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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Probably a difference of 110,00 votes, a smaller margin than Kerry had in 2004.

People realllly overract to these, just as people did in 2004. I remember the cries of "quit on all the gays" being particularly passionate at the time. It makes sense when the consequences are so serious, but honestly, it took a perfect storm for Trump to get here. There are specific ways that Hillary should have done better and a better campaign could have beaten these headwinds. Acknowledging the headwinds is still an important part of understanding how to do better next time.

As I have said all over the place in this thread. Once cannot honestly read these election results and assume they mean it's time to burn it all down.

I wish we have a graph where we show where all posters here stand on the burn it down degree.

I stand somewhere in between the two extremes because we still lost to Trump. The next Republican candidate can easily be far worse given that now they know Trumpism works.

This is also why I want to analyze all causes for the loss. Saying that there's nothing we can do about media perpetuating demagogues scare me.


We got a note in our mailbox today from an anonymous Hillary supporter who gave us seeds to plant for the future because of our yard sign. My wife shared it on Pantsuit nation and it blew up.

We decided to walk around Lady Bird Lake and try and relax as much as we can. Caught a drink at a bar we like, walked back to our car and there was ANOTHER note from another anonymous Hillary supporter asking us to keep the Hillary sticker on our car and not take it off.

Guys, we may have actually re-galvanized the base of our party. I get that I live in Austin, but I have never seen the left this hurt and this motivated.

Fam, it's going to be ok. We're going to take back the state houses and the governors mansion and fight redistricting and fight voter suppression and we're going to fucking get off our collective asses and make this happen instead of leaving Obama flapping in the wind for 6 years like we did.
The party is already making moves to rebuild the DNC be it with Dean or Ellison as well. We can fight all we want in this thread but action will and is being taken.


The one solace I have is that we were in Quicksand. If this didn't happen in 2016, it was going to happen in 2020, due to the DNC falling apart. If we can get a wave/full control ion 2020, it sets us up better.

Sadly, this is the one positive.
Nah. It would have been better to essentially get a third Obama term and cement the SCOTUS as left wing which would defend his legacy for a long, long time. Also, the climate deal and Iran etc. Trump wouldn't run again and we would have dodged a bullet. We'd probably get another vanilla Republican for 2020 in the White House.
We got a note in our mailbox today from an anonymous Hillary supporter who gave us seeds to plant for the future because of our yard sign. My wife shared it on Pantsuit nation and it blew up.

We decided to walk around Lady Bird Lake and try and relax as much as we can. Caught a drink at a bar we like, walked back to our car and there was ANOTHER note from another anonymous Hillary supporter asking us to keep the Hillary sticker on our car and not take it off.

Guys, we may have actually re-galvanized the base of our party. I get that I live in Austin, but I have never seen the left this hurt and this motivated.

Fam, it's going to be ok. We're going to take back the state houses and the governors mansion and fight redistricting and fight voter suppression and we're going to fucking get off our collective asses and make this happen instead of leaving Obama flapping in the wind for 6 years like we did.

We were getting complacent. Obama being amazing at everything he touched made us not notice the disease that was slowly killing the Democrat party. He hid a lot of the problems because he was so popular and got so much done and he won re-election with no issue.

Bush messed up that bad and Obama was that good that we didn't really notice that the party wasn't really that strong, despite losing basically every election for 7 years after 2008.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
We got a note in our mailbox today from an anonymous Hillary supporter who gave us seeds to plant for the future because of our yard sign. My wife shared it on Pantsuit nation and it blew up.

We decided to walk around Lady Bird Lake and try and relax as much as we can. Caught a drink at a bar we like, walked back to our car and there was ANOTHER note from another anonymous Hillary supporter asking us to keep the Hillary sticker on our car and not take it off.

Guys, we may have actually re-galvanized the base of our party. I get that I live in Austin, but I have never seen the left this hurt and this motivated.

Fam, it's going to be ok. We're going to take back the state houses and the governors mansion and fight redistricting and fight voter suppression and we're going to fucking get off our collective asses and make this happen instead of leaving Obama flapping in the wind for 6 years like we did.

