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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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This is the first administration since the U.S. got nukes where no one is connected to reality.


Seriously, General Michael Flynn is a deranged human being and he's advising a man with the nuclear codes. Harry Kissinger was a terrible person, but he understood the world. Flynn... doesn't.

Sleep tight, everyone!

It's like Morning Joe and one guy.

https://twitter.com/SidizenKane/status/799842362558128128 Hoping this isn't symptomatic of wider passivity.


This is the first administration since the U.S. got nukes where no one is connected to reality.


Seriously, General Michael Flynn is a deranged human being and he's advising a man with the nuclear codes. Harry Kissinger was a terrible person, but he understood the world. Flynn... doesn't.

Sleep tight, everyone!

Shortly after election night, when panic started settling in about Trump having access to the nuclear codes, I remembered a story where Nixon was furiously demanding about why shouldn't they nuke Cambodia and Kissinger talked him out of it. And I thought to myself, well at least if Trump has a Kissinger at his side, there's someone there to talk him out of his worst impulses.

Flynn is not Kissinger. Jesus Christ. We're gonna be in another war before Trump's first term is out.


those tweets you linked are gold. this one in particular



the economic anxiety even made its way to pence.
It sucks that I can't talk to anyone about the concerns I have and madness that's going about Trump and co. My mom doesnt talk politics, my dad is a hard-right conservative who watches Fox and listens to Mark Levin religiously, and my brother is 14 so he doesn't care and dad is already getting him to believe that right-wing radio bullshit

Thank god I'm on GAF. I've never been so engrossed in following and reading about politics; I'm scared for the country's future. Every new thread about some insane new development just makes me angry. That's good though. I dont want to become numb to this craziness or make jokes about it.

That really blows =(. I'm lucky I guess: Born into a very liberal family (immediate anyway) Mother was a super Hillary support, my Dad was also quite pro Hillary. The biggest tension, of which there wasn't much, was back during the Primary as both my Brother and I were big into Bernie. My wife can't vote (Immigrant with Green Card) so she has next to zero opinions on the election (although she hates Trump) So family wise the worst of this has been seeing my mother become absolutely crushed. She's so downtrodden and broken now. Seems constantly depressed and my Dad has the rather unfortunate habbit of always watching the news at night. Meaning when she comes downstairs to be with him she gets to hear all about Trump for hours. I kinda wish my Dad would maybe get a clue.

As friends go I only really have two best friends I chat with on a regular basis. My best friend is a working class guy. Works two jobs, a fishing self-employed/home repair/landscape modeling gig thing and a job at a local paint and tile supply store. During the primary he almost wanted to vote Trump to stick it to Hillary (he has this odd idea that Hillary was out to get him and screw him over in favor of ensuring jobs for women and minorities, like literally get him fired so they could swoop in and take his job.) He's a good guy, but he's always been the somewhat crazy paranoid type (I found out like two years ago he actually believes in a secret organization, I guess the Illuminati, secretly running the entire world). Anyway, again, he's a good, friendly guy. I think I did manage to talk him out of voting Trump (We're in MA so it wouldn't really have mattered anyway) and I think he eventually settled on Gary Johnson, but we never talked Politics again before the election, so I have no idea if he went back to Trump or not. He was also one of those guys who wanted Bernie, and when he didn't get Bernie switched, briefly, to Trump. I think he just doesn't trust the government period.

My other friend is much more of a liberal. Wanted Bernie, settled for Hillary and was increasingly afraid of a Trump win. Trump's victory kinda shattered him. He was super afraid the night of, so was his new girlfriend, etc. Haven't really gotten the chance to talk with him since.

So for me the worst I deal with is ensuring I don't discuss politics with my best friend who's already got, uh, interesting views on politics anyway, and dealing with the abject terror and defeat both my Mother and other best friend suffer from.

