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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Trump would be such a better president than Rubio. At the very least, he'd unite Congress in realizing what kind of crazy their dealing with.
For the country, long term, I think we honestly need another Nixon like president some time soon before the executive branch gets out of control. Both bush 43 and Obama grew it so much that it's getting to the point where it's honestly a little frightening how much unilateral power it has.

I mean we got pretty lucky with Nixon. He only destroyed Cambodia, ruined/killed a lot of innocent lives, etc. before congress found its balls again and reined executive power back a bit.

With the amount of deferred power Obama has established post-Libya someone could easily start ww3 on a bad day and claim they had constitutional authority to do it.
Link to said rally?

Its on MSNBC right now. Sorry, that's where I'm watching it.

I mean, it's just his regular stump speech, although htis one is focusing on fossil fuels.

And he got them to boo Hillary.

MSNBCs bumper is awesome:

Sanders: Our campaign has come a long way.


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
For the country, long term, I think we honestly need another Nixon like president some time soon before the executive branch gets out of control. Both bush 43 and Obama grew it so much that it's getting to the point where it's honestly a little frightening how much unilateral power it has.

I mean we got pretty lucky with Nixon. He only destroyed Cambodia, ruined/killed a lot of innocent lives, etc. before congress found its balls again and reined executive power back a bit.

With the amount of deferred power Obama has established post-Libya someone could easily start ww3 on a bad day and claim they had constitutional authority to do it.

I'd be ok with a one term disaster from the GOP if only the Supreme Court wasn't up for grabs right now.


Harry EntenVerified account
So Christie could a. defend Trump. b. distant from those comments but still back Trump. c. call them disqualifying. d. talk about traffic.



Setmayer, who is black, called Trump's history with race "questionable," noting that the real estate mogul "came out and said how much he loved 'the blacks.'"

"We could go down the list of very questionable things that Donald Trump has said," she said. "Maybe Katrina Pierson is one of ‘the blacks’ he likes since he pays her to clean up his mess every day on television."

Its on MSNBC right now. Sorry, that's where I'm watching it.

I mean, it's just his regular stump speech, although htis one is focusing on fossil fuels.

And he got them to boo Hillary.

MSNBCs bumper is awesome:

Sanders: Our campaign has come a long way.


I get it, you hate Bernie Sanders.
Ya'll, my mom is on DEFCON 2, she heard that Christie is holding a press conference. We're nearing rant mode. It's beautiful. Beautiful.

There are people on Reddit who want to primary Elizabeth Warren if Bernie loses MA.....


Rescinding his endorsement would be a huge blow to Trump. It could nearly stop any flow of endorsements or establishment support going to Trump.


Wait this was a thing that happened that everybody saw? Did Trump actually tell Christie off in this way or is this some sort of game of telephone?

We have footage/audio. I thought it was a situation where the audio/video is jokingly taken out of context

But maybe not?

Twitter going all in with the rescinding of the endoresment.
What does this even mean?

MSNBC has this weird habit lately of covering a rally, and flashing a giantic BREAKING NEWS banner at the bottom, and they randomly select a line from the speech like that line is breaking news. It's hilarious to me. That's all. Not me hating on Sanders.

MSNBC said Ventura is there, and he's trying to decide if he wants to support Trump or Sanders.
Wait this was a thing that happened that everybody saw? Did Trump actually tell Christie off in this way or is this some sort of game of telephone?

He grabbed him close and said "Okay now get on the plane and go home" and pushed him. It seemed cold, but not overtly intended to be rude.
I mean we got pretty lucky with Nixon. He only destroyed Cambodia, ruined/killed a lot of innocent lives, etc. before congress found its balls again and reined executive power back a bit.

With the amount of deferred power Obama has established post-Libya someone could easily start ww3 on a bad day and claim they had constitutional authority to do it.

Its an understandable concern but the biggest problem is that Congress refuses to do anything when a member of the opposing party has the Presidency. Obama tried negotiating with Congress for years before giving up and running the country through executive orders. The first thing we should to curb executive authority is get rid of the filibuster.
Wait this was a thing that happened that everybody saw? Did Trump actually tell Christie off in this way or is this some sort of game of telephone?

no, it was right after the endorsement where a hot mic picked up Trump saying "get on the plane and go home, it's over there".

It was very much in a "fuck off, and GTFO" attitude.
so what do you guys think?

He's the Teflon Don. The timing is gonna suck away some of his oxygen, and he might actually (gasp!) lose a couple of extra states, but that's for the best, IMO. He'll still walk away with a commanding lead, just not so commanding that Cruz drops out, and both he and Rubio will stick in until the convention, leading to a bigger mess than we've seen in decades.
What happens in this case (just to be clear)? Does the win go to her VP? Is there constitutional precedent?

In 1872 Horace Greeley died between election day and the actual vote in the Electoral College. It didn't really matter because he was crushed 286-66 anyway, but most of his electors cast votes for other candidates.

The long story short is that the Constitution gives states a lot of leeway as to how to assign their electoral votes, so the states themselves make the rules for electors to a large degree. Many don't bind their electors to vote for the candidate they're pledged to, and the ones I've checked that do bind their electors have an out clause in the event of a candidate's death (I suspect the ones I haven't checked do as well). I imagine the party would come to some agreement as to who should get the electoral votes and hope the electors went along with it.


Also, I'm enjoying watching some Bernie supporters try and rationalize their approval of Rep Alan Grayson endorsing Sanders. They want the endorsement because...well, I mean we all know why. But he's one of those hedge fund/millionaire people that are so bad.

As far as economic issues go, he's quite far to the left. The only thing I can think of that is odd is how he went after ACORN with a provision in a Student Aid Act in 2009 that would prohibit funding. Especially given how those videos doctored to attack ACORN were nothing but lies. That's the only really damning thing in his whole record that I'm aware of. On social and healthcare fronts the guy is definitely to the left having always supported choice, lgbt rights, legislation on wage discrimination, expanding the strength of hate crime laws, etc. is anti-war and wasteful military spending, believes in renewal energy etc. etc.

He's a generally good dude when it comes to the issues.


I wouldn't be surprised if Christie saw the KKK shit and instantly had the "I've made a huge mistake" face.

But at this point he's pretty much done either way outside of a Trump presidency. He'll just look like a bigger joke if he rescinds.
As far as economic issues go, he's quite far to the left. The only thing I can think of that is odd is how he went after ACORN with a Student Aid Act in 2009. Especially given how those videos doctored to attack ACORN were nothing but lies. That's the only really damning thing in his whole record that I'm aware of. On social and healthcare fronts the guy is definitely to the left having always supported choice, lgbt rights, legislation on wage discrimination, expanding the strength of hate crime laws, etc. is anti-war and wasteful military spending, believes in renewal energy etc. etc.

He's a generally good dude.

He is a good guy. I was simply responding to some of the posts on Kos and Reddit who were pearl clutching because he managed a hedge fund (which was really just his own money, but you know...). Half were super happy he endorsed, the other half were upset because he is fairly well off. I just found the disconnect interesting.


I wouldn't be surprised if Christie saw the KKK shit and instantly had the "I've made a huge mistake" face.

But at this point he's pretty much done either way outside of a Trump presidency. He'll just look like a bigger joke if he rescinds.

I think this plus the KKK stuff would legit hurt Trump for tomorrow.

Christie pls.
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