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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Does anyone know...

Is "Facebanking" really a thing or is it something Reddit invented? Because, I find it very interesting. Bernie supporters are saying they're sending 200 and 300 messages to people in Massachusetts telling them to vote. Some of them, bless, are telling people they're doing this because the DNC doesn't want them to vote, so this is the way they can get in touch with them.

I'm not sure how good/bad of an idea this is. I mean, I guess it's not any different from calling people like I've done forever, but it seems more personal to me.

Maybe that's because I'm almost 29 and old as fuck, and I don't understand the modern world any more.
Does anyone know...

Is "Facebanking" really a thing or is it something Reddit invented? Because, I find it very interesting. Bernie supporters are saying they're sending 200 and 300 messages to people in Massachusetts telling them to vote. Some of them, bless, are telling people they're doing this because the DNC doesn't want them to vote, so this is the way they can get in touch with them.

I'm not sure how good/bad of an idea this is. I mean, I guess it's not any different from calling people like I've done forever, but it seems more personal to me.

Maybe that's because I'm almost 29 and old as fuck, and I don't understand the modern world any more.

Sounds like a good way to get rid of friends.


I wonder if we could possibly follow the money like so:

Bernie grassroots donation --> Sanders campaign pays for ads to major Telecoms --> Future campaign donations elsewhere


Does anyone know...

Is "Facebanking" really a thing or is it something Reddit invented? Because, I find it very interesting. Bernie supporters are saying they're sending 200 and 300 messages to people in Massachusetts telling them to vote. Some of them, bless, are telling people they're doing this because the DNC doesn't want them to vote, so this is the way they can get in touch with them.

I'm not sure how good/bad of an idea this is. I mean, I guess it's not any different from calling people like I've done forever, but it seems more personal to me.

Maybe that's because I'm almost 29 and old as fuck, and I don't understand the modern world any more.

I think it's pretty cool. Obviously it requires some tact to make sure it does more good than harm, but I genuinely admire the approach. It's one way to have pretty significant impact with limited resources.

"....in the wake of Palin's sensational convention speech."


Um...so this is the founder of Hobby Lobby talking about why he isn't voting for Trump. But can someone decipher what he says? "peaceables anatomy"? "accretes"? He seems to be saying Trump is going to make people commit suicide?

How does this guy run a company?


I think he said critique someone's anatomy, which would make them feel bad about themselves and would/could lead them to killing themselves.

I don't know, though. I don't speak evangelical.
Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Trump is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.


Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Trump is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.

Its been a shitshow since the debate
Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Trump is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.

It's gross. You can tell it's a concerted effort by billionaires as a last ditch effort. The worst thing is they are acting like the other candidates are better, despite every piece of info saying it isn't true.


CNN: Ex CIA chief says military will not listen to Donald Trump.


I have waited my entire adult life for the Republican Party to implode on itself.

But the CIA does not control the military. Military folks have to follow orders as long as they're legal. The going after terrorists families is a no-go, for example. So is Cruz' carpet bombing of the Middle East. You don't tell us in the military how to do our job. Just tell us the overarching objectives and we decide how to accomplish them.
Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Trump is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.

The thing is, this was never supposed to happen. The GOP Establishment knows that they can say the crazy, but then they can reign it in. They can't do that this time, and they know they've lost control and they don't know what in the hell to do. They're just trying anything and everything they can to try and see if something sticks.

And the beautiful thing? The person who they are going to lose to is the woman who they have tried to vilify for decades. Hahahaahaha.
I know people have said that "X will take down Trump for sure" but If it actually came out that Trump is only worth like sub $300m, that would destroy him. Maybe considering his lead he could pull out the nom but his support would literally evaporate for the general and the GOP might actually third party run him.


But the CIA does not control the military. Military folks have to follow orders as long as they're legal. The going after terrorists families is a no-go, for example. So is Cruz' carpet bombing of the Middle East. You don't tell us in the military how to do our job. Just tell us the overarching objectives and we decide how to accomplish them.

It this is the same interview I heard, this is what he said. He said that if Trump gave an order to kill families of terrorists, the armed forces could not legally follow them, not that they would blanket ignore everything he said.
I know people have said that "X will take down Trump for sure" but If it actually came out that Trump is only worth like sub $300m, that would destroy him. Maybe considering his lead he could pull out the nom but his support would literally evaporate for the general and the GOP might actually third party run him.

I don't see how that's possible. His assets easily surpass 300m.
I know people have said that "X will take down Trump for sure" but If it actually came out that Trump is only worth like sub $300m, that would destroy him. Maybe considering his lead he could pull out the nom but his support would literally evaporate for the general and the GOP might actually third party run him.
The financials he disclosed at the FEC would have indicated if something was that dire. I think it's in regards to his charitable contributions.
The GOP has what I see as 4 options here, assuming Trump has the plurality or majority of delegates.

1. They get behind Trump, try to win and mostly get crushed. This will result in both a "see, we told you so," and "we need a real conservative" bullshit again. Hopefully, 2020 ends with a "real conservative" ala Cruz getting crushed and then they finally reform the party more moderate.

