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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I'm in the permanently mad phase.


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I'm struggling to sleep. I haven't really nearly or actually burst into tears today (yet?), but I know I will on other days. I'm obsessed and scared. I'm living each day, but it way harder than it was.
So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.
After a week of constant depression and anxiety. I feel ok today

I don't know why. Not exactly sure how. But I feel like we'll get through this. I feel like myself again for the first time in a week.


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I lost five pounds because of stress and lack of appetite but I'm past that now. I still get flashes through the the day where I remember OH GOD ROE V WADE or OH GOD ROJAVA but most of the time I'm just focused on how to proceed.


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

trying to take these feelings and channel it into productive things

edit: if you haven't seen it, you should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rSDUsMwakI


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

Trying to go about my day to day life without thinking about what Trump will do to the country. I still listen to keeping it 1600 and Maddow regularly, although I did basically tune out the daily show and colbert last week. I did tune in for Last Week Tonight, which was really good, although still a depressing reminder.


Grayson's gonna run for governor isn't he

Ha, he would get annihilated and would not be the Democratic nominee. He didn't even do well trying to do the Senator nomination (MURPHY, that bum, beat him). Plus, he has too much baggage because, ya know, wife beating.
So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I'm mostly feeling disappointment. Because this nightmare that will be effecting the county for decades could have been avoided. Democrats and people who cal them selves progressives just didn't come out and vote. I've been having arguments on social media for months now with people who couldn't see the difference between Trump and Hillary. Tons of millennials I know just would not come out and vote for Hillary because they Bought into the "Hillary/Democrats are Corrupt" narrative hook line and sinker(Thanks a lot Bernie) So they just didn't bother to vote or tossed their vote towards Gary Johnson for some inexplicable reason. There was just no getting through to them and I couldn't sale them on Hillary no matter how hard I tried. The Facts, Her Voting record, Her History of service. None of that mattered next to their 'feelings'.

The ultimate power in the election are the voters, And ultimately that where the Blame should fall. Hillary didn't let down the nation. The Voters let the nation down


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I've been struggling with the old demons of depression and suicide ideation a lot lately. The past couple of days I've had the first real relief in weeks- laughter and various other forms of release made me feel borderline human again.

The negative feelings are largely being forged into more useful ones now. Anger. Drive.


Seems like dem anxiety caused turnout to go up on the west coast and north east

But the rust buoy turnout was still lower than last time right ?

Edit: rust belt lol

It's a wash I guess? Some are up a few percent and others are down by roughly the same percents.

You have states like West Virginia that's up 5.6% and then Ohio that's down 4.6%.


is there a website that acts as a good resource & hub of anti-trump/pro-minority activism? charities to donate to, links to protest groups, fliers to print out and post and other methods of outreach, statistics to calm people down that there are people still out there that love them, and all this stuff falling under combating trump and the alt-right?

if there isn't... shouldn't we make one?
It's a wash I guess? Some are up a few percent and others are down by roughly the same percents.

You have states like West Virginia that's up 5.6% and then Ohio that's down 4.6%.
In not sure if it's a wash though

It's really worth looking into why some states were up and why others were down.
Paul Ryan wants people with pre-existing conditions to join high-risk pools with funding of $2.5B a year.

It would cost at least $15B a year for high risk pools to cover 3 million people with pre-existing conditions.

A 2010 paper by conservative health-policy experts James Capretta and Tom Miller in National Affairs estimated that it would cost $15 to $20 billion per year for a "comprehensive set of high-risk pool programs" aimed at covering between 2 and 4 million people. Five years later, Miller calls that a "high-end estimate," while Holtz-Eakin says it "sounds about right."

That adds up to $150 billion or more over a decade—hardly chump change.


Paul Ryan has nothing.


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I'm doing better but man it still hurts like hell. I don't remember Kerry's loss in '04 hurting this bad. I was over it at this point to be honest. This is a whole other level of disappointment....

There are a bunch of things that worry but one of the big ones is the role that social media played and will continue to play in future elections. So much misinformation......


