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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Bernie was supposed to win only Vermont according to the all knowing posters here, so he is doing amazing - and now can put those 40 million from last month into the upcoming contests.
The fundraising isn't ending at Super Tuesday either, so fun times ahead.
So what exactly happened tonight? Bernie is down hundreds of delegates, but still won a few states. Are delegates the only thing that matter?

Yes. He's way down in delegates now, and that's without counting the super delegates.

To be clear: right now it's about 400+ delegates for Hillary and 200+ delegates for Bernie. He needed to be leading Hillary in the delegate count because she has a huge advantage in superdelegates.

Basically, after Iowa it was 70% over for Bernie, with only a narrow path to the nomination if he had won Nevada. He didn't. His campaign was effectively over after the Nevada caucuses.


Minnesota has ruined my night

I actually don't mind. Trump takes a commanding lead, the establishments worst nightmare Cruz pulls into second, everyone else takes home a state as a consolation prize to keep them on the line longer. Longer the shit show keeps going the more it damages the brand.
Looks like Bernie gets 4 and Hillary gets 7, but none of the states Bernie will win won't make up of the delegates that Hillary won.
I'm sorry and I hate myself a little bit for saying it but Bernie needs to get out. Trump is a real goddamn threat and Hillary can't be running around playing games with this fucking guy forever while Trump gets to attack her. That's one of the ways Romney lost.
Daniel B·;197295749 said:
I've been completely ignoring the Republican race, but I just watched Trump's speech, plus Q & A (on C-Span), and I freely concede that I've woefully underestimated the caliber and likeability of the man.

Based on this, I predict the following: if Bernie doesn't win the nomination, Trump will be President!

Yeah. I feel sorry for Obama.

A racist asshole who belittled his academic record and heritage will not just be his successor but will quickly rip through each and all of his accomplishments he's ever made as president.


I'm sorry and I hate myself a little bit for saying it but Bernie needs to get out. Trump is a real goddamn threat and Hillary can't be running around playing games with this fucking guy forever while Trump gets to attack her. That's one of the ways Romney lost.

Right, it's cause she is a much much weaker candidate than Obama is that your reasoning?
Save the party of Lincoln and Reagan from this con artist must have been in an os update. He says it no less than 20 times per interview now.
Daniel B·;197295749 said:
I've been completely ignoring the Republican race, but I just watched Trump's speech, plus Q & A (on C-Span), and I freely concede that I've woefully underestimated the caliber and likeability of the man.

Based on this, I predict the following: if Bernie doesn't win the nomination, Trump will be President!

Oh Daniel B, master prognosticator returns

I remember how eloquently you predicted that Killer Mike and Nina Turner would lead to Bernie turning it around with black voters


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, yes, barring external events changing the race dramatically, the General Election will be Trump vs Hillary. I don't even see any unforced errors by either candidate being enough to tank their chances.


You guys don't give Rubio enough credit. He's less done than Cruz if you consider what states are winnable going forward. Cruz lost most of the South which is supposed to be his base!
You guys don't give Rubio enough credit. He's less done than Cruz if you consider what states are winnable going forward. Cruz lost most of the South which is supposed to be his base!

But Rubio doesn't even have a base. He lost in VA, and is tied with/behind Kasich in the Northeast. And no one is dropping out until the 15th.


So is Bernie still in it bros? Is killary toast?

He won enough to stay in the race, so he'll stay. But he has no chance at the nomination at this point. So it's an unfortunate waste of time. He's in a worse position now than Hillary was against Obama at this point in '08 if I'm remembering correctly, and people were calling her delusional then.

He should get out. Especially since Trump has said tonight that he's about to turn his attention to Hillary. But he won't.
You guys don't give Rubio enough credit. He's less done than Cruz if you consider what states are winnable going forward. Cruz lost most of the South which is supposed to be his base!

Rubio is so hated that the governor from his own state is going to endorse Trump.


As the token Bernie supporter in this thread, my thoughts on tonight:

Bernie survived, but he needed MA to "halt" HRC's momentum. I suspect he has a chance in Michigan given his performance in Minn. tonight.

HRC did exactly what she needed to, the media is in full honeymoon mode with her now, and I suspect the onslaught of inevitability coverage will make Bernie's ability to climb harder.

Trump is the largest winner tonight. Cruz will NOT get out given he won two states instead of just Texas, Rubio seems to be picking up Minn. so he also has an excuse to stay in. If there is any truth to a one-on-one with Trump goes towards his opponent, we will never see that happen at this point.

Lastly, republican turnout is giant. I believe I saw a headline that had VA @ 1million for the Rs. The Dem establishment needs to figure out how to incite the base, otherwise I fear for the eventual candidate.


Lol at tulsi the flop talking about delegate math for Bernie.

Sanders' delegate math is really bad right now, too. Clinton has crushed him in a number of states now and you basically have to meet blowouts with bigger blowouts. Narrow wins or moral victories will not cut it.
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