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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I'm watching this whole primary process of the Republicans unfold from the outside (Europe) with the same mix of disbelief and dread I had during the 2008 elections.

They seem like they're about to nominate another Sarah Palin-like character, but this time as the main candidate.

Incredible, insane, scary.


TPM's hot take:

Josh Marshall said:
Right now it's Trump vs the stakeholders of the institutional GOP, represented by Rubio, Cruz and Romney in the wings, like two vast armies wheeling around for a decisive combat over a small town or village. Trump's army is clearly stronger, but not unbeatable. Whatever happens, there's no way the village doesn't get brutalized and probably destroyed in the process.


Hillary's Twitter memes during the debate made waves.

...And we're at the point now where we compliment presidential candidates on their memes. Their memeage, if you will.
I just saw the Ted Cruz thing.
There are no words.


remember me
Hillary's Twitter memes during the debate made waves.

...And we're at the point now where we compliment presidential candidates on their memes. Their memeage, if you will.

And people laughed when Buzzfeed said they were going into political reporting.
Haven't you heard, he has never heard that before. He has never, on occasion, done this:
Between this and disavowing mussolini by saying he wants to be associated with great quotes, it is looking ever more likely that instead of being a bitter old bastard, donald just has a great sense of humor


I just made the mistake of looking up something vaguely political on Tumblr.

Needless to say, the delegate count is a lie and corporate media wants you to think that Hillary's winning. You should go to progressive sources like TYT for the truth. #feelthebern
Hillary's Twitter memes during the debate made waves.

...And we're at the point now where we compliment presidential candidates on their memes. Their memeage, if you will.

I mean, her campaign's use of memes. None of these candidates run their Twitter aside from Trump.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hillary will raise taxes on people making over $250k by a lot but is pretty scared of raising taxes on people making less than that:


Honestly, 189k is right about where I would start increasing it. Currently that's taxed at 33%. I would not go lower than 150k.
250k is quite a bit high, but less risky.

The top bracket is currently at 415,051 for single filer or $466,951 for joint. at 39.6%

For Reference:

Deductions grossly change the effective rate though, for good and bad.

Effective Tax Rates for Reference too:


20% $24,191; 40% $47,261; 60% $79,521; 80% $134,266; 90% $180,482; 95% $261,471; 99% $615,048; 99.9% $3,170,865.
(The amounts that correspond to the quintiles)

Last Edit: Remember this is only straight cash income, does not include some other types of income like Capital Gains.
Was Kasich always this extreme or is this just primary drift? I could have sworn he seemed reasonable-ish in past years. Maybe he just never had enough time in the mainstream until now to expose all the cracks. Although perhaps ravines would be more appropriate in this case.
Thankfully I suspect those numbers will recover to an extent once the GE actually starts after the convention. Mostly thanks to Obama and the economy continuing to slowly recover.

That and Bernie fans remembering they don't actually care about emails and Benghazi all that much with Trump or Cruz looming before them.

Reading r/politics today was funny. So much "She HAS to be brought to justice!" from ostensible liberals. Hopefully they wise up a bit.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Was Kasich always this extreme or is this just primary drift? I could have sworn he seemed reasonable-ish in past years. Maybe he just never had enough time in the mainstream until now to expose all the cracks. Although perhaps ravines would be more appropriate in this case.
I'm sure on some topics, particularly foreign policy, he's had little reason to create a public record on in the past few years.


I'm watching this whole primary process of the Republicans unfold from the outside (Europe) with the same mix of disbelief and dread I had during the 2008 elections.

They seem like they're about to nominate another Sarah Palin-like character, but this time as the main candidate.

Incredible, insane, scary.

You should think of it as a good thing, really, because it's the end of the Republican Party for a decade.

The GOP is full of establishment politicians in the House, Senate, and state houses who have been silently accepting implicit racism in pursuit of their policy goals for many years. But they have to silently accept racism, because explicitly advocating it will lose them elections -- whatever problems America has, I think it's pretty clear from history that a majority of Americans are unwilling to elect an avowed racist.

So the GOP establishment has spent that time covering them from the other direction -- making sure that any candidate who DOES explicitly support racism fails to win party support. Because a lot of GOP politicians would lose primaries to these candidates! Because the business of the Republican Party is appealing to reactionaries.

But that's over now. If the Republican establishment can't keep Donald Trump from dominating the presidential primary, then nobody is safe. Every single Republican politician is facing a choice -- start explicitly refusing the Trump side of the party and pushing them out, or just start being openly racist in order to protect themselves from their own party base.

Obviously they're having trouble making up their minds, but enough of them are going to go in either direction that it's going to completely fracture their support. After this year, the mainstream American perspective will be that Republicans can't be allowed to govern.


I am fascinated that being a liberal is now predicated on unthinking uncritical support of Obama, Clinton and the Democratic Party.

Are you kidding? I've been called a fake progressive so many times in the last two weeks by Bernie Sanders supporters I could start a Democratic Leadership Council. The shoe is 100% on the other foot here.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You should think of it as a good thing, really, because it's the end of the Republican Party for a decade.

The GOP is full of establishment politicians in the House, Senate, and state houses who have been silently accepting implicit racism in pursuit of their policy goals for many years. But they have to silently accept racism, because explicitly advocating it will lose them elections -- whatever problems America has, I think it's pretty clear from history that a majority of Americans are unwilling to elect an avowed racist.

So the GOP establishment has spent that time covering them from the other direction -- making sure that any candidate who DOES explicitly support racism fails to win party support. Because a lot of GOP politicians would lose primaries to these candidates! Because the business of the Republican Party is appealing to reactionaries.

But that's over now. If the Republican establishment can't keep Donald Trump from dominating the presidential primary, then nobody is safe. Every single Republican politician is facing a choice -- start explicitly refusing the Trump side of the party and pushing them out, or just start being openly racist in order to protect themselves from their own party base.

