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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Not really?? It just shows that people who are judging have no idea what they are talking about, or what is actually going on.

Authoritarianism being on the rise has been a long time coming...Trump is just very charismatic and a well known figure which is why this is working out for him. There will be more candidates like him in the future, but probably will not have as much of an impact.

I also believe that outside America, especially in Europe they are looking at Bernie Sanders like he is the chosen one, due to the fact that his policies align up more with theirs. They do not understand the American system and that's the failure in this type of thinking, that this is somehow a test for America.
Also no one seems to realize that Trump is winning the Republican primary which so far has consisted of like 2% of all the voters. Hillary won the most votes of any candidate last night and everyone just kind of ignores that because hur hur America is so dumb.

(To be fair the fact that Trump will probably receive at least ~ being optimistic ~ 43% or so of the popular vote is still pretty alarming)
I think Massachusetts killed any guarantee Bernie will win liberal states.

That should have been questionable from the point he wasn't winning Democratic Primaries in mostly white states. If anything you'd expect Liberals in the "white" Red States to be more liberal than the liberals in the blue states on average , the smaller amount in the population and greater social pressure against leave you with only the diehards, whereas in Blue States you'll get people with pretty vague liberal values identifying as liberals for the same reason.

The Southern States are different since Democratic Minorities in those areas tend not to identify as liberal.
Oh, sure. Rubio would be a lot better. Unfortunately he's not available. Cruz is certainly a better choice than Trump.

Which means the GOP has to take and even more extreme conservative stance. Conservative radio on the way to work this morning was talking about Cruz's dream of arresting doctors for abortions and mandated knees on the ground prayer in schools. A lot of moderate republicans don't seem to comfortable with this type of shift. Though this guy is a Los Angeles republican.



This is what scares me.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Also no one seems to realize that Trump is winning the Republican primary which so far has consisted of like 2% of all the voters. Hillary won the most votes of any candidate last night and everyone just kind of ignores that because hur hur America is so dumb.

(To be fair the fact that Trump will probably receive at least ~ being optimistic ~ 43% or so of the popular vote is still pretty alarming)
It really highlights the fact that I think even most Americans do not necessarily understand how the process works. I also am very interested in seeing Trump's general election campaign, because that will ultimately effect how he can get to 43%.

This is what scares me.

Eh, I think most Dems know that Hillary will be the nominee, which is why the low-turn out, as well as Trump's voters having the authoritarian effect across voters, which might lead to voters from across the aisle to vote for him and/or new voters that are now being "triggered' by his actions. The other idea is some voters are trying to spoil the GOP primary as well.
I do remember hearing this a lot in high school. "Hillary will get her period and start World War 3 LOL"

My 2008 campaign joke was more like you'd see a campaign ad one day that's just like "Barack Hussein Obama? More like Iraq Hussein Osama! (vote Hillary)" so... you know.

The difference is that he's a college graduate and former Obama supporter. But I understand..




Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Hillary and her team are gonna have to find some way to gain enthusiasm for her candidacy. If Obama could do it in 2012 she could do it this year. It seems like the only people who are excited for her candidacy are upper middle class and wealthy people.

I believe the idea is that most Dems realised that Hillary would be the nominee for a few years now, and kind of just want to vote for her.
Cruz's dominance of Texas changed so much of the delegate situation. Trump really hurt himself by not doing better there, much more than the 3 delegates he lost by not winning Minnesota and Alaska.
Hi PoliGAF! Long-time lurker, first-time poster here.

I heard on MPR this morning that Jesse Ventura is considering running as a Libertarian candidate for president.

Assuming he does this, what would it take for him to get on the Presidential debate stage?

A Trump vs. Clinton vs. Ventura debate would be a sight to behold.


This is kinda true from a non-american perspective.


This is stupid and I say this as European. And I really hope the guy is not European, because our "I.Q" is not looking better at the moment (and sadly we come from a low bar)

There are reasons why this is happening. Maybe some people should put more effort in understanding how things work in countries that are not theirs and less in making smart-ass remarks in Twitter.

I believe one way to look at this though is there are a lot of republicans motivated to stop Trump from winning the nomination.

I really believe there are a significant number of Republican voters who will either not vote or vote third party because they can't get behind Trump.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling

I expect everything to change once she's got the nomination wrapped up. Obama can get off the fence and everyone in the DNC can start moving towards a common goal. It's funny, there's just been this perception on my part that she doesn't really need money right now. It's a big part of why I haven't donated anything... that and I'm dangerously and hopelessly broke.
I expect everything to change once she's got the nomination wrapped up. Obama can get off the fence and everyone in the DNC can start moving towards a common goal. It's funny, there's just been this perception on my part that she doesn't really need money right now. It's a big part of why I haven't donated anything... that and I'm dangerously and hopelessly broke.

