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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Trump's not even waiting until he's sworn in to start attacking his voters.


Given how incredibly close he came to losing without taking any political blame, not sure why Trump being the first fourth two-term president ever and be way stronger next time around. We haven't even seen 2018 yet!

People like results. If he gets even of what he said he wants to do done, he'd be sitting pretty with McConnell retiring after 2020.
2018: Traditional trends in voting leads to a Democrat sweep of the House due to how it's always worked forever with extremely few exceptions

2020: The economy collapsed and the earth is on fire and Trump doesn't run. Pence loses to a ferret in a tie the Democrats ran as a joke. President ferret goes on to be the single greatest president the country has ever had.
Republicans will just have to grin and ferret.
People like results. If he gets even of what he said he wants to do done, he'd be sitting pretty with McConnell retiring after 2020.

Every one term president gets some of what they set out to do passed.

I don't think Trump will ever be "sitting pretty" in his entire presidency. He's too divisive for that. He's already entering his presidency with the lowest approval ratings of any president. And it only goes down from there.
And big pharma wins yet again.

The legislation does not include provisions to to rein in prescription drug prices, a significant victory for the pharmaceutical industry. Consultants to the industry said that drug makers had kept a low profile in their lobbying on the legislation, knowing that any conversations on Capitol Hill could turn quickly to drug prices.

“When the cost of our prescription drugs is skyrocketing, this bill does nothing to combat excessive prices,” said Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the senior Democrat on the Appropriations subcommittee on health and human services. She who voted against the measure.

“While the bill authorizes $4.8 billion to the N.I.H. over the next 10 years — on average, a mere $480 million a year — this is barely a quarter per year of what the House passed last year,” Ms. DeLauro said. “There is also no guarantee that the appropriators will follow through and provide funding each year.”

Representative Kathy Castor, Democrat of Florida, who voted for the bill, said she too wished that more of the money had been guaranteed. “Medical research in America today should not be subject to the whims of congressional budget battles or political fights,” she said.


No Scrubs
I mean, there was a rebuke. That's why Trump did so badly in the popular vote and is so underwater in terms of popularity.

Maybe 538 was right and there was a 30% chance of a very narrow Trump victory and that's actually what happened.

Also, honestly, if we run a candidate without huge baked-in negatives, or just campaign better in the Rust Belt near the end, or wait a little bit for the Sun Belt to mature, or don't have Russia trying to ruin the election, or just have the FBI not try to destroy the country, then we probably win.

I'm really much less concerned about our ability to win elections and have the GOP collapse in the future as I am about Trump implementing a herrenvolk democracy or just starting a race war. If America doesn't completely collapse progressivism still wins. Although it would be good for people to wake up and start spending their lives on fighting the moral battles that matter, so hopefully Trump can help that happen. Also the millions of people who will suffer or die as a result of GOP policies.

See, we see that but they don't. They see something that worked, that was always the real danger of Trump. Now the GOP sees that they can lie out their asses and run on unabashed white supremacy and win. Shinra's right, everyone that held back this time is going to go home next time.


Every one term president gets some of what they set out to do passed.

I don't think Trump will ever be "sitting pretty" in his entire presidency. He's too divisive for that. He's already entering his presidency with the lowest approval ratings of any president. And it only goes down from there.
This country is now factually infected with morons, like a cancer. This election makes the intelligence of GWB second term voters seem positively genius.

Therefore, there is no longer any estimating where the bottom will go. Sure, he will be wildly incompetent and continue speaking at a third grade level. But this is baked in, his supporters can feel they have a president as dumb and ignorant and racist and misogynistic as they are. Makes them feel at home.

The question is if there is any figure who can break this spell, as well as the spell of facebook feeds and white supremacist news. Because as long as this is a thing and these fucking idiots are unable to filter real news from their wish fulfillment ass crack news, he has almost a farcical level of power.
The DNC failings were explicitly due to Obama.
This is true, but I know that you're generally a fan of Obama and Clinton so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.

Obama mismanaged the DNC at many levels. Not just firing Dean and appointing DWS who most agreed would be a disaster, but he pulled a lot of funding and a lot of the best staff from the DNC for his own PAC after the election. The pac ultimately did nothing and went nowhere. He also loaded up a deeply indebted DNC with both his 2008 and 2012 and Clinton's 2008 campaign debt.

