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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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to say nothing about the fact that mcauliffe is all but literally attached to the clintons at the hip (and what bonen just said), he's a non-starter for the same reason that clinton had such a hard time connecting to anyone


Yeah, I'm sorry, love Hillary but we need to avoid any of the Clinton loyalist. Donna did not help matters. Whatever the DNC does, it needs to appear refreshed and trustworthy.
Bwhahaha arguments are being made that raising taxes on families and singles parents with multiple kids is good because it'll just encourage them to have less kids....

Fuck me.


This is why I need Hillary to take a spa month (or few months), lick her wounds, and get back in the fight.

She'll never again run for office, but that's ok. Regardless of the haters, Hillary proved she has millions of Democrats who genuinely adore her. She is a pillar of the party whether Bernie stans like it or not. But, more importantly than that, the term "Clinton Loyalist" exists for a reason. Hillary Clinton has spent decades building very valuable relationships. She and Bill will be absolutely integral to fundraising for the Democratic party. Because crowdfunding won't be an option for everyone (shit, it's not even an option for Bernie these days. How's the Our Revolution PAC doing again?).

I think great things could be done by having Bill hit-up the Rust Belt and some rural areas and just own-up to taking them for granted. Hillary must be mortified by it all, but she can do California and New York, certainly. Perhaps joint appearances with Cecile Richards of PP, because that's going to be a national issue for professional women.
Want to point this out but I doubt anti-establishment is going to be as important in 2020 as it is now because simply Donald Trump is going to poison that image most likely and depending how Trump deals with Congress and others; Dems might double down with establishment. They might try to get a somewhat experienced and establishment person, but does not have a lot of baggage.

PInk Tape

Bwhahaha arguments are being made that raising taxes on families and singles parents with multiple kids is good because it'll just encourage them to have less kids....

Fuck me.

Wtf? That's the thing those people are concerned about the most; them having more kids? Not that families/single parent families are going to be paying more taxes?

I don't even know anymore. I hate everything.
Wtf? That's the thing those people are concerned about the most; them having more kids? Not that families/single parent families are going to be paying more taxes?

I don't even know anymore. I hate everything.

I mean the brilliant thing is when Roe v Wade goes kaput birthrates will rise and now it'll cost them more money to survive...

It's all fucked... everyone is fucked.

To be fair the argument is being made on GAF not by anyone in the White Nationalist regime... they'll just hide thatvside effect and hope no one cares.


I mean the brilliant thing is when Roe v Wade goes kaput birthrates will rise and now it'll cost them more money to survive...

It's all fucked... everyone is fucked.

Creationism in schools + no Planned Parenthood due to defunding + attacks on abortion.

The Dems couldn't have a better way of mobilizing urban women and College Educated voters. That they couldn't see this happening is shocking, but it'll push turn-out in the future.

Also, pregnancy rates are going to sky-rocket, and the poor will be worse-off. Just need them to realise why. Educate them, not just talk to them.
I'm kind of confused because I thought people were talking about going back to the centre and hushing up on the minority blocs. To get rural and WC whites.

Now it's a left Tea Party.

Maybe it's the left White Tea Party. I guess.

lmao, if that's what you've gotten from this election.
I'm very pleased to hear about Cali. I mean, seriously, that's going to be like a 1.4 million boost to her popular vote lead, right? Are there any other states that have votes to tally that could reduce that by any significance?


There is no quick fix for this, Democratic politics is probably dead for the next 10+ years

I say this partially because I'm not particularly inspired by the infighting going on in the Democratic party right now. I'm hoping we bounce back from this like we did after 2004 and not 1984...

Harper in Canada says hi.People thought the liberals were dead in Canada when they keep on getting crushed by the Harper machine in elections,but they eventually found someone(Trudeau) to help them start being more competitve in elections.Trump is in a worse position then even Stpehen Harper when he got a majority government a few years ago.Unless he somehow manages to improve his favourability ratings he probably won't last more then four years unless the democrats get someone that doesn't appeal to people.


I'm very pleased to hear about Cali. I mean, seriously, that's going to be like a 1.4 million boost to her popular vote lead, right? Are there any other states that have votes to tally that could reduce that by any significance?

