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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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It sucks that I can't talk to anyone about the concerns I have and madness that's going about Trump and co. My mom doesnt talk politics, my dad is a hard-right conservative who watches Fox and listens to Mark Levin religiously, and my brother is 14 so he doesn't care and dad is already getting him to believe that right-wing radio bullshit

Thank god I'm on GAF. I've never been so engrossed in following and reading about politics; I'm scared for the country's future. Every new thread about some insane new development just makes me angry. That's good though. I dont want to become numb to this craziness or make jokes about it.



Yep this is a tactic Trump's camp will use efficiently. By putting out intentionally false rumors the media reports it and then discredit themselves. As long as Trump is supported by the Republicans and he discredits the media, he will be able to do very little regarding his policies, especially those relating to the economy, and just lie to keep being praised by his supporters. He can just say some jobs were created, factories saved, anything, and even if it's completely false he'll maintain or gain support.




Feeling a lot of anger right now. And fear. But most of all, I'm feeling a crushing disappointment towards the members of my family who not only fell for this madman, but continue to shush and poo poo my worries about the words and actions of him and his surrogates. This is frightening. People are in true denial. And I don't know if anything can actually wrest them from it.

I'm so sad for America.

Nelo Ice

I completely feel ya there. We should be alarmed and make noise about this, but you also have to take care of your mental health. Gotta rest up to fight, right. So take some time for yourself
Well Obama did say to take another week to grieve. Guess I'll take that as a guideline. But yeah as a minority I'm getting shivers down my spine and I'm even more scared for everyone else whose life may be ruined. Its like I want to stand up and fight for me and everyone else but logically it looks hopeless. But yeah guess I should shut down from the internet for awhile and play video games or watch Netflix. Anything to distract me from this pain and so I don't have a complete mental breakdown.


Well Obama did say to take another week to grieve. Guess I'll take that as a guideline. But yeah as a minority I'm getting shivers down my spine and I'm even more scared for everyone else whose life may be ruined. Its like I want to stand up and fight for me and everyone else but logically it looks hopeless. But yeah guess I should shut down from the internet for awhile and play video games or watch Netflix. Anything to distract me from this pain and so I don't have a complete mental breakdown.

I don't have that perspective, and I definitely understand why you are more afraid. Just know that many of us stand with you and will not stand for this surge of bigotry.

I think I'm going to join the NAACP, or find another way I can do something positive.


With both being so unliked and four years of assumed hell am I wrong for thinking this should be an easy dem win in 2020 with someone halfway charismatic and the hindsight to not skip rural America? I am not super smart with demographic stuff but I don't see this happening again?

Also local dem organizations have had a bunch of contact of people wanting to help and volunteer. Hope this lit a fire under some asses. Sure did to me.
With both being so unliked and four years of assumed hell am I wrong for thinking this should be an easy dem win in 2020 with someone halfway charismatic and the hindsight to not skip rural America? I am not super smart with demographic stuff but I don't see this happening again?

Also local dem organizations have had a bunch of contact of people wanting to help and volunteer. Hope this lit a fire under some asses. Sure did to me.

Depends on if Trump manages to start a war with Iran in 2018 or 2019 that people rally around the president for.

And it depends on if elections are canceled or not!


Why the Republicans really nuke the filibuster? Wouldn't that hurt them as well, in the future?

Once the Death Star is complete, God Emperor Trump plans on disbanding the Senate. Regional governors will now have direct control over their states. Fear will keep them in line. Fear of this battle station.


Depends on if Trump manages to start a war with Iran in 2018 or 2019 that people rally around the president for.

And it depends on if elections are canceled or not!
Both are real fears I have thought about. I don't see the us supporting a war with Iran we instigate.

The second one worries me. State of emergency over false voter fraud claims.

Nelo Ice

I don't have that perspective, and I definitely understand why you are more afraid. Just know that many of us stand with you and will not stand for this surge of bigotry.

I think I'm going to join the NAACP, or find another way I can do something positive.
Yeah I'm not one of the "targeted" minorities but I'm Filipino. Even here in CA I'm looking over my back and at times afraid to be in public and that's never happened before. Yeah I've been shaken to my core. I've never felt like a second class citizen in the country I was born in until now. Feels like I'm going insane except the fear may be warranted if that makes any sense.


With both being so unliked and four years of assumed hell am I wrong for thinking this should be an easy dem win in 2020 with someone halfway charismatic and the hindsight to not skip rural America? I am not super smart with demographic stuff but I don't see this happening again?

