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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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i mean, the Clinton campaign made pretty grave errors but turning down Sanders followers???

So what's the easiest not terrible country for a not wealthy American to immigrate to. I want to stay and fight but my girlfriend, who is a minority, is terrified and seriously wants to consider leaving and I can't hold that against her. If she wants to go, we have to go, but I know it would be a long process anyway and I have no idea where to start. I don't even have a passport.

Well, step 1, get a passport :p

Step 2 involves determining the best match to your personal circumstances. Depending on your education and profession you might have an easier time moving elsewhere, when I was still seriously considering leaving* I was looking at Denmark partially because they really need Mechanical Engineers, so I'd have a much easier time moving there. Figure out what you have to offer and where that's needed.

Step 3, go online and start applying for work visas. Start with the places where you think you'll have the easiest time, and move from there. Obviously a friendly political environment on the other end is the best, but right now that means Canada and... literally nowhere else in the Western world, since everywhere else is looking down the barrel of possible facism or is already in bed with the right wing. Maybe Germany because Merkel.

*Not saying I'm not still thinking about it, but I'm not gonna be done with my degree until 2018 anyway, so y'know. Still getting my Israeli citizenship so I can GTFO if needed.

ed: I kind of hate it, but I think that if there's one single-issue-voter issue that we need to yield on it's gun control. Abortion is unacceptable, ditto racism. If we can start making strides with the "NRA dictates my vote" bloc we'll have a much stronger presence in Rural America. Kander 2020.
Ellison would have to pledge he'll be a co-chair or retire from his position for a full-time job. Either way, he's really necessary for the chairman right now. There's a lot of bickering but I think he'll be the one to calm things down a bit.

I'm going to apologize for being insufferable and bitter to everyone. I still agree with a lot of my points, but no one needs me being belligerent over everything.

I think Ellison would make for a great chair. We need dramatically new leadership. We need a new 50 state strategy. We need a fundraising apparatus that's in line with what Bernie was able to do in the primaries compared to Clinton's relative focus on megadonors. The last point is especially important I feel. A big problem with Clinton and the democratic party in recent years is that it's extremely tarnishing to the image of the party as a party of working people, unions, and economic justice when so much time is spent hosting extremely gaudy fundraisers with super millionaires.

I'm also aware of this subconscious emotional want for it? Like Ellison as chair or co-chair would be like the party reaching out to Bernie supporters in a way we never got from Hillary Clinton during the convention.

I think a clear point of attack and resistance for the democrats and their supporters should be voting rights. I think voter suppression had a hand in losing this election. Maintaining voter rights, preventing the GOP from shutting down polling places, cutting early voting and stopping voter ID laws is absolutely critical because if we can't GOTV we can't win anything. And the republicans have been increasingly focused on antidemocatic measures like this over the years.

i mean, the Clinton campaign made pretty grave errors but turning down Sanders followers???

I never said that. Merely that they weren't exactly welcoming us with open arms.
The president's party usually loses a lot of seats in midterms. 2010 was when the GOP abandoned all pretenses of decency and started coming up with the most insane lies possible ("Deathpanels") to fire up their base to win big in a census year and that made the "president's party loses seats in midterms" effect worse.
That's true and what was our strategy then? Cause it sure didn't need to be that bad. Our plan was bad or we were outsmarted by the GOP, we need to improve.

See Cohn's tweet. The picture is still emerging as to what happened and what's achievable.

Wrt down ticket there was an article I read a while back wherein a lot of down ticket Democrats have never been satisfied with Obama's approach to the house and state level races. It may have bern Politico and therefore garbage though. The loss of state level power is not something that happened in this election. Again 9 governor's mansions were lost circa 2009.

I forget the name of the Project the GOP have been engaging in for a very long time to bring this about. And it's a failing decades in the making of the party.
So just ride it out or change the approach? I mean, I'm just trying to gauge your suggestion here. Maybe we agree on this or not.
here's what i think, and i said as much last night as well: we've lost all of those non-presidential seats for the same overarching reason we just lost the presidential, and for the same reason that a certain missouri politician ran significantly ahead of literally everyone else with a D next to their name:

because we are literally flying blind outside of the cities where the overwhelming majority of our base is (having ceded groups like the NRA outright which, like them or not, have an enormous presence in rural America), and the cities don't outweigh what's outside of them by nearly enough to justify that.
Which I have echoed as well.
I've never personally done that. I'd also add that Bernie fans weren't exactly welcomed with open arms. But that's water under the bridge at this point, or at least it needs to be.

