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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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I'm not a big fan of "morality" per se, but I've been theorizing that part of the apathy regarding fake news from the tech world is partly a manifestation of companies hiring talented, but amoral people. The boderline misogynist beginnings of Facebook are well known. Moot has a job at Google. Numerous grey-hat hackers land lobs at Apple and Microsoft, and even the government.

Google and Facebook are Silicon Valley companies, and the culture in the Valley is heavily against any government regulation of any type (interferes with start-ups) and strongly economic and social libertarian (young, educated white/asian men). It's bad to an extreme and that's why you get such baffling, craven behavior from those companies (Google to a much lesser extent) and Twitter/Reddit.

Microsoft (disclaimer: proud employee) is old tech company and based out of Seattle. If it was MS or Amazon with these issues I think that it would be handled differently than the way the Valley companies are handling it.
I'm not a big fan of "morality" per se, but I've been theorizing that part of the apathy regarding fake news from the tech world is partly a manifestation of compamies hiring talented, but amoral people. The boderline misogynist beginnings of Facebook are well known. Moot has a job at Google. Numerous grey-hat hackers land lobs at Apple and Microsoft, and even the government.

Moot isn't really "Amoral," he curated content for 4chan as much as possible over his tenure, banned people for being racists and sexists as per the rules which, while not as stringent as GAF (and only because better mod presence), still lean toward the "don't be a dick" sort. /pol/ for instance was removed four times before being reinstated, because it would get as bad as it is now, and he made clear that open racism and sexism do not belong there.

Now moot isn't pulling the strings and Japanese moot doesn't care.

Without a real mod presence, 4chan goes to shit. Political correctness and the complaints of it definitely originated from there -- but it was always clear that "political correctness" didn't mean "racist, sexism, bigoted bullshit."

Now? ...Not anymore. :/


Definitely sounds like good advice. Thinking about it I'd wondered similar during the months up to the election, wondering if punching Trump on his horrible plans and lack of stances was a good idea. But like many I got too caught up in seeing Trump hammered for his abhorrent attitude that those concerns slipped from my mind. Ugh.

Politico did a roundtable with a group of GOP strategists, and one of them -- I think Jeff Roe, Cruz's former campaign manager -- mentioned how the Dems fucked up by not attacking Republicans enough on policy, and instead made the election more of a referendum on Donald Trump than on Paul Ryan's Ayn Rand fetish.

We know that was a deliberate strategy of the Clinton's campaign -- to isolate Trump from the rest of the party in a bid to pick up moderate Republicans and undecideds -- and if it worked, we'd probably look at it as some genius move that won a broad cross-election of Democratic and Republican voters. As it was, because so many of those voters ended up breaking for Trump anyway, they dragged many incumbent Republicans along the finish line without being told why Republican policies are going to crush them.

Guess they'll find out soon enough, I suppose.


I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

I can't take this for four years.


I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

I can't take this for four years.

I can't take it now and he's not even in office yet.


I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

I can't take this for four years.

He is Zaphod Beeblebrox, don't focus on him. Congress and administration are now a black box. Judge what comes out of it.
I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

What. A. Twat.

Rebel Leader


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump now
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!


Ridiculous if he is tweeting about that Hamilton stuff already, and distorting what it was, yet still has done little or nothing in response to all the hate crime upswing and concerns like what the Hamilton crew spoke on.

Holding out hope that if there hasn't been enough to convince them already, that Trump and/or Pence do something really stupid before being confirmed and the electors pick someone else out of disgust.


I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

I can't take this for four years.

or eight!

Rebel Leader



Still time for an election audit: Column

We know that the national results could be tipped by manipulating the vote count in a relatively small number of jurisdictions — a few dozen spread across a few key states. We know that the vast majority of local elections officials have limited resources to detect or defend against cyberattacks. And while pre-election polls have large uncertainties, they were consistently off. And various aspects of the preliminary results, such as a high rate of undervotes for president, have aroused suspicion.

Computers counted the vast majority of the 130 million votes cast in this year's election. Even without hacking, mistakes are inevitable. Computers can’t divine voter intent perfectly; computers can be misconfigured; and software can have bugs.

Did human error, computer glitches, hacking, or other problems change the outcome? While there is, as yet, no compelling evidence, the news about hacking and deliberate interference makes it worth finding out.

About 25% of voters used machines that do not generate a paper trail. Any hacking, glitches or other errors that affected their votes could be undetectable. But the other 75% of the vote, including the key states of Michigan and Wisconsin, could be double-checked in various ways.



I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!

I can't take this for four years.
He doesn't deserve to be President.

He's going to be the leader of the free world and he's actually wasting time complaining about having to settle. He's lucky that his status and now the Presidency basically makes him immune from jail.