Thanks for sharing this StoOgE.
We got a note in our mailbox today from an anonymous Hillary supporter who gave us seeds to plant for the future because of our yard sign. My wife shared it on Pantsuit nation and it blew up.

We decided to walk around Lady Bird Lake and try and relax as much as we can. Caught a drink at a bar we like, walked back to our car and there was ANOTHER note from another anonymous Hillary supporter asking us to keep the Hillary sticker on our car and not take it off.

Guys, we may have actually re-galvanized the base of our party. I get that I live in Austin, but I have never seen the left this hurt and this motivated.

Fam, it's going to be ok. We're going to take back the state houses and the governors mansion and fight redistricting and fight voter suppression and we're going to fucking get off our collective asses and make this happen instead of leaving Obama flapping in the wind for 6 years like we did.

I want to be this optimistic, but so many people are likely going to get hurt over the next 2 years.
I'm saying Clinton should have voluntarily suspended her candidacy because it was clear it was dangerous for her to run in the general election against Trump. It was the height of hubris to try to run with the FBI investigating her and now we're all paying the price.

No you said after all what are super delegates for.


It's not just the losing the 2016 presidency that shows we need to burn it all down. It's the fact that we've lost:

A supermajority of state legislatures.
A supermajority of governors.
The House of Representatives.
The Senate.
The Supreme Court.
The Presidency.

The democratic party has been completely routed on all fronts on every level of government. That's why we need to burn it all down. This has been a long term systemic issue with the party, it's platform, and the people it picks for office.
Maybe I need to see what it means to burn it all down in more detail?

I agree that it is a massive systemic issue. 2006 and 2008 were better and there was no burning involved. Of course, there were specific reasons for those elections, and the party shouldn't rely on that.

I conclude that the party needs to make better investments in political infrastructure. Similar to the GOP did post Goldwater. They need to cultivate a donor base that understands why this is important, they need to have organizations permanently invested and operating in rural and exurban communities to check the power of talk radio, etc., they need to recruit better candidates (this includes more conservative Blue Dogs, by necessity), and they need to have a fucking full time head of their national committee.

I accept the argument that we should explore and more effectively communicate policies which are popular in rural communities, provided they are consistent with Democratic values. I reject the contention that we should abandon any core constituency. I reject the notion that their is a burning exurban need for socialism, unless someone is willing to show me more evidence than I have seen to date.
I want to be this optimistic, but so many people are likely going to get hurt over the next 2 years.

You blunt what you can in blue states, where most of our base is. Think the GOP not accepting the Medicaid expansion; stuff like that, but with Trump policy. For the other parts of our base which are mostly located in the South, it's already top-shit here. Mississippi ain't getting any worse; can't do worse than 50 out of 50!

Yes, people are going to get hurt I think, but we can still blunt a lot of this.


I can't stop thinking of the week where Anderson Cooper moderated democratic and republican debates / townhalls and asked the Democrats real, good tough questions to both Clinton and Bernie. Then a bit later when he had a Republican even he spent the entire time asking pointless fluff questions like "How much do you love your wife? Do you like Pina Coladas? I hear you like EDM. Tell me how funny you are."

"You hear the one where I lost to Hitler?"

EDIT: I was gonna say "I thought you were talking about Hillary", but it still works for Republicans, lol



I feel like this is really, really bad.

So many things are happening to latinos, blacks, muslims, LGBT people across this country. They're being targeted, harassed, threatened, and attacked.

This is so sickening. I have a very bad feeling about this. A very bad feeling.
One good thing about a Trump presidency? Nintendo Switch is gonna be huge.

Think about it. Nintendo's best selling consoles, besides Gamecube, were released during Republican presidencies. NES SNES, Gameboy, GBA Wii, DS, all came out during either Reagan, Bush Sr., or W. Bush's presidencies. Gamecube was W. Bush but Virtual boy N64, WiiU, and 3ds? Clinton and Obama.

My logic is sound.
We got a note in our mailbox today from an anonymous Hillary supporter who gave us seeds to plant for the future because of our yard sign. My wife shared it on Pantsuit nation and it blew up.

We decided to walk around Lady Bird Lake and try and relax as much as we can. Caught a drink at a bar we like, walked back to our car and there was ANOTHER note from another anonymous Hillary supporter asking us to keep the Hillary sticker on our car and not take it off.

