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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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After the Orlando nightclub massacre and a string of other mass shootings, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; Covington & Burling; Arnold & Porter; and four other prominent law firms formed a coalition with gun control groups that until now have worked largely on their own. Together, the firms are committing tens of millions of dollars in free legal services from top corporate lawyers who typically bill clients $1,000 an hour or more.
On one front, the coalition will seek to overturn state laws that have gone largely unchallenged, including new policies that force businesses to allow guns to be carried on their property. The group also plans to mount the first formal challenges to congressional restrictions on publishing government data on gun violence. Taking a page from the fight against big tobacco two decades ago, it will seek the help of regulators to challenge what it views as the gun industry’s attempts to stifle competition.
One fresh avenue of litigation would involve challenging state laws that arguably force citizens and local governments to allow guns to be carried on their properties, including schools, airports, shopping malls and bars. Such laws, the coalition argues, could infringe on property rights and threaten the safety of customers and employees.
Big Law vs Big Gun.
Donald Trump, the fucking President-Elect, literally attacking Union Leaders on Twitter. What a time to be alive...
Make America great again, just like in the 50s.

Except those pesky unions have gotta go.

Side note, you know what's great? Orientation videos at Target, Wal-Mart and other big box retailers which usually devote a section to brainwashing new employees about unions.

"I was in a union once, it was horrible! I had to pay dues, which was like paying TAXES! Which as you know are evil and the worst thing ever"

"I don't need a union to represent me, I feel comfortable talking to my boss! Especially if I need a raise or sick time, or I need more hours because I'm living off of 25 hours a week at minimum wage"

"Most of the things unions fought for were made into law*, so we don't need them anymore!

*Laws that we actively fought against, and still fight against and in many cases have been able to weaken or outright repeal at the state level"


The Atlantic went in on Jeff Sessions and the Trump transition team's claims that he filed desegregation cases.

Did Jeff Sessions Champion Desegregation?

This article headline is terrible. A lot of these headlines are. It should read "Jeff Sessions makes false claims about desegregation"

Just like the one about Trump smearing Chuck Jones should read "Trump sets attack dogs on Union Leader opposing him". The media needs to stop being so feckless and call a spade a fucking spade. They've done enough harm already.


This article headline is terrible. A lot of these headlines are. It should read "Jeff Sessions makes false claims about desegregation"

Just like the one about Trump smearing Chuck Jones should read "Trump sets attack dogs on Union Leader opposing him". The media needs to stop being so feckless and call a spade a fucking spade. They've done enough harm already.

Attempts at journalistic neutrality need to fucking die already. Phrasing a headline as a question is both a) academically immature (like, first year undergrad immature) and b) assumes that people read the whole article. They don't (at least not always). Give them the conclusion in the headline, please.
President-elect Donald Trump has selected retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly as secretary of homeland security, officials familiar with the decision said Wednesday, recruiting a third former member of the military’s brass to serve at the highest levels of his administration.

Trump’s choice of Kelly — and his continued deliberations about tapping as many as two more military figures for other posts — has intensified worries among some members of Congress and national security experts that the new administration’s policies may be shaped disproportionately by military commanders.
If confirmed, Kelly and defense secretary nominee James Mattis, a retired Marine general with the nickname “Mad Dog,” would join retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s pick for White House national security adviser. Meanwhile, retired Army Gen. David H. Petraeus is under consideration for secretary of state, and Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers is a contender for director of national intelligence.
Generals and billionaires.


Our campaign lost the election. But Trump’s team must own up to how he won.
By Jennifer Palmieri December 7 at 7:35 PM

Jennifer Palmieri was communications director for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
A good bit of the post-election analysis has centered on what our campaign should have done differently. That’s appropriate. We should think long and hard about why we lost. Trust me, we have.

But it’s also important for the winners of this campaign to think long and hard about the voters who rejected them. I haven’t seen much evidence of such introspection from the Trump side. That’s concerning.

