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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Michael Flynn is the type of guy who screams at security informants until Chris Christie has to calm him down.

Michael Flynn is the type of guy to retweet InfoWars stuff and Nazi memes.

Michael Flynn is the type of guy to get fired from his government job just for being an asshole.

... This is not "fiery" this is being a deranged person.


Even now, more than a week later, I'm still recovering from the shock.

It's just amazing to me how much we zigged when we expected to zag. We were supposed to elect the most progressive platform in history. Instead, the republican party is the most powerful it's been since 1928.

Such a dark twist couldn't have been made more perfectly if it was written by GRRM.


I hate that he uses his Twitter as his own spin machine


If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Trump picking a fight with the Hamilton cast will now play for attention in the media. Meanwhile the truly heinous shit he's doing will float on by.

I don't know what's more despicable: that he does this or that we keep letting him.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Trump picking a fight with the Hamilton cast will now play for attention in the media. Meanwhile the truly heinous shit he's doing will float on by.

I don't know what's more despicable: that he does this or that we keep letting him.

I mean, no one in the media cared about Trump settling for defrauding his students yesterday. I don't think this is to distract from anything, he's just a thin-skinned prick.
I can't believe that's what he went with. I can't believe they're letting him run his own Twitter account again. It would have been so easy for him and Pence to essentially respond with "We hear their concerns and are committed to running America in a way that is for all Americans."

He didn't have to mean it, just... Is it not Humanity 101 to respond to "We are your people, and we are scared." with something other than "Uppity peons dared speak out of turn; this is unacceptable!"

Winning the goddamned Presidency of the United States apparently isn't enough to soothe his ego for even a couple of weeks, it's back to getting bruised at every perceived slight.

He was just rewarded in the biggest way possible by acting like a bullish asshole who "tells it like it is" for over a year. Why would he ever even contemplate being delicate with his words? He thinks he's President of just the #MAGA crowd.

EDIT: The media was already doing a shit job of covering his cabinet picks and settlement even without a distraction.
I can't believe that's what he went with. I can't believe they're letting him run his own Twitter account again. It would have been so easy for him and Pence to essentially respond with "We hear their concerns and are committed to running America in a way that is for all Americans."

He didn't have to mean it, just... Is it not Humanity 101 to respond to "We are your people, and we are scared." with something other than "Uppity peons dared speak out of turn; this is unacceptable!"

Winning the goddamned Presidency of the United States apparently isn't enough to soothe his ego for even a couple of weeks, it's back to getting bruised at every perceived slight.

Like, I'm not a doctor. But I help keep sex offenders locked up so I know a bit about personality disorders. I would be shocked if this dude would pass a psychological evaluation. He exhibits all the signs of antisocial personality disorder and he's a sexual pervert.

If he were born into different circumstances the dude would be probably be locked up for something, probably a sex crime. Instead he's President. America.

Dongnald gives his unbiased evaluation of the president of Canada
In a no-holds barred interview with a Canadian magazine to be published next month, Donald Trump claims that despite being only in the job for less than year, Trudeau is “easily Canada’s worst president yet.”

“Honestly I think he’s done a terrible job so far,” Trump observed when questioned about Trudeau, and later tweeted: “He should be ashamed to call himself the President of Canada.”
(Reminder: Trump has a 156 rated IQ which technically qualifies him as a genius, and probably smarter than you)

Rick Santorum on Canada
“You’re governed by a bunch of liberals up here who have different agendas. They have the green agenda. They have an immigration agenda. They have agendas that are not the Trump agenda – because they are not in the best interests of working people in Canada and they’re not in the best interests of working people in the United States.”
Lol these people run our country now gg


I'm pretty sure we need to send Obama, Ellison, and Dean up to Canada for a few weeks to get a blueprint on how to engineer a wave election from Trudeau's crew.


So if we say that the way to win against demagogues is to treat them like a normal political opponent then how do we get out giving our attention to the baiting done by the Trump administration?