Guys, we may have actually re-galvanized the base of our party. I get that I live in Austin, but I have never seen the left this hurt and this motivated.

Fam, it's going to be ok. We're going to take back the state houses and the governors mansion and fight redistricting and fight voter suppression and we're going to fucking get off our collective asses and make this happen instead of leaving Obama flapping in the wind for 6 years like we did.

Democracy doesn't begin or end at the voting booth. Voting is the culmination of your efforts but people need to remain active and engaged before and after elections. Stuff like this is encouraging.



I feel like this is really, really bad.

So many things are happening to latinos, blacks, muslims, LGBT people across this country. They're being targeted, harassed, threatened, and attacked.

This is so sickening. I have a very bad feeling about this. A very bad feeling.
Me too. Someone at work asked me why I should care because I'm a straight white male, so I don't have to worry as much about it. I didn't even know how to respond.


Can't the BBC largely function the way it does because there's very little alternative television options? I'm not sure that it's possible in our current landscape to elevate PBS to such levels.

They really just need a dedicated news division which could be ran in conjunction with NPR's. NPR already has a lot of the resources needed in their radio news division and have a website posting news which is updated constantly. You just need some more studio anchors and on-camera reporters/camera people.

They could share news resources with the BBC/CBC as well (haven't watched the PBS News Hour in forever, but I vaguely remember them using BBC stuff for some of the reports then).

In an ideal world, I'd combine PBS, NPR, and Voice of America all into one entity, since VOA has a lot of budget dollars that are going into creating duplicate programming of basically the same stuff NPR does.


The more I think about it, the more I think this is going to destroy the Republicans in the mid terms. They will either submit to all Trump asks, or he'll go to war against them. He CAN'T resist firing back at anyone who criticizes him, let alone doesn't agree with him or attacks his proposals. And we know the Republicans, they probably think they are in a position of power and will be able to force Trump to do whatever they want, they'll end up provoking him.

I just can't see any scenario where Trump doesn't start attacking them like he did in the primaries and after, and he'll do that with popular support. That can only translate into votes for Democrats, unless Trump starts a third party while he's president, and in that case the Republicans still lose. Plus, with the loss the Dems suffered, they don't represent power in Washington now, the Republicans do, so THEY have become the real representation of "the establishment", now that Hillary is gone.

I said this before but trump delayed the inevitable lesson the republican party is going to have to learn soon about appealing to other demographics besides their typical demographic.
This thought that we want to work with racist is really disrespectful and false. Reality check, Is not about wants anymore. Trump is president of the USA and the GOP controls every facet of government worth a damn and you are here criticizing people that want to help the party that represents you by going beyond what they want and sacrifice for a higher goal and you are here telling us that's something that we want to do? I just want to live my life in peace. Can I do that by seeing a facist take power and not try to change this?

That's pretty fucking rich and elitist of you. The people willing to do the "dirty" work for your party, apparently compromise your moral high ground when assholes that want to kill a bunch of people and oppress even more have a lot of means to do so.

Yeah, let's not try to win votes, after all who wants to win elections. Who needs to do that. Look at that great cabinet and the great policies that the alternative are going to give us.
No you said after all what are super delegates for.

I would rather super delegates turn against a candidate unlikely to win in the general than have a fascist authoritarian running the country. If they're going to exist at all, this is what they're there for.

And if Bernie Sanders won the pledged delegates but was being investigated by the FBI and statistically tied with a monster, and Hillary was up 10% points on said monsters with none of the same baggage I'd want the same in that situation too. Otherwise they might not even be there and we should get rid of them.

Though any candidate with those kinds of issues (Not to mention a 35% approval rating) should have suspended their campaign before it got to that point.


Maybe I need to see what it means to burn it all down in more detail?

I agree that it is a massive systemic issue. 2006 and 2008 were better and there was no burning involved. Of course, there were specific reasons for those elections, and the party shouldn't rely on that.

