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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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1000 Trump delegates and 700 Cruz delegates are going to be cool with voting for Mitt Romney? I think they might shoot up the building instead.

The Trump delegates will definitely just keep voting for Trump. But the rest of the delegates will presumably go with whatever candidate their guy endorses.

It is definitely also possible that Cruz/Rubio/Kasich just refuse to compromise and keep insisting the other guys should switch to them and the primary goes on forever, but I assume at some point somebody will come up with a lever that moves them. I have no idea what that lever is.

Don't start from scratch on this Bernie, take the fucking win.
Though if this thread isn't majorly anti-Bernie I'd like you to reflect on why you have significantly fewer Bernie supporters per capita than OT general does.

In fairness, some of that's probably a combination of being in Community and also half the existing Bernie supporters in here picking very inappropriate times to get banned.
1000 Trump delegates and 700 Cruz delegates are going to be cool with voting for Mitt Romney? I think they might shoot up the building instead.

Even in 2012 the RNC had to change the rules to prevent Ron Paul delegates from mucking things up, the idea that they are going to be able to artfully maneuver things in a much more volatile situation to get Romney selected is really far fetched.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
In fairness, some of that's probably a combination of being in Community and also half the existing Bernie supporters in here picking very inappropriate times to get banned.

A lot of us are also veterans from Poligaf 2008 and 2012.
The Trump delegates will definitely just keep voting for Trump. But the rest of the delegates will presumably go with whatever candidate their guy endorses.

It is definitely also possible that Cruz/Rubio/Kasich just refuse to compromise and keep insisting the other guys should switch to them and the primary goes on forever, but I assume at some point somebody will come up with a lever that moves them. I have no idea what that lever is.

Would they ? I mean how are bound delegates done ? As I underarand it they used to be actually selected by the supporters so they wouldn't likely to be change unless generally hopeless. Is that still the case or are they party operators now ? In which case they'd probably jump on the first chance to bus Donald.


That and Bernie fans remembering they don't actually care about emails and Benghazi all that much with Trump or Cruz looming before them.

Reading r/politics today was funny. So much "She HAS to be brought to justice!" from ostensible liberals. Hopefully they wise up a bit.

Benghazi is a sham but the emails thing, I just can't fathom how this happened, as someone who works in IT/security. I keep seeing Hillary supporters handwaving this away, but some of you guys have to be in the same field. This surely violated official policy, and any sort of best practices. My job is in government as well, and if someone suggested conducting official business from an email server outside of departmental control, they'd be told in no uncertain terms not to. If they proceeded anyway, they'd be terminated, department head or no.


I've been in like the last 3 of these threads so I'm not exactly drive bying.

Though if this thread isn't majorly anti-Bernie I'd like you to reflect on why you have significantly fewer Bernie supporters per capita than OT general does.

PoliGAF is full of people who have been following politics attentively for many years. We're basically establishment voters. Is it really surprising we predominantly prefer Hillary? We are her target audience.

I do think that there are a lot of posters who are too aggressive about their anti-Bernieness in PoliGAF, often in a silly way. But, like, the way to stop them is with reasoned posts. It is with such techniques that Metaphoreus lived among us for many years.
I've been in like the last 3 of these threads so I'm not exactly drive bying.

Though if this thread isn't majorly anti-Bernie I'd like you to reflect on why you have significantly fewer Bernie supporters per capita than OT general does.

OT general has significantly more Bernie supporters per capita than the general population

not the best argument, even if some posts get absurd at times


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Benghazi is a sham but the emails thing, I just can't fathom how this happened, as someone who works in IT/security. I keep seeing Hillary supporters handwaving this away, but some of you guys have to be in the same field. This surely violated official policy, and any sort of best practices. My job is in government as well, and if someone suggested conducting official business from an email server outside of departmental control, they'd be told in no uncertain terms not to. If they proceeded anyway, they'd be terminated, department head or no.

There was no "policy" on Secretary of States regarding emails at that point. The rules changed with Kerry.

I do think that there are a lot of posters who are too aggressive about their anti-Bernieness in PoliGAF, often in a silly way. But, like, the way to stop them is with reasoned posts. It is with such techniques that Metaphoreus lived among us for many years.

I can only think of one in recent weeks. I called him out today.
I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said specifically that using a private email account didn't violate official policy. Because it didn't.