I don’t know whether the Trump campaign needed to give a platform to white supremacists to win. But the campaign clearly did, and it had the effect of empowering the white-nationalist movement.

Nothing particularly ground-breaking, but worth a read (it only took me two minutes, so...).

Jeet Heer ‏@HeerJeet 8h8 hours ago

Hillary Clinton has now won more votes total than Obama did in 2012. She's won more votes than any American candidate except Obama 2008.

I don't think this can - or should - be understated. That's amazing, and the people angry that she lost should remember it.


I don't think this can - or should - be understated. That's amazing, and the people angry that she lost should remember it.

Goddamn, it still hurts. In terms of votes, she'll be the most popular unelected President in history.

And once again, I'll remind people that the electoral math works out that you can win the popular vote with an 80 million vote margin and still lose the electoral. Unless we get rid of the shit system there's plenty of headroom for someone to take her leaderboard spot.
Judging the absolute number of votes from a historical perspective is a bit silly , of course. That said, she has a higher popular vote margin than 10 Presidents so far and seems likely to pull ahead of Jimmy Carter, if she hasn't already.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So PoliGaf what are the chance's we get rid of Trump by faithless electors on December 19th? 1% or 0%?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As much as I hate to say it, the popular vote is meaningless in our system. Sorry--it is. It gives me hope for the people of the country, but does nothing for the structure of the government.

The campaign played the game in this system extremely poorly. Targeted wrong areas, ignored others, etc. She could end up with over 3 million more votes, and that only exemplifies the problem.

Democrats have a major problem brewing in the future in that, under the electoral system, the places they need to win (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.) are trending red. Blue states are getting bluer, and that doesn't help. They need to work hard to turn places like Arizona and North Carolina in 2020 or it could be very bleak prospects for that election. Those in here shouting for the DNC to stay the course aren't taking into account the factor that the candidate that drove all these people to vote for him for whatever reason (racism, sexism, etc.) will STILL be running in 2020. These people are driven, and they'll turn out again.

So PoliGaf what are the chance's we get rid of Trump by faithless electors on December 19th? 1% or 0%?

Is there a negative option?


As much as I hate to say it, the popular vote is meaningless in our system. Sorry--it is. It gives me hope for the people of the country, but does nothing for the structure of the government.

The campaign played the game in this system extremely poorly. Targeted wrong areas, ignored others, etc. She could end up with over 3 million more votes, and that only exemplifies the problem.

Democrats have a major problem brewing in the future in that, under the electoral system, the places they need to win (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.) are trending red. Blue states are getting bluer, and that doesn't help. They need to work hard to turn places like Arizona and North Carolina in 2020 or it could be very bleak prospects for that election. Those in here shouting for the DNC to stay the course aren't taking into account the factor that the candidate that drove all these people to vote for him for whatever reason (racism, sexism, etc.) will STILL be running in 2020. These people are driven, and they'll turn out again.

Is there a negative option?

You're assuming he'll be as popular running again. I don't believe he will be. My money is on Trump ending his term making Bush 2nd term approval numbers look good.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You're assuming he'll be as popular running again. I don't believe he will be. My money is on Trump ending his term making Bush 2nd term approval numbers look good.

I'm assuming the same people driven by racism/sexism/etc. will be just as driven by those factors in 2020, and I don't really think that's going out on a limb. Nothing will happen over the next few years that is going to make these people change those deeply-ingrained prejudices. If anything, they'll be exemplified.
As much as I hate to say it, the popular vote is meaningless in our system. Sorry--it is. It gives me hope for the people of the country, but does nothing for the structure of the government.

The campaign played the game in this system extremely poorly. Targeted wrong areas, ignored others, etc. She could end up with over 3 million more votes, and that only exemplifies the problem.