Personally I'm still angry. I'm angry Trump's core racist/bigoted base. I'm disappointed and saddened by Trump's less enthused supporters who ignored everything ugly and disgusting about the man (the woman who's cut my hair for, well, basically my whole life went Trump. Never going back there now.) I'm frustrated with the voters who didn't understand that Trump's nomination meant that we didn't have the choice we thought this year. This wasn't a year about Republican vs Democrat status quo, or voting against the government. This was a year about fighting back the very evil and bigoted hate that still lies within our country. I'm frustrated with the protesters who didn't bother to vote and are only upset now. I mean, great, protests are awesome, but come on with the hypocrisy.

I'm frustrated at all the finger pointing from Hillary supporters, to Bernie supporters and I just hope that once all the data is in, and the narrative settled people will finally stop inviting and get ready to push Trump and the Republicans back in 2018 and 2020.

Feeling a lot of anger right now. And fear. But most of all, I'm feeling a crushing disappointment towards the members of my family who not only fell for this madman, but continue to shush and poo poo my worries about the words and actions of him and his surrogates. This is frightening. People are in true denial. And I don't know if anything can actually wrest them from it.

I'm so sad for America.

I am too. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in my country. I'm not even someone who has to deal with the consequences of any of this really. I live in MA, upper middle class family, my father is basically supporting me and my wife while I get my writing career off the ground. There's little worry anything Trump can do will affect me or my Wife in any real way. Even so I'm enraged this even happened, I'm enraged at how stupid people are, and I'm enraged at the bastards who generate fact news for cash grabs and don't give a damn how that promotes the idiocy of the uneducated masses.

I absolutely abhor the idea of anyone coming to suffer because of this and wish, really wish there was something in my power I could do to ensure tides change in 2-4 years. Best I can really hope for is whatever I have to say in my books gets attention. It sucks to feel so powerless, so unable to help anyone, even if I know there's a very real possibility they will suffer.
Oh shut up Maggie.

You know what's "disrespectful"? Not doing your damned job and blocking the nomination of a respected jurist.

EDIT: I apparently, misinterpreted Haberman's tweet, or alternatively she's walking it back.
EDIT 2: Maybe not. Who knows. She's a mess.


Some stupid home schooled 19 year old kid won a provincial election in Niagara running in a pro-life platform...very sad to see a man so young already doing the most to control women's bodies.


But this is bizarre unhawkishness to the point of supporting Putin's war crimes.

She's so strange.

Yeah, every time she's brought up as some sort of up-and-coming progressive savior, I know whoever's talking about her hasn't done any research. Brian Schatz, our young Senator, is a lot more of a solid choice for the future, but no one talks about him 'cause he's got the personality of a wet piece of paper.
The party elders, which is a weird thing to call President Obama at 55, probably have a better feel for future stars. Kamala Harris gets a mention in the New Yorker article, and she's on everyone's radar really. But he gave a shout out to some off the radar names.

Pete Buttigieg, an openly gay Navy veteran and Rhodes scholar, and Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
And Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado.

But no one wants liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard.
Can we start gerrymandering states.

Like, if we take control of Nevada and Arizona in 2018, can we take chunks of California and add them onto Arizona and Nevada?
Diplomats Confront New Threat to Paris Climate Pact: Donald Trump
Diplomats from around the world converged here this week with the plan to put details on last year’s Paris climate accord and move the globe closer to controlling the industrial emissions that are heating the planet.

Instead, with the election of Donald J. Trump — and his threat to withdraw the United States from the accord — shellshocked negotiators confronted potentially deep fissures developing in the international consensus on climate change. On the sidelines of the negotiations, some diplomats turned from talking of rising seas and climbing temperatures toward how to punish the United States if Mr. Trump follows through, possibly with a carbon-pollution tax on imports of American-made goods.

It's actually kind of more astounding by the day how the US has chosen to elect someone who is actually a threat to global security, prosperity and cooperation.


All because Hillary sent emails.

