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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Bernie friend links me this

"Ron Paul with text: There is no difference between electing Hillary or Trump, they both stand for the military industrial complex, the federal reserve, deficits, entitlements, and the invasion of our privacy"

Tells me he is now partly libertarian



PredictIt markets are boring as fuck right now.

Nothing good unless you want to roll the dice on upcoming caucus states for which we have literally zero polling data.

Jane Kelly for Supreme Court is at 35 cents right now due to that one NYT report, which could be worth shorting, I guess. But then there's always the possibility that he actually nominates her.


Hahah, oh yeah, we had that one time where some people tried to kill the FED. That was cute.

Didn't Sanders vote yes on auditing the FED, by the way?



GOOD. Part of what infuriated me with Rubio was that he was clearly a whole lot of nothing. Actual hot air. Only a talking point because the RNC establishment was propping him up. As equally terrible as Cruz and Trump are, they clearly have some talent and skill at this.

I will also say, though this isn't really a new thing, the media is way too interested in writing narratives instead of just reporting the fucking news. I don't know how you'd go about doing an overhaul (if it can even be done) but the American media needs it.
Bernie friend links me this

"Ron Paul with text: There is no difference between electing Hillary or Trump, they both stand for the military industrial complex, the federal reserve, deficits, entitlements, and the invasion of our privacy"

Tells me he is now partly libertarian




Ron Paul was the original Reddit politician


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
At first I laughed at this, then I got really irritated because really all we have here is a major media organization who claims to be "Fair and Balanced" openly and actively propping up who the Republican National Committee told them to. This is disgusting.

Yeah, if anyone was ever in doubt about the finger being on the scales...

...they would probably dismiss this as liberal propaganda anyway.
lmao speaking of Ron Paul

RonPaul.com Founders Endorse Donald Trump for President

Donald Trump personifies the Liberty Movement’s finest anti-establishment spirit. He is the only rational choice left in the presidential race for those of us who hold liberty dear.

Just like Ron Paul, Donald Trump loves America and Americans, and we find it fascinating that he arrived at many of the same positions as Ron Paul not by extrapolating them from libertarian principles but by applying his ample business experience and sheer human decency.

Most importantly…

1. Donald Trump is a diplomat, a dealmaker and a non-interventionist. He wants to make the military “so strong that we never have to use it,” and just like Ron Paul, he prefers to talk and negotiate with foreign leaders instead of bombing them.

2. Donald Trump wants to end illegal immigration. Just like Ron Paul, Trump puts Americans and legal immigrants first, and he favors the elimination of incentives for illegal immigrants, including amnesty and birthright citizenship.

3. Donald Trump wants to audit the Federal Reserve, and he can actually make it happen: He is the only major candidate not owned by the big banks and corporations.

4. Donald Trump wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a free market solution. Additionally, just like Ron Paul, Trump offers a viable solution to protect helpless people from dying in the streets.

5. Donald Trump is self-financing his campaign. That’s just as good as, if not better than, relying on small individual donations like Ron Paul did.


This is too fucking funny


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I don't really get the audit the Federal Reserve thing, when it's audited annually already.
As a Ron Paulite in the 2011-2012 movement who read two of his books, one of those being "End the FED"...I have nothing. I honestly just don't remember the idea behind it. However I remember my thoughts being something along the side of "outsider" candidate and that he was actually a libertarian just disgusting himself as a republican...I still supported Obama though in the general. Young people believe in change and Revolution for the sake of it...because they want to be part of something significant.


Remember: Bernie Sanders is in great shape going forward. There are no more southern states that can give Hillary big wins. All of the south already voted.


What the fuck at "The Rubio thing"




At first I laughed at this, then I got really irritated because really all we have here is a major media organization who claims to be "Fair and Balanced" openly and actively propping up who the Republican National Committee told them to. This is disgusting.

...are ya'll just mad cause they don't hide it anymore, or
Distressing news. This confirms the projections in Bernie's path to victory. Time to pack it in, Hills.

