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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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The question I'm wondering right now is who runs in 2020? I can't even think of a Democrat prepared to take on Trump with his unorthodox campaign. Tim Kaine would be a logical choice but I think he may be tainted by Hillary at this point. I honestly can't see a Democrat who wins in 2020 unless Donald Trump straight up goes ham violating the Constitution--not that Republican's traditionally give a fuck about that once in office.

Duckworth, Franken, Booker, one of the Brothers Cuban, or Warren I think could manage it. Harris is from Cali, or else I'd name her too; Cali gets us nothing.

Post-Trump, I think that the Dem's stable of politically-minded celebrities bears looking at as well. We got gutted in large part because the youth vote just straight-up decided to stay home, a face they know and love could go a long way.
All politics is national in the modern era. We're not in the '60s and '70s, you can't run 'Democrats' in red states who barely shared any similarities with the national party. Every single Democratic candidate, more or less, was irrevocably identified with Clinton, or the Democratic party as a whole. I think the only real exception to that rule this cycle was Kander.

But none of those states voted with Hillary on the ballot.

Where is the evidence anywhere the last 4 years?


I agree. this is a rot six years in the making, frustratingly.

how did Democrats lose the messaging battle on healthcare? this should be our most potent weapon in the rust belt, this should be the issue that keeps states like Pennsylvania solidified in the democrat column.

we need to win that battle again, because that is, has been, and will continue to be the democrat's most important and defining issue.

There has to be a whole strategy (and Facebook/Google need to help) to pop the echo chamber bubble for people.

That's priority #1.


What's going to happen to the FDA?

Didn't he say he would cut that or less regulations on food so won't more companies just not have the safety costs to make more money which will in turn cause more people to get sick and with no health care they will be fucked.

Or was that Ted Cruz?


We keep talking about Hillary, but things could have been a lot different if democrats actually showed up n 2010,2012, 2014.

We could have passed Infrastructure that would have helped the rustbelt maybe we could have a majority in the senate or house now too.

This has to do with the fact that the Democratic, young people, are unreliable voters. Not to mention that we systematic voter suppression efforts against minorities in pretty much every state governed by Republicans.

Go all out from now on, promise the moon, and demonize your opponents. Drive up turnout at any cost.


We Over-Demonized Romney and McCain.. Trump is a product of that.

Yes. We absolutely did.

Looking back at stuff and the "gafs" both of them had that were made into a big deal was absolutely ridiculous. And barely even comparable to what we have now. Like there's nothing Romney or McCain said or did that I can remember that barely even registers with me anymore.

Not that neither candidate did not do or say things that people should have been outraged by, or what have you.. But we reached for nonsense at times.

This is a right-wing talking point and its stupid outside perhaps a few examples ("binders full of women" was probably more funny and doofy than seriously sexist). Trump is the product of the right wing media bubble + how they've sown distrust in all institutions and have used dog whistle politics for years.
What really scares me is that some big businesses really take off and the tax breaks and stuff pad profits and the upper middle class is like damn this is pretty good I'm voting R again! F social issues. while the middle and lower class get curb stomped to death.


While Warren might not be a rousing speaker, she kinda has that passionate teacher/mom talk that I like about her.

Like Sanders, she shows a lot of energy when she speaks and has a genuine side that Clinton really lacks. I recall listening to Warren at a rally and being engaged, while Clinton at another was easy to tune out. I don't think a candidate needs to be charismatic like Bill or Obama, but there definitely needs to be something about the person that the public can latch on to.


Junior Member
That's all I can think. Al Franken or Elizabeth Warren maybe? I would normally say Cory Booker or Kirsten Gillibrand but they are too "establishment"-y...

I will hold on to hope that this results triggers the FLOTUS to run in 4 years.. I know its not going to happen, but I NEED SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!
Nobody is saying this. We're trying to figure out how to win them back, without doing those things, which is why it's such a difficult puzzle to figure out

What does that even mean? We have to win them back by appealing with messages they like without actually doing what we're saying (and not saying)? People aren't stupid, theyre not going to suddenly disassociate democrats with all the things they've stood for in the past. All the Republicans have to do is accuse the democrats of supporting X and then we either say we do or we don't.

At the end of the day it sounds a lot like people are saying democrats can't talk about certain issues anymore because it doesn't play well with rural white Americans. Trans rights, BLM, institutionalize racism/sexism, immigration, I guess that all goes off the table in terms of acceptable campaign subjects.

As if not saying it out loud is going to trick Republicans into voting for the democrat.
What's going to happen to the FDA?

Didn't he say he would cut that or less regulations on food so won't more companies just not have the safety costs to make more money which will in turn cause more people to get sick and with no health care they will be fucked.

Or was that Ted Cruz?
I don't remember Trump taking about the FDA at all. I'm pretty sure that was Cruz


Maybe they should have questioned his sincerity in attacking minorities and implied that he was just saying these things to attract support and that he was secretly a liberal. That would have been an attack on this strength.

Honestly, yeah. Trump attacked Hillary from both the left and the right. And it worked. It clearly was successful in driving down turnout.