The more I think about it, the more I think Hillary never stood a chance once Trump was nominated. Like, literally, every hateful bigoted dumbass who thinks women, LGBTQ and minorities are nothing, but blindly hold onto "Republicans are good for national security" got up and voted for Trump. Even without her Deplorables comment, this would've been a sea of hate - akin to Gamergate finally giving right-wing gamers something to rally behind.
The more I think about it, the more I think Hillary never stood a chance once Trump was nominated. Like, literally, every hateful bigoted dumbass who thinks women, LGBTQ and minorities are nothing, but blindly hold onto "Republicans are good for national security" got up and voted for Trump. Even without her Deplorables comment, this would've been a sea of hate - akin to Gamergate finally giving right-wing gamers something to rally behind.

Hillary was up by like 5 points before the Comey letter according to Republican and Democrat internal polling. The letter dropped her to +2.

I mean, she barely lost... she definitely stood a chance.

how the fuck did i manage to get to 4th base on first date all the time 2 yrs ago?

girl was in my god damn ap and i didnt close it. god damn

(yes, bear Blind shitedrunk)


Hillary was up by like 5 points before the Comey letter according to Republican and Democrat internal polling. The letter dropped her to +2.

I mean, she barely lost... she definitely stood a chance.

But the polls were obviously flawed, and rural voters (WI/MI) are generally less liberal. I think (notice the emphasis, because this is just a gut feeling) she would've had to have run a flawless campaign to have beaten Trump, and there are no flawless Election campaigns.


Unconfirmed Member
The party elders, which is a weird thing to call President Obama at 55, probably have a better feel for future stars. Kamala Harris gets a mention in the New Yorker article, and she's on everyone's radar really. But he gave a shout out to some off the radar names.

Pete Buttigieg, an openly gay Navy veteran and Rhodes scholar, and Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
And Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado.

But no one wants liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard.

I don't know the others, but Michael Bennet is certainly not an up and coming star. He has even less charisma than Kaine has, and is more centrist than Hillary.

His primary talent is being a rich guy with rich friends that he knew how to get money from, and severely lucking out with absolutely horrible opponents.
But the polls were obviously flawed, and rural voters (WI/MI) are generally less liberal. I think (notice the emphasis, because this is just a gut feeling) she would've had to have run a flawless campaign to have beaten Trump, and there are no flawless Election campaigns.

hyperbole. She was free to fuck up outside of the rust belt. What bit her in the ass was losing all dem swing statz even when she had a PREZ MUH HOMEBOY advgtg
But the polls were obviously flawed, and rural voters (WI/MI) are generally less liberal. I think (notice the emphasis, because this is just a gut feeling) she would've had to have run a flawless campaign to have beaten Trump, and there are no flawless Election campaigns.

The internal polls run by the RNC were pretty good. They just had Trump barely losing Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Instead, he barely won them. Which is something that can happen and not the polls being flawed.

Late deciding voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania overwhelmingly went to Trump because of the Comey letter and that was the election.


hyperbole. She was free to fuck up outside of the rust belt. What bit her in the ass was losing all dem swing statz even when she had a PREZ MUH HOMEBOY advgtg

*shrugs* I think the US right-wing has become significant enough that it required a better campaign than anyone could ever have foreseen. Considering so much of what's happened the past 10 days is Deplorables coming out the woodwork for an awful human being, I think Trump was the epitome of right-place right-time. I mean, no-one in his campaign or the GOP saw him winning, so the fact that he actually has won signifies a lot, I think.

But, as I say, personal opinion - not gonna die on a hill for a gut feeling (I mean, Lord knows do we have enough of them with the Deplorables!). :)

The internal polls run by the RNC were pretty good. They just had Trump barely losing Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Instead, he barely won them. Which is something that can happen and not the polls being flawed.

Late deciding voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania overwhelmingly went to Trump because of the Comey letter and that was the election.

Oh, I genuinely didn't know about the RNC polls... Huh.

I will admit that the past 10 days has made me very cynical about the wider American electorate, so you'll forgive me if I blame racism/sexism/hate (to varying degrees) rather than the Comey letter. You're probably right, but the shift in language and outlook since the election is something awful.
Trump's approval rating is at 42% right now which is the lowest ever for a newly elected president.

