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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Been 6 days? It simultaneously feels like yesterday + a combination of forever ago. Haven't turned on cable news for even a moment since the election was called! There's nothing good for me there, and I hope every media outlet that gave free time and false equivalence to Trump voices goes bankrupt. Especially CNN. Going to take me a long time to emotionally reconcile such a ridiculous candidate winning and controlling all branches of government despite a PV loss. This is way worse than 2000 in that regard! I thought W was a dumb but didn't think he was unfit to lead. His ideas were just different than mine, not outright insane. With the incredible differences between the candidates, knowing the majority will be laughed off is extremely depressing. Shrugging off majority opinion? I'm used to that from the GOP congress. This is a lot worse.

Regardless of our best efforts, this is all going to feel extremely normal extremely quickly.


yeah but what does him winning do for the democrats overall?

They gain an extra house seat which helps to reduce the republicans majority in the house by one.

Issa must have been dancing on election day because he thought he would keep his seat, but it looks like he may not keep his seat at this point.

I don't think we can say America is a country that values basic decency now. Just... jesus christ.



I don't think we can say America is a country that values basic decency now. Just... jesus christ.

This is a country founded on genocide and slavery, where polygamists and bad sci fi authors can make fake religions that fleece millions, robber barons are hailed as heroes, the glorious troops are sent around the world to torture and murder brown people, black citizens are regularly harassed and shot, women are degraded and raped, Muslims are considered subhuman, and 4chan exists.

When did it ever value basic decency?


"The people have spoken," Obama said Monday. "Donald Trump will be the next president. The 45th president of the United States. And it will be up to him to set up a team that he thinks will serve him well and reflect his policies. And those who didn't vote for him have to recognize that that's how democracy works."

"I don't think he is ideological. I think ultimately, he's pragmatic in that way. And that can serve him well. As long as he's got good people around him and he has a clear sense of direction," the president said.
Obama doing his best to support a peaceful transition.
You're lucky I stayed up tonight.
You're welcome.

With regard to that picture. He may become President, but no one should for one moment forget the things he's said and done.

The President-elect of the United States:-
-mocked a disabled reporter
-kicked a disabled child out of his rally while his supporters jeered
-will be facing a civil fraud lawsuit
-has used his shell charitable foundation to pay off settlements for his own debts and to buy a portrait of himself
-does not have the requisite paperwork to even receive donations
-calls women pigs and dogs
-said a woman asking him tough questions was menstruating
-gave the Florida AG and GOP donations and special treatment as they considered his fraud case and she is now on his transition team
-has a former campaign manager charged with assault
-has a former campaign manager investigated for questionable money ties to Russia
-has a campaign chair who is a white nationalist bigot and will now be in the West Wing
-called a US born Judge biased due to his Mexican heritage
-accused a Gold Star father of following Sharia law and forcing his wife into silence
-bragged about being "right" after the Orlando shooting
-discriminated against blacks in renting housing
-called for a return of the death penalty to execute five black youths, later exonerated
-started a racist lie about President Obama, one of an endless stream of lies.

This is probably not an exhaustive list.

I don't think we can say America is a country that values basic decency now. Just... jesus christ.

I have to say, that one of Hillary's fundamental mistakes was coming into this with the assumption that America's sense of compassion was strong enough to make this thing a wipe.

I mean, I did too. Who the fuck wants to think their own homeland could have an unhinged reality TV sociopath be a viable candidate? Like, shit, before this election I thought even with all the bigotry, America at the very least could not tolerate a politician openly disrespecting veterans or the disabled. That was what I considered two of the few bi-partisan berserk buttons that still existed.

It just goes to show that when you're up against a giant, you don't take anything for granted.
The biggest takeaways from the election is that empathy is not something people have and liberalism is not something that people care about.

Which... I mean, I had a more negative view of people than anyone prior to the election and I still didn't think 47-48% of people would declare that they had almost no empathy.



The biggest takeaways from the election is that empathy is not something people have and liberalism is not something that people care about.

Which... I mean, I had a more negative view of people than anyone prior to the election and I still didn't think 47-48% of people would declare that they had almost no empathy.


