ever" (he is, don't get me wrong) thing too much, there weren't a fair few people who started to dismiss it as Godwinning.
Nobody is saying this. We're trying to figure out how to win them back, without doing those things, which is why it's such a difficult puzzle to figure outPeople care about personality and rhetoric, not substance. Nobody cared about real policies Trump proposed, they just liked the way he said everything was fucked up and that he would fix it by screwing over all the politicians.
The idea that democrats should court racists/bigots by abandoning minorities since they're only a small percentage of the population is disgusting by the way. Fuck gay people amiright, they're only like 2% of the population after all, who needs em? Let's repeal gay marriage to court back the religious democrats, winning elections is all that matters now I guess, who needs progress.
So, back to the question of the whole popular vote thing. Which states should we be concentrating on to get that measure on the state law books of enough states to make up 270 electoral college votes?
Did we over-demonize Trump?
It doesn't seem to have scared people into voting against him, not in significant numbers. And it certainly did a hell of a job of lionizing him to his base. "Look at how much these people we hate hate him! He must be FANTASTIC."
I'm also curious if by leaning into the "Trump is the worst ever" (he is, don't get me wrong) thing too much, there weren't a fair few people who started to dismiss it as Godwinning.
TPM was enjoyable.
I know this whole thing is awful, but I can't not smile at the ridiculousness of Trump's painting being in the White House and there being a Trump Presidential Library in New York. And there being Trump museums, and schools named after Trump. And all of the seemingly minor things Presidents get just by being president that are utterly ridiculous for Trump.
Hillbilly Elegy is not the reason Trump won the Rust Belt. This is a misdiagnosis.
No, the media failed in making clear that Trump was uniquely unqualified.
We Over-Demonized Romney and McCain.. Trump is a product of that.
What he's described is literally sexism.
The stock market even denied me the satisfaction of at least being able to say that investors hate the idea of a President Trump.
This day has been one loss after another.
Did we over-demonize Trump?
It doesn't seem to have scared people into voting against him, not in significant numbers. And it certainly did a hell of a job of lionizing him to his base. "Look at how much these people we hate hate him! He must be FANTASTIC."
I'm also curious if by leaning into the "Trump is the worst ever" (he is, don't get me wrong) thing too much, there weren't a fair few people who started to dismiss it as Godwinning.
We Over-Demonized Romney and McCain.. Trump is a product of that.
Because people aren't voting for the Republican ideology. The Republican ideology was Jeb Bush; he got beat. They're voting for the people who talk to them. The Democrats talk to black people and to educated voters, and they get their votes. Trump talked to white people without college degrees, and he got their votes. The Democrats never bothered talking to white people without college degrees, Trump never talked to black people and educated voters. So you get self-reinforcing echo chambers - that's the hyperpolarization. You're not really Republican any more because you believe in a rightwing ideology - like, rightwing is free markets and all that jazz. That's not what Trump was about at all - he's more anti-free market than Clinton was, at least in the respects important to his voters (anti-globalization). You're Republican because you identify with a particular group or community and your group or community votes Republican because the Republicans talk to it.
If you want to laugh a bit to yourself, think about the non political pomp and traditions a president does, but picture Trump doing them.Hadn'tn thought about the library. That is funny.
New Mexico and Nevada would seem to be the next two logical places. Seems to have a lot of support in Arizona too.
Not sure I'd call if "over-demonizing."
It was the wrong message. Maybe the con-man message would have been better than the apocalyptic message, because the message ended up veering way too close to guilt by association. I think we only hit him where he was weak, when we really could have taken away where he was strong. The racism, the misogyny - for many, those are features, not bugs.
I mean the man said, with a straight face, that he wanted to ban half my family from the country - a country built partially on the concept of religious freedom. I mean how fucking fucked is that? With regards to the Khan family, even fucking Russia thought Trump's comments were disqualifying. RUSSIA!
Like if you can "see past that" I dunno what to tell you. Clinton ads pretty much all used Trump's own words against him. There wasn't any hyperbole.
It's fucking everything goes now in politics :/
Fuck you establishment Republicans who stood by this because you were power hungry.
Did we over-demonize Trump?
It doesn't seem to have scared people into voting against him, not in significant numbers. And it certainly did a hell of a job of lionizing him to his base. "Look at how much these people we hate hate him! He must be FANTASTIC."
I'm also curious if by leaning into the "Trump is the worst ever" (he is, don't get me wrong) thing too much, there weren't a fair few people who started to dismiss it as Godwinning.
So my room mate is a real piece of shit;
He also said I had no balls because I voted for Clinton, and that "I couldn't vote for her, not because I'm sexist, but because I think women can't make good leaders. They lack things like Charisma, Emotional Stamina, and Reliability." I called him a fucking idiot. Things were rough at my place last night.
I'm staying out of the political talk right now because my head is spinning and my heart is broken and I just don't know what to think about a lot of things, but I'm backing you in on this one. TPM is a fun film and gets way too much flack.
The stock market even denied me the satisfaction of at least being able to say that investors hate the idea of a President Trump.
This day has been one loss after another.
Hoo boy, I have some bad news for your roommate. He appears to have misunderstood what sexism is.
Yes. We absolutely did.
Looking back at stuff and the "gafs" both of them had that were made into a big deal was absolutely ridiculous. And barely even comparable to what we have now. Like there's nothing Romney or McCain said or did that I can remember that barely even registers with me anymore.
Not that neither candidate did not do or say things that people should have been outraged by, or what have you.. But we reached for nonsense at times.
But where are Democrats winning doing what you're saying? Kansas. Kentucky. Dems couldn't win or hold governor there. They only win in la cuz of vitters scandal.
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just not sure if anything matters more than the r by the name. I want contrary evidence. Shit I need it just to feel ever so slightly better.
We keep talking about Hillary, but things could have been a lot different if democrats actually showed up n 2010,2012, 2014.
We could have passed Infrastructure that would have helped the rustbelt maybe we could have a majority in the senate or house now too.
This has to do with the fact that the Democratic, young people, are unreliable voters. Not to mention that we systematic voter suppression efforts against minorities in pretty much every state governed by Republicans.
The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.
Bernie would easily win in 2020 if everything goes as we expect it to go.The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.
The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.
I actually take it as a good thing. Maybe Trump is not as insane as we think? If he somehow ends up being a good president at least for the economy that's a good thing. Because right now I'm expecting a market crush exactly 2 years from now.
Al Franken? I mean, that's literally where I am at this point.
Apparently the dow is at an all time high? Is there a reason the market is happy with trump?
Obama was an up and coming freshman senator in 2004, relatively unknown outside of Illinois. He became president in 2008.The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.
We did it pretty well in 06 and 08.All politics is national in the modern era. We're not in the '60s and '70s, you can't run 'Democrats' in red states who barely shared any similarities with the national party. Every single Democratic candidate, more or less, was irrevocably identified with Clinton, or the Democratic party as a whole. I think the only real exception to that rule this cycle was Kander.
Maybe they should have questioned his sincerity in attacking minorities and implied that he was just saying these things to attract support and that he was secretly a liberal. That would have been an attack on his strength.Obama took Romney's biggest strength - his private sector experience - and twisted it into a weakness... or at least nullified it to a 50/50 proposition. Did HRC do that with Trump? I'm not sure. Maybe they thought he had no strengths.
Dude it's been what 12 hours? The markets are just trading like crazy because, fuck it. Once policy hits and the middle class is fucked beyond repair hoo boy
The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.