Also local dem organizations have had a bunch of contact of people wanting to help and volunteer. Hope this lit a fire under some asses. Sure did to me.

Hard to say. Obama did such a great job that it's possible the economy will still hum along regardless of what Trump does. And if he gets his Infradtructure bill it might give a short boost, even if in the end it does little to actually improve infrastructure and just lines rich people's pockets.

Mix in a few horrendous racist policies to satiate his base, and he might get similar turnout as last time or more.


With both being so unliked and four years of assumed hell am I wrong for thinking this should be an easy dem win in 2020 with someone halfway charismatic and the hindsight to not skip rural America? I am not super smart with demographic stuff but I don't see this happening again?

Also local dem organizations have had a bunch of contact of people wanting to help and volunteer. Hope this lit a fire under some asses. Sure did to me.

After this election, I don't think it's safe or even smart to assume anything about politics ever again.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
One of my fears is that there's a number of super cheap tricks Trump could invoke to get his supporters re-energized to vote again even if he delivers on absolutely nothing they want between now and then.

He could make a show of finally beginning construction on The Wall for example, in his re-election year. A ground breaking ceremony, survey teams, engineering firms brought in and given a contract. Suddenly it seems as if Trump has to get a second term, or the great work won't be completed. Surely a dastardly liberal devil would halt all that work immediately, just when it's finally getting started!


She has lifetime Secret Service protection and as horrible as Trump is I doubt he wants to physically harm her.

No, but he could make her life a living hell with continuing investigations. Trump seems like he would use his government position to persecute his "enemies", real or imagined. And therein lies the problem; Trump has a wild imagination.

Mike M

Nick N
So what happens if Trump decides to revoke the WH press credentials of any outfit that dares criticize him? Would they have any recourse to prevent him from just paring it down to outlets he deems favorable?


No, but he could make her life a living hell with continuing investigations. Trump seems like he would use his government position to persecute his "enemies", real or imagined. And therein lies the problem; Trump has a wild imagination.
He won't do anything to clinton. He will let her enjoy the rest of her life.


So what happens if Trump decides to revoke the WH press credentials of any outfit that dares criticize him? Would they have any recourse to prevent him from just paring it down to outlets he deems favorable?

You'd get media protests against Trump.

Trump wants a confrontation with them, but not that, I don't think. He wants to discredit them, not show that he's afraid of them.
So what happens if Trump decides to revoke the WH press credentials of any outfit that dares criticize him? Would they have any recourse to prevent him from just paring it down to outlets he deems favorable?

I feel like this would hurt him significantly more than it would help; a lot of WH press corps reports are literally just repeating the Administration's line, kicking them out would lead to a lot fewer "Press Secretary said this" and a lot more "White House claims etc. BUT..." stories.


Considering what Ivanka is doing with her shoe factory, I'm probably assuming Trump really isn't all that anti-free trade...Unless it's for his benefit only.
Can you undo an account deletion? Shinra, Kev?

Considering what Ivanka is doing with her shoe factory, I'm probably assuming Trump really isn't all that anti-free trade...Unless it's for his benefit only.

Trump has criticized free trade consistently since 1986. Hating free trade and black people are the only consistent opinions Trump has had.

Trump doesn't mind outsourcing, but he views trade as a game and thinks that deficits means you're losing the game and thus he hates free trade because the U.S. posts deficits. It's a really bizarre worldview, but it's probably shared by like 40% of the population.


Can you undo an account deletion? Shinra, Kev?

Trump has criticized free trade consistently since 1986. Hating free trade and black people are the only consistent opinions Trump has had.

Trump doesn't mind outsourcing, but he views trade as a game and thinks that deficits means you're losing the game and thus he hates free trade because the U.S. posts deficits. It's a really bizarre worldview, but it's probably shared by like 40% of the population.

Causes trade deficits.
Hates trade deficits.


It looks like hilary may be heading for a 3.5 million lead in CA now which is a record.She may do better than Obama did in 2012 in the state once all of the votes are counted in terms of total votes.


People bewailing the rudeness of booing Pence are craven like nothing else. Pay attention to those names, they won't stand against shit.
This is the first administration since the U.S. got nukes where no one is connected to reality.


Seriously, General Michael Flynn is a deranged human being and he's advising a man with the nuclear codes. Harry Kissinger was a terrible person, but he understood the world. Flynn... doesn't.

Sleep tight, everyone!

People bewailing the rudeness of booing Pence are craven like nothing else. Pay attention to those names, they won't stand against shit.

It's like Morning Joe and one guy.
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