Do you think what you posted at me is reasonable discourse or welcoming in any way? I mean, I'm here, engaged, and we're supposed to be on the same team. I'm not new to the party or voting for Democrats.

You don't like Ellison for some reason, so I'd like to hear why. His support isn't exclusively from Bernie-stan or whatever you want to call it.

Simply put, he's the pick of the far left. Establishment dems like Schumer are on board because the other options are slim.

I'm on board with anyone else.

As for the rest - this was a nasty primary. Much nastier than '08 or '04. This was a nasty election. This is a nasty post-election.

So, you get tired of being told to UNITE while being mocked. Watching a person you personally admire get dragged through the mud by so-called Democrats because she lost an election. Watching her daughter get dragged through the mud for considering a run.

So yes, I appreciate the fact you may not have engaged in it. A lot of others have, though... & they won't stop. We're Democrats, not Republicans. We should be better than that, and I don't see the party being that way at present.

If you want unity, offer an olive branch. Don't call me a child for being tired of being insulted.
The questions about Ellison are, can he actually organise, because Dean who is probably out of the running now at least has previously built Democracy for America out of the ashes of his failed Presidential bid.

And two, will he resign from Congress.
That's true and what was our strategy then? Cause it sure didn't need to be that bad. Our plan was bad or we were outsmarted by the GOP, we need to improve.

So just ride it out or change the approach? I mean, I'm just trying to gauge your suggestion here. Maybe we agree on this or not.
Create a counter Project to Project REDMAP - I remembered the name - and a counter outreach network to the natural networks aligned to the GOP like the NRA and evangelical groups.

Change approach, to the extent that can be done, without denouncing the party's commitment to minorities? My opinion is continuously evolving frankly.

But it's certainly not the strange "burn it all down" approach, that some are wanting. The key to winning state-level races is not to destroy what infrastructure you do have already.

Keep trying to win the Sun Belt too? Again, Georgia was closer than Ohio.
I gotta reiterate, making the DNC chair a publically scrutinized position is a massive mistake and I hate that Bernie is leading the charge on it. Dem base has exactly 0 stomach for watching the sausage get made. Ellison may be fine, but his job is gonna be about a billion times harder if he has to keep dodging purity tests.


I'm going to apologize for being insufferable and bitter. I still agree with a lot of my points, but no one needs me being belligerent over everything.

I think Ellison would make for a great chair. We need dramatically new leadership. We need a new 50 state strategy. We need a fundraising apparatus that's in line with what Bernie was able to do in the primaries compared to Clinton's relative focus on megadonors. The last point is especially important I feel. A big problem with Clinton and the democratic party in recent years is that it's extremely tarnishing to the image of the party as a party of working people, unions, and economic justice when so much time is spent hosting extremely gaudy fundraisers with super millionaires.

I'm also aware of this subconscious emotional want for it? Like Ellison as chair or co-chair would be like the party reaching out to Bernie supporters in a way we never got from Hillary Clinton during the convention.

Nah, I get why you're mad. Just gotta stay level-headed and work with us despite some disagreements. Discourse is good but mudslinging from other sides is not. I am glad that a you and good few of Bernie supporters are willing to be here and discuss things instead of just wallowing in anger.

I'm not opposed to millionaire donations provided their simply doing it to help a candidate and with no favors in return. The party fundraising is pretty gross but I think we need all the support from people interested in defeating the other side.

I think Ellison would represent the hopes and bridge between us. I am excited for him and I'm going to spread his name around campus next week.
I gotta reiterate, making the DNC chair a publically scrutinized position is a massive mistake and I hate that Bernie is leading the charge on it. Dem base has exactly 0 stomach for watching the sausage get made. Ellison may be fine, but his job is gonna be about a billion times harder if he has to keep dodging purity tests.

I think people were only paying attention because DWS was awful and Bernie had a personal vendetta against her.

It's a bit of a pipe dream but this is the first change.org petition I've signed (I think)


A call to the electoral college to vote Hillary rather than Trump. Despite the slimmest of chances, it is possible and it is allowed by the US Constitution. Currently around 3.8mil supporters.

If the EC did this, it would end in disaster.

Kid Heart

Ellison would have to pledge he'll be a co-chair or retire from his position for a full-time job. Either way, he's really necessary for the chairman right now. There's a lot of bickering but I think he'll be the one to calm things down a bit.

