Cesare Borgia
Hillary Clinton is not going to be charged with anything or go to jail.
Reddit is going nuts over the emails again, but that got me thinking....
Obama is probably getting daily briefings on this. I'm sure the top tier of the Democrats know where the investigations are headed. They would probably be scrambling to find an alternative that would not jeopardize the last 8 years, wouldn't they?
“Michigan is such an important state because it offers such a sharp contrast between the two candidates on such an important issue — about whether you stood with working families or whether you chose to side with corporate interests who are shipping jobs overseas,” Weaver explained, adding that Sanders’ economic message could appeal to black voters living in cities like Detroit and Flint. “The African-American middle class in Michigan has been destroyed by the job-crushing trade deals that Secretary Clinton has consistently supported over the years. And if you look at what’s going on with the schools, the dilapidated schools of Detroit, and funding problems in places like Flint, Michigan, that is all directly tied to her economic policies. So she’s going to have to bear her responsibility for her role over the last 20 years in decimating the economy in Michigan, including the African-American middle class, which was once the pride of this country."
And once Michigan votes, that message will spread, Weaver projected, outlining what some Sanders operatives describe as the best-case scenario: wins in the heavily-white caucus states of Nebraska, Kansas, and Maine in the coming days, followed by a strong performance in Michigan and other big industrial states.
“We’re going to do very well in Pennsylvania, a place where his message on trade is going to do extremely well. Western Pennsylvania is a place where, again, another place that’s been decimated by Hillary Clinton’s failed economic policies,” said Weaver. “The auto industry in Ohio? Decimated by Hillary Clinton’s economic policies. Michigan? Auto industry and the rest of the industrial capacity in Michigan, destroyed by Hillary Clinton’s economic policies. Illinois has lost tens of thousands of jobs due to Hillary Clinton’s economic policies. So I think she’s going to have to answer, as we go into the industrial Midwest, why she has not stood with working families and middle class people. Why she has instead stood with corporate interests who have shipped our jobs overseas and are now funding our campaign."
Devine thinks they have a chance in MI with AA's. He gave a shout out to Diablos too
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/bernie-sanders-super-tuesday-response-220127#ixzz41mI1T6N1
Lololololol weaver
Devine said:I know theres a lot of number-crunchers who think they understand the way this process works. I would suggest that understanding the dynamic of a modern presidential campaign requires more than the skills of arithmetic. It requires understanding of the dynamic [of the calendar].
"I hate racism guys"
Man, I wish I could find some of the posts and articles about the Dem Primary in 2008. Everyone freaking out about how bad the Sanders / Clinton split is would probably be flabbergasted about how crazy Obama / Clinton was.
The vicious Clinton-versus-Obama rupture at Daily Kos, the most activist site in the liberal blogosphere, reflects a party-wide split. What really rankles, as Democrats tear at one another, is the free pass theyve given McCainand the White House.
"I now believe he would be the weakest of the Democrat nominees," Limbaugh, among the most powerful voices in conservative radio, said on his program. "I now urge the Democrat superdelegates to make your mind up and publicly go for Obama."
Some Clintonites are so mad about Barack Obamas Tuesday victory that theyve launched a web site to build support to launch a lobbying group to support Republican John McCain.
"Were going to run campaign ads to defeat Obama," says Ed Hale, a 63-year-old rancher and a Clinton supporter from Wellington, Texas. "We have doctors, lawyers, CPAs, the blue bloods, and then we have rednecks like me. Its a very diversified organization."
Jim Acosta said:GOP source: Romney "will praise Sen. Marco Rubio and. Sen. Ted Cruz, and perhaps Ohio Gov. John Kasich"
Let's go with... one week.
Barack Obama’s biggest problem is — all together now — white working-class voters. Right? Even as Obama has essentially wrapped up the Democratic nomination, analysts and pundits have been squawking since the Ohio primary that he hasn’t been able to break through among downscale whites. These fabled Reagan Democrats, who are really Nixon Democrats, comprise crucial chunks of the electorate in historically swing states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, and Obama supposedly is cruising for big trouble in November unless he connects better with them.
Why are we spending so much time on these particular white folks? For one thing, the Clinton campaign has zeroed in on them as Hillary’s last chance to wrest the nomination.