I don't think you should feel so dismal about the American people. Remember, Trump got less votes that Romney. The real issue is, in my opinion, public discourse. Its become so toxic and hate-filled that you supporting Trump is just as unfathomable as me supporting Clinton..... although I am not white, I was a member of the "lower classes" growing up and one thing I learned is that for my parents, the number one thing they considered when they were in that voting booth was "who will ensure that I am able to provide for my family". Keep in minds, they were not intellectuals or anything, just two immigrants from a nameless village in Pakistan- and I feel like this is the one thing people care about most, at a purely selfish level. Now, for my parents the answer was the Canadian Liberal party in that voting booth, but for many Americans it was clearly Trump.

I saw an anecdote of why a certain individual in the rust belt voted from Trump. Their answer was simple: because he talked to them. Hilary didn't even campaign in that state (Michigan I think?).

Point being, maybe I am just an hopeless optimist but I don't think people are as apathetic as you may believe, even though I completely understand why you think that way.


The biggest takeaways from the election is that empathy is not something people have and liberalism is not something that people care about.

Which... I mean, I had a more negative view of people than anyone prior to the election and I still didn't think 47-48% of people would declare that they had almost no empathy.

A huge problem for Bill and Obama was that they both came in during recessions, when getting massive spending bills passed is difficult. The next Pres has to keep that in mind- throwing everything at the wall out the gates is critical- have the legislation written and ready to send to Congress before you're in the WH.
he got more votes than romney in every battleground state except one (virginia)

from OT:

That narrative is wrong, at least for the swing states.

McCain Florida votes: 4,046,219
Romney Florida votes: 4,163,447
Trump Florida votes: 4,615,910 (He would have beaten Obama here, who got 4,282,367 votes in 2008 and 4,237,756 votes in 2012)

McCain Pennsylvania votes: 2,655,885
Romney Pennsylvania votes: 2,680,434
Trump Pennsylvania votes: 2,912,941

McCain Ohio votes: 2,677,820
Romney Ohio votes: 2,661,407
Trump Ohio votes: 2,771,984

McCain Michigan votes: 2,048,639
Romney Michigan votes: 2,115,256
Trump Michigan votes: 2,277,914

McCain North Carolina votes: 2,128,474
Romney North Carolina votes: 2,270,395
Trump North Carolina votes: 2,339,830

McCain Virginia votes: 1,725,005
Romney Virginia votes: 1,822,522
Trump Virginia votes: 1,765,518

McCain Iowa votes: 682,379
Romney Iowa votes: 730,617
Trump Iowa votes: 796,350

McCain Wisconsin votes: 1,262,393
Romney Wisconsin votes: 1,407,966
Trump Wisconsin votes: 1,409,467

McCain New Hampshire votes: 316,534
Romney New Hampshire votes: 329,918
Trump New Hampshire votes: 345,598

Keep in mind that votes are still being counted.

The narrative that Trump did worse than McCain and Romney appears to be false for the swing states, which was a narrative that began before all the 2016 votes were counted.

wrt wisconsin, north carolina, and maybe michigan: salvageable for a dem who's more inspiring, less polarizing, and less likely to spend most of a month fundraising in CA/NY instead of even so much as visiting small towns and cities

wrt florida: jesus fucking christ
The hidden whites were literally all in Florida.

Which was kind of confusing since you think that considering how tightly contested Florida is that the hidden white people would have been found by canvassers or something.

Though I wouldn't want to knock on the door of people who had Confederate Flags and gun turrets outside their homes either if I was a Mitt Romney volunteer.


For emphasis.

Everyone can do better. We are in this together.

There are many lessons. Everyone has some guilt. The election was close. No one needs to be thrown under a bus.

Get it out the system and get ready to move on y'all.

We got protests, we have activist groups needing funds, we got boycotts in progress, we got clueless moderates who need to have a better understanding of the rage, we have a party to rebuild, and we have people who need allies that are willing to stand up to hate in everyday life.

A white supremacist will soon be in the white house and Paul Ryan is already itching to off Medicare.

Get it out the system. Shake off the hangover. And step up. This is not a drill. A week is long enough for a circular firing squad.

Feeling very down this morning, so this was a good post to read (in the sense of building hope and motivation). Thanks.

alright, another revision:

I think "fight" and "resist" both have more power than "Stand Up". It's... A bit wishy-washy liberal? As though standing-up for something does anything.

I would suggest "Fight". I think we should start co-opting right-wing messaging standards, which verge on the violent. And that's essentially what we are doing - fighting for voting rights, fighting for women's rights, fighting for LGBTQ rights.