When your favorables are in the toilet, what do you really have to lose by taking the gloves off and exhausting every avenue in driving down his turnout? Forget unity; you've got to win first.


Tax cuts for big biz

Oh yea big biz and corporate execs are going to love this. I see a lot of people hyping up the dow. It's good it's surged but it's mostly because Trump didn't say anything stupid and Hillary and Obama were very gracious in their messaging. There won't be any uncertainty in the change in power.

But lets be real. GOP leading all 3 branches is a wet dream for lobbyists and pushing tax cuts for the wealthy.


I think at least two political maxims remained true last night:
- Perception is reality.
- Define your opponent before they can define you.

Clinton was defined 20 years ago and people perceived Trump to "tell it like it is".


Junior Member
What does that even mean? We have to win them back by appealing with messages they like without actually doing what we're saying (and not saying)? People aren't stupid, theyre not going to suddenly disassociate democrats with all the things they've stood for in the past. All the Republicans have to do is accuse the democrats of supporting X and then we either say we do or we don't.

At the end of the day it sounds a lot like people are saying democrats can't talk about certain issues anymore because it doesn't play well with rural white Americans. Trans rights, BLM, institutionalize racism/sexism, immigration, I guess that all goes off the table in terms of acceptable campaign subjects.

What needs to happen is that you educate them on your policies and values.. You go door to door if you have to and sit down with them. Hearts and Minds..
Go all out from now on, promise the moon, and demonize your opponents. Drive up turnout at any cost.
When ACA is inevitably repealed we should legit campaign on single payer and single payer only.

I was already considering this anyway but I think after I graduate I'm going to dedicate my career to single payer advocacy.


that's exactly a reason I give it 2 years :) I'm just hoping that I'm wrong.

Yeah it probably won't be right away but a recession will happen in 3-4 years no?

When Republicans repeal Dodd Frank and get rid of a lot of financial regulations, won't some financial crisis spawn itself because of the less regulation?

Also he want's to raise interest rates (who knows how true that point was) which I am unsure if the economy could stomach that as well. Guess it depends on how fast the rates are.

And if interest rates are only at 1.5% to 2% by the time a recession hits I wonder what the Fed could do to try and prevent further damage as they would cut rates to 0% but even then I don't know what tools they could do.

Seems like a disaster just waiting to happen.

Can't believe we will remove financial regulations.
I will hold on to hope that this results triggers the FLOTUS to run in 4 years.. I know its not going to happen, but I NEED SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!

Michelle Obama would run the board on Trump. Just looking through upcoming Senators and Kamala Harris is like the ultimate minority candidate, never seen her speak so I have no idea how charismatic she is.

What really scares me is that some big businesses really take off and the tax breaks and stuff pad profits and the upper middle class is like damn this is pretty good I'm voting R again! F social issues. while the middle and lower class get curb stomped to death.

The problem is lower taxes on businesses generally incentivizes businesses to cut down on employment costs to maximize the profit margins. A super business-friendly environment means taking Lean to the next level and forcing 1 person to do 3-4 peoples jobs to get the most out of your business.
Paul Ryan's budget with full ACA repeal is gonna happen so fast it's gonna seem like we were already living that reality. Expect more voter supression. Dems are gonna need a miracle by 2020


I actually take it as a good thing. Maybe Trump is not as insane as we think? If he somehow ends up being a good president at least for the economy that's a good thing. Because right now I'm expecting a market crush exactly 2 years from now.
Long term would it really be a better thing if things got a lot better for America?

A facist wanna be leader elected on the back of blaming minorities and foreign powers turning around a national economy in the eyes of its citizens while antagonizing opposing countries.

That hasn't gone well in history.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Michelle Obama would run the board on Trump. Just looking through upcoming Senators and Kamala Harris is like the ultimate minority candidate, never seen her speak so I have no idea how charismatic she is.

She needs to be from Arkansas instead of California. Kinda sucks.
It's gonna be sad as fuck when the Dem candidate in 2020 isn't appealing to minorities like Hillary did. we're never gonna have another candidate saying Black Lives Matter again. this election means both sides go all in on the WWC.
Aren't we due an economic recession? We got through 8 years of slow but steady growth. Recessions come and go regardless of who is in power or the policies in place.

So, what are the odds that we will we see a slowdown in the next two years?


When ACA is inevitably repealed we should legit campaign on single payer and single payer only.

I was already considering this anyway but I think after I graduate I'm going to dedicate my career to single payer advocacy.

- Single payer
- Universal basic income
- Free college
- Carbon tax, ban fracking, ban coal, major renewable tax incentives
I will hold on to hope that this results triggers the FLOTUS to run in 4 years.. I know its not going to happen, but I NEED SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!

Fantasy runs aside, to be quite honest I don't want to put her through a campaign against Donald Trump. I don't think I could endure that.


When ACA is inevitably repealed we should legit campaign on single payer and single payer only.

I was already considering this anyway but I think after I graduate I'm going to dedicate my career to single payer advocacy.

