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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Michigan is a primary and has a sizable AA community. I dunno if it will be close.

Not only that, the caucus format favors Bernie IMHO

Michigan is a primary- RCP has Hillary with a 20 point advantage over him. I dunno where this fantasy that Michigan is close is coming from

The margins in the South are absurd- she's up by about 1 million votes cast today!


Tulsi waited until just after he got crushed in SC to endorse him, I can't imagine her endorsement was actually about helping him win.
I guess the Guardian coverage isn't updating quick enough.

Any serious implications for Rubio because of this? He can come out tonight and say he won something at least.

It's a caucus in one of his strongest states. I'm not sure it means he can win Michigan or the plains states caucuses coming up. It doesn't help him in Florida. I suppose Rubio is likely to win Puerto Rico and Hawaii, but the rest of the upcoming schedule isn't favorable to him unless Kasich drops out (which he won't).
Michigan is a primary and has a sizable AA community. I dunno if it will be close.
There's been a dearth of new polls, but she's been up by double digits in all of the ones done in Feb.

I think her visit to Flint, and using her celebrity to highlight the water crisis helped her there.


Well, I think everyone can agree: Tonight was a huge win for Marco Rubio. All of the doubters thought he could never win a state, but like a majestic eagle, he snatched victory in Minnesota, heroically saving himself from the embarrassment of a complete shutout and a hilarious underperformance relative to delegate thresholds.

Yes, it's fair to say that everything is coming up Rubio. Now that he's definitively established himself as a serious, viable candidate and as a winner, it's only a matter of time until he unites the field as the anti-Trump vote. Marco Rubio, the moderate, smart, reasonable, attractive, hispanic, Floridian candidate of America's Dreams, has given hope to the Republican people and therefore to America. No longer must we suffer the indignity of Donald Trump.

MARCO RUBIO will save us all.

MACRO RUBIO 2016. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
The problem for Rubio and Cruz is that, really, the evidence that Trump will lose a one-on-one when he has SO much momentum is not totally solid, I don't think. Some of Cruz's voters will hop to Trump to maintain the anti-establishment thing, some of Rubio's voters will jump to Trump because Cruz has been successfully branded as a dirty tricks liar. Ben Carson's voters will probably head toward Trump, and while Rubio will get most of Kasich's voters, some probably will jump to Cruz and a single-digit percent will head to Trump.

Even if the majority of the people not currently voting for Trump lose their preferred candidate, he only needs to capture maybe 10-15% of them to stay reasonably competitive.


remember me
Do I diablos because Rubio won a state or because of low energy general election Trump?
The problem for Rubio and Cruz is that, really, the evidence that Trump will lose a one-on-one when he has SO much momentum is not totally solid, I don't think. Some of Cruz's voters will hop to Trump to maintain the anti-establishment thing, some of Rubio's voters will jump to Trump because Cruz has been successfully branded as a dirty tricks liar. Ben Carson's voters will probably head toward Trump, and while Rubio will get most of Kasich's voters, some probably will jump to Cruz and a single-digit percent will head to Trump.

Even if the majority of the people not currently voting for Trump lose their preferred candidate, he only needs to capture maybe 10-15% of them to stay reasonably competitive.

The problem for them is that tonight cemented that no one is dropping out until the 15th at the earliest.


As the token Bernie supporter in this thread, my thoughts on tonight:

Bernie survived, but he needed MA to "halt" HRC's momentum. I suspect he has a chance in Michigan given his performance in Minn. tonight.

HRC did exactly what she needed to, the media is in full honeymoon mode with her now, and I suspect the onslaught of inevitability coverage will make Bernie's ability to climb harder.

Trump is the largest winner tonight. Cruz will NOT get out given he won two states instead of just Texas, Rubio seems to be picking up Minn. so he also has an excuse to stay in. If there is any truth to a one-on-one with Trump goes towards his opponent, we will never see that happen at this point.

Lastly, republican turnout is giant. I believe I saw a headline that had VA @ 1million for the Rs. The Dem establishment needs to figure out how to incite the base, otherwise I fear for the eventual candidate.

Bernie is done, but I'm hoping he stays in it. This dialogue needs to continue. It's a healthy debate for the party, and it doesn't hurt us too much in November, since tonight's GOP results guarantee that race will be a dogfight.

You're not going to incite the base with Hillary. She's been in politics too long, has held too many contradictory positions, and (despite being a historical candidate) is just not thrilling to much of the left. The best we can hope for is for liberals to come out and vote the responsible choice despite Clinton not being an exciting candidate.
Man, Bernie did better than expected tonight. Losing MA will kinda mute that though

Sanders is not having a good night. Last week, we published demographic targets in each state. These were not predictions; instead, they were estimates, based on the racial composition of each state and other demographics, of how well a candidate would have to do to get half of pledged delegates nationwide.

