He better not be jumping in the race.Fox breaking news: Mitt Romney will make a major speech tomorrow about the 2016 race but allegedly no endorsement. Just the man people want to hear from right now.
Truly the Art of the Deal...DWS gone will happen regardless, and as god king trump taught us, one's initial offer must be outrageous, thus, VP slot, then DNC Chair, then whatever the fuck he actually wants. Dropping big bank/ws support? Free college? Single payer? I dunno.
God what a shit show that will be..He better not be jumping in the race.
Former John Kerry adviser Bob Shrum also pointed to Trump’s ability to generate enthusiasm — and loyalty — among low-propensity and non-ideological voters.
“He’s speaking to a group of people for whom conservatism is not a set of principles and programs, but a collection of grievances, alienations and angers,” he said. “And he expresses that and they’re not going to leave him unless he does something really atrocious.”
But Shrum cautioned that he doesn’t think Trump can get the share of the white vote high enough to overcome what will be a solid minority vote against him.
“It will make Romney look like the king of Cinco de Mayo,” he said.
So, conspiracy time. Any chance the GOP will try to rally all three candidates into a zone defense? Have them all stay in, but cooperate. Use Cruz to hold the south and evangelicals as best he can. Kasich to hold Ohio and moderates. Rubio for Florida and establishment cred.
They can't win if they're all competing everywhere, because Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didnt get angry?" Trump beats them. But one on one, Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didnt get angry?" Trump may still win. If they could make all of Rubio's Florida voters go to Rubio and all of Kasich's Ohio voters go to Kasich, etc., it may be enough to prevent the majority for Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didnt get angry?" Trump.
Obviously, this would realistically not happen, but it would be an interesting election to watch if it did.
But he didn't win either so it's not really relevant.The way Fox described it, Romney won't endorse, he won't mention Trump, he'll just offer some thoughts on the race. In other words, it'll be half-measure non-confrontational fluff like George W. delivered a couple of weeks ago. "The strongest person is not usually the loudest person in the room" type stuff.
Ugh, this is no type to mince words. If you're going to make a speech, then raze the hell out of Trump. Say he'll tear the party apart, say he can't win, and then endorse someone.
So, conspiracy time. Any chance the GOP will try to rally all three candidates into a zone defense? Have them all stay in, but cooperate. Use Cruz to hold the south and evangelicals as best he can. Kasich to hold Ohio and moderates. Rubio for Florida and establishment cred.
They can't win if they're all competing everywhere, because Trump beats them. But one on one, Trump may still win. If they could make all of Rubio's Florida voters go to Rubio and all of Kasich's Ohio voters go to Kasich, etc., it may be enough to prevent the majority for Trump.
Obviously, this would realistically not happen, but it would be an interesting election to watch if it did.
No, he needs to announce his path to the RominationI bet Romney pushes other candidates to drop out.
Loses to McCain in the 2008 primaries, and loses to Obama in the 2012 election. Why should anyone give a shit what this dude says?
Absolutely.. Fuck with the Establishment further and let Donald have the best punching bag.Jump in the race, Mitt. Jump in the race. This is your time.
Jump in the race, Mitt. Jump in the race. This is your time.
Jump in the race, Mitt. Jump in the race. This is your time.
UncommittedPeople have been talking about him jumping in and getting on the ballot in California, NY, NJ, etc to force Drumpf into a contested convention.
I suppose he could push for people to vote for "uncommitted" or something in the caucuses
Talked to a friend that is super on the Bern train, says Hillary is a criminal and should be locked up.
Says Bernie is the only one with a plan, Hillary just has talking points.
Says "the revolution" needs to start somewhere
A lot of states coming up that are favorable to Trump are winner-take-all or winner-take-most (FL, AZ, NY, PA, remaining New England states...). This will be Cruz's best night of the primary because of his home state of Texas.I brought this up last night. Cruz's lead in Texas nearly wiped all of Trump's advantage in his 7 states. The good news is, that's Cruz's strongest state by far, and most of his base (the south) has already voted. This should be the closest Cruz gets to Trump. He has no chance of winning other large winner-take-all states like Ohio and Florida. The only problem is if Kasich takes Ohio, Marco somehow takes Florida and we get a very split field of delegates leading to a brokered convention.
Talked to a friend that is super on the Bern train, says Hillary is a criminal and should be locked up.
Says Bernie is the only one with a plan, Hillary just has talking points.
Says "the revolution" needs to start somewhere
Talked to a friend that is super on the Bern train, says Hillary is a criminal and should be locked up.
Says Bernie is the only one with a plan, Hillary just has talking points.
Says "the revolution" needs to start somewhere
I'm chillin' at a bar right now and just want to say that I love all of you beautiful bastards!!
Fox breaking news: Mitt Romney will make a major speech tomorrow about the 2016 race but allegedly no endorsement. Just the man people want to hear from right now.
Talked to a friend that is super on the Bern train, says Hillary is a criminal and should be locked up.
Says Bernie is the only one with a plan, Hillary just has talking points.
Says "the revolution" needs to start somewhere
Here I thought I had weird friends.Sounds like one of my Bernie friends who think the DNC is a massive conspiracy, that there is no way there are all these Hillary voters out there.
I'd love this to happen, just because it would be very fun to watch.
Voters aren't trading cards that you can just swap between candidates. These guys could not attack each other if they all agree that the only strategy left is to play for a contested convention, but there's no way to consolidate voters in individual states like that.
Announcement: Romney will run third-party if Trump is the GOP nominee.
Just remind them that the "revolution" has less voter turnout than 2008.
Only if they can collectively keep Trump from locking the nomination and Voltron up a Romney nomination.Are we going to get an Obama vs Romney round 2??!! LOLOLOL
Pretty sure she has more money on hand than Bernie at this point. He spend a lot in states that didn't help him much, I think he is more in a worse shape than before.
I don't understand. Once Hillary mathematically eliminated wacky Bernie, where will she need to invest resources? He will be done in like two months max. She doesn't need to have raise the money sanders is extracting and wasting from poor people. She's still raising a fuckton of cash and is raising far more than the republicans.Yea, but Sanders bum team is not going to withdraw. So they end up burning her resources, she can't start fundraising for GE fund.
This truly would be the craziest election of our lifetimes..Oh my god, if Mittens jumps in now... :lol
Announcement: Romney will run third-party if Trump is the GOP nominee.
From a Romney insider, re tomorrow's speech in Utah: "This is not an endorsement or announcement of candidacy."
So its as useless as Mitt ever was.
Or Hillary- the phantom elephant in the room has been that almost none of the candidates are actually good in a general election.The Romney news seems to confirm he's not impressed by Rubio. And he shouldn't be. Rubio's weakness should be pretty blatant now. He's not the man to beat Trump.