So far, there isn't a single state on that map that is allocating delegates correctly based on their own projections of Bernie's share! If he got 43% of the vote in Florida, he'd end up with 92 delegates not 105. For him to get 105 delegates, he'd need 49% of the vote! Even if he got almost 70% in California (HAHAHAHAHA, he wouldn't get that many delegates....

That's just insane. Lawd.


Undecided will swing towards Bernie so it's more like 65%-35%.

Plus once Bernie start spending some of his warchest you will see that percentage go up.

Like how undecideds in other southern states broke for Bernie? Or like how Bernie used his war chest in other southern states?
Pretty sure vicissitudes and Tesseract are almost entirely joke characters at this point.

So we have joke characters, posters seemingly contractually obligated to mention Rubio in their posts, the Diablos wing (shockingly doesn't include Diablos anymore), and then probably joke Diabloses.

Gonna be a long year.


Pretty sure vicissitudes and Tesseract are almost entirely joke characters at this point.

So we have joke characters, posters seemingly contractually obligated to mention Rubio in their posts, the Diablos wing (shockingly doesn't include Diablos anymore), and then probably joke Diabloses.

Gonna be a long year.

Can't believe you forgot the Gay Hillary Bros.
Pretty sure vicissitudes and Tesseract are almost entirely joke characters at this point.

So we have joke characters, posters seemingly contractually obligated to mention Rubio in their posts, the Diablos wing (shockingly doesn't include Diablos anymore), and then probably joke Diabloses.

Gonna be a long year.

Then you've got your Gay Hillary Bros, me, and the professional gambling wing
@realDonaldTrump 2 hours ago

Why can't the leaders of the Republican Party see that I am bringing in new voters by the millions-we are creating a larger, stronger party!
I wonder if they will bother spending a dime in NC and FL. Since they have conceded everywhere else down here I doubt it.

Florida media market is probably hella expensive. Plus, if he hasn't already bought the ad time I think it would cost even more. Hillary's margins in Virginia and Texas were smaller (or similar) to her lead in Florida polling. He should try and lower the margins there.

NC he has to do shit there. He absolutely has to. He cannot survive another 2:1 loss. He's gotta keep it small(ish.)

His best bet, though, is Ohio and Michigan. I doubt he can win Michigan, but he can get it within high single, low double digits if everything in the world goes his way. (Detroit will literally kill him, though.) Ohio gives him a better chance than Michigan, but it's not a good one.

IMO, he cannot survive losing Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Illinois and Florida. I have no idea what will happen in Missouri, so he's probably got a 50/50 chance there.
Undecided will swing towards Bernie so it's more like 65%-35%.

Plus once Bernie start spending some of his warchest you will see that percentage go up.

I'll have two of whatever you're drinking/smoking

Pretty sure vicissitudes and Tesseract are almost entirely joke characters at this point.

So we have joke characters, posters seemingly contractually obligated to mention Rubio in their posts, the Diablos wing (shockingly doesn't include Diablos anymore), and then probably joke Diabloses.

Gonna be a long year.

Yep, lol
Beginning to find your Hillary love-in / irrational hate of Bernie and his supporters tiresome doesn't make someone a joke character. Hell, several of you are playing as extreme parodies of Clinton supporters. For example If I though adam387 was actually serious about his level of devotion, I'd feel obliged to get him mental help.


Florida media market is probably hella expensive. Plus, if he hasn't already bought the ad time I think it would cost even more. Hillary's margins in Virginia and Texas were smaller (or similar) to her lead in Florida polling. He should try and lower the margins there.

NC he has to do shit there. He absolutely has to. He cannot survive another 2:1 loss. He's gotta keep it small(ish.)

His best bet, though, is Ohio and Michigan. I doubt he can win Michigan, but he can get it within high single, low double digits if everything in the world goes his way. (Detroit will literally kill him, though.) Ohio gives him a better chance than Michigan, but it's not a good one.

IMO, he cannot survive losing Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Illinois and Florida. I have no idea what will happen in Missouri, so he's probably got a 50/50 chance there.

we'll know by next week where he is spending his money
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