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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Ted Cruz talking about the secret tape, holy shit.

the republicans only know how to hit people with gotcha's huh?

Basically, but also the GOP really screwed themselves over by waiting this late to start hitting Trump. If they began hitting his corruption and sleaze right after NH you wouldn't see this chaotic scrambling now.


Why is Cruz saying Trump will lose against Hilary? Its not like he would fair any better.. His numbers keep dropping after Iowa lol


Drudge has a "confidential" poll on the front page claiming Trump is ahead of Hillary.


I know, it's the NY Post and surely bullshit. But I'm more interested in Drudge running with this, and how it plays into the utterly delusional narrative amongst some conservatives that Trump can win. They're living in fantasy land, and various right wing news sources (Drudge, Breitbart, etc) have bought in.

The establishment is going to be destroyed by the delusional alternative reality they've spent decades creating.

The drudge would run an entire full page article on Hillary coughing, why wouldnt they run a confidential poll from a known rag paper.


cartoon_soldier said:
Boston Herald: MA Sec'y of State says 16,300 Democrats have become independents, 3,500 switched to GOP since Jan 1

For reference, there are over 1 million more Democrats in MA than Republicans...so really not that interesting.
Drudge has a "confidential" poll on the front page claiming Trump is ahead of Hillary.


I know, it's the NY Post and surely bullshit. But I'm more interested in Drudge running with this, and how it plays into the utterly delusional narrative amongst some conservatives that Trump can win. They're living in fantasy land, and various right wing news sources (Drudge, Breitbart, etc) have bought in.

The establishment is going to be destroyed by the delusional alternative reality they've spent decades creating.
This is more delusional than Team Romney chasing Pennsylvania and Minnesota in 2012 :lol
This is more delusional than Team Romney chasing Pennsylvania and Minnesota in 2012 :lol

I always adore watching the GOP go after Pennsylvania and Michigan. It's so cute. It's like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. They always think they've got a damn good chance, but they always fall short.

If it keeps them from spending money in Florida, Iowa or Nevada, though, have at it.


I have a secret tape of Bernie Sanders saying the millionaires and billionaires are actually cool guys who smoke the best weed.


Drudge has a "confidential" poll on the front page claiming Trump is ahead of Hillary.


I know, it's the NY Post and surely bullshit. But I'm more interested in Drudge running with this, and how it plays into the utterly delusional narrative amongst some conservatives that Trump can win. They're living in fantasy land, and various right wing news sources (Drudge, Breitbart, etc) have bought in.

The establishment is going to be destroyed by the delusional alternative reality they've spent decades creating.

It's silly. Show me a poll where Trump is within 30 its in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, then maybe I'll start diablosing.
CNN: Ex CIA chief says military will not listen to Donald Trump.


I have waited my entire adult life for the Republican Party to implode on itself.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I have a secret tape of Michelle Obama saying whitey but I'm only revealing it in October 2008


Today the most lit day in politics I can remember. And nothing of substance, just shitty noise.

Are we getting polls tonight? What states?
Trump says he has alot of people wanting to endorse him, but they want to sit down and have lunch with him and talk, but he doesn't have time for that.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Dude should probably make the fucking time but what do I know *shrug*

To have lunch with one of the few governors more unpopular in their home states than Christie is in NJ?

Honestly not even sure Trump wants that endorsement. Seems like it'd do more harm than good especially when the polls already have him ahead right now anyway in FL.
Today the most lit day in politics I can remember. And nothing of substance, just shitty noise.

Are we getting polls tonight? What states?

There's a Mass and Texas poll from Emerson coming out at 6pm est. Emerson already tweeted that Hillary was winning 8 out 9 congressional districts in Mass, though.

There have been tons of polls released throughout the day, though.


There's a Mass and Texas poll from Emerson coming out at 6pm est. Emerson already tweeted that Hillary was winning 8 out 9 congressional districts in Mass, though.

There have been tons of polls released throughout the day, though.

Yeah, I've posted a bunch, and i think I've seen all of the one's released posted here. That TX poll should be interesting, curious to see the timing on that.
Any decent polling on American Somoa?

The GOP has what I see as 4 options here, assuming Trump has the plurality or majority of delegates.

