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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
We went back and forth on this yesterday. The thing is once everybody sees you placing footsie with David Duke, et al you can't just walk that back. Shit like that sticks to you. Even in a Republican primary.

Except it probably really doesn't hurt him in a republican primary.
The man who said he will kill terrorist's families posted a quote from Ghandi on his Twitter.

To be fair, he probably only knows Gandhi as that guy in Civilization who kept nuking everyone.

Thanks, if I don't find anything else I will definitely tomorrow.

Okay, it's not a big deal. Time Warner lets you create up to 4 accounts for other people to use. I made a NeoGAF one in case anyone needs it. Just hit me up.

Edit: I'm not 100% sure it works on CNN Go, but it does work on Time Warner Cable apps, including on the website. You can get any news channel you want, CNN, MSNBC, Fox...whatever.


I think Don will have some people to jump on board but there will be a lot of disaffected GOP voters that will stay home or go out to vote downballot and decline to vote for Trump.

This is a landslide for the Dems this cycle.

Anyway, I can't wait till tomorrow passes so we can move on to the general already. Once the front runners rack up those wins, they'll reinforce their front runner status and voters will further coalesce behind them. It'll be Trump-Clinton and the sooner we can focus on that, the better.


The Duke debacle won't stop Trump's inevitable march to the nomination but even he realizes he fucked up with the intentional waffling.

White supremacists were already supporting him anyway. He had zero reason to wade into that water.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Trump is such a bullshitter and panders more than any other candidate I really don't think he's as much of an asshole as he lets on. He's definitely an asshole, I just believe his horrible rhetoric is from his understanding how to manipulate the media. Isn't that how most people view as his main strategy, getting massive coverage?

I definitely don't think he's really a conservative or at least not as conservative as the Republican Party is now. The argument about letting people die in the streets reflects that. The discrepancy between what he said before running for president is definitely telling. People are free to change their mind, but Trump went almost completely the opposite direction.

I want to believe he's a living art piece that will announce he's been fucking with the Republican Party this entire time once he wins the nomination allowing a Hillary blow out like Ronald Reagan in 1984. That would be grand. In reality though, I think he'll slightly move toward the middle but not abandon the core principles that won him the nomination. I don't think he'll be completely unprepared to debate Hillary like he basically has so far.
He's going to fire back at them of course, thats what Trump does. But he got too cute this time and knows it. That's why he was talking about the bad ear piece this morning. Any tie to the KKK will kill him, even with a racist base of support.
He most definitely played with fire and will burn his hands in the process, but for him he has no material to talk about other than shitty politicians. He will use this as his fuel for the next few days.

Regardless, I'm glad this KKK stuff happened now when he's at the cusp of inevitability rather than August or September of last year.
Someone to keep in mind for the VP spot is actually the Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper.

I've been thinking his credentials set him up for a solid 2020/2024 run for awhile, but a VP nod solidifies that run. He ushered in one of the first, and one of the most successful, marijuana initiatives, one of the strongest economies in the country (GDP growth), and looks to institute state wide single payer in 2017.

He's currently campaigning for the Clinton campaign in Colorado.

Heh, with all that establishment GOP 3rd party talk, just look at how he got elected:

great but why not also poll Trump vs Rubio vs Cruz?

lot of undecided there, gonna predict weak enthusiasm in FL

I'm not sure why they didn't poll anything but the Dem race. I mean, it's just a college running the poll, so I don't know how accurate it is. It's in line with what we're seeing.

Interestingly, they didn't provide numbers among Latinos, which I found interesting. I would think that voting block would be as big as AAs in Florida.
I don't them offhand, but remember a week or two ago that they were significantly better than the numbers were at this point in 2008. We were pleasantly surprised.

Ah, must've missed that. I figured that group was way overblown online. Glad the numbers support that.
Sure, but let's say they get that. What are these new jobs? Like, what does West Virginia actually do? Their resources are coal and timber. The land doesn't support agriculture. There's not much of a commercial base. It's not clear who or what wants to build a factory or start a business in West Virginia. Without an industrial base or existing commercial wealth, it's hard to get stuff off the ground.

Well, I mean, in the aggregate TPP is good for the working class, because that's what free trade does, it enriches everybody by reducing the cost of goods.

It's in the individual cases of states like Oklahoma or West Virginia that people get fucked, but I agree with you, they have gotten fucked and nobody really seemed to have a plan to respond to that. (Oklahoma, in fairness, is getting trashed by an oil crisis that has nothing to do with free trade, but I think it's similar in some respects.)

I mean, ultimately Foffy is right. The correct thing to do is step up automation, continue to reduce the cost of everything, and create social programs to support the working class so that they can survive and create small businesses of their own or retrain or whatever. It's more or less inevitable and people need to really start thinking about it.