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

After about four days, I reached acceptance. Still somewhat nervous of what's to come, but I just need some time to step back from politics for a bit. I've basically been following the election since Hillary announced she was running in April of 2015, so yeah I need a break lol.


is there a website that acts as a good resource/hub of anti-trump/pro-minority activism? charities to donate to, links to protest groups, fliers to print out and post and other methods of outreach, and all this stuff falling under combating trump and the alt-right?

if there isn't... shouldn't we make one?

Can't say I know for sure, but for organizing one should probably avoid insecure mediums like FB. Had this pointed out to me recently: https://whispersystems.org/


In not sure if it's a wash though

It's really worth looking into why some states were up and why others were down.



oh god, trump has the nsa now. just dawned on me.

And the FBI, Justice Department, and who knows however many PDs in the tank for him now. Leave as little to chance when resisting fascism, folks. Don't rely on your email or your FB. Be discreet when talking action plans.

Nelo Ice

Can't say I know for sure, but for organizing one should probably avoid insecure mediums like FB. Had this pointed out to me recently: https://whispersystems.org/
O god it terrifies me that we'll need stuff like this more than ever. I am barely making it through each day as it is. I only volunteered like 7 hours and I feel guilty that I clearly didn't do enough to stop the apocalypse.
So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

Gwen Ifill news from earlier almost made me cry.

I'm coming to terms with the fact that the next few years are going to be incredibly rough. But I'm not going to let that deter me. I'm going to work harder and do whatever I can to try and push back against all of this. I don't wanna see Donald Trump's America become the new normal.

I feel that I've gotten most of the venting out of my system so now I'm concerned about making sure that liberals can get together and we're all educated about the political process.
So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

I still have dark periods randomly during the day, especially when I think what the Supreme Court could become. But I mostly moved into the how will we get through this phase and hopeful thinking about how we can rebuild.


So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.


So that's where I'm at. Partly to vote against Canadian Trumpites, but also to support the only Conservative leadership candidate who takes climate change seriously. ($130 per tonne carbon tax, revenue neutral of course, he's still a conservative.)

Kid Heart

So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

Calmer then last week, but still mad to be honest. A part of me just wants to ignore the entire thing, but the other half knows doing that normalizes the madness, and that is something I know can't do.

I don't really know how to approach people who voted Trump now either. I don't think I can't forgive them for this, and I suspect the moment I try to call them out they'll claim themselves to be the real victim.

The worst thing is we haven't even really begun and things have already started to turn sour.

I've been coming here a lot recently to try and channel some of my thoughts, since I figured that would be better then just sitting around and being angry all day. I'm glad to have joined this group as it's helped a bit to at least have a place to vent.


Professional Schmuck
So just curious, how are y'all holding up? I'm passed the shell shock phase, but I'm still in a daze about what transpired. I haven't looked at any of my typical left wing blogs and news outlets that I normally would frequent on a daily basis. Partly because there doesn't seem to be anything really consoling about the whole ordeal.

Wondering if anyone feels the same way.

Not good, Bob. NOT GOOD. the only thing we can all do is promise to band together when shit goes down.
Charles Blow had a good column the other day.
Also, let me be clear: Businessman Donald Trump was a bigot. Candidate Donald Trump was a bigot. Republican nominee Donald Trump was a bigot. And I can only assume that President Donald Trump will be a bigot.

It is absolutely possible that America didn’t elect him in spite of that, but because of it. Consider that for a second. Think about what that means. This is America right now: throwing its lot in with a man who named an alt-right sympathizer as his campaign chief.
I must settle this in myself in this way: I respect the presidency; I do not respect this president-elect. I cannot. Count me among the resistance.
We need a Trump presidency to succeed to some degree — at least to have it do as little harm to the republic as possible — in order for America to remain safe, steady and strong during his tenure.

That said, it is impossible for me to fall in line behind an unrepentant bigot. It will be impossible for me to view this man participating in the pageantry and protocols of the presidency and not be reminded of how he is a demonstrated demagogue who is also a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and a bully.

That is not a person worthy of applause. That is a person who must be placed under unrelenting pressure. Power must be challenged, constantly. That begins today.