Nope. Also one of the trump's goals was to flip CA and NY and in the former he is doing significantly worse than Romney at the moment.

PInk Tape

I mean the brilliant thing is when Roe v Wade goes kaput birthrates will rise and now it'll cost them more money to survive...

It's all fucked... everyone is fucked.

To be fair the argument is being made on GAF not by anyone in the White Nationalist regime... they'll just hide thatvside effect and hope no one cares.

Another amazing thing about RVW possibly going kaput is that it won't magically stop women from getting abortions either. Instead of having a safe way of doing it; they'll be forced to do it in more dangerous/unsafe ways. I hate that conservatives think that they have the right to control what I can/can't do with my body.

Repubs do not give a fuck about women; not even white ones and the fact that a large amount of white women voted for a presidential candidate that sexually assaults and sees women as sex objects is infuriating and completely moronic. Holy shit.

lmao thanks for focusing on what the real issues are certain Gaf posters. You really hit it out of the park with that argument
I wish I could be in Cali...

Oh wait, Oregon's still pretty decent.

It's very hard to live here if you aren't well off. I need to save and move back to the Chicago suburbs where I can find a modest house. Here, I would need to live like an hour, hour and a half in land and drive 3 hours a day to live in a house I could afford. Fuck that.


Another amazing thing about RVW possibly going kaput is that it won't magically stop women from getting abortions either. Instead of having a safe way of doing it; they'll be forced to do it in more dangerous/unsafe ways. I hate that conservatives think that they have the right to control what I can/can't do with my body.

Repubs do not give a fuck about women; not even white ones and the fact that a large amount of white women voted for a presidential candidate that sexually assaults and sees women as sex objects is infuriating and completely moronic. Holy shit.

lmao thanks for focusing on what the real issues are certain Gaf posters. You really hit it out of the park with that argument

You can't put the genie back in the bottle with any of the core Democrat causes - it is literally impossible to go back to a pre- Roe v Wade culture. A good thing to look at with regards to Roe v Wade is the Irish government restrictions on abortion

Irish Woman Live-Tweets Trip to Get Abortion in England

Women are undertaking dangerous illegal operations, or traveling outside the country so they have full control of their bodies. As soon as women start dying due to illegal operations, the US is going to have mayhem on its hands.

Roe v Wade may die, but reproductive rights will be reborn.
The Tea Party has control of both houses, the presidency, and probably soon they'll have SCOTUS.

Not sure Dems making a tea party is such a terrible idea.
The Tea Party is so astonishingly organized. it's been discussed ad nauseum but the way they craft legislation just for republicans to stamp on and how the NRA gets involved in every election from top to bottom they can with huge ad buys. it's absolutely crazy. the party ran by olds dominates social media and far right sites are all over the web. Breitbart gets posted by self proclaimed liberals as fact. they just have so much influence.
Question, and not to downplay things, but is it likely that Roe V. Wade will be threatened if Trump nominates only one Supreme Court Justice? From what I understand, Justice Kennedy doesn't have an interest in reversing it. So long as it remains just a 5-4 conservative court, there is a chance that we could hold out until 2020. I just don't see Republicans not looking bad over the coming years.


The Tea Party is so astonishingly organized. it's been discussed ad nauseum but the way they craft legislation just for republicans to stamp on and how the NRA gets involved in every fucking election they can with huge ad buys. it's absolutely crazy. the party ran by olds dominates social media and far right sites are all over the web. Breitbart gets posted by self proclaimed liberals as fact. they just have so much influence.

Why is it the extreme right has to be the one that's fucking organized and every other liberal tea party becomes a broken disorganized mess.


Question, and not to downplay things, but is it likely that Roe V. Wade will be threatened if Trump nominates only one Supreme Court Justice? From what I understand, Justice Kennedy doesn't have an interest in reversing it. So long as it remains just a 5-4 conservative court, there is a chance that we could hold out until 2020. I just don't see Republicans not looking bad over the coming years.

Based on what I know (there are more knowledgeable people here than me, though, so do correct if I'm wrong).