If Bernie's group wants Ellison as an olive branch so be it, but I agree that he needs to go full time if he wants it. The party is in a bad shape at the moment and I don't think working part time will be able to handle the work necessary to fix it.
It's a bit of a pipe dream but this is the first change.org petition I've signed (I think)


A call to the electoral college to vote Hillary rather than Trump. Despite the slimmest of chances, it is possible and it is allowed by the US Constitution. Currently around 3.8mil supporters.

I said in the thread for this that I can't imagine electors doing this (Even though it would be a shocking twist in favor of democracy). And I fear immediate political violence from Trump supporters should this happen.


So, you get tired of being told to UNITE while being mocked. Watching a person you personally admire get dragged through the mud by so-called Democrats because she lost an election. Watching her daughter get dragged through the mud for considering a run.

I appreciate the passion but we need to move beyond personal affinity for candidates and start picking some winners. It's crisis mode right now.

As for Chelsea, she has some positions that are not popular, which you'll see expressed in that thread. She also has to deal with the souring of the Clinton brand, which is unfortunate. But if she makes it, that will be a testament to who she is as a person and politician.

The energy around the party is there, it's just chaotic right now. It will take some time to coalesce around a new path to victory. Given how things have gone, that is going to require some new blood. Give it a chance.


I appreciate the passion but we need to move beyond personal affinity for candidates and start picking some winners. It's crisis mode right now.

As for Chelsea, she has some positions that are not popular, which you'll see expressed in that thread. She also has to deal with the souring of the Clinton brand, which is unfortunate. But if she makes it, that will be a testament to who she is as a person and politician.

Curious, what positions do people not like about her? She seems ok to me despite some questionable things she said on Bernie.
The questions about Ellison are, can he actually organise, because Dean who is probably out of the running now at least has previously built Democracy for America out of the ashes of his failed Presidential bid.

And two, will he resign from Congress.
Create a counter Project to Project REDMAP - I remembered the name - and a counter outreach network to the natural networks aligned to the GOP like the NRA and evangelical groups.

Change approach, to the extent that can be done, without denouncing the party's commitment to minorities? My opinion is continuously evolving frankly.

But it's certainly not the strange "burn it all down" approach, that some are wanting. The key to winning state-level races is not to destroy what infrastructure you do have already.

Keep trying to win the Sun Belt too? Again, Georgia was closer than Ohio.

I agree with that and things I have posted on the topic can be folded into it. This I want to talk about. I do apologize for getting heated but a lot of posters just come and take a dump on the ones that are here when we aren't really responsible of the result either. Man, I wanted Hillary to win for many reasons, I take no joy on her losing. This shit is bad. You have people here screaming how they hate Mexicans and a person threatening a girl of burning her hijab in MI. The statement that this is something that I want to do is really offensive at the moment and set me off.



Well, step 1, get a passport :p

Step 2 involves determining the best match to your personal circumstances. Depending on your education and profession you might have an easier time moving elsewhere, when I was still seriously considering leaving* I was looking at Denmark partially because they really need Mechanical Engineers, so I'd have a much easier time moving there. Figure out what you have to offer and where that's needed.

Step 3, go online and start applying for work visas. Start with the places where you think you'll have the easiest time, and move from there. Obviously a friendly political environment on the other end is the best, but right now that means Canada and... literally nowhere else in the Western world, since everywhere else is looking down the barrel of possible facism or is already in bed with the right wing. Maybe Germany because Merkel.

*Not saying I'm not still thinking about it, but I'm not gonna be done with my degree until 2018 anyway, so y'know. Still getting my Israeli citizenship so I can GTFO if needed.

ed: I kind of hate it, but I think that if there's one single-issue-voter issue that we need to yield on it's gun control. Abortion is unacceptable, ditto racism. If we can start making strides with the "NRA dictates my vote" bloc we'll have a much stronger presence in Rural America. Kander 2020.

Thanks. I wonder how difficult it is to get into NZ...
Curious, what positions do people not like about her? She seems ok to me despite some questionable things she said on Bernie.

She came out against pot legalization and claimed that pot was killing people.

I think the Clinton name is too tarnished at this point. Also she's extremely uncharismatic. Fine for a congressman in a safe district. Not so good considering she and her family have aspirations of her running for President.

Also I'm really shocked that decriminalizing marijuana isn't a part of the platform officially. It's starting to get 60% approval rating with the American public. It's a winning issue like the minimum wage. I'm not sure what the hold up is.

Nobody expressed hate for Keith Ellison. What people questioned were 1) full time (aka can he go full time and if he does, is his seat in the house safe) and 2) qualifications. Natural questions regarding how to fill in a fairly important position.