Hillary was just too hated (for bullshit reasons) to be less hated than Trump :(
I don't know the others, but Michael Bennet is certainly not an up and coming star. He has even less charisma than Kaine has, and is more centrist than Hillary.

His primary talent is being a rich guy with rich friends that he knew how to get money from, and severely lucking out with absolutely horrible opponents.
Strange that Obama would single him out. Unless it's just that he's young and from a swing state.

Buttigieg, though, seems like someone who should be on the radar from looking him up.
The most interesting mayor you’ve never heard of
The First Gay President?
He is probably too green right now for higher office, but who knows.

Also, not sure if you included Harris in the others you don't know.But it's hard to have missed her rise.
Talk to thoughtful Democrats about the future and one name inspires more hope than most: Kamala Harris, the attorney-general of California and, barring a meteor-strike between now and November 8th, that state’s next member of the Senate. Insiders noticed when Ms Harris, 52, was endorsed by President Barack Obama, even though, under a run-off election system used in California, her opponent is a long-serving Democratic congresswoman, Loretta Sanchez.

Also in this article, jeez at the salt from Loretta Sanchez.
Ms Sanchez has ascribed this snub to race solidarity between her opponent and the president, sniffing: “She is African-American, he is too.”


Trump's approval rating is at 42% right now which is the lowest ever for a newly elected president.

Hillary was just too hated (for bullshit reasons) to be less hated than Trump :(

I wonder how far down he can go. Even GWB and Nixon bottomed out in the mid 30s and Trump is already not too far off. Or is it possible he'll just be stuck in that range and go no further because his fans will never give up?
I wonder how far down he can go. Even GWB and Nixon bottomed out in the mid 30s and Trump is already not too far off. Or is it possible he'll just be stuck in that range and go no further because his fans will never give up?

True Deplorables are like 25-35% of the population. He'll reach his approval floor pretty quickly and stay stuck there until the re-election campaign starts up or there's a war with Iran that the GOP can justify.
Really though, Trump's terrible approval ratings are going to be a horrible thing for all Republican governors. Get someone in your state to run for governor, get someone in your district to run for House of Representatives, start planning this now. Even in Alabama or some shit, just throw shit at the wall in case of a Trump recession.

If you're in Wisconsin or Florida, be putting pressure on the party so they don't fuck this governor race up.


I will believe until the day I die that the Comey letter was in fact enough to swing the election (and did), but at the same time it wouldn't have been enough to swing the election if the media hadn't been shitting on Hillary and vomiting about the e-mails 24/7 for the last YEAR.

So, just, I dunno, fuck everything,
I will believe until the day I die that the Comey letter was in fact enough to swing the election, but at the same time it wouldn't have been enough to swing the election if the media hadn't been shitting on Hillary and vomiting about the e-mails 24/7 for the last YEAR.

So, just, I dunno, fuck everything,

Andrea Mitchell.
Trump's energy policy doesn't make much sense to me. Basically he wants to drop regulations so energy companies like oil and gas can produce more, and of course probably export more as well. But the main issue with that is that will accelerate the drop of oil prices, right? At that point the oil companies will have less incentive to drill and they will lose money and therefor cost jobs.

Everyone besides a select nations are pursing renewable energies. Eventually oil will be in less of demand( they already are).

Trump's energy policy doesn't make much sense to me. Basically he wants to drop regulations so energy companies like oil and gas can produce more, and of course probably export more as well. But the main issue with that is that will accelerate the drop of oil prices, right? At that point the oil companies will have less incentive to drill and they will lose money and therefor cost jobs.

Everyone besides a select nations are pursing renewable energies. Eventually oil will be in less of demand( they already are).


None of his policies make any sense and none of them had thought given to them.


Trump's energy policy doesn't make much sense to me. Basically he wants to drop regulations so energy companies like oil and gas can produce more, and of course probably export more as well. But the main issue with that is that will accelerate the drop of oil prices, right? At that point the oil companies will have less incentive to drill and they will lose money and therefor cost jobs.

