Aaron Strife
Also no one seems to realize that Trump is winning the Republican primary which so far has consisted of like 2% of all the voters. Hillary won the most votes of any candidate last night and everyone just kind of ignores that because hur hur America is so dumb.Not really?? It just shows that people who are judging have no idea what they are talking about, or what is actually going on.
Authoritarianism being on the rise has been a long time coming...Trump is just very charismatic and a well known figure which is why this is working out for him. There will be more candidates like him in the future, but probably will not have as much of an impact.
I also believe that outside America, especially in Europe they are looking at Bernie Sanders like he is the chosen one, due to the fact that his policies align up more with theirs. They do not understand the American system and that's the failure in this type of thinking, that this is somehow a test for America.
(To be fair the fact that Trump will probably receive at least ~ being optimistic ~ 43% or so of the popular vote is still pretty alarming)