1. They get behind Trump, try to win and mostly get crushed. This will result in both a "see, we told you so," and "we need a real conservative" bullshit again. Hopefully, 2020 ends with a "real conservative" ala Cruz getting crushed and then they finally reform the party more moderate.

2. They allow him to run but don't really give him much support, try to salvage what they can by pushing for other races. They get crushed but perhaps salvage the House and maybe the Senate. Mostly the same outcome as #1 but perhaps a bit riskier short-term if lose the House/Senate as a result

3. Brokered convention and steal it from him. This is the riskiest path and guarantees, imo, both a loss in the Senate and WH and probably even the House. Trump's avid supporters would stay home or vote Dem out of spite. I don't even think this is a real option for them. Would destroy the party short term and long term.

4. Run 3rd party against him. This is the most interesting choice. They'd definitely lose in 2016 but might salvage the House. It would also be a longer term strategy to reach out towards non-Trump voters. But it could just as well piss them off like in #3.

Basically, I see 2 main scenarios. Either the GOP battles itself in 2016 or does so right after 2020. They have to pick when to rip that band-aid off.

BTW, I really don't understand Kasich's philosophy. He's no competitive tomorrow and is waiting for Ohio to be the not-Trump. But he's going to be so behind in delegate math by the time Ohio votes that even if he wins it, where does he even stand to win? What's his path?

Unless he's hoping Trump collapses to like 15%, I don't get it.

None of these guys are doing anything right.

I do expect Carson to drop out after tomorrow night, though.
I give Bernie's people credit. He's hitting up Reddit hard for donations today. It has the double impact of being the last day of the month/filing deadline AND it comes before what is probably going to be a really, really shitty few weeks.

Get that coin now, girl. Get it. Build up some money. I wonder what his Cash on Hand is atm.
BTW, I really don't understand Kasich's philosophy. He's no competitive tomorrow and is waiting for Ohio to be the not-Trump. But he's going to be so behind in delegate math by the time Ohio votes that even if he wins it, where does he even stand to win? What's his path?

Unless he's hoping Trump collapses to like 15%, I don't get it.

None of these guys are doing anything right.

I do expect Carson to drop out after tomorrow night, though.
If Kasich wins Ohio and Rubio loses Florida, he might actually not be very far behind Rubio in delegates. None of the non-Trump candidates have a realistic path to a majority of delegates at this point unless the polling is all wrong.


I always adore watching the GOP go after Pennsylvania and Michigan. It's so cute. It's like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. They always think they've got a damn good chance, but they always fall short.

If it keeps them from spending money in Florida, Iowa or Nevada, though, have at it.

Michigan is sort of a weird place that doesn't fit the normal red state/blue state paradigm. There's copious amounts of rural and christian voters that have given the state Republican leadership in the past. The large amounts of urban minority and union voters have kept it blue, but I get nervous that the union block would go for the right message. There's a lot of animosity between the suburbs and Detroit that revolve around the aftermath of the riots. Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them end up voting Trump.


I have officially tripled my initial $500 investment.


It ain't even Super Tuesday yet.

Would you guys believe I haven't lost money on a single transaction thus far?
If Kasich wins Ohio and Rubio loses Florida, he might actually not be very far behind Rubio in delegates. None of the non-Trump candidates have a realistic path to a majority of delegates at this point unless the polling is all wrong.

If Trump does tomorrow what we think he does and wins Florida, the election is over. Kasich can win Ohio by 70 points, won't matter.

BTW, Rubio is likely to get an insignificant amount of delegates in Texas if he hits the threshold (like 5), but him missing the threshold would be []very bad[/i] optics as the media can say "he didn't even qualify in Texas." Math wise, there's not much of a different but it would look so bad.
I give Bernie's people credit. He's hitting up Reddit hard for donations today. It has the double impact of being the last day of the month/filing deadline AND it comes before what is probably going to be a really, really shitty few weeks.

Get that coin now, girl. Get it. Build up some money. I wonder what his Cash on Hand is atm.

You have to be blind to the reality of the situation if you give him money at this point. It's basically throwing money away, but people are free to do with theirs how they please I guess.
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