adam hug me.We're actually talking about Drumpf's dick.
Not even ironically. I can't. I can't guys. Halp.
adam hug me.
Yes. I had the misfortune of watching it live. He literally realized there was a booger on his lip and gobbled it up. Nasty guy.
Ted needs to address this booger thing before it snowballs out of control and he eats it.
Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes 1h1 hour ago
If they're serious about stopping Trump, they need to credibly threaten to destroy the GOP if he's nominee. But they won't do it.
Christopher Hayes ‏@chrislhayes 1h1 hour ago
That's it. That was the ballgame. They'll all support him when he's the nominee. So will Fox
"It's the biggest, classiest penis in the world. Not just anyone can have a penis like mine, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get a penis like this. JFK jr. wishes he had a penis like mine. I mean, look at it. It's huge. It's emblazoned with my name and diamond encrusted, I've pleasured a lot of women with this penis. They love it! The ladies love it!" --Donald Trump
Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
Vladimir Putin, 69%
Bashar al Assad, 68%
Bill Cosby, 62%
Al Sharpton, 62 %
A man more unpopular than serial rapist Bill Cosby is about to become the Republican nominee for the President. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Guys, I just remembered I did this:
Back in August.
Republican voters decide who the Republican nominee will be.Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
Vladimir Putin, 69%
Bashar al Assad, 68%
Bill Cosby, 62%
Al Sharpton, 62 %
A man more unpopular than serial rapist Bill Cosby is about to become the Republican nominee for the President. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Still thinking on it, that might go down as the most substance free debate in the history of time and space. I didn't keep a stopwatch or anything, the clock was essentially overwhelmed with back and forths on poll numbers, dick sizes, and who was the biggest meanie. To the extent they had the pretense of talking policy, most of that was dedicated to exploring the hopeless dishonesty of the candidates and how willing they are to make shit up.
The only actual policy talk that happened was foreign policy, which really just boiled down to another sort of dick measuring. In this case it was an outrageous effort to out-crazy one another on who can torture the most aggressively, kill the most innocent people, or start the war with the largest number of fronts.
It was a three hour debate....and that was basically everything. Jesus god seriously how did they even here? I expect so little from the GOP and less still after it became clear everyone was joining Trump in the race to the bottom. But taking a step back I'm actually kind of shocked with how desensitized I've become to the whole nightmare.
The GOP sinking ship really can't hit rock bottom fast enough.
Kasich's foreign policy is honestly insane:
Kasich's foreign policy is honestly insane:
Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
Vladimir Putin, 69%
Bashar al Assad, 68%
Bill Cosby, 62%
Al Sharpton, 62 %
It's actually pretty impressive how Rubio has become less of a threat to Trump than Mitt Romney.
Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
Vladimir Putin, 69%
Bashar al Assad, 68%
Bill Cosby, 62%
Al Sharpton, 62 %
A man more unpopular than serial rapist Bill Cosby is about to become the Republican nominee for the President. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Coalition of the willing v2.0 over here. ISIS gonna be running scared once it sees those letters of public support from Latvia and Palau.Moderate Republican John Kasich said:It should be a broad coalition, made up of the kinds of people involved when we defeated Sadaam
Gah, my mother's so damn doctor-averse that she puts off seeing the doctor until her problem "gets extreme", her words. I've told her over and over again to see a doctor over her "weak hand" and now I'm worried she's got rheumatoid arthritis given her symmetrical joint swelling/pain, combined with the fact that it must be bad if she finally made an appointment. I know how debilitating it could be for Fiction so hopefully I'm wrong and don't have to think about all the times I visited and could have forced her to go to the doctor, seems like the prognosis gets worse the longer treatment is delayed.
I will never again see someone defending the size of their penis on a political debate stage nor that it being on the frontpage of CNN.
Well that's already in the public domain.Kanye 2020
Coalition of the willing v2.0 over here. ISIS gonna be running scared once it sees those letters of public support from Latvia and Palau.
This right here is (a big) part of why healthcare spending is so high here. Preventative care is just not accessible or not utilized (not trying to blame your mom, im a medical student who avoids going for check ups so I am far guiltier :\) and so instead of cheap statins we end up paying for catheters.
Gotta give my healthcare spiel.
Haha, awesome. You should get a new tag for that.