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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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No Scrubs
All foreign right wing politicians have been kissing Trump's ass. They don't want to cross him.

You kidding? He's like their messiah. Trump is proof they can take win and take real power, hell they may well think he's given them the blueprint for it.


You kidding? He's like their messiah. Trump is proof they can take win and take real power, hell they may well think he's given them the blueprint for it.

I don't doubt that but I know certain politicians like Theresa May, Jin Xiping and Putin are all brown nosing him because while they know Trump is a huge fool, his skin and temperament can take a swing for the worse in foreign affairs. The alt right and racists love Trump but those who don't like him would definitely have to basically beg on their knees and blow.
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No Scrubs
Romney literally looks like he just made a deal with the devil--and Trump literally looks like the devil he made the deal with.


Late responding. That's how you or I see it. The right will (and already are) will spin this as another reason to "temporarily" band all muslims.

Nuance is completely (intentionally) lost on the right. They will simplify things to its simplist and most damaging form. Muslim Man from Somalia attempted to murder people on a campus = all muslims should not be allowed to our country to prevent further attacks. In actuality you would need a book(s) explaining how best to respond to this and that is just not as digestible.

Thus why the right has brain washed so many. Their message is simple and fearful and both of those are very powerful tools to relay a message.

Yeah, and it's why fake stories are so easy to believe for so many. For one thing, they prey upon people's fears, and for another, they rely on people's unwillingness to seek more information and depth about the news the consume.

Odd thing related to this: My wife isn't huge on reading the news, because she wants more information about certain things (like, say, Arab/Israeli conflict), but news stories assume a good deal of prior knowledge. So, she's the kind-of opposite of the "fake story" rube - she might notice a headline that's inflammatory or biased, but she knows herself (and the situation) well enough to not assume that the story printed is all there is to it.
He added: "By the way, it's not easy winning. I know that myself. He did something I tried to do and was unsuccessful in accomplishing. He won the general election. And he continues with a message of inclusion and bringing people together and his vision is something which obviously connected with the American people in a very powerful way."

Go fuck yourself, Romney. You hypocritical, spineless twat.


Go fuck yourself, Romney. You hypocritical, spineless twat.

In this sense, I can see why Trump's message of outsider/draintheswamp was intriguing. Imagine a Trump PEOTUS who actually hired outside the DC political establishment or Wall Street, but were still people who had expertise. Greece did it when Yanis Varoufakis served as Finance minister, for example. Yes, still an "elite" in the sense of an intellectual, but outside of the normal politician. Thing is, it requires a good knowledge of people who are experts in their field but in the private or non-profit sector, and who are also willing to work for you.

It also requires not being a hypocritical dick who'll say anything to get elected, and then laugh at the chumps who bought your lies.
Tried a quote, didnt work.

It was about Chicago-Naperville-Elgin being a slice of regular Americans or something.

Its where Ive lived my whole life

I must be normal!


Neo Member
record scratch

"Yep, that's me. You might be wondering how I got into this mess..."
I love this so much.
I just really feel like Romney's trying to take one for the team going for SoS. I hope so anyway; he seems like one of the only cabinet considerations so far who's not a complete mess of a human being.


How many Trump surrogates or associated politicians do we have now that pull a 'I've made a huge mistake' face upon meeting with him at some point. It's quite a few now, no?


How many Trump surrogates or associated politicians do we have now that pull a 'I've made a huge mistake' face upon meeting with him at some point. It's quite a few now, no?

I thought nothing would beat the Christie gif, then along came the Ted Ceruz phonebanking picture.

Christie still comes off as the biggest loser though.


Caption This


Romney: "Good evening, and welcome to my new series exploring the inspiration behind some of the greatest songs in the world. Tonight: The Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil"... Lucifer, it's good to meet you at last."

(Yeah, I know Trump doesn't really scan with the lyrics of the song, but he genuinely looks evil there)


Ohhhhhh! We're actually going to find out what Trump's plan for ISIS is, right?

This might be one lie he can't avoid when it comes to his voters, especially if domestic terror cells that affiliate with ISIS continue to be an issue. He's certainly going to be a one-term president if he can't stem the tide of terrorist attacks on US soil.
Ohhhhhh! We're actually going to find out what Trump's plan for ISIS is, right?

This might be one lie he can't avoid when it comes to his voters, especially if domestic terror cells that affiliate with ISIS continue to be an issue. He's certainly going to be a one-term president if he can't stem the tide of terrorist attacks on US soil.
Nah, terrorist attacks tend to be the kind of thing Americans rally behind their president on. Expect a lot of "Trump is tough on turrur!" even if these start happening every week and it becomes blatantly obvious he isn't doing anything to stop it (and realistically, probably provoking it).

See: "Bush kept us safe" after the biggest terrorist attack in American history. The same people who lost their shit about Benghazi (which they tried and failed to sink Obama with, tried and sadly probably succeeded for Hillary) didn't make a peep during the Bush years when embassies were attacked and many more lives lost.