I get that it could be misinterpreted to incite violence, but I think you need a strong word there to shock people. (Which is also why "resist" is good, but I think that falls closer to violence than fight does - "armed resistance", for example.

This is a country founded on genocide and slavery, where polygamists and bad sci fi authors can make fake religions that fleece millions, robber barons are hailed as heroes, the glorious troops are sent around the world to torture and murder brown people, black citizens are regularly harassed and shot, women are degraded and raped, Muslims are considered subhuman, and 4chan exists.

When did it ever value basic decency?

Day after the election, I sent Hillary a message through her campaign website (not sure if it got through). I essentially put that she fought a campaign based on love and strength-through-unity vs hate, and hate won. The more I think about it, the more I think that she was foolish to believe that American wouldn't - couldn't - vote for Trump.
I Don't think the shock over the fact that we elected am orange colored 65 year old man child who if you told me was Will Farrell's latest man child comedy character I'd believe you to be president of the free world.

We are so fucked.


Polarization and the EC is going to become a huge issue if the margins continue diverging this huge in the future.

More people voted Hillary. We can never forget that.
You know I've been thinking about it

And all these leaks from Trumps 'Aides'(IE him wanting to get clearance for his kids being the latest reports), surely they must be bullshit? Here we are believing things like everything is falling apart for his campaign and yet...

...Basically, given the people Trump surrounds himself with, is it possible that these aides are bullshitting to make the media look bad?


Planned Parenthood Letter:

To lawmakers and others who think they have a "mandate" to push policies that punish and attack women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, people of faith, people with disabilities, and others and strip away their rights, hear this:

We are bigger and stronger and more powerful and more committed than you know. We won't shrink or hide away. We're standing strong— ready to fight. For our lives. For our rights.

The majority of voters chose Hillary Clinton and her vision for a respectful, inclusive, progressive America. Most Americans support access to reproductive health care, including abortion; universal health care; and marriage equality and LGBTQ rights. Americans also understand that immigration is good for our country and want immigrants treated with dignity and respect.

In short, you may occupy powerful positions now. And you may try to take away health care from millions of Americans, outlaw abortion, strip away people's civil rights, and deport millions of vulnerable immigrants.

But we represent the true strength and power and future of this country. And we have no intention of letting you abuse your power to take us back.

We are the real majority, and we will show up and shut down any attempts to take away our rights, harm us and our loved ones, and jeopardize our future.

Link to letter:

Sign on: #WeWont­GoBack


You know I've been thinking about it

And all these leaks from Trumps 'Aides'(IE him wanting to get clearance for his kids being the latest reports), surely they must be bullshit? Here we are believing things like everything is falling apart for his campaign and yet...

...Basically, given the people Trump surrounds himself with, is it possible that these aides are bullshitting to make the media look bad?

Or to set the bar extremely low, so when he doesn't come out and shit his pants, people are relieved.

More people voted for Hillary. They all live in cities though. You have country now ruled by the will of white farmers. Full circle.

Yep, and states like Iowa and Ohio are looking bleak for Democrats. I'm skeptical about their "swing-state" status going forward. Florida too, considering how decisive a win that was.


“You know, I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall, and there were some counties where I might have lost, but maybe I lost by 20 points instead of 50 points,” Obama said. “There are some counties maybe I won that people didn’t expect because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting"

I wonder whether Obama said the same thing to Hillary during the campaign, if he didn't he should have.

Now it's too late of course.


“You know, I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall, and there were some counties where I might have lost, but maybe I lost by 20 points instead of 50 points,” Obama said. “There are some counties maybe I won that people didn’t expect because people had a chance to see you and listen to you and get a sense of who you stood for and who you were fighting"

I wonder whether Obama said the same thing to Hillary during the campaign, if he didn't he should have.

Now it's too late of course.

I would hope he did... Though I think her campaign team bears more responsibility for this than she herself. I've read she's arrogant and only willing to listen to certain people, but if your campaign team isn't pushing every step of the way for going into the small towns they're failing everyone.

Though, of course, what Obama says is also good. 4 year's time, no Democrat candidate is going to ignore the small towns and rural areas. If we lose 2020, it won't be because Joe Bloggs in Iowa wasn't courted.
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