I always wondered if there was a way to make a 6,000 person congress work using the original maximum of 1 seat per 50,000 people, given the current era of technology. It would be very different, but I don't think it would necessarily be worse.
It feels like Jewish center-left journalists have become more hard-line after the wild anti-Semitism thrown at them the last 18 months.
I mean, Matt Yglesias and Jonathan Chait haven't changed their policy beliefs, but have become more accepting of "Democrats should do nothing but attempt to block Trump at all times."
It's over guys. The court is gone for a generation. Unless by some miracle Trump is a one term Pres and the liberal wing holds on for dear life. Highly unlikely. Not to mention the uphill battle voters will face in 2020 with WI-like voter laws all over the place and enforced by the White House too.http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/gop-supreme-court-filibuster-nuclear-option-231582
Fuck the GOP and what they did to Garland, now they're vowing this?
Obama please. Appointment Garland in the recess. On the eyes of history, there will be no negative consequences to this.
Effing. Do. It.
No, Zionism is the belief that Israel should be a Jewish state, all Jews should return and protected at all costs
But that is what Huckabee and Evangelicals believe
I think people are understating how close this election really was.
Jeff Sessions along with Ted Cruz is trying to severely restrict the H1b and F1 visa program. Without these programs, the IT/tech/engineering industry will suffocate and most likely die or shift overseas. Here's an article from March on Sessions-Cruz' "The American Jobs First Act of 2015" bill.
Yes. Makes me want to leave this site alone. Jesus, shut the fuck up people. You got 4 years of it. Deal with it.OT is fucking insane w the ratio of Trump and alt-right/racism/white nationalism topics...
Yes. Makes me want to leave this site alone. Jesus, shut the fuck up people. You got 4 years of it. Deal with it.
80k goes a lot further in red states too.Re: towns that flipped in NJ.
Rural =/= poor. I live in Gloucester, one of the townships to flip. The most proud Trump supporters own acres of farmland where they built their McMansion (anecdotal). I just checked and the town neighboring mine, Mantua, has a median income of 80k. Not mega rich but they ain't hurting.
When can we expect a full post-mortem?
Yes. Makes me want to leave this site alone. Jesus, shut the fuck up people. You got 4 years of it. Deal with it.
Yes. Makes me want to leave this site alone. Jesus, shut the fuck up people. You got 4 years of it. Deal with it.
This is the new normal. Get used to it.
It's every other thread it seems. I didn't vote for Trump either, yet I'm tired of hearing about it. All these threads are headlines on every news site that everyone visits. I come here for leisure, gaming news, and comedy. Not fucking Trump Trump Trump.You don't want people to talk about fucking white nationalist taking over the government? This shit ain't going to be wished away.
It's every other thread it seems. I didn't vote for Trump either, yet I'm tired of hearing about it. All these threads are headlines on every news site that everyone visits. I come here for leisure, gaming news, and comedy. Not fucking Trump Trump Trump.
Thank you.
Yes. Makes me want to leave this site alone. Jesus, shut the fuck up people. You got 4 years of it. Deal with it.
I think you should tooi think you should leave, honestly. Bye.
I think you should too
My barber was just talking about Nintendo Switch. He can't wait for it to come out.
When Trump wipes his ass, please let me know.Nah im gonna stay here and post all the newsworthy Trump shit that happens for the next four years, and engage in discussion on it.
It's over guys. The court is gone for a generation. Unless by some miracle Trump is a one term Pres and the liberal wing holds on for dear life. Highly unlikely. Not to mention the uphill battle voters will face in 2020 with WI-like voter laws all over the place and enforced by the White House too.
So much stuff died on the 8th.
Last guy who tried that did not have it go well for him.Theoretically speaking, outside of not having the guts to do it, what would prevent a future democratic president and Congress from expanding the court to 13 justices?
Last guy who tried that did not have it go well for him.
We could do that. But it would set a precedent for sure. We'd need a huge wave election and the political will to make it happen, but if the Trump SCOTUS completely guts everything from Roe to voting rights, it might be worth it. Even adding 2 justices could work.Theoretically speaking, outside of not having the guts to do it, what would prevent a future democratic president and Congress from expanding the court to 13 justices?
Co-signedI'm going to be nice and ignore the not so stealth thread whining, this is what you get for around half the US voting for this idiot. Minor annoyance.
Other people get deportation and the loss of healthcare access.
So maybe consider yourself hashtag blessed.
Hopium? Bullshit
FDR didn't have the support of Congress tho.
Obama would have been if he had congress on his side for more than 2 years.Man.
Election night I was off the rails and posted about FDR and Lincoln
We need another FDR. Love that man.
I'm still not sure what to make of Hillary barely winning my state (New Hampshire). I'm glad she did, but what the small margin means for 2020 I'm not sure. I'd like to think it means nothing has really changed: only a slight shift back toward the center, which is appropriate for a swing state. Maybe I should just feel good there were enough people here to reject Trump's bigotry. I thought that would be the case in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
The situation across the border in Maine seems more concerning for Democrats. The state went from Obama winning it by >15% to Hillary carrying it by only 2.7% and losing CD2. Like in the Rust Belt there must have been a lot of Obama voters who went for Trump. The switch just feels so strange to me I still can't quite wrap my head around it. All I can think is how these voters must have been so attached to his message, especially about being an outsider, they were willing to ignore all the toxicity he spewed.
Putin's foreign policy adviser says after 30-min phone call w/ Trump, the Kremlin's still not entirely sure what his position is on Ukraine
Obama would have been if he had congress on his side for more than 2 years.
Trump is completely incomprehensible to foreign leaders due to his stupidity and I have no idea how that will affect foreign affairs.
Obama was too nice and concerned with the "rules" to be an FDR.Obama would have been if he had congress on his side for more than 2 years.
Why the Republicans really nuke the filibuster? Wouldn't that hurt them as well, in the future?
Well I deactivated my fb. And the nightmares just keep coming. Just watched fantastic beasts. Think I'll drown myself in escapism this weekend. I'm in a bad place again.
I'm still not sure what to make of Hillary barely winning my state (New Hampshire). I'm glad she did, but what the small margin means for 2020 I'm not sure. I'd like to think it means nothing has really changed: only a slight shift back toward the center, which is appropriate for a swing state. Maybe I should just feel good there were enough people here to reject Trump's bigotry. I thought that would be the case in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
The situation across the border in Maine seems more concerning for Democrats. The state went from Obama winning it by >15% to Hillary carrying it by only 2.7% and losing CD2. Like in the Rust Belt there must have been a lot of Obama voters who went for Trump. The switch just feels so strange to me I still can't quite wrap my head around it. All I can think is how these voters must have been so attached to his message, especially about being an outsider, they were willing to ignore all the toxicity he spewed.