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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I feel like the drumpf thing is a premature ejaculation and/or a way too late orgasm when it comes to timing. Wish John Oliver waited until slow news week well into general election season to air it for full impact.

I hope it doesn't affect Trump's standing in the GOP race too much in the coming weeks.
I feel like the drumpf thing is a premature ejaculation and/or a way too late orgasm when it comes to timing. Wish John Oliver waited until slow news week well into general election season to air it for full impact.

I hope it doesn't affect Trump's standing in the GOP race too much in the coming weeks.

Republicans don't watch Last Week Tonight, and the few that do are not having their vote influenced by it
I was thinking of doing a political satire, drawing, story thread contest. Would any of you feel interested? I wasn't sure what to do or give the winners of it (as I am a bit broke) so if anyone has any suggestions it would be something I would really like to see. I have liked some of the things a lot of you have came up with as far as gifs, photos and stories in the last few weeks.

I am still creating a game maybe I can include the top three best entries into my game as a part of voters or something? Any suggestions and feedback would be nice as I want it to go smoothly


With Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump as the opponent there's no way anyone can complain about Castro not having enough experience or being serious enough.

Strike the starkest contrast possible.

I worry about Castro being taken apart by Christie in the VP debate though.
It would be amazing if John Oliver of all people managed to do what the GOP clown car has failed at.

In other news, the AFL-CIO is looking to set up their own big bad SuperPAC.
It would be amazing if John Oliver of all people managed to do what the GOP clown car has failed at.

Nah, nothing in there would hurt him among the republican base. The clip of him talking about killing terrorist's families, for instance, is to the GOP what something like basic income would be to the left: this amazing idea that you never thought a candidate would actually talk about. He's winning because he's a racist hate monger, not in spite of it. This is all delicious ammo for a general election, but it will only buttress his support within the party.
True, Oliver's show isn't really targeted towards his voter base.

I'd love for it to essentially make Donald J. Drumpf into basically a joke in the eyes of the rest of the electorate though, even as he steamrolls his way to the nomination.

What has Castro done?
Not much.


I think that's what Oliver would love too.

Keep making fun of Trump, of his small hand thing and his spotty business track record and his old man style racism and flip flopping and have Trump hit back and insult his ratings or his appearance and thus have Oliver hit back and the rest of the media engorge itself on the spectacle. I can't imagine Oliver is the only late night comedian planning to do this either.

Because what does Oliver care? He isn't running for anything. He doesn't need to appear above anything. His biggest concern is ratings which would only stand to improve if he got into a feud with the Republican nominee. Hell negative feedback is his shows brand.



@realdonaldtrump said:
John Oliver, whose poorly rated show wanted me on & I refused, now taking cheap shots at me. Sad -- a total loser!

Ok, so not real Donald Trump. But it could happen!


It seems like good puns and high entertainment values are a really underrated ability in modern politics?

To have witty and smart comebacks (or at-least entertaining ones) seems to be at-least 1/3 of Trumps success. If Jeb would have had funny and witty comebacks against Trumps attacks. I am sure he would still be in the race.


Just remembered that I'm going to a massive LGBT party tomorrow night. I should be back in time to turn up in chat shortly before polls close tomorrow completely off my face. Roll on the coronation ceremony!


Neo Member
With Super Tuesday soon approaching I think we are all expecting the inevitable slaughter that will occur on that day. Many Bernie supporters will simply be disillusioned at the system at that point. I however hope that we can gather enthusiasm to back Hillary because it is urgent we win this election. If the Republican turnout is high and they manage to make their positions in the House and Senate even stronger, and they also manage to fill several upcoming vacancies in the Supreme Court, the Progressive movement will suffer a tremendous blow. All the progress we made towards LBGT and minority rights will be wiped away in an instance. The Climate problem will grow out of control as the deniers power legislation. The relations we have built up around the world will be torn to shreds. Healthcare will be threatened and college education costs will skyrocket. Planned Parenthood, Roe v Wade, equal pay and women's rights will be set back. We need to suck it up and go out in mass, we need to push for the changes we seek. Sitting out sets us back, it will trap us for decades. This election is extremely crucial, and we can't afford to make a mistake right now.


That CNN/ORC poll 35% of Republicans/Republican leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Trump.