It's why I don't think Obama should be all that involved with the party operations going forward.


This is true, but I know that you're generally a fan of Obama and Clinton so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.

Obama mismanaged the DNC at many levels. Not just firing Dean and appointing DWS who most agreed would be a disaster, but he pulled a lot of funding and a lot of the best staff from the DNC for his own PAC after the election. The pac ultimately did nothing and went nowhere. He also loaded up a deeply indebted DNC with both his 2008 and 2012 and Clinton's 2008 campaign debt.

It's why I don't think Obama should be all that involved with the party operations going forward.

I agree that he shouldn't be involved in party operations but I think he should still be out there on the stump and lobbying his ass off for progressive reforms. He's still a very popular President who can talk to people.


Trump is now out there LYING about Obama approving his appointments.


There's maintaining the integrity of the highest office in the land, and being just as weak and feckless as they portrayed you.


I think it would be very dangerous for Democrats to assume that increasing the size of the House represents a solution. I pointed this out before, but as the number of geographical districts increase, the more the natural bias towards geographically dispersed rather than geographically clustered demographics - which, in the United States, is Republicans. I agree that the size of the House needs increasing in an ideal world, but that would have to be done in conjunction with moving away from small, single-member districts to state-wide multi-member districts, elected proportionately. Otherwise, you're just moving from having a Republican bias because very small states are definitely guaranteed one representative to have a Republican bias because Democrats live near one another.

I agree. My interest in this is not partisan driven, but small d-democratic driven. If we're going to have a districted system that gives people equal representation within those districts, then we should have at least have the thing that we claim to have. It seems bizarre to me that this wouldn't have been challenged - by liberals, by conservatives (capping the # of electors/reps doesn't seem very originalist to me), by anyone!


Donald Trump just insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring.

Chuck Jones uses a flip phone, so he didn’t see the tweet. His friend of 36 years called him Wednesday night and said: The president-elect is smearing you on Twitter.

Jones, a union leader in Indianapolis, represents the Carrier workers whose jobs Donald Trump has pledged to save. He said the sudden attention from the country’s next leader didn’t feel real.

Half an hour after Trump tweeted about Jones on Wednesday, the union leader's phone began to ring and kept ringing, he said. One voice asked: What kind of car do you drive? Another said: We’re coming for you.

He wasn’t sure how these people found his number.

“Nothing that says they’re gonna kill me, but, you know, you better keep your eye on your kids,” Jones said later on MSNBC. “We know what car you drive. Things along those lines.”

“I’ve been doing this job for 30 years, and I’ve heard everything from people who want to burn my house down or shoot me,” he added. “So I take it with a grain of salt and I don’t put a lot of faith in that, and I’m not concerned about it and I’m not getting anybody involved. I can deal with people that make stupid statements and move on.”

Brett Voorhies, president of the Indiana State AFL-CIO, called Jones after Trump’s tweet caught his eye. Jones, he said, had just left his office in Indianapolis, where he manages the needs of about 3,000 union members.

“This guy makes pennies for what he does,” Voorhies said. “What he has to put up with is just crazy. Now he’s just got the president-elect smearing him on Twitter.”

Jesus Christ. With one tweet, Donald Trump can have his crazy fuck nazi brigade hunt you down.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Atlantic went in on Jeff Sessions and the Trump transition team's claims that he filed desegregation cases.

Did Jeff Sessions Champion Desegregation?
Civil-rights organizations balked when Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who was rejected for a federal judgeship in 1986 over allegations he made racist remarks, was chosen to succeed Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Sessions’s allies have sought to portray those criticisms as unfair, in part by pointing to his record of filing desegregation lawsuits as U.S. attorney in Alabama.

Sessions himself claims to have been a champion of desegregation. “I filed 20 or 30 civil-rights cases to desegregate schools and political organizations and county commissions when I was a United States attorney,” Sessions told National Review in 2009. Trump spokesman Jason Miller offered a similar claim in November, telling reporters on a conference call that “when Senator Sessions was U.S. attorney, he filed a number of desegregation lawsuits in Alabama.” Miller’s claim about his record has been reported by outlets including Politico, Wired, and The Washington Times. Conservative outlets have dismissed the questioning of his civil-rights record as "another in a long line of liberal smears" against a principled conservative, in part by citing his record on school desegregation.