There are so many challenges we face and he's still acting like a loser on social media.
#NameAPenceMusical Is starting to trend. Sand outs:

Annie get your gun without a background check

Rent, but not to those people

The KKKing and I

Lying King
People on twitter saying pence going to see hamilton is a ploy to distract people from other trump things

These woke people dont realize that this is how its going to be for the next 4 years. Everwhere trump or pence go will be met with hate
People on twitter saying pence going to see hamilton is a ploy to distract people from other trump things

These woke people dont realize that this is how its going to be for the next 4 years. Everwhere trump or pence go will be met with hate

Unless they show up in a corn field.
I've been looking at Bannon. His message is economic in nature. He allows some people to wrap their hate under economic anxiety. If you listen to him talk his message to this voter is coded in many ways, but is overtly economic and subtle white nationalist. The fact that they'll be in government forces them to deliver.

Going forward we need to listen and learn from Bernie on this message, he's a key asset for what's to come.

The funny thing, the establishment is what you become after you win power. The goal will be to blindside them from the economic side to capture enough of their voters.


I've been looking at Bannon. His message is economic in nature. He allows some people to wrap their hate under economic anxiety. If you listen to him talk his message to this voter is coded in many ways, but is overtly economic and subtle white nationalist. The fact that they'll be in government forces them to deliver.

Going forward we need to listen and learn from Bernie on this message, he's a key asset for what's to come.

The funny thing, the establishment is what you become after you win power. The goal will be to blindside them from the economic side to capture enough of their voters.

Trump's voters are gonna be among the first to feel the brunt of his policies: trade wars and tariffs that spike the prices of consumer goods, tax cuts for the wealthy that hurt lower-income families, the gutting or elimination of Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security, financial sector deregulation that will inevitably lead to another recession (not that we aren't already heading for one already), etc. All the while there will be no revival of U.S. manufacturing jobs, no end to the opioid/heroin epidemic, no infrastructure investments and certainly no wall.
Trump's voters are gonna be among the first to feel the brunt of his policies: trade wars and tariffs that spike the prices of consumer goods, tax cuts for the wealthy that hurt lower-income families, the gutting or elimination of Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security, financial sector deregulation that will inevitably lead to another recession (not that we aren't already heading for one already), etc. All the while there will be no revival of U.S. manufacturing jobs, no end to the opioid/heroin epidemic, no infrastructure investments and certainly no wall.

If this happens, rather likely, Democrats need to be ready to pounce.
What has happened to masculinity in the western world is a tragedy.

Toxic masculinity has always been horrible, but at least there were some positive aspects of masculinity.

But now men decided that "masculinity" is represented by a guy who is constantly offended by minorities asking him to be nicer and is constantly offended by minor criticism. What happened?

Not sure if a more hypocritical public figure, and one utterly lacking completely in self-awareness, has ever existed.

Apologize for what? The message was utterly respectful. He wants "safe spaces" now? Coming from someone who has lobbed grenades at everyone, crossing every line imaginable, lies through his teeth, insults and bullies, sexually assaults, and has smeared and attempted to delegitimatize the current President? Thin-skinned fuck. Amazing how the same people who also are pretending to be offended by this are the same ones who called Obama a Muslim, homosexual, communist monkey for 8 years.



I can't believe that's what he went with. I can't believe they're letting him run his own Twitter account again. It would have been so easy for him and Pence to essentially respond with "We hear their concerns and are committed to running America in a way that is for all Americans."

He didn't have to mean it, just... Is it not Humanity 101 to respond to "We are your people, and we are scared." with something other than "Uppity peons dared speak out of turn; this is unacceptable!"

Winning the goddamned Presidency of the United States apparently isn't enough to soothe his ego for even a couple of weeks, it's back to getting bruised at every perceived slight.
I'm not a big fan of "morality" per se, but I've been theorizing that part of the apathy regarding fake news from the tech world is partly a manifestation of compamies hiring talented, but amoral people. The boderline misogynist beginnings of Facebook are well known. Moot has a job at Google. Numerous grey-hat hackers land lobs at Apple and Microsoft, and even the government.

Tech is the Wild West. Sure, you'd like to hire only good, upstanding sheriffs to handle that region, but they don't exist at the level you need. Sort of how you needed a person who was a great gunslinger to be sheriff in the Old West, and the only good gunslingers were bandits. So you grab one of them and pay them off to shoot up other bandits, which is better than there being no sheriffs at all.

In tech, the only top-level coders are people who learned this shit in the fires of illegal activity. Eventually it'll get better, but not right now.


Why is the news using "fiery" to describe General Michael Flynn?

"Mentally unstable" is the correct description. Flynn is not a normal person.

A West Virginian official called Michelle Obama "an ape in high heals" and instead of saying the remarks were racist, they said they were "controversial."

Our media fucking sucks.
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