I think the way Democrats win in 2020 is if it becomes apparent to the people who voted Trump for "change" (hey guys, new political phrase - "Trump Change") realize it was a change for the worse. Domestic terrorist attacks happening could certainly facilitate that, but a failing economy would do it faster.
@2dAmMuslim: while dipshits debate settled constitutional law these guys will continue to pump out stories of heroically saving jobs

@2dAmMuslim: your civil liberties and entitlement programs will be paved over by a steady drip-drip of announcements of jobs saved by union-busting deals

The Carrier deal didn't shake me that much but the possibility of this happening constantly over the next 4 years is scary. especially since it'll happen right next to terribly fucked up things in the administration. the WWC will eat this up and ignore everything else as long as the economy isn't in the gutter.

Dems need to find a consistent opposition message to this and start laying the foundation. Or maybe people can roll over and talk about how "genius" Trump is instead.
Looks like someone at NBC talked to Joe about his Trump propaganda campaign. Joe is now waaay toned down compared to the past week. I'm also sure with the published reports of Joe advising Trump and having a bunch of cameras catching Mika at Trump Tower yesterday with a "deer in headlights" look made them realize they had to put the brakes on their blatant Trump fandom.


I think the way Democrats win in 2020 is if it becomes apparent to the people who voted Trump for "change" (hey guys, new political phrase - "Trump Change") realize it was a change for the worse. Domestic terrorist attacks happening could certainly facilitate that, but a failing economy would do it faster.

Yeah, you're right, but I do see (note: not want) a large-ish terror attack that pushes the economy over the edge coming.


The Carrier deal didn't shake me that much but the possibility of this happening constantly over the next 4 years is scary. especially since it'll happen right next to terribly fucked up things in the administration. the WWC will eat this up and ignore everything else as long as the economy isn't in the gutter.

Dems need to find a consistent opposition message to this and start laying the foundation. Or maybe people can roll over and talk about how "genius" Trump is instead.

For it to happen constantly, Trump and/or Pence has to go talk to these companies one-by-one. Whilst this is possible - and the perception of the Carrier "rescue" is sharper than the reality - it's not an economic policy, as has been noted on Twitter:
Justin Wolfers ‏@JustinWolfers 12h12 hours ago Ann Arbor, MI

Every savvy CEO will now threaten to ship jobs to Mexico, and demand a payment to stay. Great economic policy.

Short-term, it's a bad move, long-term, it's an even worse move. And that's before we get to the tax breaks that Trump is giving these companies, which will help sink the economy in various ways.

As always, it's perception v reality. It will need a bit of luck, but the dumbass electorate should be feeling the pain by 2020, if not 2018.
He can announce all the random factories he wants, he can't hide from unemployment numbers and hard job numbers data. He also can't hide from these people literally not having jobs.

Hillary had the same stories Trump is using about Obama. "He kept such and such factory open. Democrats helped created x jobs" and it didn't mean anything because these people were not the jobs that were created and they will continue to be because their jobs do not exist anymore and will never exist again.
Looks like someone at NBC talked to Joe about his Trump propaganda campaign. Joe is now waaay toned down compared to the past week. I'm also sure with the published reports of Joe advising Trump and having a bunch of cameras catching Mika at Trump Tower yesterday with a "deer in headlights" look made them realize they had to put the brakes on their blatant Trump fandom.

You're must be joking, they just talked about the Carrier deal and didn't bother to mention the tax breaks or how half will go to Mexico.

At best they're in the "let's work with him and give him a chance" mode. But I think they're ass kissing for access.


He can announce all the random factories he wants, he can't hide from unemployment numbers and hard job numbers data. He also can't hide from these people literally not having jobs.

Hillary had the same stories Trump is using about Obama. "He kept such and such factory open. Democrats helped created x jobs" and it didn't mean anything because these people were not the jobs that were created and they will continue to be because their jobs do not exist anymore and will never exist again.

Yeah, whilst I say it's about perception, if only half of Carrier's 2000 jobs are saved, then that's 1000 people added to the unemployment count, and 1000 people who voted for Trump to save their jobs and he didn't. It's going to be the reality of that that hits Trump's support.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Mnuchin is on record saying the top-earners will not get a tax cut and analysts are saying the tax plan will be like Romney's in 2012.

Yet another flip-flop.


The Seattle Times Verified account

The counties in Washington that rely most heavily on Obamacare voted for Trump, who vows to get rid of it: http://st.news/2fPfoyf

You're must be joking, they just talked about the Carrier deal and didn't bother to mention the tax breaks or how half will go to Mexico.

At best they're in the "let's work with him and give him a chance" mode. But I think they're ass kissing for access.

They were waaaay worse the previous days. Way worse. That's why CNN called them out.

Anyway, I agree saving a random factory here and there is hardly an economic plan. We need to create 200-250k jobs per month for the economy to grow at a decent rate. So saving a few factories with 1k or 2k jobs here and there, is a drop in the bucket.

For now though Trump will probably be able to surf the momentum of the Obama recovery, so he can get away with these PR moves of saving a couple of random factories in the short term. But pretty soon a bunch of companies will start threatening to move jobs overseas if they don't also get a sweetheart tax break deal and the whole thing could quickly become a PR nightmare.
For now though Trump will probably be able to surf the momentum of the Obama recovery, so he can get away with these PR moves of saving a couple of random factories in the short term. But pretty soon a bunch of companies will start threatening to move jobs overseas if they don't also get a sweetheart tax break deal and the whole thing could quickly become a PR nightmare.

Excuse me, but here in America, we call it the "Trump Recovery." All Obama was ever good at was killing jobs. The economy was only doing well due to the prospects of a Trump landslide.
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