20% of Democrat/Democratic leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Clinton.


That CNN/ORC poll 35% of Republicans/Republican leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Donald "My twitter has become so powerful" Trump.

20% of Democrat/Democratic leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Clinton.

Given that people always revert back quite a lot towards the election, say both of those numbers halve. That's still a very handy advantage for Clinton.
That CNN/ORC poll 35% of Republicans/Republican leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Trump.

20% of Democrat/Democratic leaning independents definitely wouldn't support Clinton.
I believe you're reading it wrong.

The base in that question is only the sample not supporting each candidate.

So that's 35% of the 51% supporting other candidates for the GOP i.e. about 18% GOP/GOP lean.
And 20% of the Sanders supporters for the Democratic i.e. about 8% of Dems/Dem leaners.


I believe you're reading it wrong.

The base in that question is only the sample not supporting each candidate.

So that's 35% of the 51% supporting other candidates for the GOP.
And 20% of the Sanders supporters for the Democratic.

Ooh that's even better then :)


I believe you're reading it wrong.

The base in that question is only the sample not supporting each candidate.

So that's 35% of the 51% supporting other candidates for the GOP.
And 20% of the Sanders supporters for the Democratic.

Ah ok, that seems even better though.

Something like 7% of Democrats and Democratic leaning independents wouldn't support Clinton, and almost 18% wouldn't support Trump.

Edit; looks like the Morning Joe/Donald Trump bromance is over too.

"It’s breathtaking. That is disqualifying right there. To say you don’t know about the Ku Klux Klan? You don’t know about David Duke?" the co-host said during the opening segment of the show after remarking upon Trump's feigned ignorance of the group and Duke during an interview with CNN on Sunday, two days after he explicitly disavowed the group in a news conference.

The "most stunning thing" about the latest development, said Scarborough, a southerner himself, is that the latest maneuver "isn’t buying him a single vote."

“I mean is he really so stupid that he thinks Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke? Is he really so ignorant of Southern voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart — to go neutral, to play Switzerland when you’re talking about the Klan?" Scarborough asked. "And to say he doesn’t know enough information about the Klan to condemn them — exactly what does Donald Trump expect to learn in the next 24 hours about the Klan.”



Sanders Campaign Says It Raised $36 Million in February

I'm guessing outflow is still high (if it's similar to the $35M in Jan), but given cash on hand was $14.7M end of Jan, he has enough to go for a while I guess.
I expect her to have raised less, but also to still have more cash on hand when FEC filings come out later.

It's just a question of whether he should rather than finances. If he is wiped out barring Vermont tomorrow what is the point?


Their best-case Super Tuesday scenario looks like this: Of the 11 states holding Democratic contests, Sanders wins Colorado, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma -- four states where he’s invested in television advertising. Then he blows out Clinton in Vermont, and keeps it close in Virginia. As long as Clinton’s margins of victory in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas – states with sizable African-American populations — aren’t too overwhelming, he could march onto a trio of friendlier contests the following weekend with a credible case to make. His campaign could argue that Super Tuesday was a split decision, one that would still likely see him trailing Clinton in delegates, but not by an insurmountable margin, thanks to their proportional allocation.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/bernie-braces-for-decision-day-219944#ixzz41YkTGygT


I hope Super Tuesday isn't a blowout for Hillary and Trump ( although it likely will be ). Ideally I want the races to be close until the conventions to keep it interesting until June. November is a long ways away

I know you like perfectchaos but, when it comes to the GOP getting destroyed I take no chances, the quicker the kill, the better. It might actually help Dems start early on Trump and get some of spotlight into the SCOTUS fight (sorely needs it) - which favors Dems.
It's just a question of whether he should rather than finances. If he is wiped out barring Vermont tomorrow what is the point?
Depends on how big the wipe out is. With the #momentum coming out of SC, and Mook's caucus strategy seemingly working, it seems entirely plausible she wins them all except Vermont.

He may continue for no other reason than to continue; as the message candidate he was always meant to be. The more delegates he manages to grasp away, probably the more influence he has.


There has been no good story or poll on CO or MN for months. Those will be very interesting tomorrow night.

We should be getting quick network calls starting at 7 EST
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