2. They allow him to run but don't really give him much support, try to salvage what they can by pushing for other races. They get crushed but perhaps salvage the House and maybe the Senate. Mostly the same outcome as #1 but perhaps a bit riskier short-term if lose the House/Senate as a result

3. Brokered convention and steal it from him. This is the riskiest path and guarantees, imo, both a loss in the Senate and WH and probably even the House. Trump's avid supporters would stay home or vote Dem out of spite. I don't even think this is a real option for them. Would destroy the party short term and long term.

4. Run 3rd party against him. This is the most interesting choice. They'd definitely lose in 2016 but might salvage the House. It would also be a longer term strategy to reach out towards non-Trump voters. But it could just as well piss them off like in #3.

Basically, I see 2 main scenarios. Either the GOP battles itself in 2016 or does so right after 2020. They have to pick when to rip that band-aid off.

BTW, I really don't understand Kasich's philosophy. He's no competitive tomorrow and is waiting for Ohio to be the not-Trump. But he's going to be so behind in delegate math by the time Ohio votes that even if he wins it, where does he even stand to win? What's his path?

Unless he's hoping Trump collapses to like 15%, I don't get it.

None of these guys are doing anything right.

I do expect Carson to drop out after tomorrow night, though.
Isn't #2 and #4 the same? What's the difference? I am not sure if you can salvage congress behind Trump's back without fielding their own establishment pick.


Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Trump is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.

I mean yes there is a very good point in here about how self serving the media has been to ride the Trump wave for so long and only now start tut tutting him. You fucks gave him the coverage.

Look at Joe Scarborough for instance. Basically been worshipping Trump as some sort of bold outsider while the fuck has been bullying minorities for months. But the second Trump cracks Joe's veneer on what it means to be a gentile white southerner suddenly he's disqualified.

Usually more of an issue in the general, although minorities are more likely to be impacted. Hillary's got a good ground game, though, and I'm sure they're educating people on what they have to bring with them. I know they were telling people in SC via Facebook and the like that they had to bring their IDs with them.

It could also hurt Sanders if his younger voters don't have what they need. I don't think it will matter a great deal, although I am disgusted by any law that makes it harder for people to vote.


This day has been too beautiful.

I'm having a drink and some pan au chocolat before dinner. Screw it.


I am so freaking ecstatic right now. Today has been bonkers and there is a good possibility that it is just the calm before the storm.

Fingers crossed racist Donny plays well in the racist States.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Am I the only person who sees the transparency of this whole thing? The media is just doing anything they can at this point.


I understand Drumpf is a monster and is clearly racist but it's kind of gross how both parties establishment and the media are intertwined like this. The guy spent 8 months disparaging Mexicans and Muslims for gods sake.

Man the Drumpf plugin is great
Isn't #2 and #4 the same? What's the difference? I am not sure if you can salvage congress behind Trump's back without fielding their own establishment pick.

Huh? #2 is no 3rd party candidate, they softly support him. "He's our guy," but they don't put much resources into him and some candidates differentiate themselves from him.

They acknowledge their loss coming but minimize it by ignoring him a bit.

The other option, #4, is an actual 3rd party run and rejection of him. big difference.


Does anyone know...

Is "Facebanking" really a thing or is it something Reddit invented? Because, I find it very interesting. Bernie supporters are saying they're sending 200 and 300 messages to people in Massachusetts telling them to vote. Some of them, bless, are telling people they're doing this because the DNC doesn't want them to vote, so this is the way they can get in touch with them.

I'm not sure how good/bad of an idea this is. I mean, I guess it's not any different from calling people like I've done forever, but it seems more personal to me.

Maybe that's because I'm almost 29 and old as fuck, and I don't understand the modern world any more.

My mom's doing it today for Bernie, and has gotten good responses from the people she's messaged so far.

Basically you send messages to friends and friends of friends who have "liked" Sanders' Facebook page at some point in the past in states that are voting tomorrow, reminding them to vote. My mom was very careful about the way she phrased her message to avoid an abrasive tone. Some people may not be doing that.

I think it's an interesting approach, and I Would've tried it myself, but I'm just barely active on Facebook.
Isn't #2 and #4 the same? What's the difference? I am not sure if you can salvage congress behind Trump's back without fielding their own establishment pick.
In #2 they'd act like the Democrats in 72 and distance themselves from Trump. Running a 3rd party candidate would be a more extreme and riskier version of that plan that would risk alienating their base.
That bearded bro on MSNBC who is trying to decide between Bernie and Hillary.

I can...I can offer some oral arguments if it would help?

Today's so weird. I'm glad I'm working a long shift at work otherwise I'd have lost my sanity.

That's adorable that you think you're sane.

I mean yes there is a very good point in here about how self serving the media has been to ride the Trump wave for so long and only now start tut tutting him. You fucks gave him the coverage.

Look at Joe Scarborough for instance. Basically been worshipping Trump as some sort of bold outsider while the fuck has been bullying minorities for months. But the second Trump cracks Joe's veneer on what it means to be a gentile white southerner suddenly he's disqualified.

Now that you mention, I'm beginning to think they just want to slow things down before Trump starts running away with it and there's no contest left. They want to milk the carnival for all its worth.
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