Also the metacommentary is boring. Victim complexes are boring. Why aren't you talking about Ted Cruz eating snot on live TV.


I am also super fascinated by Mitt Romney's backdoor run for the nomination here.

I didn't understand his big speech at all until the Vox article on this: http://www.vox.com/2016/3/3/11155110/mitt-romney-donald-trump-speech

If they actually go to a contested convention, the GOP establishment needs to find a candidate that can unite the Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Jeb, etc. delegates.

That candidate is unlikely to be Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, because if they wanted to unite behind one of them, they could just do it now.

So they need another candidate. One the GOP can easily support, one who can be viewed as a strong contender against Hillary, but one who for whatever reason chose not to run this year. Mitt Romney is a great choice for that role.

Of course, I don't think Romney can win (although he is actually probably one of the strongest candidates the GOP could run). Once they blow up Trump he'll probably follow through on his third-party threat, if for no other reason than to prove his threats should be respected. But he would be a good "elder statesman" for the non-racist, business-focused side of the party.

It's a good idea, but with a terrible person. Why on earth would they choose Romney for the job? I don't understand that.

One, as Trump would put it, Romney's a loser. He's been at the plate and he's lost before, by a lot. And, unlike Hillary, he hasn't really been in the public eye since and there's no reason to believe he's evolved as a candidate since then. Everything that cost him the election the first time will be cashed in again by TeamQueen with some extra "This is how your party has gotten shittier in the last 4 years" thrown in for good measure.

Two, he is the epitome of the Republican Establishment. Even among republicans not voting for Trump or Cruz there is a wide distrust of the establishment, and he is the face of that...especially after today. I don't understand how they think he'll be the one to unite the party.
OT general has significantly more Bernie supporters per capita than the general population

not the best argument, even if some posts get absurd at times

Yes, that's because this is an internet messageboard in a tech related area, for some reason outsider / extremist candidates particular of the socially liberal variety do disproportionately well in this environment relative to the general population. PoliGAF on the other hand should theoretically be much closer to OT than OT community is to the real world because the selection difference is much smaller (one forum + one thread / an interest in politics vs the rather specific list given before )
Romney's delegate talk ignores the fact that Trump is already on the path to the required amount. He could easily win most of the WTA states and then coast to the nomination with the proportional states over the next couple months.

Unless that debate was s game changer he's going to win Michigan and Florida. And he is leading in Ohio right now.
Benghazi is a sham but the emails thing, I just can't fathom how this happened, as someone who works in IT/security. I keep seeing Hillary supporters handwaving this away, but some of you guys have to be in the same field. This surely violated official policy, and any sort of best practices. My job is in government as well, and if someone suggested conducting official business from an email server outside of departmental control, they'd be told in no uncertain terms not to. If they proceeded anyway, they'd be terminated, department head or no.

If there's one thing I've learned from being in IT academia and talking to friends in IT who work in the government anad private sectke its that adherence to proper practices is universally terrible unless you're in an area where there'll be major consequences and there's actjve enforcement. If anything it gets worse at higher levels of authority since those people a) tend to be not tech or sec as background and b) are used to getting a lot of leeway to start with (which admittedly they probably need in a lot of situations).

The stories I've heard from my government friend could fill the entire quota of negative examples for a project management book , with enough left over for a software engineering book and another one on security practices.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Aww a guy I follow and respect on Twitter (no-one famous, just a guy) is a Bernie supporter and he's been level headed and civil through the entire campaign, but he's started discussing things in terms of the "Clintonite establishment" and talking about party structure nullifying voter turnout


remember me
I need to go to bed. Today has been absolutely bananas.

To recap:

Romney bashes the front runner in a speech that's guaranteed to be used in attack ads and promised to steal the nomination at the convention.

Trump says Romney was on his knees begging for it.

Trump talked about the size of his dick in the opening minute of the debate

Trump got the nickname Big Don

Ted Cruz ate a booger or something equally disgusting on live tv

Trump said he would force our military to commit war crimes and got cheered for it

After spending 2 hours attacking him every nominee still promised to support Trump

Bill O'Reilly was live on air while drunk

And this wasn't even all of it.
I need to go to bed. Today has been absolutely bananas.

To recap:

Romney bashes the front runner in a speech that's guaranteed to be used in attack ads and promised to steal the nomination at the convention.

Trump says Romney was on his knees begging for it.

Trump talk about the size of his dick.

