It sucks that I can't talk to anyone about the concerns I have and madness that's going about Trump and co. My mom doesnt talk politics, my dad is a hard-right conservative who watches Fox and listens to Mark Levin religiously, and my brother is 14 so he doesn't care and dad is already getting him to believe that right-wing radio bullshit
Thank god I'm on GAF. I've never been so engrossed in following and reading about politics; I'm scared for the country's future. Every new thread about some insane new development just makes me angry. That's good though. I dont want to become numb to this craziness or make jokes about it.
That really blows =(. I'm lucky I guess: Born into a very liberal family (immediate anyway) Mother was a super Hillary support, my Dad was also quite pro Hillary. The biggest tension, of which there wasn't much, was back during the Primary as both my Brother and I were big into Bernie. My wife can't vote (Immigrant with Green Card) so she has next to zero opinions on the election (although she hates Trump) So family wise the worst of this has been seeing my mother become absolutely crushed. She's so downtrodden and broken now. Seems constantly depressed and my Dad has the rather unfortunate habbit of always watching the news at night. Meaning when she comes downstairs to be with him she gets to hear all about Trump for hours. I kinda wish my Dad would maybe get a clue.
As friends go I only really have two best friends I chat with on a regular basis. My best friend is a working class guy. Works two jobs, a fishing self-employed/home repair/landscape modeling gig thing and a job at a local paint and tile supply store. During the primary he almost wanted to vote Trump to stick it to Hillary (he has this odd idea that Hillary was out to get him and screw him over in favor of ensuring jobs for women and minorities, like literally get him fired so they could swoop in and take his job.) He's a good guy, but he's always been the somewhat crazy paranoid type (I found out like two years ago he actually believes in a secret organization, I guess the Illuminati, secretly running the entire world). Anyway, again, he's a good, friendly guy. I think I did manage to talk him out of voting Trump (We're in MA so it wouldn't really have mattered anyway) and I think he eventually settled on Gary Johnson, but we never talked Politics again before the election, so I have no idea if he went back to Trump or not. He was also one of those guys who wanted Bernie, and when he didn't get Bernie switched, briefly, to Trump. I think he just doesn't trust the government period.
My other friend is much more of a liberal. Wanted Bernie, settled for Hillary and was increasingly afraid of a Trump win. Trump's victory kinda shattered him. He was super afraid the night of, so was his new girlfriend, etc. Haven't really gotten the chance to talk with him since.
So for me the worst I deal with is ensuring I don't discuss politics with my best friend who's already got, uh, interesting views on politics anyway, and dealing with the abject terror and defeat both my Mother and other best friend suffer from.
Personally I'm still angry. I'm angry Trump's core racist/bigoted base. I'm disappointed and saddened by Trump's less enthused supporters who ignored everything ugly and disgusting about the man (the woman who's cut my hair for, well, basically my whole life went Trump. Never going back there now.) I'm frustrated with the voters who didn't understand that Trump's nomination meant that we didn't have the choice we thought this year. This wasn't a year about Republican vs Democrat status quo, or voting against the government. This was a year about fighting back the very evil and bigoted hate that still lies within our country. I'm frustrated with the protesters who didn't bother to vote and are only upset now. I mean, great, protests are awesome, but come on with the hypocrisy.
I'm frustrated at all the finger pointing from Hillary supporters, to Bernie supporters and I just hope that once all the data is in, and the narrative settled people will finally stop inviting and get ready to push Trump and the Republicans back in 2018 and 2020.
Feeling a lot of anger right now. And fear. But most of all, I'm feeling a crushing disappointment towards the members of my family who not only fell for this madman, but continue to shush and poo poo my worries about the words and actions of him and his surrogates. This is frightening. People are in true denial. And I don't know if anything can actually wrest them from it.
I'm so sad for America.
I am too. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in my country. I'm not even someone who has to deal with the consequences of any of this really. I live in MA, upper middle class family, my father is basically supporting me and my wife while I get my writing career off the ground. There's little worry anything Trump can do will affect me or my Wife in any real way. Even so I'm enraged this even happened, I'm enraged at how stupid people are, and I'm enraged at the bastards who generate fact news for cash grabs and don't give a damn how that promotes the idiocy of the uneducated masses.
I absolutely abhor the idea of anyone coming to suffer because of this and wish, really wish there was something in my power I could do to ensure tides change in 2-4 years. Best I can really hope for is whatever I have to say in my books gets attention. It sucks to feel so powerless, so unable to help anyone, even if I know there's a very real possibility they will suffer.