Hillary Clinton won big victories Tuesday night in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. But she’s now even further behind in the race for the Democratic nomination. How could that be? Math. It’s relentless. To beat Barack Obama among pledged delegates, Clinton now needs even bigger margins in the 12 remaining primaries than she needed when I ran the numbers on Monday, an average of 23 points, which is more than double what she received in Ohio. Superdelegates won’t help Clinton if she cannot erase Obama’s lead among pledged delegates, which now stands at roughly 134. Caucus results from Texas aren’t complete, but Clinton will probably net about 10 delegates out of March 4. That’s 10 down, 134 to go. Good luck.
About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trumps hair. I cant now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day.
Its true you have better hair than I do, Trump said matter-of-factly. But I get more pussy than you do. Click.
More fodder for the establishment GOP to pounce on:
Donald Trump's son gave an interview to a pro-slavery host
Tucker CarlsonLol, who said that?
Yep. The relevant article:I think TPM had a note from a GOP contact right after Rubio's loop error that it was an example of a pervasive anxiousness that he and his campaign try to keep a lid on. Basically, he melts down easily. I think it's something you pick up on even when he's smooth-talking through his prepared remarks.
*“What’s the point of having political capital if you’re never going to use it?” Ana Navarro, a GOP commentator (and current Bush supporter), demanded during one early conversation with Rubio.
“He just lets these little things get to him, and he worries too much,” a Miami Republican complained after spending close to an hour sitting next to Rubio on a flight as he fretted over a mildly critical process story about him in the National Journal. “I’m just like, ‘Marco, calm down.’”
Lol, who said that?
https://vine.co/v/igwUbwMJ6YlMore fodder for the establishment GOP to pounce on:
Donald Drumpf's son gave an interview to a pro-slavery host
Mayor of Flint was just on msnbc saying that Bernie Sanders has yet to get in touch with her. Reporter said maybe that'll happen soon due to the debate but she wasn't having it. Mayor said Bernie was in town last week but still didn't visit her. Meanwhile the Clinton camp has been keeping in touch with her regularly.
Puts it in perspective:
Bernie definitely has appeal here in western PA. I see tons of signs for him and not many for Hillary. Lots of men from around here do not like her.Devine thinks they have a chance in MI with AA's. He gave a shout out to Diablos too
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/bernie-sanders-super-tuesday-response-220127#ixzz41mI1T6N1
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 3m3 minutes ago
Average share of late-deciding voters in 13 states with exit polls so far:
Rubio 29%
Cruz 27%
Trump 20%
Kasich 12%
I'm wondering if people are misreading the large numbers of voters who decided in the last week.
Sure, those the late breakers went for Rubio before, due to being rational about their choice given data in front of them...but this is not the case now. It's been a 3 man race for a couple weeks. There's largely a "bandwagon effect" for Trump at play is my guess. Rubio may still win late deciders but not by as much.
Bernie definitely has appeal here in western PA. I see tons of signs for him and not many for Hillary. Lots of men from around here do not like her.
If Mittens goes third party... ������
Jeb! had lots of signs in New HampshireThe sign things isn't something we can really look to as away of judging support I think. The same was said in a lot of other states that people didn't see Hillary signs, etc.. Hillary supporters overall just don't seem like the put a sign in your yard, window, or car type. Or at least don't feel the need to really do it.
BTW, The establishment fucked up big time and here's how. By not rallying around Kasich. We all pretty much agreed that Kasich probably had the best shot in 2016 against Hillary. I know he's not as moderate as he pretends to be but the perception is that he is moderate. And he would play it that way. And he appears to care about the poor. And he has a good record for a Republican. And he worked in the federal gov't, private sector, media, and state gov't level. His credentials are there. He also ran a more positive campaign and he has often sounded like the adult in the group.
The Republican Establishment is well aware of their problem with minorities. But the Establishment doesn't "get it." Just like they thought by putting Palin out there that "hey we have a woman VP!" being good enough they think having a young Cuban be the face of their party would be good enough. But Rubio is a bad candidate. He's very conservative, he's unpolished, and can't debate for shit. He had to resort to dick jokes against Donald Fucking Trump.