There was plenty of hate, however, to share on Hillary by "your side".

There is danger in saying "Keith Ellison should be chair because Sanders said so" because that is not a selection of a person because he is the best for the position but because he is favored by Sanders. While Howard Dean is now 'evil' because he opposed Sanders. That is the very cronyism that these supporters decry, but when it comes to their position, suddenly it isn't cronyism any more, it's is all the help they are offering in the world out of the goodness of their hearts. Wut? Let's not be stupid here.

What I am simply writing in turn is how easily all the arguments made by the Sanders supporters insisting on control now are turned against them regarding their behavior in the post-primary environment. Calling someone else "fucking rich and elitist" when there are actually protestors on the DNC that had no respect for anything, anything at all other than their chosen savior (actually needing to be shushed when it came to Michelle Obama? what the hell?). Constantly repeating 'coronation' and 'rigged' and buying into 'emails', all the way to delegitimize the win of the first female major party presidential candidate? Walls and walls of text spent ragging on Hillary about lobbyist connections, then right after the election writing a wall of "I told you so"? Which part of that was unity?

What people here are hating is revisionist history, hating on the candidate they supposedly 'supported', fixation on propping up a candidate that also lost, and domineering attitude when it comes to prescriptions for upcoming elections.

To me it's like the Sanders people have literally never gotten catharsis after the primaries. That they're stuck there forever after their loss. PoliGAF acknowledged their losses and have moved on to more productive things. Along comes another Sanders guy poking his head in again, and the conversation and discussion can't move forward. What good is looking back at the past with "what if this" and "what if that"?

I don't know whether Keith is willing to go full time. But I know that if he does his seat is one of the safest in the country.


Face it, you are taking things personally- your love for Hillary makes you hate everything that is associated with the other side, even a man as innocuous as Keith Ellison.
Nobody expressed hate for Keith Ellison. What people questioned were 1) full time (aka can he go full time and if he does, is his seat in the house safe) and 2) qualifications. Natural questions regarding how to fill in a fairly important position.

There was plenty of hate, however, to share on Hillary by "your side".

There is danger in saying "Keith Ellison should be chair because Sanders said so" because that is not a selection of a person because he is the best for the position but because he is favored by Sanders. While Howard Dean is now 'evil' because he opposed Sanders. That is the very cronyism that these supporters decry, but when it comes to their position, suddenly it isn't cronyism any more, it's is all the help they are offering in the world out of the goodness of their hearts. Wut? Let's not be stupid here.

What I am simply writing in turn is how easily all the arguments made by the Sanders supporters insisting on control now are turned against them regarding their behavior in the post-primary environment. Calling someone else "fucking rich and elitist" when there are actually protestors on the DNC that had no respect for anything, anything at all other than their chosen savior (actually needing to be shushed when it came to Michelle Obama? what the hell?). Constantly repeating 'coronation' and 'rigged' and buying into 'emails', all the way to delegitimize the win of the first female major party presidential candidate? Walls and walls of text spent ragging on Hillary about lobbyist connections, then right after the election writing a wall of "I told you so"? Which part of that was unity?

What people here are hating is revisionist history, hating on the candidate they supposedly 'supported', fixation on propping up a candidate that also lost, and domineering attitude when it comes to prescriptions for upcoming elections.

To me it's like the Sanders people have literally never gotten catharsis after the primaries. That they're stuck there forever after their loss. PoliGAF acknowledged their losses and have moved on to more productive things. Along comes another Sanders guy poking his head in again, and the conversation and discussion can't move forward. What good is looking back at the past with "what if this" and "what if that"?

I'm also aware of this subconscious emotional want for it? Like Ellison as chair or co-chair would be like the party reaching out to Bernie supporters in a way we never got from Hillary Clinton during the convention.
Like this is the kind of revisionist history I'm talking about. Hillary worked with Sanders on the party platform. She gave him a prominent speaking slot. She welcomed his supporters. She folded some of his ideas into her policy plans. It's just that they were demanding basically everything, including the actual candidate slot. Sanders supporters would have never stopped being satisfied until they got that, even if it was obtained undemocratically.
I can't imagine the pressure to run when your parents are Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Hopefully if she runs it's because she wants to and not because her parents made her.


She came out against pot legalization and claimed that pot was killing people.

I think the Clinton name is too tarnished at this point. Also she's extremely uncharismatic. Fine for a congressman in a safe district. Not so good considering she and her family have aspirations of her running for President.