Democrats have a major problem brewing in the future in that, under the electoral system, the places they need to win (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.) are trending red. Blue states are getting bluer, and that doesn't help. They need to work hard to turn places like Arizona and North Carolina in 2020 or it could be very bleak prospects for that election. Those in here shouting for the DNC to stay the course aren't taking into account the factor that the candidate that drove all these people to vote for him for whatever reason (racism, sexism, etc.) will STILL be running in 2020. These people are driven, and they'll turn out again.

Eh. White turnout was not the main issue in MI/WI/PA. Maybe in Florida, but not the rust belt.

The main problem in the rust belt was the ridiculous margins Trump was pulling in rural counties. And that was driven by fear/hatred of Hillary as much as it was driven by Trump's popularity those areas. People legitimately believe she is a corrupt criminal who would actively seek to destroy them. The fact that she barely campaigned in these areas exacerbated the problem immensely. She basically gave up on rural areas and staked it all in urban turnout. And, remember, that strategy came extremely close to working.

If we get a better candidate who will reach out to and connect with liberal/moderate rural voters even a tiny bit, while maintaining minority support, we should be alright in 2020 unless Trump pulls off some real miracles with the economy. I think after four years of racism and sexism it will be easy to galvanise the base.

Note; I don't think it will require any policy or platform change whatsoever to do this. Just need a more charismatic candidate and a better campaign focused on getting to 270 rather than trying to shoot the moon.
I don't think this can - or should - be understated. That's amazing, and the people angry that she lost should remember it.

Wrong. Trump won in a landslide and has a mandate. And he would have won the popular vote if it wasn't for those pesky illegals who voted millions of times in California.


Trump considers naming FDA chief who would radically overhaul the agency

President-elect Donald Trump is weighing naming as Food and Drug Administration commissioner a staunch libertarian who has called for eliminating the agency’s mandate to determine whether new medicines are effective before approving them for sale.

“Let people start using them, at their own risk,” the candidate, Jim O’Neill, said in a 2014 speech to a biotech group.

O’Neill has also called for paying organ donors and setting up libertarian societies at sea — and has said he was surprised to discover that FDA regulators actually enjoy science and like working to fight disease.

A source close to the Trump transition team told STAT that Peter Thiel, the billionaire Trump donor who is helping shape the new administration, is pushing for the FDA appointment for O’Neill, his managing director at Mithril Capital Management.

Remember when the big fight was about GMO labeling? Well fuck all of that now. Here, take this shit. It might be poison, might not be. We won't won't know until you take it.


Who still wants to work in government anymore under these loons other than the people who have to and other loons? I can't start to even imagine the irreversible damage being done.


FDA dismantled, Dr. OZ gonna make a killing on simple solutions your doctor hates! One pill that will cure your cancer/weight gain in the same shot!


It's mostly those liberal elites cities that are in danger anyway.

Probably false. We have the whole ocean to act as a radiator.

Humans have like a thousand years of experience building dikes to hold back the sea. Meanwhile there are more tornadoes in the Midwest every year than ever before. Not to mention that if the soil dries out enough we'll get a second Dust Bowl.


Here we go:

Michigan House Approves Strict New Voter ID Bill Over Dem Objections

Michigan’s GOP-led House of Representatives approved a stringent voter ID proposal on Wednesday night that Democrats warn could disproportionately affect properly registered minority and low-income voters, the Detroit News reported.

Under the proposed legislation, Michigan voters who show up to the polls without photo ID can cast provisional ballots but must bring ID to their local clerk’s office within 10 days of an election for the vote to be counted.

This is a significant change from current state law, which allows registered voters to vote on Election Day without IDs as long as they sign an affidavit affirming their identity under threat of perjury. The Detroit News reported that some 18,388 state residents took advantage of that option in the Nov. 8 election, many of them in heavily Democratic Wayne County, where majority-black Detroit is the county seat.

Donald Trump’s margin of victory over Hillary Clinton in the Great Lake State was 10,704 votes.

BOHICA, they didn't waste any time.

pls define "everyday Americans", Shannon.
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