This excerpt is from a different columnist and is just to trigger sphagnum
Daron Acemoglu, an MIT economist, argues that the left alliance needs its upscale wing.

Democrats, Acemoglu argues, “should seek a coalition that stands for the most vulnerable people in society,” but he believes “such a coalition could not stand by itself without the support of influential, well-off members of American society.”

Such a coalition is possible, Acemoglu said,

As long as the Democratic Party shakes off its hard-core anti-market, pro-union stance, there is a huge constituency of well-educated, socially conscious Americans that will join in.



So that's where I'm at. Partly to vote against Canadian Trumpites, but also to support the only Conservative leadership candidate who takes climate change seriously. ($130 per tonne carbon tax, revenue neutral of course, he's still a conservative.)
Qui ça?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but Democrats might have an even bigger Senate problem going forward with increased polarization: there are too many red states.

From what we have of the results so far, Hillary lost 20 states by greater than 10%. If voters in reliably Red states become less affected by Democratic waves, that could give Republicans 40 solid seats. Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin are in serious danger unless Democrats put weight behind their races in 2018. Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey, Debbie Stabenow, Sherrod Brown and Bill Nelson are also susceptible but should survive if Democrats have a good showing. Beating Jeff Flake and Dean Heller would alleviate some of the burdens.

Cook PVI seems confident about it since parties in power often lose in midterms, but I remain cautious.

EDIT: Miscounted
Well, you are now a novelty party skeleton. Practice remaining very still for the x-ray machine.

well, on the bright side, this post did make me laugh and i am still smiling about it


So that's where I'm at. Partly to vote against Canadian Trumpites, but also to support the only Conservative leadership candidate who takes climate change seriously. ($130 per tonne carbon tax, revenue neutral of course, he's still a conservative.)

i'll be happy as long as leitch is nowhere near that party's fucking leadership

Nelo Ice

I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but Democrats might have an even bigger Senate problem going forward with increased polarization: there are too many red states.

From what we have of the results so far, Hillary lost 21 states by greater than 10%. If voters in reliably Red states become less affected by Democratic waves, that could give Republicans 42 solid seats. Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin are in serious danger unless Democrats put weight behind their races in 2018. Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey, Debbie Stabenow, Sherrod Brown and Bill Nelson are also susceptible but should survive if Democrats have a good showing. Beating Jeff Flake and Dean Heller would alleviate some of the burdens.

Cook PVI seems confident about it since parties in power often lose in midterms, but I remain cautious.
If there was ever a time for a blue wave then I'm gonna fight like hell for 2018. Seems now more people are realizing how important it is to get involved.
I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but Democrats might have an even bigger Senate problem going forward with increased polarization: there are too many red states.

From what we have of the results so far, Hillary lost 20 states by greater than 10%. If voters in reliably Red states become less affected by Democratic waves, that could give Republicans 40 solid seats. Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin are in serious danger unless Democrats put weight behind their races in 2018. Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey, Debbie Stabenow, Sherrod Brown and Bill Nelson are also susceptible but should survive if Democrats have a good showing. Beating Jeff Flake and Dean Heller would alleviate some of the burdens.

EDIT: Miscounted

Cook PVI seems confident about it since parties in power often lose in midterms, but I remain cautious.

...why would Heitkamp be Likely Dem?? Why is Baldwin Solid Dem?


well, on the bright side, this post did make me laugh and i am still smiling about it

i'll be happy as long as leitch is nowhere near that party's fucking leadership

I'm very glad for that :). One must keep their humor even in bleak times.

And ditto. Leitch is on the defensive lately claiming she's not racist, which is pretty clearly bullshit. She's been front and center trying to divide and conquer with racial-driven fear tactics.
Charles Blow had a good column the other day.


This excerpt is from a different columnist and is just to trigger sphagnum

The Democrats have a hard core pro-union stance ? Letters from an alternate reality ?

(Also pro-union != Anti-market. Mining and Forestry unions have been some of the largest drags on centre-left adoption of climate change / environmental policy. )
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