What does it say when lednerg can't differentiate between an african american and a muslim?
Um, get jokes much?
And to be clear, I voted in NJ for Workers World Party, knowing Hillary was a lock.
What does it say when lednerg can't differentiate between an african american and a muslim?
It's not a popular idea! It's expensive!Amidst everything I somehow missed that single payer lost 80-20 in Colorado
It's dead. The Dems shouldn't touch it with a 30 foot pole
Hehe for fun's sake and to cheer myself up I'll play the celebrity president game..
George fucking Clooney! Bam, election over!
It's not a popular idea! It's expensive!
Regardless of the merits...
Amidst everything I somehow missed that single payer lost 80-20 in Colorado
It's dead. The Dems shouldn't touch it with a 30 foot pole
Oh my.
Yeah, that's one of the stories that's getting lost in the focus on the Presidency at the moment. Regardless of the merits, it's just not something people want. If that's not happening in Colorado and by such a landslide margin as that, it probably won't happen anywhere and DEFINITELY NOT on a nation-wide level. Whoever runs in 2020 has to avoid it as much as possible, I'm forced to agree.Amidst everything I somehow missed that single payer lost 80-20 in Colorado
It's dead. The Dems shouldn't touch it with a 30 foot pole
Gay friend is now posting about how wrong it is for the post-Trump violence against LGBT to be happening... and he supported Trump.
And after complaining his friends are upset with him for who he supported.
This is why I feel like the nation will learn nothing.
We are going to get Mark Cuban as the nominee aren't we?
Our bench is almost completely non-existent.
In terms of young enough charismatic state level elected officials we have.....Corey Booker and uh Corey Booker.
Thats why you want to run with a large field of candidates.
There is no fucking reason why people like Booker and Warren were not running.
Maybe highlight a Representative from a midwest state. Even if they lose you get their name out there like a John Edwards.
I think single payer needs to get pursued by one of the big liberal strongholds on the coast. Maybe if California passes it, it becomes wildly popular (as Medicare and Medicaid are) and can be a clear example for how it works. California has the economy for it so they won't run into the problems Vermont had. I'm not sure if somewhere like Washington could do it first. Maybe expanding the age on Medicare is the only way to do it nationally.
Of course, I've never been to California nor am I that well-versed in its state politics so maybe I'm totally off, but that seems like the best way for it to move forward here.
No. The key thing about the Colorado result are the margins. If it lost by 80-20 in Colorado then even accounting for how California is much more blue than Colorado is it would still definitively lose, by like a 55-45 margin instead of an 80-20 one perhaps but be smacked down all the same. That's just much too large a margin, much too clear a message that it ain't happening anywhere. Even adjusting for different demographics, with that result, there's no way it happens anywhere. None.I think single payer needs to get pursued by one of the big liberal strongholds on the coast. Maybe if California passes it, it becomes wildly popular (as Medicare and Medicaid are) and can be a clear example for how it works. California has the economy for it so they won't run into the problems Vermont had. I'm not sure if somewhere like Washington could do it first. Maybe expanding the age on Medicare is the only way to do it nationally.
Of course, I've never been to California nor am I that well-versed in its state politics so maybe I'm totally off, but that seems like the best way for it to move forward here.
In all honesty is there ANYONE who could compete with Booker at this point outside a non-politician dropping it (Cuban, Michelle Obama, etc) in 2020?
2016 proved you need charisma and young people excitement to go anywhere.
Political theatrics and being able to convince the people has always been a part of politics.
Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, Obama, and Trump all knew that.
If there is one bright side to this, it's that my respect for conservatives who rejected Trump and didn't vote for him has skyrocketed. Seeing how many idiots that have tried to pretend that he's okay after the fact reveals how principled the never-Trumpers were. I may blame them for not voting for Hillary in the end, but the other side is so rage-inducingly stupid I have to give them credit.
I wouldn't put amazing stock in that. Of course all Republicans are going to want a less liberal president.Also don't we have exit polls showing people wanted a less liberal president?