I conclude that the party needs to make better investments in political infrastructure. Similar to the GOP did post Goldwater. They need to cultivate a donor base that understands why this is important, they need to have organizations permanently invested and operating in rural and exurban communities to check the power of talk radio, etc., they need to recruit better candidates (this includes more conservative Blue Dogs, by necessity), and they need to have a fucking full time head of their national committee.

I accept the argument that we should explore and more effectively communicate policies which are popular in rural communities, provided they are consistent with Democratic values. I reject the contention that we should abandon any core constituency. I reject the notion that their is a burning exurban need for socialism, unless someone is willing to show me more evidence than I have seen to date.

I want to reframe the argument. Saying we're okay and that we should rerun a Hillary campaign again and fix the mistakes in order to narrowly win the EV race is not where we should feel comfortable at. This was supposed to be a crushing defeat of the alt-right and tea partiers. Winning by a small margin should not be the goal.

Remember the massive gap of the ground game, infrastructure, and fundraising between the Hillary and Trump campaigns? Hillary still lost despite that. What was all that preparation and planning for? Did it even matter? I don't believe the media misreported on this and it is highly disturbing that despite the disparity of efforts, we can still be OK with the race ever being this close.

I believe ideological purity is dumb and we should never reject people with expertise and experience because they made a mistake. We all made mistakes. Anyone who realizes their mistakes should be part of the team. However, I don't want to wash out the calls to burn it down because there is a genuine need to rethink how we approach all this.
I would rather super delegates turn against a candidate unlikely to win in the general than have a fascist authoritarian running the country. If they're going to exist at all, this is what they're there for.

And if Bernie Sanders won the pledged delegates but was being investigated by the FBI and statistically tied with a monster, and Hillary was up 10% points on said monsters with none of the same baggage I'd want the same in that situation too. Otherwise they might not even be there and we should get rid of them.

Though any candidate with those kinds of issues (Not to mention a 35% approval rating) should have suspended their campaign before it got to that point.

Using the super delegates to nominate Bernie instead of Hillary would have been the largest disenfranchisement of the minority vote since Jim Crow. Good luck running the general with that behind you.
Me too. Someone at work asked me why I should care because I'm a straight white male, so I don't have to worry as much about it. I didn't even know how to respond.

Yeah, a potential total economic collapse and a President who probably wouldn't hesitate to spark a global nuclear war if a world leader says something mean about him, that doesn't affect us straight white men at all, huh? God, I can't believe it's going to be another four years of this.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I was doing much better, then I started listening to Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan's discussion on Trump, and I'm fucking terrified.

Sam Harris is not usually the hysterical type and he agreed with Sullivan on the prospects of a Trump Presidency. Sullivan was going hardcore into his Hitler comparisons which I usually ignore , but shit if he almost doesn't convince you.

For the record I don't think Trump is anything close to Hitler, but just like his presidency...It's impossible until it happens.


Probably posted already but just in case anyone missed it. Its from a few weeks back, right after the last debate.


I would rather super delegates turn against a candidate unlikely to win in the general than have a fascist authoritarian running the country. If they're going to exist at all, this is what they're there for.

And if Bernie Sanders won the pledged delegates but was being investigated by the FBI and statistically tied with a monster, and Hillary was up 10% points on said monsters with none of the same baggage I'd want the same in that situation too. Otherwise they might not even be there and we should get rid of them.

Though any candidate with those kinds of issues (Not to mention a 35% approval rating) should have suspended their campaign before it got to that point.
They're not there to judge marginal point spread. They're to break glass in case of emergency.

This was not an emergency. The idea that they should've thrown the race to Sanders is completely ridiculous.


I said this before but trump delayed the inevitable lesson the republican party is going to have to learn soon about appealing to other demographics besides their typical demographic.
I don't know. The rust belt might not come back. Maybe Michigan does? I dunno.

The question is how long does it take for the sun belt to catch up? This could be a really long transition.

Lots of weird things are happening. Like, even Vermont has a Republican governor now. Fucking Vermont.


This thought that we want to work with racist is really disrespectful and false. Reality check, Is not about wants anymore. Trump is president of the USA and the GOP controls every facet of government worth a damn and you are here criticizing people that want to help the party that represents you by going beyond what they want and sacrifice for a higher goal and you are here telling us that's something that we want to do? I just want to live my life in peace. Can I do that by seeing a facist take power and not try to change this?