I don't think it's that threatened if it's only one Trump nomination. It takes time for things to go through lower courts, and depending upon the arguments, SCOTUS may just ignore it (thinking they can punt the issue down the road by a couple of years, which may make it 2021, and RBG resigns late 2020 with a Dem winning the election, or 2018 if Dems can take Senate), or just point to a previous ruling that covers the point. Remember that Roe is Federal law, but States can do what they will up to a point, so unless SCOTUS specifically says abortion is illegal, California could do what it wants, same as Washington, New York, etc...

It all depends upon the States. Texas may go crazy and rush something through, but that doesn't mean Roe is killed, depending upon the argument made.

Posting this again, because it's very relevant to the arguments states have made recently against abortion.

How Ruth Bader Ginsburg just won the next abortion fight

The concurrence is less than two pages. She dismisses Texas’s argument about its interest in protecting “the health of women who experience complications from abortions,” by countering that “complications from an abortion are both rare and rarely dangerous.” She recites a laundry list of studies of how safe abortion is, and then she delivers the message: “So long as this Court adheres to Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113 (1973), and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833 (1992), Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers laws like H. B. 2 that ‘do little or nothing for health, but rather strew impediments to abortion,’ Planned Parenthood of Wis., 806 F. 3d, at 921, cannot survive judicial inspection.”

People should worry more about defunding of PP, I think.

Edit: And, posting an idea I've been mulling around again: Is it worth creating a campaign to get private companies to help co-fund PP? EA, Apple, Valve all seem like they would be willing to push money to an independent trust that funded PP and various liberal causes (ACLU, CBLDF, etc.). Genuinely thinking of randomly emailing Gabe Newell and suggesting it.


i really hope by some miracle Trump just elects his sister for Supreme Court...

It's not likely but I would sleep comfortably.
She needs 2.

Barring a 9/11 style event (and even that could easily be mishandled) the backlash election should happen in '18.
It won't be. Liberals are already rationalizing a trump presidency and saying "well it won't be so bad..." "He can't do.....". getting complacent literally 48 hours after the election. i'm not optimistic.


She needs 2.

Barring a 9/11 style event (and even that could easily be mishandled) the backlash election should happen in '18.

Doesn't the ground needed to be made up in the senate strongly disfavor the democrats in '18?

Even if they overcome that Trump is a factor.


It won't be. Liberals are already rationalizing a trump presidency and saying "well it won't be so bad..." "He can't do.....". getting complacent literally 48 hours after the election. i'm not optimistic.

This needs to be dealt with. Trump/Pence is a literal fascist ticket - punishing women for being raped, converting gays, hatred towards minorities and Jews.
She needs 2.

Barring a 9/11 style event (and even that could easily be mishandled) the backlash election should happen in '18.
Let's hope. I haven't double-checked the numbers, but Wikipedia says that in 2018, 25 seats currently held by democrats (or independents that caucus with the dems) will be up for reelection and only 8 republican held seats. Could be tough to flip things.


Let's hope. I haven't double-checked the numbers, but Wikipedia says that in 2018, 25 seats currently held by democrats (or independents that caucus with the dems) will be up for reelection and only 8 republican held seats. Could be tough to flip things.
Senate, yes. House, no.


Dems are playing D in 2018 and a backlash won't just materialize out of thin air, you have to earn it.

Dems need to motivate, yeah. Everyone can do something to help, I'm sure. Hassan won against Ayotte, Kander nearly won against Blunt. These two things alone proves 2018 isn't a lost cause.


dire straits for chronically ill: @realDonaldTrump announced he will let the pre-existing conditions rule lapse & re-est. high risk pools

Yet more grist to the mill... You've got to lose what you had to realise you had it good before.


Let's hope. I haven't double-checked the numbers, but Wikipedia says that in 2018, 25 seats currently held by democrats (or independents that caucus with the dems) will be up for reelection and only 8 republican held seats. Could be tough to flip things.

That's a really hard, but not impossible deficit to overcome.

