I was going to write up a detailed counterargument about how I disagree with your assessments but I'm tired so I'll just post some articles and exit polls.I mean, on paper, yes. But you cannot make the argument that Trump knows foreign policy better than Hillary Clinton. You could maybe try that with a straight face with Rmoney, and it would be total bullshit, but I think that could convince some people. How do you do that with Trump? Even people that hate her are usually willing to admit she knows her shit, especially on foreign policy.
As to 2008, no. McCain knew foreign policy better than Obama did McCain is interventionist as all hell, and would have nuked Iran, but he still was seen as stronger on foreign policy. I'm arguing optics not position. I think we dems are always better on foregin polciy, but we're perceived as weaker I don't see that happening with Hillary/Trump.
The foreign policy debate will just be...it'll be better than sex. It really will.
As Democratic pollster Jeremy Rosner notes, the fact that half of Biden’s distilled pitch relates to foreign policy speaks to the rare advantage the Democratic Party has on national security in 2012, thanks to accomplishments such as ending the war in Iraq and killing Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders. An Ipsos/Reuters poll last month found that 51 percent of registered voters believe Barack Obama is stronger on foreign policy than Mitt Romney, while 35 percent believe the Republican candidate has the edge. The president also has a 47-38 advantage on national security and a 50-35 advantage on the war on terror.
Hillary hasn't been tested by punished Trump yet. Trump is gonna get so filthy, so kaioken nasty. I hope she's ready, or Zion will fall.
Politico has a truly baffling piece up about the decline of the Bush and Clinton dynasties and the voters rejecting them.
That's why she's going to win. For once the fact she's a woman will play to her advantage. He'll look like an even bigger asshole than he usual if he tries any of the shit he's been pulling so far. The optics will be horrible, she'll just need to be sure to stay above the fray and make him look like a petulant child.
No way man, America is gonna eat that shit up, especially if it's funny.
No way man, America is gonna eat that shit up, especially if it's funny.
I just looked it up too. Completely tone deaf. I have to think the writer had it written before South Carolina and the editors should have noticed too.
"The Clinton dynasty is failing to connect with voters"
I was going to write up a detailed counterargument about how I disagree with your assessments but I'm tired so I'll just post some articles and exit polls.
Final tally in exit polls favored Obama 56-33 on Foreign Policy: http://ropercenter.cornell.edu/polls/us-elections/how-groups-voted/how-groups-voted-2012/
These are empirical numbers.
Has someone digged up the PoliGAF reaction page back when trump announced and everyone (me included) was laughing about him hiring people to be in the audience and how ridiculous it was?
I mean, on paper, yes. But you cannot make the argument that Trump knows foreign policy better than Hillary Clinton. You could maybe try that with a straight face with Rmoney, and it would be total bullshit, but I think that could convince some people. How do you do that with Trump? Even people that hate her are usually willing to admit she knows her shit, especially on foreign policy.
How have I not seen that video.
Rubio team put the dick joke on YouTube.
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?
I've said this before in irl conversations: I don't think Trump's sense of humor is going to play well in the general.
He cracks jokes like an old, entitled racist.
A lot of people don't find that brand of humor amusing, but you wouldn't necessarily see those people well represented in a republican primary audience.
It's really gross how Donald Trump has taken our political discourse into the gutter. But watching Marco Rubio follow him there is somehow even grosser. I disagree with him politically, but I expected far better from him. Rubio professes Christian faith, so someone should sit him down and have him reflect on Mark 8:36:
He was talking about elections, and 2012 was unquestionably a year when the Democratic candidate was perceived as stronger and more effective in foreign policy and war than the Republican challenger.
Just went down memory lane.I went back and looked at it a couple of weeks ago. It was funny, but no one saw this shit coming.
It's really gross how Donald Trump has taken our political discourse into the gutter. But watching Marco Rubio follow him there is somehow even grosser. I disagree with him politically, but I expected far better from him. Rubio professes Christian faith, so someone should sit him down and have him reflect on Mark 8:36:
Hillary hasn't been tested by punished Trump yet. Trump is gonna get so filthy, so kaioken nasty. I hope she's ready, or Zion will fall.
This is exactly the reason Joe Biden had to hold back so much when he debated Sarah Palin. Had he gone in too hard it would have looked like bullying and it would have had the opposite effect. How do you think it'll go when someone's an actual bully?
Trump hasn't exactly faced fierce competition himself
I've seen so many people say that Trump has barely been challenged. I am pretty sure he will be the most "tested" nominee ever. He was near universally opposed.
What?Hillary hasn't been tested by punished Trump yet. Trump is gonna get so filthy, so kaioken nasty. I hope she's ready, or Zion will fall.
He has a point in that I do believe Trump will try to knock the Clintons out of their comfort zone.What?
In the words of Bernie Sanders: "English only."
He has a point in that I do believe Trump will try to knock the Clintons out of their comfort zone.
I expect him to accuse Bill of being a rapist and Hillary of being a rape accomplice.
He'll make it sound like Hillary held them down and then threatened them into silence.
On foreign policy I fully expect Trump to somehow spin every question into "I was against the Iraq War. Hillary was not. She let our troops die in Benghazi. She should be in jail."
On foreign policy I fully expect Trump to somehow spin every question into "I was against the Iraq War. Hillary was not. She let our troops die in Benghazi. She should be in jail."
I think she's going to try to paint him as a fool without a clue, no conviction, and no experience that qualifies him for the presidency. He was for the Iraq War before he was against it, so that one is a wash. At least she agrees it was a mistake unlike the other GOP bimbos.
Especially with an electorate that cares far more about it lol.Because the bold is going so well for Bernie.
Accessory to rape tho.
Accessory to rape tho.
If he's the general election candidate, you best believe he will be pressed for proof on this stuff.
The last thing the Clintons want to be doing is litigating Bill Clinton's sex life.
If you're having that discussion, you're losing.
If I worked for her I'd advise her to counter with offense: Trump's own sexual history is not exactly clean.Agreed.
Hopefully Hillary has learned from her early rounds with Bernie that if you let your opponent control the topic of conversation, you're looking.
I hope she's gotta a team working on a response to him bringing up Bill's sex life. She canNOT expect him to be above bringing it up, nor can she trust the audience to punish him for doing so.
Her response to that needs to be hard. It needs to be effective, and devastating.
Even if he became somewhat competitive, Bernie's pretty dismal numbers with minority voters would make it highly unlikely he could win the nomination. That's part of the reason why you see him doing well in New Hampshire -- white, college educated voters are his forte -- but struggling elsewhere.
hillary 65
crash and bern 35
GOP Desperate actions to displace Trump
This article has everything. Lack of self awareness, hypocrisy, smug entitlement, cowardice, delusion, and ineptitude. Just glorious. I think my favorite part has to be Romney, Bush, and Christie all telling Rubio to go jump in a lake.
God, we can't be that lucky can we?
Yes, it would be over. No, Mitch, your strategy will not work and I look forward to HRC nominating a black, lesbian, pot smoking justice to the SC as a big middle finger.
And Rubio with the velvet touch....
Why not just pat him on the head too, Marco?