That's pretty fucking rich and elitist of you. The people willing to do the "dirty" work for your party, apparently compromise your moral high ground when assholes that want to kill a bunch of people and oppress even more have a lot of means to do so.

Yeah, let's not try to win votes, after all who wants to win elections. Who needs to do that. Look at that great cabinet and the great policies that the alternative are going to give us.
It is not disrespectful and false to say working with Trump means you are working with a racist. It's fact.

What was fucking rich and elitist is the pile of fools post-primary who threw tantrums about Hillary winning. We were willing to do the "dirty" work of volunteering, canvassing, donating to this candidate that was called all sorts of dirty stuff because she wasn't pure enough. What did those Bernie supporters do? Protest at DNC, persistently negative about Hillary until the end, "both of them are just as bad", etc.

When the people of the party reached out to the complaining contingent and offered olive branches, the branches were taken but still there were ceaseless declarations of selfish wants, culminating on the obnoxious protests at the DNC. You're sitting here now complaining about how a facist came to power...did the Sanders faction think about that when spreading FUD and being negative about Hillary to the point where people saw her and Trump as the same?

We were trying to win an election, we asked for unity, we got spit on our face instead. The burden fell to minorities to carry progressive ideals.

Where were your complaints about the Sanders supporters back then? What good is it for you to complain about the people who put work into this election, who gave it there all, when this lovely Sanders faction that is now screaming for full control gave nothing?

Do not forget how easily your arguments can be turned against you.
It is not disrespectful and false to say working with Trump means you are working with a racist. It's fact.

What was fucking rich and elitist is the pile of fools post-primary who threw tantrums about Hillary winning. We were willing to do the "dirty" work of volunteering, canvassing, donating to this candidate that was called all sorts of dirty stuff because she wasn't pure enough. What did those Bernie supporters do? Protest at DNC, persistently negative about Hillary until the end, "both of them are just as bad", etc.

When the people of the party reached out to the complaining contingent and offered olive branches, the branches were taken but still there were ceaseless declarations of selfish wants, culminating on the obnoxious protests at the DNC. You're sitting here now complaining about how a facist came to power...did the Sanders faction think about that when spreading FUD and being negative about Hillary to the point where people saw her and Trump as the same?

We were trying to win an election, we asked for unity, we got spit on our face instead. The burden fell to minorities to carry progressive ideals.

Where were your complaints about the Sanders supporters back then? What good is it for you to complain about the people who put work into this election, who gave it there all, when this lovely Sanders faction that is now screaming for full control gave nothing?

Do not forget how easily your arguments can be turned against you.

You aren't the only person who put a lot of work into trying to get Hillary elected.

I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.


I want to reframe the argument. Saying we're okay and that we should rerun a Hillary campaign again and fix the mistakes in order to narrowly win the EV race is not where we should feel comfortable at. This was supposed to be a crushing defeat of the alt-right and tea partiers. Winning by a small margin should not be the goal.

Remember the massive gap of the ground game, infrastructure, and fundraising between the Hillary and Trump campaigns? Hillary still lost despite that. What was all that preparation and planning for? Did it even matter? I don't believe the media misreported on this and it is highly disturbing that despite the disparity of efforts, we can still be OK with the race ever being this close.

I believe ideological purity is dumb and we should never reject people with expertise and experience because they made a mistake. We all made mistakes. Anyone who realizes their mistakes should be part of the team. However, I don't want to wash out the calls to burn it down because there is a genuine need to rethink how we approach all this.
I am on board with all such calls that are constructive.

Those that are not constructive can go find better things to do than self-validate how right they thought they were (not speaking to you personally here).

What steps do you want to see the party take?

Anyway, I also don't think that the goal should be to narrowly win the EV. But substantial wins were on the table a month ago and that hasn't really changed. That just wasn't the realization. What we know now is that GOP operations outside the Trump campaign, combined with Trump's WCW mind-meld, was astonishingly more potent than people had anticipated, and in a devastatingly surgical way. A massive win is no less possible. There are lots of ways the party can do better. Do all of them. Don't tear down the things you were already doing right. There are a lot of those too.


