It won't. As a Michigander who lives in the Metro Detroit area...Clinton has this. Probably double digits.
Michigan is a primary and has a sizable AA community. I dunno if it will be close.
I guess the Guardian coverage isn't updating quick enough.
Any serious implications for Rubio because of this? He can come out tonight and say he won something at least.
There's been a dearth of new polls, but she's been up by double digits in all of the ones done in Feb.Michigan is a primary and has a sizable AA community. I dunno if it will be close.
Underpants gnome theory now in action!!AP calls MN for Rubio.
Bernie is just hurting Hillary's chances in the GE. I wish he would just go away. He can't win.
AP calls MN for Rubio.
The problem for Rubio and Cruz is that, really, the evidence that Trump will lose a one-on-one when he has SO much momentum is not totally solid, I don't think. Some of Cruz's voters will hop to Trump to maintain the anti-establishment thing, some of Rubio's voters will jump to Trump because Cruz has been successfully branded as a dirty tricks liar. Ben Carson's voters will probably head toward Trump, and while Rubio will get most of Kasich's voters, some probably will jump to Cruz and a single-digit percent will head to Trump.
Even if the majority of the people not currently voting for Trump lose their preferred candidate, he only needs to capture maybe 10-15% of them to stay reasonably competitive.
This is the start of a new American century, Rubio takes Minnesota now, the rest later.
As the token Bernie supporter in this thread, my thoughts on tonight:
Bernie survived, but he needed MA to "halt" HRC's momentum. I suspect he has a chance in Michigan given his performance in Minn. tonight.
HRC did exactly what she needed to, the media is in full honeymoon mode with her now, and I suspect the onslaught of inevitability coverage will make Bernie's ability to climb harder.
Trump is the largest winner tonight. Cruz will NOT get out given he won two states instead of just Texas, Rubio seems to be picking up Minn. so he also has an excuse to stay in. If there is any truth to a one-on-one with Trump goes towards his opponent, we will never see that happen at this point.
Lastly, republican turnout is giant. I believe I saw a headline that had VA @ 1million for the Rs. The Dem establishment needs to figure out how to incite the base, otherwise I fear for the eventual candidate.
Man, Bernie did better than expected tonight. Losing MA will kinda mute that though
Man, Bernie did better than expected tonight. Losing MA will kinda mute that though
Minnesota has ruined my night
Man, Bernie did better than expected tonight. Losing MA will kinda mute that though
As the token Bernie supporter in this thread, my thoughts on tonight:
Bernie survived, but he needed MA to "halt" HRC's momentum. I suspect he has a chance in Michigan given his performance in Minn. tonight.
HRC did exactly what she needed to, the media is in full honeymoon mode with her now, and I suspect the onslaught of inevitability coverage will make Bernie's ability to climb harder.
Drumpf is the largest winner tonight. Cruz will NOT get out given he won two states instead of just Texas, Rubio seems to be picking up Minn. so he also has an excuse to stay in. If there is any truth to a one-on-one with Drumpf goes towards his opponent, we will never see that happen at this point.
Lastly, republican turnout is giant. I believe I saw a headline that had VA @ 1million for the Rs. The Dem establishment needs to figure out how to incite the base, otherwise I fear for the eventual candidate.
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
Seriously I hope Minnesota gets another 30 years of the twins being crushed by the tigers
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
I I was never under the impression Hillary would sweep everything. I kinda guessed on my CO, MN and OK predictions, and I don't even remember what they were.
However, her margins in the south are just ridiculous. This is why his strategy was so freaking stupid. If he had invested some time in Tennessee, I think he could have done better there. She's going to have a 200(ish) delegate lead after tonight. May be less once things settle down, but it should be over 150. He's not coming back from that, in my opinion.
For bernie to have a good night, it would be better if be lost every stats but kept it closer in the South.
Not get absolutely crushed in large southern states by up to 60 pt margins maybe?The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
Per game theory, who do "we" want to win in Vermont: Trump or Kasich?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
Kasich.Per game theory, who do "we" want to win in Vermont: Trump or Kasich?
Per game theory, who do "we" want to win in Vermont: Trump or Kasich?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
With the rage I feel in my body, believe me when I say that Donald Trump is all that is needed to incite Democratic voters to get out and vote.