Clinton is running ahead of her benchmarks by an average of 16 percentage points tonight, which is equivalent to her holding a 16-point lead over Sanders in national polls. Sanders won a few of his “must-win” states tonight, but not others, and the huge deficits he racked up to Clinton in Southern states will make it hard for him to make up his deficit later on.
People are really calling for Sanders to drop out? Are you crazy?

He needs to stay in so he will be in a good position to assume the nomination after the indictments start to rain on Hillary.
Man, Bernie did better than expected tonight. Losing MA will kinda mute that though

I mean...no? I was never under the impression Hillary would sweep everything. I kinda guessed on my CO, MN and OK predictions, and I don't even remember what they were.

However, her margins in the south are just ridiculous. This is why his strategy was so freaking stupid. If he had invested some time in Tennessee, I think he could have done better there. She's going to have a 200(ish) delegate lead after tonight. May be less once things settle down, but it should be over 150. He's not coming back from that, in my opinion.


The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
As the token Bernie supporter in this thread, my thoughts on tonight:

Bernie survived, but he needed MA to "halt" HRC's momentum. I suspect he has a chance in Michigan given his performance in Minn. tonight.

HRC did exactly what she needed to, the media is in full honeymoon mode with her now, and I suspect the onslaught of inevitability coverage will make Bernie's ability to climb harder.

Drumpf is the largest winner tonight. Cruz will NOT get out given he won two states instead of just Texas, Rubio seems to be picking up Minn. so he also has an excuse to stay in. If there is any truth to a one-on-one with Drumpf goes towards his opponent, we will never see that happen at this point.

Lastly, republican turnout is giant. I believe I saw a headline that had VA @ 1million for the Rs. The Dem establishment needs to figure out how to incite the base, otherwise I fear for the eventual candidate.

With the rage I feel in my body, believe me when I say that Donald Trump is all that is needed to incite Democratic voters to get out and vote.


Clinton's haul of delegates in Georgia will be enough to cancel out what he got in Minnesota, Colorado, and maybe even Vermont.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
For bernie to have a good night, it would be better if be lost every stats but kept it closer in the South.
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?

He got absolutely flattened in a bunch of delegate rich states. He did not have a good night if he had any intention of winning this race.
I mean...no? I was never under the impression Hillary would sweep everything. I kinda guessed on my CO, MN and OK predictions, and I don't even remember what they were.

However, her margins in the south are just ridiculous. This is why his strategy was so freaking stupid. If he had invested some time in Tennessee, I think he could have done better there. She's going to have a 200(ish) delegate lead after tonight. May be less once things settle down, but it should be over 150. He's not coming back from that, in my opinion.

Oh no, he's done lol. I just though she was gonna sweep all but VT.

Edit: and maybe MA
Meh. He can stay in, whatever. He's a message candidate now.

But HRC was only down by 20 pledged delegates post-Super Tuesday.
Obama was ahead by 100 delegates end of Feb, half of what she'll likely have after tonight.
She was still set for wins in delegate-rich places like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas. Sanders isn't.
She won more delegates in the later contests than he did, after he had built up his 100 delegate lead such that it shrunk to only 60. I don't think Sanders will.

So 2008 doesn't match the likely outcome this time around.

The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?
Not get absolutely crushed in large southern states by up to 60 pt margins maybe?
I'm not sure how many of these posts diablosing about Trump in the general are serious but there's a reason the Republicans are desperate not to be saddled with him.


The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?

He needed to get at least 10% more in all those Southern states he's getting wrecked in. That just kills his delegate math.
The only possible way Bernie would have had a better night was if he won Massachusetts. What "others" could he have possibly won?

The best night he could have had would have to easily won Mass. Hell, just winning it would have been fine.

A good night would have been bitch slapping anyone who told him to not focus on Tennessee, Virginia and Texas. He absolutely could not allow those margins to go forward. Tennessee, especially, looks like it would have been ripe for him to have lowered the margins a bit.


With the rage I feel in my body, believe me when I say that Donald Trump is all that is needed to incite Democratic voters to get out and vote.

Eh, call my cynical, but when dems don't have the feeling of some kind of "calling" or charismatic, larger than life celebrity (Bill Clinton, Barack Obama) => turnout goes to Kerry/Gore levels. The demographic edge vanishes if that's the case: old white voters are what will be overrepresented, and they always break Republican.
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