There's no way that they don't see what would have happened with Pence going to a Hamilton show. This is definitely deliberate, and he provoked the responses they wanted. But there's no way we can ignore what is happening and this is such an easy way to take away the nation's attention. The media will cover it and cable news media will slather all over it because it's pretty much like clickbait. Instead of talking about his nominations over the weekend we'll be talking about how "controversial" it is for Pence to go to a musical.
There's this super racist county in Kentucky that overwhelmingly voted for Romney and Trump (Clay County) that has 60% of its people on Medicaid who are now scared about losing their Medicaid and people are using this to say "How bad are the Dems at this?!?"

... Guys, it's Kentucky. Of course they care more about hating black people than their entitlements.

There's no way that they don't see what would have happened with Pence going to a Hamilton show. This is definitely deliberate, and he provoked the responses they wanted. But there's no way we can ignore what is happening and this is such an easy way to take away the nation's attention. The media will cover it and cable news media will slather all over it because it's pretty much like clickbait. Instead of talking about his nominations over the weekend we'll be talking about how "controversial" it is for Pence to go to a musical.

He mocked a disabled reporter.

This is not a guy with a plan.
That tweet should remind you that, much like Trump's campaign, there isn't going to be a pivot.

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Trump picking a fight with the Hamilton cast will now play for attention in the media. Meanwhile the truly heinous shit he's doing will float on by.

I don't know what's more despicable: that he does this or that we keep letting him.

I mean I wish there was a pivot and Trump actually realized he has to govern for the whole country and not just his supporters, but in his feeble mind acting the way he did for got him elected so he'll just stay the course. The question is will the Trump zealots turn on him when they realize he's not keeping his promises and they're getting fucked, or will they keep supporting him because he's not a liberal and all liberals are evil?
He might not be (and I would debate that), but Bannon definitely has a plan.

Trump only won because the FBI decided to violate basic sense to send a bullshit letter. Trump spent the last four days of his campaign complaining that Jay Z could use the n-word and he couldn't. These are not super geniuses.


We talked about how Clinton should have talked more policy, and these distractions are one of the big reasons why we didn't talk more policy.

Trump only won because the FBI decided to violate basic sense to send a bullshit letter. Trump spent the last four days of his campaign complaining that Jay Z could use the n-word and he couldn't. These are not super geniuses.

I'm not saying that you did this, but when we talk Hillary assigning blame to Comey, there's people like, Hillary is just trying to deflect blame! And when we talk about why Trump won, FBI is the reason? I can't take this crap.
I don't think Republicans can actually comprehend the amount of resistance they are facing right now/over the next 4 years. They probably believe liberals just post hashtags on twitter or whatever and that these protests aren't actually real protests.
Getting Trump involved in Twitter wars is probably the best possible thing to do since it prevents him from doing other work.

How is Trump supposed to convince Republicans that getting rid of Medicare is Actually Good if at the State of the Union, he spends 30% of time talking about how Medicare is bad and then the other 70% talking about how mean people are to him?
I have reached peak fatigue with Trump's fantasy-land tweets. The novelty has worn off. Can we talk about why Bannon is still in the running and why nothing will stop that appointment? Or any other asshole Trump is mooting?


I have reached peak fatigue with Trump's fantasy-land tweets. The novelty has worn off. Can we talk about why Bannon is still in the running and why nothing will stop that appointment? Or any other asshole Trump is mooting?
IIRC it's not a confirmed position.


The California surplus is huge: up to 3.47 million votes. If only a little over 107k of them had lived in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...
California has some really interesting results, to me anyway. It's really a no man's land for Republicans now. Not only did Democrats take Orange county this time, but by 8% and they got 51% of the vote. Not only that, huge margins in the places that matter. Democrats got >70% in all Bay Area counties save for two (the ones I live in...) where it was >60% and >85% in San Francisco, >70% in Los Angeles, very comfortable margins in Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Orange, the Emerald Triangle... And Democrats were very efficient with their votes. All counties that were close went to them save for Butte, and all Republican counties are small and comfortably or (in some northern California counties) overwhelmingly Republican. But those votes are inefficient. What's it matter getting 60-70% of the vote in counties that total about <500k votes combined when Democrats are getting >70% in counties with millions of votes alone? The Republicans' biggest county left in the state is Kern. That's sad.
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