Trump got the nickname Big Don

Ted Cruz ate a booger or something equally disgusting on live tv

Trump said he would force our military to commit war crimes and got cheered for it

After spending 2 hours attacking him every nominee still promised to support Trump

Bill O'Reilly was live on air while drunk

And this wasn't even all of it.

And that's just counting the Republican side.
I kind of wished I saved all my posts over the last few years declaring the implosion of GOP was coming in 2016 or 2020.

But it's okay, I don't need it because I have a very large p
ost count


Oklahoma trying to pull a Kentucky.


KLAHOMA CITY — Just how grim the state’s budget situation has become was apparent Wednesday morning as the state House of Representatives discussed and ultimately agreed to a bill that would cut 111,000 Oklahomans, most of them women, from Medicaid.

House Bill 2665, by Rep. Doug Cox, R-Grove, instructs the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, which administers the state’s Medicaid program, to request a federal waiver that would allow it to exclude all able-bodied adults younger than 65.

Currently, Cox said, about 111,000 single, non-disabled parents earning less than $9,500 are covered by SoonerCare, Oklahoma’s version of Medicaid. Cox said 77,000 of those are women.

Such a move would save the state an estimated $130 million a year, according to the bill’s fiscal impact statement, but cost $203 million in federal matching funds. Cutting those recipients without the waiver would endanger Oklahoma’s entire Medicaid program and $3 billion a year in federal funds.


In the case of the GM bailout, the UAW was given 17.5% of the common stock shares and $6.5 billion of preferred shares if I remember correctly.

That's true and they also received 41.5% ownership of Chrysler. Except they didn't....

Businessweek.com said:
The UAW won't directly own equity stakes in the car companies. The shares will be owned by a Voluntary Employee Benefits Trust, or VEBA, which invests cash and manages a portfolio to pay union healthcare benefits."

So will the workers actually get a say in how these companies are run? nope.

Also, the UAW has no right to vote its shares. "It gets just one seat on the nine seat Chrysler board and it will be required to vote its shares in accordance with the direction of the Independent Directors on the Chrysler Board," according to Henwood. Therefore, UAW influence on company policy is negligible.

So the "union bailout" Obama graced us with didn't actually give any more control to the workers but did allow GM and Chrysler to "get out from under any future obligations for the health care plans of retirees at 55 to 70 percent of what they owed."


So in the end the wealth continues to stay at the top and the rest of us get to be thankful for whatever scraps we get. The illusion that we have any power in controlling our lives continues.

Detroit has a right to be mad as hell and the rest of us should be too. Our politicians are giving us just enough not to revolt and they do it with a smile the entire time.


Man, I'm pissed that I fell asleep right before the debate started... So, who looked the most terrible?

Ted Cruz ate a booger and Drumpf advocated war crimes to wild applause.

This also seems to be the debate that people universally say has Drumpf's worst performance. Still "winning" according to most people from what I've read but still his worst performance.
Trump looked pretty bad TBH. For real this time.

I think not having Jeb onstage to kick around really reduces his presence and focus.

Good, I guess I'll have to watch some highlights, although if anyone knows of a good podcast that discusses debates, that would be cool as well.
Holy fucking shit I did not know how bad Louisiana's financial crisis was. Bobby Jindal is the fucking worst. Republicans ruining America state by state.


Good, I guess I'll have to watch some highlights, although if anyone knows of a good podcast that discusses debates, that would be cool as well.
Fivethirtyeight and the NPR elections podcast. I haven't checked this morning yet, but both always have post-debate coverage. And both are excellent.
Holy fucking shit I did not know how bad Louisiana's financial crisis was. Bobby Jindal is the fucking worst. Republicans ruining America state by state.

And there are still a ton of people that are complaining that Edwards has ruined Louisiana in like 2 months. And there is still no timetable on when they will pass something to at least stall the state falling off the cliff.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm surprised people think Trump did badly! Through about the first hour and a half I thought he was doing the best he had done in a debate! That Trump University stuff was messy, sure, and that's about when I had to turn it off. Rubio absolutely did way worse than last time, looking, speaking, and acting sickly and basically getting one applause line all night with his comment about yoga. And Ted Cruz ate a fucking booger.

Megyn Kelly did quite a job though!

You guys say this every time. The only thing I think that could be damaging is the flexibility stuff, which is ironically the thing that made Trump sound most reasonable.

I wonder if Kasich will peel off Rubio voters.
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