Then... What the hell us he doing this for? Shame Shame.. Don't vote Donald.. Listen to me?
Who does he think cares about what he has to say.
Then... What the hell us he doing this for? Shame Shame.. Don't vote Donald.. Listen to me?
It's the empty suit thing- he got exposed for not being able to think on his feet.Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
eBay Huckster, Drumpf did not win Texas. I need an avatar.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
It is probably to condemn the racist comments as both he and Ryan try to take hold of the party and redirect and shape the image it has become to symbolize.
These two should know cause this is the exact same reason they lost in 12, were so shocked by, and then even admitted in the autopsy of the loss.
Trump needs to go all in on Florida and Ohio.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
my bernie friends on fb are saying that last night was a win, that he won 4 and tied 1, and talking about how many states Obama lost and came back. They don't talk about which states though
>35% of Republican voters are white nationalists and Rubio's skin color is not white.
And if you're a truly hardcore conservative, why not choose Cruz over Rubio?
Not sure if Rubio wanting to start a war against every country in the world matters or not, but it would be interesting if people preferred Cruz/Trump's plan of "bomb, war crimes, support dictators, and get out" strategy over Rubio's neoconservativism.
Well, at least my Bernie friend accepted that "the Clinton machine is too strong"
But he certainly isn't happy about it.
...god damn it I forgot I made that bet
gimme a few hours
I've been saying since very early on that no one actually thinks Rubio would be a good president. Mostly the enthusiasm for him, at least before "at least he's not Trump", was about a sense that he was impressive to other people. But no one who supported him was actually impressed.
He's absolutely not a Tea Party favorite, except to the extent that people funding the Tea Party think that he should appeal to the people who vote for Tea Party candidates. He's absolutely an insider since he was part of the Gang of Eight. And yeah he's an empty suit.
Handful of things. He's a vacuous cipher with no real ability to inspire anyone, and as such has no natural base other than DC Republicans who either see what they want to see, or actively desire an empty shell. This is not entirely dissimilar from Romney, but Romney was facing much weaker opposition and was running his second national campaign, so he was genuinely a lot stronger of a candidate with a better sense of what he needed to do to win.Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
and by that I mean a few minutes
Oh jesus christ.
How long do I have to keep it?
Robert Costa ‏@costareports
SCOOP: BEN CARSON will tell supporters today that he does not see path forward, will not attend Thursday debate
Carson noooooo
Carson noooooo
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203878753607673&set=gm.238867786461985&type=3&theaterWell, at least my Bernie friend accepted that "the Clinton machine is too strong"
But he certainly isn't happy about it.
Ugh I have friends posting that HuffPo article about Bernie winning VT, OK, MN, and CO and tying MA talking about momentum
So, conspiracy time. Any chance the GOP will try to rally all three candidates into a zone defense? Have them all stay in, but cooperate. Use Cruz to hold the south and evangelicals as best he can. Kasich to hold Ohio and moderates. Rubio for Florida and establishment cred.
They can't win if they're all competing everywhere, because Trump beats them. But one on one, Trump may still win. If they could make all of Rubio's Florida voters go to Rubio and all of Kasich's Ohio voters go to Kasich, etc., it may be enough to prevent the majority for Trump.
Obviously, this would realistically not happen, but it would be an interesting election to watch if it did.
Carson noooooo
Clinton Tosses Unpledged Superdelegate In Trunk Of Car
Carson noooooo
Anyone have comcast? Noticed they have a thing with Hillary where you can add your name and say you're with her. I haven't logged into the site in awhile.
They offered him the Senate run lol
This is kinda true from a non-american perspective.
Carson noooooo
His overnight donations must have come in low. This has to help Cruz, if anyone, right?
His overnight donations must have come in low. This has to help Cruz, if anyone, right?
my bernie friends on fb are saying that last night was a win, that he won 4 and tied 1, and talking about how many states Obama lost and came back. They don't talk about which states though
Why is Rubio so fucking weak? I don't get it. He's very conservative. He's a tea party favorite. He is not really an insider since he never goes to work. Is it just that he's an empty suit or is it that Cruz and kasich are stealing his thunder? I don't get it. He's a human fart but so was Romney.
He is going to pick Trump because he doesn't use the lenses of political correctness to view the world, and he is not beholden to anybody but We The People.Let's do this: Predictions for Carson's endorsement
I'm going Kasich.
I think TPM had a note from a GOP contact right after Rubio's loop error that it was an example of a pervasive anxiousness that he and his campaign try to keep a lid on. Basically, he melts down easily. I think it's something you pick up on even when he's smooth-talking through his prepared remarks.