The Atlantic could not find evidence Sessions filed any new school desegregation lawsuits. Searches of the legal databases Westlaw and PACER found no evidence that any new school-desegregation lawsuits were filed in Alabama’s Southern District by Sessions between 1981, when Sessions became U.S. attorney in Alabama, and 1995, when he became Alabama attorney general, though it is possible that the records exist but are not in those databases. The Atlantic could find no reference to the claim in the transcripts of his 1986 confirmation hearing.

Former Justice Department officials and civil-rights experts expressed puzzlement when asked about the claim, in part because nearly every school in Alabama was under desegregation orders by the 1970s, years before Sessions became U.S. attorney. Several historians and legal experts who focus on desegregation said they were also unaware of any new school desegregation cases in Alabama filed during that period, let alone by Sessions.
Ilhan Omar, Minnesota's first elected Somali-American lawmaker
I spent yesterday afternoon at the White House, learning about policy ideas states could implement in the areas I am passionate about. On my way to our hotel, I got in a cab and became subjected to the most hateful, derogatory, islamophobic, sexist taunts and threats I have ever experienced. The cab driver called me ISIS and threatened to remove my hijab, I wasn't really sure how this encounter would end as I attempted to rush out of his cab and retrieve my belongs. I am still shaken by this incident and can't wrap my head around how bold being are becoming in displaying their hate towards Muslims. I pray for his humanity and for all those who harbor hate in their hearts.

Kid Heart

Donald Trump just insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring.

Jesus Christ. With one tweet, Donald Trump can have his crazy fuck nazi brigade hunt you down.

It's good to hear that this guy isn't fazed by this at all, but not everyone Trump smears will probably be so lucky. He could literally push someone over the edge with his diehard fan base if he doesn't knock it off. If Melania was even slightly serious about stopping twitter bullying she better start with her husband and fast.
I think we're going to end up with a situation where the administration controls the POTUS account while Trump continues to use his personal account.

Trump is now out there LYING about Obama approving his appointments.


There's maintaining the integrity of the highest office in the land, and being just as weak and feckless as they portrayed you.

It's frustrating, but I'm guessing Obama wants to maintain the relationship he's building with Trump. You know that would be gone in an instant if he called Trump out on his BS.


I think we're going to end up with a situation where the administration controls the POTUS account while Trump continues to use his personal account.

It's frustrating, but I'm guessing Obama wants to maintain the relationship he's building with Trump. You know that would be gone in an instant if he called Trump out on his BS.

There is NO relationship.

Obama would have to be as weak, feckless, and STUPID as the right has portrayed him if he thinks he's building any sort of lasting relationship with Trump. Like, the very idea that Obama might be thinking something that fucking dumb makes me want to throw things.

1) Trump is a moron.
2) Trump is a moron who worships the last person with a brain cell that he's spoken to.
3) Obama won't be that person the moment he leaves office .
4) Trump is a moron who has surrounded himself with some of the most deplorable people on the planet.
5) Those deplorable people with make sure to purge Trump's moronic brain of anything Obama has said as soon as he's sworn in.

Meanwhile, people who adore Obama are losing heart.

EDIT: In case it needs to be said, I don't think you're dumb for speculating that. Just, ugh, the idea that that might ACTUALLY be Obama's goal...ugh, I need to drink.
Don't know what anyone is doing talking with Trump about the environment

Fact is that if you don't give a fuck about the environment it gives you an avenue to boost the economy. Especially in the Appalachian states he won. He's going to do it and meeting with him isn't going to change anything

If Leo or whoever cares they should meet with the DNC and ask how they can help in the 2017 and 2018 elections so we can actually have some ability to stop him
There is NO relationship.

Obama would have to be as weak, feckless, and STUPID as the right has portrayed him if he thinks he's building any sort of lasting relationship with Trump. Like, the very idea that Obama might be thinking something that fucking dumb makes me want to throw things.
Couldn't have said it better myself
There is NO relationship.