As will be the case for a while, so much hinges on how bad this fanatic performs in the Oval.
I have a question for poligaf as I don't know world politics particularly well:

Has there even been an authoritarian fascist like Trump who gained leadership, but was peacefully voted out later?

Because with with my admittedly very shallow understanding of the politics of other countries, from what I can see is that clown authoritarians always make a point to start strangling the democratic process to marginalize their opposition in away that seems permanent. Which is the number 1 thing I'm most scared of a Trump administration doing.
i hope paul ryan privatizes everything under the sun so we can never hear about libertarianism from young white people ever again.

You shouldn't. Its trivial to privatize stuff, once it's done its almost impossible to reestablish public provision (especially since much of public provision are natural monopolies). It won't matter squat if you prove (again) that privatizing natural monopolies is moronic if you can't undo it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I have a question for poligaf as I don't know world politics particularly well:

Has there even been an authoritarian fascist like Trump who gained leadership, but was peacefully voted out later?

Because with with my admittedly very shallow understanding of the politics of other countries, from what I can see is that clown authoritarians always make a point to start strangling the democratic process to marginalize their opposition in away that seems permanent. Which is the number 1 thing I'm most scared of a Trump administration doing.

Charles de Gaulle, depending on how much you're willing to stretch the definition of peacefully.


I have a question for poligaf as I don't know world politics particularly well:

Has there even been an authoritarian fascist like Trump who gained leadership, but was peacefully voted out later?

Because with with my admittedly very shallow understanding of the politics of other countries, from what I can see is that clown authoritarians always make a point to start strangling the democratic process to marginalize their opposition in away that seems permanent. Which is the number 1 thing I'm most scared of a Trump administration doing.


How likely is it that home-grown terrorism and militia enrollment spikes due to Trump taking office on a set of principals (racism, antisemitism, anti-corruption, the wall), but fails to push those policies. Antagonizing a base that is both volatile and well-armed seems unwise, to me.

PInk Tape

You can't put the genie back in the bottle with any of the core Democrat causes - it is literally impossible to go back to a pre- Roe v Wade culture. A good thing to look at with regards to Roe v Wade is the Irish government restrictions on abortion

Irish Woman Live-Tweets Trip to Get Abortion in England

Women are undertaking dangerous illegal operations, or traveling outside the country so they have full control of their bodies. As soon as women start dying due to illegal operations, the US is going to have mayhem on its hands.

Roe v Wade may die, but reproductive rights will be reborn.

Thanks for linking that article it was really interesting to read. I knew that abortion was illegal in Ireland and stuff but had no idea about women traveling to England to get them done.

I just hope that whatever it's reborn into is tough enough to withstand GOP bs.


I would gain a lot of respect if Obama was able to convince Trump hard enough to nominate Merrick Garland.

*nods* Considering the 15 minute meeting lasted 90-odd minutes, I think Obama went to town on Trump, and broke a ton of things down for him so he understood them. And I think SCOTUS/abortion law may have been one of those things. Trump looks downtrodden in the press photo... You know Obama is pig-sick, but he hides it well. Trump is already looking destroyed.
Wow the set of Morning Joe is completely missing why so many people are upset and protesting.

It's not just "shock" that Hilary didn't win. It's "fear" that we elected a mysongist xenophobic racist for President who could set us back a half-century in terms of civil rights and equality.


Wow the set of Morning Joe is completely missing why so many people are upset and protesting.

It's not just "shock" that Hilary didn't win. It's "fear" that we elected a mysongist xenophobic racist for President who could set us back a half-century in terms of civil rights and equality.

Are we really shocked the media continues to miss the point? Just wait until he's actually in office and does or says something stupid


Are we really shocked the media continues to miss the point? Just wait until he's actually in office and does or says something stupid

She obviously won't do it, but I would love for Hillary to tweet-out whenever Trump does something bad, with what she would've done:

"Trump's attacking first amendment rights of papers? Well, I've been viciously attacked by the media since the 1990s, and I spoke out for protection of the Constitution."

"Trump's not helping stem the heroin epidemic in the heartlands? Well, here's my policy from when you had the chance to elect me to do something about it."

The public (both political sides) deserve to have the faces rubbed in it.
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