Also I'm really shocked that decriminalizing marijuana isn't a part of the platform officially. It's starting to get 60% approval rating with the American public. It's a winning issue like the minimum wage. I'm not sure what the hold up is.
I see...I still love Hillary but I'm relatively neutral about Chelsea.

You never know, the Clintons have this up and down luck about them. Bill gets impeached, Hillary becomes senator for NY, Hillary fails presidential primary, becomes SOS, Chelsea becomes...

As for the presidency, maybe it was just reporter spiel but Hillary said she'll rather have Chelsea not run just for her sake. Either way I can't imagine the party would want to touch the Clintons again regarding the presidency. I also think MJ is getting legalized in more and more states. It's really a matter of time.
But also make sure if we run a Democrat in some red state that hates pot, that we make sure to run someone who isn't pro-legalization because they will lose.

I see...I still love Hillary but I'm relatively neutral about Chelsea.

You never know, the Clintons have this up and down luck about them. Bill gets impeached, Hillary becomes senator for NY, Hillary fails presidential primary, becomes SOS, Chelsea becomes...

As for the presidency, maybe it was just reporter spiel but Hillary said she'll rather have Chelsea not run just for her sake. Either way I can't imagine the party would want to touch the Clintons again regarding the presidency. I also think MJ is getting legalized in more and more states. It's really a matter of time.

The Clintons are starting to rack up more Ls than Ws. I think they fancy themselves to be the new Roosevelts or Kennedys, but it's just not happening. People just don't seem to like them anymore.


It's going to be hilarious when Bernie resigns himself to being the full time liberal lion in the Senate, like Ted Kennedy. was, and doesn't run for President again. All this talk about him now. Lol

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Nobody expressed hate for Keith Ellison. What people questioned were 1) full time (aka can he go full time and if he does, is his seat in the house safe) and 2) qualifications. Natural questions regarding how to fill in a fairly important position.

There was plenty of hate, however, to share on Hillary by "your side".

There is danger in saying "Keith Ellison should be chair because Sanders said so" because that is not a selection of a person because he is the best for the position but because he is favored by Sanders. While Howard Dean is now 'evil' because he opposed Sanders. That is the very cronyism that these supporters decry, but when it comes to their position, suddenly it isn't cronyism any more, it's is all the help they are offering in the world out of the goodness of their hearts. Wut? Let's not be stupid here.

What I am simply writing in turn is how easily all the arguments made by the Sanders supporters insisting on control now are turned against them regarding their behavior in the post-primary environment. Calling someone else "fucking rich and elitist" when there are actually protestors on the DNC that had no respect for anything, anything at all other than their chosen savior (actually needing to be shushed when it came to Michelle Obama? what the hell?). Constantly repeating 'coronation' and 'rigged' and buying into 'emails', all the way to delegitimize the win of the first female major party presidential candidate? Walls and walls of text spent ragging on Hillary about lobbyist connections, then right after the election writing a wall of "I told you so"? Which part of that was unity?

What people here are hating is revisionist history, hating on the candidate they supposedly 'supported', fixation on propping up a candidate that also lost, and domineering attitude when it comes to prescriptions for upcoming elections.

To me it's like the Sanders people have literally never gotten catharsis after the primaries. That they're stuck there forever after their loss. PoliGAF acknowledged their losses and have moved on to more productive things. Along comes another Sanders guy poking his head in again, and the conversation and discussion can't move forward. What good is looking back at the past with "what if this" and "what if that"?

Like this is the kind of revisionist history I'm talking about. Hillary worked with Sanders on the party platform. She gave him a prominent speaking slot. She welcomed his supporters. She folded some of his ideas into her policy plans. It's just that they were demanding basically everything, including the actual candidate slot. Sanders supporters would have never stopped being satisfied until they got that, even if it was obtained undemocratically.

Fucking all of this


It's going to be hilarious when Bernie resigns himself to being the full time liberal lion in the Senate, like Ted Kennedy. was, and doesn't run for President again. All this talk about him now. Lol

wait, people think he's going to run for president again?
Like this is the kind of revisionist history I'm talking about. Hillary worked with Sanders on the party platform. She gave him a prominent speaking slot. She welcomed his supporters. She folded some of his ideas into her policy plans. It's just that they were demanding basically everything, including the actual candidate slot. Sanders supporters would have never stopped being satisfied until they got that, even if it was obtained undemocratically.