That's actually one of the big problems with Sanders! His anti-free trade strategy doesn't represent a real solution, it represents an emotional reaction. Sure, West Virginians like the idea that free trade needs to be stopped and then everything will be all right again. But fundamentally, free trade isn't just the institution, it's also the way forward by continuing to reduce the cost of everything. If he argued that socialism was the only way to support free trade I might actually vote for him, because at least then he'd be trying to argue for the one right policy choice.

Then I would think the federal government would have to step in since the local and state can't do it and invest into the state and build, and improve the infrastructure . That in itself might hire people there. The next thing they need to do is diversify the economy, but something that is more industry, service industry, construction, or something. I think Hillary possibly have some ideas to make it better, but other that it is something that needs to be looked into.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trump's no hero. Never was. He's just an old killer hired by Bill Clinton to do some wet work.


Donald Trump's latest assessment of the press: 50% are "absolute sleaze." 25% are "okay." 25% are "pretty good." And 10% are "outstanding."
The Atlantic: Why Liberals Should Vote for Marco Rubio

"Stabilize the Republican Party" by letting them think a terrible neocon who wants war with every country is completely A-OK?
Let me get this straight: I'd be more likely to accept a Rubio presidency because I know it would be just more W Bush bullshit. The thought of a Trump presidency absolutely terrifies me because it could be complete chaos.

I still wouldn't vote for either of them.


The Atlantic: Why Liberals Should Vote for Marco Rubio

"Stabilize the Republican Party" by letting them think a terrible neocon who wants war with every country is completely A-OK?

The argument here is basically that Hillary Clinton might get hit by a bus on Halloween and then we accidentally elect Donald Trump.

I think that Hillary Clinton would probably beat Donald Trump in an election even if she were dead, so I'm just not that worried.


Let me get this straight: I'd be more likely to accept a Rubio presidency because I know it would be just more W Bush bullshit. The thought of a Trump presidency absolutely terrifies me because it could be complete chaos.

I still wouldn't vote for either of them.
Yep, silly article.
The argument here is basically that Hillary Clinton might get hit by a bus on Halloween and then we accidentally elect Donald Trump.

I think that Hillary Clinton would probably beat Donald Trump in an election even if she were dead, so I'm just not that worried.
What happens in this case (just to be clear)? Does the win go to her VP? Is there constitutional precedent?
I'd love to see Drumpf get hit with a glitter bomb.

Does it have to be glitter.....

Also, I'm enjoying watching some Bernie supporters try and rationalize their approval of Rep Alan Grayson endorsing Sanders. They want the endorsement because...well, I mean we all know why. But he's one of those hedge fund/millionaire people that are so bad.


Trump would be such a better president than Rubio. At the very least, he'd unite Congress in realizing what kind of crazy their dealing with.
Trump would be such a better president than Rubio. At the very least, he'd unite Congress in realizing what kind of crazy their dealing with.

I think he would be better than any of the other Republican candidates. He would hire experts in every field to work for him and listen to their advice. I think he'd also be willing to negotiate with the other side much better than the other republicans.


Zeke MillerVerified account
Christie is holding a 3pm press conference. This should be fun



(UMass Amherst/WBZ-TV/YouGov 2/19-2/25)
2016 Massachusetts Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 292 likely voters - republican
Ben Carson (R) 2%
Ted Cruz (R) 15%
John Kasich (R) 11%
Marco Rubio (R) 15%
Donald Trump (R) 47%
Other 7%
Undecided 3%
I agree that Trump is one of the least bad options on that stage. I mean, he's still bat shit insane, but still better than Cruz.

Jessie Ventura is at the Sanders rally. He's trying to decide if he's going to endorse Bernie or Trump.




Someone to keep in mind for the VP spot is actually the Governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper.

I've been thinking his credentials set him up for a solid 2020/2024 run for awhile, but a VP nod solidifies that run. He ushered in one of the first, and one of the most successful, marijuana initiatives, one of the strongest economies in the country (GDP growth), and looks to institute state wide single payer in 2017.

He's currently campaigning for the Clinton campaign in Colorado.
Hickenlooper is probably my #2 choice for VP, after Kaine.

It is absolutely true to say that our current policies have failed Appalachia, and that nobody in government seems to have a plan for fixing it. It's easy to talk about building tech jobs, but it's hard to actually get Google employees to move to Charleston. So there probably are a bunch of white people who feel victimized by trade and abandoned by the establishment, and they aren't totally crazy. They do need help. It's not clear what will provide that help.
You can argue about effectiveness, or whether it goes far enough, but I really don't think it's fair to say that nobody has a plan to fix it.


Scalia's death has Thomas shook. When I sat at oral arguments for Obergefell, there was a few minute period where Thomas was whispering to Breyer. Breyer then asked some questions, some of which presumably came from Thomas. Maybe Breyer will only ask questions that he needs the answers to and Scalia asked the others.
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