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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I give Bernie's people credit. He's hitting up Reddit hard for donations today. It has the double impact of being the last day of the month/filing deadline AND it comes before what is probably going to be a really, really shitty few weeks.

Get that coin now, girl. Get it. Build up some money. I wonder what his Cash on Hand is atm.

they've made over a million today. I got an email about how their goal, and it was at ~ 37.1 - 37.3 million earlier this morning. It's now (2.14 pm pst) at 38.9million


How are any doctors voting for Trump.

The man says vaccines cause autism.

I remember him saying something about vaccines in one of the debates, and neither Carson nor Paul even bothered to challenge him on it. Paul actually supported him saying the government shouldn't require them lol.


Goddamit Trump hold on one more day you fascist bastard

I feel like the last 48 hours have been the final scene from Speed Racer
So I went over to reddit to see what all the fuss was about, and I have to say, I'm really proud of the reddit users. They're channelling their enthusiasm into actual substance and are actively promoting higher turnout. It remains to be seen if they will be rewarded for their efforts, but you can't talk shit about these particular group of young supporters being lazy and not voting.

I may disagree with their methods and with the candidate they elected to support, but I do respect them getting involved. Definitely.

they've made over a million today. I got an email about how their goal, and it was at ~ 37.1 - 37.3 million earlier this morning. It's now (2.14 pm pst) at 38.9million

That's impressive.

As soon as he sweeps tomorrow it'll be forgotten. No reason for him to drag it further. The man's an idiot, but he knows the news cycle.

I'm getting worried about tomorrow. This could hurt him. I need him to hold on until the general.


FGC Waterboy
one day. tank ready.

you thought i was joking about this life.

I'm straight and I'm currently questioning it after that picture. Also, that website is going to suck way too much of my time up.

Post a Harbaugh picture to kill Adam's mood.


As for OT political threads - they are what they are. Lots of morality policing and Bernie-Bro'ing and etc etc. The way Dems have co-opted the messaging of the GOP circa 2000 McCain/Bush (how dare you not vote for our candidate, just admit you hate minorities!) from the GOP'ian (how dare you not vote for our candidate, just admit you hate christians!) Pretty good political move, if morally dubious at best. That said; the Dems are setting themselves up in the same conundrum that the GOP did in 2000 with trying to tie two groups together that aren't necessarily always allies by using values and morality and getting people to vote potentially against their economic interests. Very effective for winning elections, but there is the potential for a civil war later on down the road.

As someone who has been higher on Trump's chances in the GE than most, I think the GOP made the decision to salvage the party at the cost of the election by going in on Trump now. Either they should have done this at the beginning, or just coalesced behind Trump, but they're going to hurt Trump hard for the GE but too late to prevent him from winning the nomination. Not sure it's the best move, but it's the one that keeps the established power brokers in power, so can't say I'm surprised.

Kind of excited for the GE now. I think the sustained GOP attack on Trump is going to basically end his chances in the GE, but it's too late to do anything about the nomination.
Trump surging in GA!

Super Tuesday is less than 24-hours away and a new Channel 2 Action News / Landmark RosettaStone poll is showing support for Republican front-runner Donald Trump is growing in Georgia.
Despite an onslaught of attacks, Trump is surging in the polls, up 7 points in a week, leading with 39 percent amongst registered Republican voters.

Trump 39
Rubio 20
Cruz 15
Carson 9
Kasich 8


Trump won HUGE in Nevada and Cruz & Rubio still came in over 20%. Even if Trump cleans up on Super Tuesday, I find it hard to believe the the same won't happen again in multiple states.
How did not a single Republican this cycle come out proposing that they would cut taxes on the middle class and protection entitlements and pay for them by raising taxes on the rich?

All of their released plans are class warfare that most southern Republicans will hate.

A party being so united in orthodoxy on an issue where their voters strongly disagree is fucking weird. The individual incentives for going away from orthodoxy seem huge.
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