Obviously they're having trouble making up their minds, but enough of them are going to go in either direction that it's going to completely fracture their support. After this year, the mainstream American perspective will be that Republicans can't be allowed to govern.

I wonder what the new Republican Party will look like...
Are you kidding? I've been called a fake progressive so many times in the last two weeks by Bernie Sanders supporters I could start a Democratic Leadership Council. The shoe is 100% on the other foot here.

Its entirely possible for both feet to be wearing shoes. If this thread were to be believed Sanders is simultaneously incompetent and the greatest Republican political operative since at least Reagan.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Its entirely possible for both feet to be wearing shoes. If this thread were to be believed Sanders is simultaneously incompetent and the greatest Republican political operative since at least Reagan.

Second time in this thread I've had to use this gif:


Please point out the posts you are talking about.


Its entirely possible for both feet to be wearing shoes. If this thread were to be believed Sanders is simultaneously incompetent and the greatest Republican political operative since at least Reagan.

Why don't you link and respond to specific posts? HillaryGAF may be full of jerks, but at least we're jerks who are specific about the stuff we are jerks about. This subtweeting stuff is really not worth bringing to the forum.

edit: Please note that I give Hillary supporters crap for this as well when they bring OT stuff into the thread. It's just counterproductive and disrespectful.


Given recent events going on inside the GOP I brushed off some that 1968 DNC disaster....boy am I looking forward to the future.

Republicans went on to win presidential elections in an unprecedented manner in almost all cycles...with the outlier of Carter and up until a very centrist Bill Clinton. 4 candidates, from 69-76, 81-92.

18 years in office for Republicans, with Reagan pushing the country so much to the right that the only way to get a nomination is going to the center.

There is a reason McConnell is a word class obstructionist. If they would of allowed a popular president like Obama succeed on most of his policies (through compromise), the GOP as a party would of sunk as a permanent minority for years and years to come. The DNC leadership was and is currently extremely weak despite the gift that Bush left after 8 years of failure and an unpopular war (like Vietnam's back in the day).

At the very least that very same partisan fire the GOP strategy unleashed has had a big side-effect....the party going into uncharted territory by flirting with right-wing lunacy and purity - thus the Donald, the Tea Party, and Ted...... if the GOP can somehow outmaneuver this and escape unscathed I swear to god, either they're geniuses and deserve majority, or the DNC is at its most inept stage in ages. So far it has been a combination of both from 10-16

We've got 8 years out of Obama trying to move center-left, and hopefully 8 more years with Hillary to push that even further. It's not an easy process.

The GOP imploding is the perfect scenario. Hopefully we just gotta hold tight, vote and enjoy the shift...


I am also super fascinated by Mitt Romney's backdoor run for the nomination here.

I didn't understand his big speech at all until the Vox article on this: http://www.vox.com/2016/3/3/11155110/mitt-romney-donald-trump-speech

If they actually go to a contested convention, the GOP establishment needs to find a candidate that can unite the Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Jeb, etc. delegates.

That candidate is unlikely to be Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, because if they wanted to unite behind one of them, they could just do it now.

So they need another candidate. One the GOP can easily support, one who can be viewed as a strong contender against Hillary, but one who for whatever reason chose not to run this year. Mitt Romney is a great choice for that role.

Of course, I don't think Romney can win (although he is actually probably one of the strongest candidates the GOP could run). Once they blow up Trump he'll probably follow through on his third-party threat, if for no other reason than to prove his threats should be respected. But he would be a good "elder statesman" for the non-racist, business-focused side of the party.
Why don't you link and respond to specific posts? HillaryGAF may be full of jerks, but at least we're jerks who are specific about the stuff we are jerks about. This subtweeting stuff is really not worth bringing to the forum.

edit: Please note that I give Hillary supporters crap for this as well when they bring OT stuff into the thread. It's just counterproductive and disrespectful.

Because getting into comment wars with some of the most active people in this thread would a) get me dogpiled (more) and b) waste huge(r) amounts of my time.


Because getting into comment wars with some of the most active people in this thread would a) get me dogpiled (more) and b) waste huge(r) amounts of my time.

Then let this particular conversational thread stand as evidence that just passive-aggressively criticizing everybody in general is not a strategy with better returns.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Because getting into comment wars with some of the most active people in this thread would a) get me dogpiled (more) and b) waste huge(r) amounts of my time.

So you instead drive by shit post without actually backing up your claim?

I am also super fascinated by Mitt Romney's backdoor run for the nomination here.

I didn't understand his big speech at all until the Vox article on this: http://www.vox.com/2016/3/3/11155110/mitt-romney-donald-trump-speech

If they actually go to a contested convention, the GOP establishment needs to find a candidate that can unite the Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Jeb, etc. delegates.

That candidate is unlikely to be Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich, because if they wanted to unite behind one of them, they could just do it now.

So they need another candidate. One the GOP can easily support, one who can be viewed as a strong contender against Hillary, but one who for whatever reason chose not to run this year. Mitt Romney is a great choice for that role.

Of course, I don't think Romney can win (although he is actually probably one of the strongest candidates the GOP could run). Once they blow up Trump he'll probably follow through on his third-party threat, if for no other reason than to prove his threats should be respected. But he would be a good "elder statesman" for the non-racist, business-focused side of the party.

1000 Trump delegates and 700 Cruz delegates are going to be cool with voting for Mitt Romney? I think they might shoot up the building instead.
So you instead drive by shit post without actually backing up your claim?


I've been in like the last 3 of these threads so I'm not exactly drive bying.

Though if this thread isn't majorly anti-Bernie I'd like you to reflect on why you have significantly fewer Bernie supporters per capita than OT general does.
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