Obama would have to be as weak, feckless, and STUPID as the right has portrayed him if he thinks he's building any sort of lasting relationship with Trump. Like, the very idea that Obama might be thinking something that fucking dumb makes me want to throw things.

1) Trump is a moron.
2) Trump is a moron who worships the last person with a brain cell that he's spoken to.
3) Obama won't be that person the moment he leaves office .
4) Trump is a moron who has surrounded himself with some of the most deplorable people on the planet.
5) Those deplorable people with make sure to purge Trump's moronic brain of anything Obama has said as soon as he's sworn in.

Meanwhile, people who adore Obama are losing heart.

EDIT: In case it needs to be said, I don't think you're dumb for speculating that. Just, ugh, the idea that that might ACTUALLY be Obama's goal...ugh, I need to drink.

I mean, I agree. Trump's appointments show that any "discussions" he has with liberals are smokescreens, but it's not like Obama doesn't have a history of bipartisan efforts that later bit him in the ass.


And big pharma wins yet again.
I don't think people understand just how tight many drug research companies are with their patients and advocacy groups. (example: HIV) They're pretty unified on this stuff.
This is true, but I know that you're generally a fan of Obama and Clinton so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.

Obama mismanaged the DNC at many levels. Not just firing Dean and appointing DWS who most agreed would be a disaster, but he pulled a lot of funding and a lot of the best staff from the DNC for his own PAC after the election. The pac ultimately did nothing and went nowhere. He also loaded up a deeply indebted DNC with both his 2008 and 2012 and Clinton's 2008 campaign debt.

It's why I don't think Obama should be all that involved with the party operations going forward.
No sarcasm. He obviously doesn't understand how to do this.
btw DWS won reelection 56.7/40.5. She won 62.7/37.3 in 2014 and 63.2/35.6 in 2012.

She actually gained votes since 2012, just that the Republican challenger gained a TON more.
If Leo cares so much, we should run him for something somewhere

Get him to flip one of the red house districts in California
If running celebrities is the magic ticket, I know just the guy for 2020


Who cares tbh.
As valid an argument I've ever seen.


The GOP can still implode. Trump winning the election has temporary closed the divsions within their party. There advantage in state house, congress and etc will slowly be eroded in the next decade or two if they don' t moderate their party.

The GOP as it currently stands is a dying animal due to racial/ethnic demographic shifts. The problem is, those shifts are so slow, it's now no longer going to be a sudden blue wave, but a state here, a state there across the next 12 years or so. If the GOP are smart, they'll start shifting over to the Rust Belt as the Dems shift over to Texas/Georgia/Arizona, and they'll run on a platform consistent with Trump - outright racism mixed with a deep hatred of women/feminism.

The implosion we were all anticipating was based on the assumption that the GOP would have some semblance of morals. It's plain to see they don't - they'd rather back a White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi administration than stand-up for actual human decency, because it means they can push their own idealogical issues (pro-guns/anti-abortion/anti-Clinton/anti-women/anti-government). They see how strong Alabama and the Florida Panhandle voted for Trump, and they believe that's their base, now and going forward.

When the most moral person you have is McCain repeatedly saying to the press "I'm not talking about Trump", then you have no moral centre.

If running celebrities is the magic ticket, I know just the guy for 2020


Go the whole hog, man


Bartlett or gtfo. :p

Though, to be fair, if he'd been born in the US, I'd go for Donald Sutherland over both Hanks and Sheen (you can't argue with President Coriolanus Snow).


No Scrubs
No. She's in Tampa/St. Petes I believe. Nowhere near the panhandle.

Why did DWS win re-election? Because people are idiots.

Or maybe because the person who ran against her was a fucking mess and embarrassed himself to no end in the debate they had? How do you not know basic shit about the district you hope to represent when asked?
No. She's in Tampa/St. Petes I believe. Nowhere near the panhandle.

Why did DWS win re-election? Because people are idiots.
In the general? Because her district is favorably gerrymandered to her.

In the primary? Because her primary opponent was a hot mess and also not even particularly more liberal. Being against the Iran deal was one of his main platforms iirc. I'm all for more progressive primary challengers in safe blue districts (has that Dan Lipinski asshole been beaten yet?) but you can't expect some dude off the street to win a district because people are mad over how she ran the DNC or whatever.
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