Problem is Single Payer is a lot harder for the states to do than the Fed Government, just because of the much stronger pressures deficits have on states.
Minimum wage hikes passed in all states where it was on the ballot, including where Trump won.Also don't we have exit polls showing people wanted a less liberal president?
Your intuition is correct.Reading OT, I really get the feeling that Bernie guys won't be satisfied until the Dems become America's version of the Labour Party.
They won't be satisfied until Bernie gets McGovern'd in 2020.Reading OT, I really get the feeling that Bernie guys won't be satisfied until the Dems become America's version of the Labour Party.
Minimum wage hikes passed in all states where it was on the ballot, including where Trump won.
Your intuition is correct.
Sigh, so true.
People can be so short sighted. If you don't think Bernie is a saviour you're considered a DNC hack or worse a Democrat in name only.
It's basically the democratic version of the tea party, minus the racism lol
Sherrod Brown is already 64? that's disappointing... for some reason, had him pegged closer to 60.
also, did you volunteer/donate to a political campaign this cycle? interested to see the responses.
Sigh, so true.
People can be so short sighted. If you don't think Bernie is a saviour you're considered a DNC hack or worse a Democrat in name only.
It's basically the democratic version of the tea party, minus the racism lol
I know conservatives who've claimed they didn't get in line. Of course, with the actual stats available, I know they're just bullshitting.Wish I knew some conservatives that did. Sadly they all got in rank and file.
Reading OT, I really get the feeling that Bernie guys won't be satisfied until the Dems become America's version of the Labour Party.
I have no idea how some of you have immediately reverted back to your smug ways when we just lost what should've been the easiest fucking election for dems of all time. I'm humbled and ashamed over this shit. We need to look hard at what went wrong here. But no let's do what the GOP does and double down on everything that went wrong last time including laughing at and dismissing Bernie supporters or anyone else who had something to say about Hillary.
Trump just said he won't repeal Obamacare.
This guy man... its like more and more it seems like he is a total political opportunist, and appealed to everything the republican base wanted, and doesn't intend to go through with any of it.
Republican heartburn, hah
Some people are taking what I think is the exact wrong lesson from this, which is "new blood" as an ideology, not a strategyI have no idea how some of you have immediately reverted back to your smug ways when we just lost what should've been the easiest fucking election for dems of all time. I'm humbled and ashamed over this shit. We need to look hard at what went wrong here. But no let's do what the GOP does and double down on everything that went wrong last time including laughing at and dismissing Bernie supporters or anyone else who had something to say about Hillary.
Yeah people sounding off look out of touch (like Clinton).I have no idea how some of you have immediately reverted back to your smug ways when we just lost what should've been the easiest fucking election for dems of all time. I'm humbled and ashamed over this shit. We need to look hard at what went wrong here. But no let's do what the GOP does and double down on everything that went wrong last time including laughing at and dismissing Bernie supporters or anyone else who had something to say about Hillary.
Looks like GAF reverted back to the anger stage of grief.
Obama apparently convinced Trump to potentially keep ACA around and just tweak it to work better.
Bernie supporters have a right to be outraged by the results of this election but too many of them, at least on this forum, are ignoring the actual numbers behind Trump's victory. It was not a loss that requires everything the to be burned down. There are clear changes that need to be made and working with the Bernie "coalition" is very important. But people are taking things way too far into dangerous territory for the Democrats.
Yeah people sounding off look out of touch (like Clinton).
You know what? Look at what the Tea Party got the GOP in the end. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
Democrats need to be open to all ideas as they just got destroyed across the nation.
Bernie supporters have a right to be outraged by the results of this election but too many of them, at least on this forum, are ignoring the actual numbers behind Trump's victory. It was not a loss that requires everything the to be burned down. There are clear changes that need to be made and working with the Bernie "coalition" is very important. But people are taking things way too far into dangerous territory for the Democrats.