Yea, but Sanders bum team is not going to withdraw. So they end up burning her resources, she can't start fundraising for GE fund.


Hi PoliGAF! Long-time lurker, first-time poster here.

I heard on MPR this morning that Jesse Ventura is considering running as a Libertarian candidate for president.

Assuming he does this, what would it take for him to get on the Presidential debate stage?

A Drumpf vs. Clinton vs. Ventura debate would be a sight to behold.
In 2000, the CPD established a rule that for a party to be included in the national debates it must garner at least 15% support across five national polls.
Yea, but Sanders bum team is not going to withdraw. So they end up burning her resources, she can't start fundraising for GE fund.

Which then means that she's gotta weight the cost of giving him what he wants (whatevee that may be) vs burning her resources in the primary. Heavy is the crown and all

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yea, but Sanders bum team is not going to withdraw. So they end up burning her resources, she can't start fundraising for GE fund.
With Citizens United in place I don't see that being a problem. Also, she's currently the most likely person to win.
Which then means that she's gotta weight the cost of giving him what he wants (whatevee that may be) vs burning her resources in the primary. Heavy is the crown and all
She's a good politician, I think she can pull it off.

I know so many of you wanted this to be a quick coronation, but it's good for the party and for her in the general to have someone challenge her.
Cruz's dominance of Texas changed so much of the delegate situation. Trump really hurt himself by not doing better there, much more than the 3 delegates he lost by not winning Minnesota and Alaska.

I brought this up last night. Cruz's lead in Texas nearly wiped all of Trump's advantage in his 7 states. The good news is, that's Cruz's strongest state by far, and most of his base (the south) has already voted. This should be the closest Cruz gets to Trump. He has no chance of winning other large winner-take-all states like Ohio and Florida. The only problem is if Kasich takes Ohio, Marco somehow takes Florida and we get a very split field of delegates leading to a brokered convention.
Which then means that she's gotta weight the cost of giving him what he wants (whatevee that may be) vs burning her resources in the primary. Heavy is the crown and all
What would he want though to drop out if we are spit-balling this?

Debbie's job (I mean her fired as DNC Head)? A policy plank?


I brought this up last night. Cruz's lead in Texas nearly wiped all of Drumpf's advantage in his 7 states. The good news is, that's Cruz's strongest state by far, and most of his base (the south) has already voted. This should be the closest Cruz gets to Drumpf. He has no chance of winning other large winner-take-all states like Ohio and Florida. The only problem is if Kasich takes Ohio, Marco somehow takes Florida and we get a very split field of delegates leading to a brokered convention.
Trump's still way ahead. Won't come to that.
By the way, big shout out to whoever recommended /r/politicaldiscussion. It's nice to have another place to lurk in, now that /r/politics become a shithole. It's giving me a lot more perspective on just how hard Bernie's path really is.


By the way, big shout out to whoever recommended /r/politicaldiscussion. It's nice to have another place to lurk in, now that /r/politics become a shithole. It's giving me a lot more perspective on just how hard Bernie's path really is.

Second this. Biases slightly Hillary-ish, but less than here if I'm honest.
Second this. Biases slightly Hillary-ish, but less than here if I'm honest.

The whole "srs bsns" policy against memes and jokes help. One of the reasons I love PoliGAF is all the jokes. YAAASSS and RMoney are fun. But they definitely contribute to the bias, so it's nice to have an alternative.


Fox breaking news: Mitt Romney will make a major speech tomorrow about the 2016 race but allegedly no endorsement. Just the man people want to hear from right now.
Fox breaking news: Mitt Romney will make a major speech tomorrow about the 2016 race but allegedly no endorsement. Just the man people want to hear from right now.

Condemning Trump which will act as an endorsement because everyone hates Romney. All Romney talks about on Twitter is Trump, it's pretty funny.


Poor Jonathan Bernstein's article about GOP Super Tuesday basically just takes 500 words to say "Jesus, what the fuck."
What would he want though to drop out if we are spit-balling this?

Debbie's job (I mean her fired as DNC Head)? A policy plank?

DWS gone will happen regardless, and as god kind trump taught us, one's initial offer must be outrageous, thus, VP slot, then DNC Chair, then whatever the fuck he actually wants. Dropping big bank/ws support? Free college? Single payer? I dunno.
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