I am on board with all such calls that are constructive.

Those that are not constructive can go find better things to do than self-validate how right they thought they were (not speaking to you personally here).

What steps do you want to see the party take?

Anyway, I also don't think that the goal should be to narrowly win the EV. But substantial wins were on the table a month ago and that hasn't really changed. That just wasn't the realization. What we know now is that GOP operations outside the Trump campaign, combined with Trump's WCW mind-meld, was astonishingly more potent than people had anticipated, and in a devastatingly surgical way. A massive win is no less possible. There are lots of ways the party can do better. Do all of them. Don't tear down the things you were already doing right. There are a lot of those too.

I have nothing constructive to add right now. Just don't want to let go of the panic button yet.


You aren't the only person who put a lot of work into trying to get Hillary elected.

I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.
This post is pretty stupid.


New tweets.





It is not disrespectful and false to say working with Trump means you are working with a racist. It's fact.

What was fucking rich and elitist is the pile of fools post-primary who threw tantrums about Hillary winning. We were willing to do the "dirty" work of volunteering, canvassing, donating to this candidate that was called all sorts of dirty stuff because she wasn't pure enough. What did those Bernie supporters do? Protest at DNC, persistently negative about Hillary until the end, "both of them are just as bad", etc.

When the people of the party reached out to the complaining contingent and offered olive branches, the branches were taken but still there were ceaseless declarations of selfish wants, culminating on the obnoxious protests at the DNC. You're sitting here now complaining about how a facist came to power...did the Sanders faction think about that when spreading FUD and being negative about Hillary to the point where people saw her and Trump as the same?

We were trying to win an election, we asked for unity, we got spit on our face instead. The burden fell to minorities to carry progressive ideals.

Where were your complaints about the Sanders supporters back then? What good is it for you to complain about the people who put work into this election, who gave it there all, when this lovely Sanders faction that is now screaming for full control gave nothing?

Do not forget how easily your arguments can be turned against you.


Dramatis yet AGAIN with the red hot flames.

This line in particular burns bright:

The burden fell to minorities to carry progressive ideals.

You aren't the only person who put a lot of work into trying to get Hillary elected.

I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.

You're going to have to provide evidence of this. Because as someone who volunteered extensively for Clinton/McGinty here in Philadelphia, including with dozens of people who were formerly Bernie supporters, I saw not one instance of this. Not one.


Where were your complaints about the Sanders supporters back then? What good is it for you to complain about the people who put work into this election, who gave it there all, when this lovely Sanders faction that is now screaming for full control gave nothing?

Do not forget how easily your arguments can be turned against you.

So we're still on the "blame Bernie and his followers" stage? Have we learned nothing? Is this supposed to make undecideds and those that were disheartened "fall in line"? Having the opposite effect on me.
I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.

Literally 3/4 of my coworkers at the OSU campaign office were former Bernie diehards (and Franklin County's offices in general were full of them) so I'm gonna have to say you're full of shit.


So we're still on the "blame Bernie and his followers" stage? Have we learned nothing? Is this supposed to make undecideds and those that were disheartened "fall in line"? Having the opposite effect on me.

Discussions don't happen in a vacuum. There were Bernie supporters that were shouting pretty much "fall in line or die" in the thread. Be open minded.


Kills Photobucket
Me too. Someone at work asked me why I should care because I'm a straight white male, so I don't have to worry as much about it. I didn't even know how to respond.

I don't know if I would be able to hold back a very insulting response if anyone said this to me. Environmental issues, health care issues, economic issues. These go well beyond race or sexual orientation, and Trump will be able to damage them all. Do minority groups have more to fear? Yes, but screw anyone who pull that "what do you have to worry about" shit. Trump is a danger to everyone.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
So we're still on the "blame Bernie and his followers" stage? Have we learned nothing? Is this supposed to make undecideds and those that were disheartened "fall in line"? Having the opposite effect on me.


Edit: clarifying ther sigh. Even after the the elction results you still can't how shallow and fickle some bernie supporters are being?

"You're blaming us? for electing this potentially horrible facist, then I might not potentially vote" it sounds so childish.