Yes, absolutely. If we need to co.promise to get a public option afterwards, fine, but the campaign itself MUST BE for single payer.

Single payer. Free college. Debt forgiveness. Legalize weed. Smash the banks. Jail corrupt politicians and corporate titans. Fair trade. More jobs programs.



aka andydumi
They have said the preexisting conditions mandate would stay, as well as children under 26 living in a parent's home.

They also said the transition away from any other ACA stuff would take about 2 years.

Insurance companies have said that requiring them to cover pre-existing conditions wouldn't be feasible without requiring that all Americans have insurance. Basically, they need the ACA for that.

Republicans don't care, they'll repeal the whole thing and promise a replacement at some time in the future, presumably after pigs fly.

Indeed. If the mandate and penalties (least popular things) go, then pre-existing conditions have to go as well, since that's the costliest, despite being popular. Age 26 is apparently not too costly and popular, so that may stay.


It's gonna be sad as fuck when the Dem candidate in 2020 isn't appealing to minorities like Hillary did. we're never gonna have another candidate saying Black Lives Matter again. this election means both sides go all in on the WWC.

Yup. My biggest worry. Dems go more center and only pay minor lip service to the black community.
Trust me, I'm feeling the same way. I went to bed last night pissed off, outraged and disgusted. I live in south Mississippi, and on top of Donald Trump, I have to deal with two more years of Steven Pallazo and his bullshit as a representative of my district (4th District, specifically).

So since you're deciding to run local (and that's awesome) I'll do you one better: Come 2018, Steven Pallazo will have an actual DNC challenger for 2018 in the 4th district of Mississippi, and it will be me. I'm already working out plans with friends and trying to formulate policy positions and the like, but I'm going full House of Representatives and running in two years.

It's going to be loud, it'll probably be stupid, but I'm not going to sit around and mope. I'm going to run and, so long as the people are willing to give me a shot, I may win, haha!

So good luck in your endeavours, and I wish you the absolute best. And do wish me luck, 'cause this state is a tough nut to crack.

ah shit man best of luck! I don't envy that position


Neo Member
Oh yea big biz and corporate execs are going to love this. I see a lot of people hyping up the dow. It's good it's surged but it's mostly because Trump didn't say anything stupid and Hillary and Obama were very gracious in their messaging. There won't be any uncertainty in the change in power.

But lets be real. GOP leading all 3 branches is a wet dream for lobbyists and pushing tax cuts for the wealthy.
Yep..which is why Hillary winning the White college educated will always be a flawed idea..they love tax cuts too much
Fantasy runs aside, to be quite honest I don't want to put her through a campaign against Donald Trump. I don't think I could endure that.

I think she could weather it more than Hillary Clinton did. She has literally no baggage and her husband is about to leave office with one of the highest approval ratings in history. Not to mention if Trump makes even half the changes him and Pence ran on America is going to realize how badly they fucked up by 2018.
Long term would it really be a better thing if things got a lot better for America?

A facist wanna be leader elected on the back of blaming minorities and foreign powers turning around a national economy in the eyes of its citizens while antagonizing opposing countries.

That hasn't gone well in history.

I'm hoping that all the facist shit Trump said was just an act. I mean it has to be. He even often disagreed with himself...


Still think it is sort of weird that www.democraticunderground.com was hacked on the eve of the election.

I know this is not a major thing, but combined with the hacks of DNC and everything it gives me the feeling this election wasn't so much rigged, but tweaked by the Russians in their favour.


What does that even mean? We have to win them back by appealing with messages they like without actually doing what we're saying (and not saying)? People aren't stupid, theyre not going to suddenly disassociate democrats with all the things they've stood for in the past. All the Republicans have to do is accuse the democrats of supporting X and then we either say we do or we don't.

At the end of the day it sounds a lot like people are saying democrats can't talk about certain issues anymore because it doesn't play well with rural white Americans. Trans rights, BLM, institutionalize racism/sexism, immigration, I guess that all goes off the table in terms of acceptable campaign subjects.

Well, yes.

America is full of white nationalists. White liberals would like to convince them to pass progressive agenda items. People of color prevent that if they're part of the same coalition.

The solution, for white liberals, is to redefine civil rights and liberties as "identity politics" and stop talking about people of color, women, GLBT, etc., or advancing their desires for safety and security. If you're a progressive white nationalist party you can certainly win America and pass progressive policies, as long as they're racist. What are people of color going to do about it? It's a two-party system.

This isn't speculation. This is the history of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. The Democrats already did this! Remember the superpredator story or DOMA? That was white liberals trying to get space for their progressive agenda. You should remember them because they came up an awful lot this year!

Remember, the lesson of this year is that the majority of white people simply don't value the lives and safety of people of color. If a bunch of Obama voters were in Trump's coalition this year, that just makes the point more clear.

Looking forward to hearing a lot more about Bernie Sanders in the next few years.
Alarm bells should have sounded off when Trump's POW McCain comment didn't finish him off during the Primaries


some shit went undetected, ignored, glossed over,
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