Kasich was the only candidate from the very beginning calling Trump's positions crazy. His Medicaid expansion also wouldn't have hurt him nearly as much as they thought it would have. Kasich is the only candidate that could have siphoned off Trump's support. Think about it. yes, he has a bunch of racists and Kasich wouldn't touch those but that's not all his support. He has a lot of support from the "Trump is successful, yay businesman" group, too. It's why he won Massachusetts so easily. It's why Trump wins in every demographic or at least gets a good chunk of them. He appeals not just to nativists but also those who aren't super conservative and love business people and people who "gets things done". Kasich would have appealed to some of these folks!
The problem is Kasich got drowned out by the Cruz-Trump-Rubio wars since early January.
It's too late now, Kasich has no path to the majority of delegates. The GOP Establishment put their money on Rubio once Jeb! bombed. Partly because he's a minority and young, partly because Kasich expanded medicaid and they bet wrong. Very wrong.
Kasich was the GOP's best hope for Not Trump and the GE but they never recognized it and it is now waaaaaay too late. Think about it, had they unified around him in early January, Rubio drops out after NH and the GOP goes on a full on attack on Trump for being a racist and Kasich is now the nominee.
Jane Kelly being looked at for supreme court vacancy
Did I just read Weaver say the Ohio and Michigan auto industries were ruined by Hillary Clinton's economic policies
Jane Kelly being looked at for supreme court vacancy
Jane Kelly being looked at for supreme court vacancy
Just saw a Berniebro post an image on Facebook of a new Bill Clinton "meme":
"I choose other women over Hillary.
You should too."
Seriously? Seriously? This Berniebro is truly earning the "Berniebro" epithet.
Note: I know most Bernie supporters wouldn't post that kind of meme.
Did I just read Weaver say the Ohio and Michigan auto industries were ruined by Hillary Clintons economic policies
The governors response was fiery. I dont know about you, lady, he said as he pointed at Kendrick, his voice rising. But when I get to the Pearly Gates, Im going to have an answer for what Ive done for the poor
Kasich and the eGOP split early in this process
He was labeled as a weak RHINO by the frothing base from the outset regardless of its accuracy.
Bingo! Winning over Trump by just 9 percentage points doomed him.
BTW, The establishment fucked up big time and here's how. By not rallying around Kasich. We all pretty much agreed that Kasich probably had the best shot in 2016 against Hillary. I know he's not as moderate as he pretends to be but the perception is that he is moderate. And he would play it that way. And he appears to care about the poor. And he has a good record for a Republican. And he worked in the federal gov't, private sector, media, and state gov't level. His credentials are there. He also ran a more positive campaign and he has often sounded like the adult in the group.
The Republican Establishment is well aware of their problem with minorities. But the Establishment doesn't "get it." Just like they thought by putting Palin out there that "hey we have a woman VP!" being good enough they think having a young Cuban be the face of their party would be good enough. But Rubio is a bad candidate. He's very conservative, he's unpolished, and can't debate for shit. He had to resort to dick jokes against Donald Fucking Trump.
Kasich was the only candidate from the very beginning calling Trump's positions crazy. His Medicaid expansion also wouldn't have hurt him nearly as much as they thought it would have. Kasich is the only candidate that could have siphoned off Trump's support. Think about it. yes, he has a bunch of racists and Kasich wouldn't touch those but that's not all his support. He has a lot of support from the "Trump is successful, yay businesman" group, too. It's why he won Massachusetts so easily. It's why Trump wins in every demographic or at least gets a good chunk of them. He appeals not just to nativists but also those who aren't super conservative and love business people and people who "gets things done". Kasich would have appealed to some of these folks!
The problem is Kasich got drowned out by the Cruz-Trump-Rubio wars since early January.
It's too late now, Kasich has no path to the majority of delegates. The GOP Establishment put their money on Rubio once Jeb! bombed. Partly because he's a minority and young, partly because Kasich expanded medicaid and they bet wrong. Very wrong.
Kasich was the GOP's best hope for Not Trump and the GE but they never recognized it and it is now waaaaaay too late. Think about it, had they unified around him in early January, Rubio drops out after NH and the GOP goes on a full on attack on Trump for being a racist and Kasich is now the nominee.