Everyone besides a select nations are pursing renewable energies. Eventually oil will be in less of demand( they already are).


Yeah, it's a bit dumb. OPEC don't like reducing oil production, so when Russia started producing more (given it's one of that country's few exports) supply and demand kicked-in. Once the US starts producing more, OPEC will continue to not-reduce production (because why would they?), and it'll tank the price even more. The problem is, if OPEC reduce production, it'll create a rise in oil prices, but the OPEC countries won't be able to take advantage of that price rise (due to lowered production). The Arab countries especially are seeing their economies nose-dive due to this chicken-and-egg situation. Oil as a means to drive the economy is pretty much old-news at this point.
Democrats did a horrible job of explaining how the energy industry has expanded during Obama, often because it's contrary to a lot of view on the environment. I'm not sure exactly what regulations need to be axed to further accelerate the process other than a pipeline or two. We already have more capacity than the market demands because we shut down things as prices drop.

Like really, would you have thought Obama would have greatly helped cure the US from a reliance on middle eastern oil? And via expanded production? Hah.
I'm slowly realizing that white people might have literally just fucked the planet.
It was already fucked, seriously. This just cements an accelerated rate of it getting fucked further.

Nelo Ice

Really though, Trump's terrible approval ratings are going to be a horrible thing for all Republican governors. Get someone in your state to run for governor, get someone in your district to run for House of Representatives, start planning this now. Even in Alabama or some shit, just throw shit at the wall in case of a Trump recession.

If you're in Wisconsin or Florida, be putting pressure on the party so they don't fuck this governor race up.
I'm gonna rehab my mental health over the weekend but I'm gonna tell all my friends in those states to get their asses volunteering.
Embracing the Andrew Jackson comparison...

The 1930s reference is insulting.

I don't know much about history, but some people said that Hitler did a similar thing will infrastructure. Rebuild the nation and got massively popular because of that. Steve Bannon may not be totally wrong when he said that he identify as a nationalist. He is a white nationalist, but he is trying to make it more about the US than about being white. Basically like Jacksonian Democracy, but combined with more nationalism.

I think he is one of those people that has big ideas, but doesn't know what much about politics enough to get his ideas passed. Once he saw Trump he took the opportunity , but again he probably has little knowledge about the inner workings of Washington and may find out that trying to push out his fantasies may be a little harder than he realized. I think he really wants the infrastructure bill to pass because it might help with the populism image.

I actually think the infrastructure bill might be hard to pass after the GOP push the tax reforms, though.

Regardless, he attached himself towards a man that while easily influenced, is a dumbass. On the subject on that, I think Trump has no ideology whatsoever and most of his ideas are influenced by people close to him. I think some people in his family here Democrats that was probably the reason he was one anyway.

Yeah, it's a bit dumb. OPEC don't like reducing oil production, so when Russia started producing more (given it's one of that country's few exports) supply and demand kicked-in. Once the US starts producing more, OPEC will continue to not-reduce production (because why would they?), and it'll tank the price even more. The problem is, if OPEC reduce production, it'll create a rise in oil prices, but the OPEC countries won't be able to take advantage of that price rise (due to lowered production). The Arab countries especially are seeing their economies nose-dive due to this chicken-and-egg situation. Oil as a means to drive the economy is pretty much old-news at this point.

Saudi Arabia is trying to diversify because they might see what is coming.


Look for news in the next 4 years about the Trump Organization getting a billion dollar interest-free loan from the Russian state bank, right around the time when US sanctions against Russia are lifted.


I'm not a big fan of "morality" per se, but I've been theorizing that part of the apathy regarding fake news from the tech world is partly a manifestation of compamies hiring talented, but amoral people. The boderline misogynist beginnings of Facebook are well known. Moot has a job at Google. Numerous grey-hat hackers land lobs at Apple and Microsoft, and even the government.
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