Discussions don't happen in a vacuum. There were Bernie supporters that were shouting pretty much "fall in line or die" in the thread. Be open minded.

I just want to see ownership of the loss and the infighting go away, because we simply can't afford it. Neither is happening.
I don't know. The rust belt might not come back. Maybe Michigan does? I dunno.

The question is how long does it take for the sun belt to catch up? This could be a really long transition.

Lots of weird things are happening. Like, even Vermont has a Republican governor now. Fucking Vermont.

I don't think states like WI, MI, and PA are "gone" for Democrats at all. The race was incredibly close in those states.
Unrelated to this rehashed argument -

I've seen people suggest that being under FBI (or in general) investigation should be a disqualifying factor. I understand why that's appealing on the surface, but it's important to remember that the FBI has been revealed to be heavily politicized. I'm not sure it's a good idea to give them (i.e. the apparently not-insignificant Trump fanbase in the bureau) incentive to leak information for or against certain candidates. People in the FBI wanted to open an official investigation into the Clinton Foundation based on Breitbart bullshit, so you'd be leaving yourself very vulnerable to their tactics going forward.


I don't think states like WI, MI, and PA are "gone" for Democrats at all. The race was incredibly close in those states.
I live in Western PA. I've gotta say, it's become a lot more, shall we say, Duck Dynasty outside of Pittsburgh over the past several years. It's always been like that in lots of places, but not as much as I see now. It definitely helps explain the higher concentration of Trump voters in the red counties, though.


I just want to see ownership of the loss and the infighting go away, because we simply can't afford it. Neither is happening.

There have been pages upon pages in this thread of Hillary supports talking about where things went wrong.

So just be honest. You're not asking for acceptance of the loss. You're wanting Hillary supporters to fall on the knees at the Bernie alter and beg for forgiveness.
Now that these WWC voters have their "perfect" candidate as president, if he bombs, maybe they'll be disillusioned that the GOP is for them and doesn't just use them for an easy vote to line their own pockets.


This election ruined me for political dramas. I can no longer watch shows like Designated Survivor without thinking, "What happened in reality is so much more fucked up than what's happening here".


Edit: clarifying ther sigh. Even after the the elction results you still can't how shallow and fickle some bernie supporters are being?

"You're blaming us? for electing this potentially horrible facist, then I might not potentially vote" it sounds so childish.

I voted and did everything I could to convince people to vote for Hillary. Taking your toys and going home is childish, and that's not what I or a significant number of Bernie supporters did. You can browbeat them all you want but it's not going to help at this point. I know there's a great deal of concern that the party will be entirely turned over to the hard left via Bernie and his influence but I don't see it happening.


You aren't the only person who put a lot of work into trying to get Hillary elected.

I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.

I don't believe this.
This thought that we want to work with racist is really disrespectful and false. Reality check, Is not about wants anymore. Trump is president of the USA and the GOP controls every facet of government worth a damn and you are here criticizing people that want to help the party that represents you by going beyond what they want and sacrifice for a higher goal and you are here telling us that's something that we want to do? I just want to live my life in peace. Can I do that by seeing a facist take power and not try to change this?

That's pretty fucking rich and elitist of you. The people willing to do the "dirty" work for your party, apparently compromise your moral high ground when assholes that want to kill a bunch of people and oppress even more have a lot of means to do so.

Yeah, let's not try to win votes, after all who wants to win elections. Who needs to do that. Look at that great cabinet and the great policies that the alternative are going to give us.
What if I'm just not convinced that you can win enough of those votes anymore? Go all out and try to get those Racist Bs again. If you can do it without throwing minorities under the bus though, that would be kind of nice?

What if I'm not entirely convinced that it's the only path to winning again?

Those Cohn tweets aren't encouraging at all.

You aren't the only person who put a lot of work into trying to get Hillary elected.

I watched as dozens of former Sanders supporters wanted to volunteer for the Hillary campaign, but were constantly shit on and pushed away by Hillary Campaign. Anyone who wasn't a blindly screaming YAS QUEEN die-hard was a racist sexist KKK member and they didn't want their time, support or vote.

You're claiming the campaign turned you away as a volunteer because you were a Sanders supporter? I'm not buying that for second, sorry.
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