I was aware of Sanders having what was otherwise unprecedented input in the party platform. And I appreciated it, though I wouldn't admit it at the time. It just really didn't feel that tangible, especially when Tim Kaine was her VP pick. Sanders supporters definitely take notes from the tea party about being noisy and demanding everything. But I think we really needed Sanders or Warren as VP. People were wary of Clinton and at the least wanted her right hand person to be one of our guys.

I know it gets thrown around here a lot as an insult ("We don't need a left tea party!") but I do think the left can learn a lot from the Tea Party, especially now that Republicans have unprecedented control over all levels of government. There is real, immense value in being loud, visible, demanding and aggressive all the time.
Michigan gets what they deserve with that college football loss :mad:

(There's a good chance I'm moving to Michigan next year and obviously Michigan has been a great state historically in many political things).
I have cooled of on my annoyance with Bernie since the primaries, but one thing that's still true is how egotistical he is. I wouldn't put it past him

Bernie has said "Maybe. We'll see" about the issue. Everyone knows he's too old though.

I think a big part of the panic is that the democrats do not have a deep bench. All of the people who would be the best(Bernie, Warren, Biden) contenders for 2020 are already too old.
But also make sure if we run a Democrat in some red state that hates pot, that we make sure to run someone who isn't pro-legalization because they will lose.

In fact, this is why I don't want it to be in the platform. That can be something we wink at but don't state a lot. Weed is a pretty easy thing to lay off of that might help us win back some states. People like Kander need every advantage, and one of those should be the ability to say in a red state "I don't approve or condone dope heads" without the party's official website painting them a liar. Sure it's not something most of us would agree with, but it's something that we can actually budge on. I'm not budging at all on abortion or race issues.

Guns would be another one. A lot of center/center-left people own them and would be fine with some less combative policy there. Hell I know several Bernie-or-Bust types here in Mississippi who own multiple firearms. I think this is a key area where Dems are too focused on the cities.


I liked the idea from someone who said we should make guns a more national security issue. Most people agree to commonsense background checks.


Nobody expressed hate for Keith Ellison. What people questioned were 1) full time (aka can he go full time and if he does, is his seat in the house safe) and 2) qualifications. Natural questions regarding how to fill in a fairly important position.

There was plenty of hate, however, to share on Hillary by "your side".

There is danger in saying "Keith Ellison should be chair because Sanders said so" because that is not a selection of a person because he is the best for the position but because he is favored by Sanders. While Howard Dean is now 'evil' because he opposed Sanders. That is the very cronyism that these supporters decry, but when it comes to their position, suddenly it isn't cronyism any more, it's is all the help they are offering in the world out of the goodness of their hearts. Wut? Let's not be stupid here.

What I am simply writing in turn is how easily all the arguments made by the Sanders supporters insisting on control now are turned against them regarding their behavior in the post-primary environment. Calling someone else "fucking rich and elitist" when there are actually protestors on the DNC that had no respect for anything, anything at all other than their chosen savior (actually needing to be shushed when it came to Michelle Obama? what the hell?). Constantly repeating 'coronation' and 'rigged' and buying into 'emails', all the way to delegitimize the win of the first female major party presidential candidate? Walls and walls of text spent ragging on Hillary about lobbyist connections, then right after the election writing a wall of "I told you so"? Which part of that was unity?

What people here are hating is revisionist history, hating on the candidate they supposedly 'supported', fixation on propping up a candidate that also lost, and domineering attitude when it comes to prescriptions for upcoming elections.

To me it's like the Sanders people have literally never gotten catharsis after the primaries. That they're stuck there forever after their loss. PoliGAF acknowledged their losses and have moved on to more productive things. Along comes another Sanders guy poking his head in again, and the conversation and discussion can't move forward. What good is looking back at the past with "what if this" and "what if that"?

Like this is the kind of revisionist history I'm talking about. Hillary worked with Sanders on the party platform. She gave him a prominent speaking slot. She welcomed his supporters. She folded some of his ideas into her policy plans. It's just that they were demanding basically everything, including the actual candidate slot. Sanders supporters would have never stopped being satisfied until they got that, even if it was obtained undemocratically.

Thank you so much for this post.


I liked the idea from someone who said we should make guns a more national security issue. Most people agree to commonsense background checks.
I think the key is avoiding the words "gun control" period. Just say institute background checks to stop terrorists. Simple, true and it resonates with people. Kander is living proof of that.
I think the key is avoiding the words "gun control" period. Just say institute background checks to stop terrorists. Simple, true and it resonates with people. Kander is living proof of that.

So true. It's really not that difficult to figure out. It's the kind of obvious messaging that Democrats suck at but Republicans own.
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