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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Who is pretending? I don't even understand what you are complaining about. That it gets used improperly per your definition in places on Earth at points in time? I agree with that.

edit: Do I need to stipulate I'm talking about on the board?

If you're talking about just neogaf, the visibility of such 'improper usage' would be relatively low compared to the rest of the internet, but it's happened here as well.

But yeah, we're talking about a significant amount of people now using the term as a generalization, and not as originally intended.
A Tarrance Group poll in Florida — conducted for the anti-Trump group Our Principles PAC — finds Donald Trump leading with 35%, followed by Marco Rubio at 30%, Ted Cruz at 16%, John Kasich at 9% and Ben Carson at 5%.

Polls run by PACs and campaigns tend to favor their chosen horse. I wouldn't read into it. Usually they frame things to fit the narrative they're going for.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The poll samples until March 2nd. I'm not even sure anti-Trump advertising had begun yet by that point.
So reading that Bobby Jindal article blaming Obama and the Democrats for the rise of Trump; what could self-aware Republicans do in the next Primary season to prevent something like this from happening again?

Make everything open for registered Republicans and Independents with 15% thresholds with those having <15% redistributed proportionally to those who are >15%?

Have all the smaller swing states; Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Virginia; all vote at the same time on the first Tuesday?

Then have the bigger swing states like Florida and Ohio the next Tuesday?

Then for every deep red state, have an equal deep blue state vote at the same time the following Tuesdays?

I'm at a loss on how they could fix their core crazy base problems.
If you're talking about just neogaf, the visibility of such 'improper usage' would be relatively low compared to the rest of the internet, but it's happened here as well.

But yeah, we're talking about a significant amount of people now using the term as a generalization, and not as originally intended.

The meanings of words change. This isn't new news.
So reading that Bobby Jindal article blaming Obama and the Democrats for the rise of Trump; what could self-aware Republicans do in the next Primary season to prevent something like this from happening again?

Make everything open for registered Republicans and Independents with 15% thresholds with those having <15% redistributed proportionally to those who are >15%?

Have all the smaller swing states; Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Virginia; all vote at the same time on the first Tuesday?

Then have the bigger swing states like Florida and Ohio the next Tuesday?

Then for every deep red state, have an equal deep blue state vote at the same time the following Tuesdays?

I'm at a loss on how they could fix their core crazy base problems.

There are some other, purely arbitrary rules they could enforce too like prior public office experience, requirement to attend debates etc.


Berniebros should stop worrying about the image of their doomed white supremacist sexist campaign and switch to supporting those with a realistic plan of action.


Global warming, environmental racism polluting our neighborhoods, acidified and depleted oceans, fracking, critical drought, plastics choking the seas, nuclear weapons and waste ­­ it is clear that capitalism and production for profit are destroying the planet and threatening all life. Harnessing the earth's renewable resources of sea, wind and solar power to create sustainable energy, seizing the oil and coal companies to stop their fossil ­fuel pollution, stopping nuclear weapons production, organizing production of food and goods to meet people's needs rather than the bottom line of corporations who produce regardless of the cost to the environment ­­ these are the most urgent steps needed to reverse climate change. But this requires making people's right to survive above the rights of the capitalists to make a profit.


Tens of millions are jobless and under­employed because the capitalists control employment. A decent ­paying job must be a legal, guaranteed right. The minimum wage should be raised to $20 per hour and a living income must be guaranteed for those who cannot work.


These are essentials of life and should not be run for profit. Create a completely free and public health­care system. Make education free—cancel all student debt. Stop all foreclosures and evictions—end all mortgage interest payments to the banks.


U.S. foreign policy uses the pretext of national security to enforce the imperialist interests of the biggest banks and corporations. That’s what is behind the endless wars and occupations. Use the $1 trillion military budget instead to provide for people’s needs here and around the world. Stop U.S. aid to Israel. End the blockade of Cuba.


More than 2.2 million people are behind bars in the largest prison complex in the world. Mass incarceration of our youth is the real crime. End the mass incarceration of oppressed communities. Fully prosecute all acts of police brutality and violence.


Support the right of all workers to have a union. Fight back against the attacks on collective bargaining. Repeal the Taft­ Hartley Act. In the spirit of the Fight for 15 and low-wage worker organizing, rebuild a fighting—and striking—labor movement.


Stop the attack on women’s reproductive rights and defend Roe v. Wade. Women must have the fundamental right to choose & to control their own bodies. Women still earn 22 percent less than men, and the gap is even more severe for Black and Latina women. Close the wage gap and end the gender division of labor.


Abolish all anti-­immigrant laws. Stop the raids and deportations. The government’s war on immigrants must end. The border wall must be dismantled.


Fight anti­-LGBTQ discrimination and violence. Full federal equality in all matters governed by civil law.


The banks’ vast wealth came from the people’s labor and tax ­dollar bailout. Capitalist banking is a form of organized crime, rewarding greed and fraud with obscene bonuses. These billionaires looted and destroyed the economy. It is time to seize their assets and use those resources in the interests of the vast majority. Power must be taken out of the hands of the super rich, and the Wall Street criminals must be held accountable.
Hillary's up to a 16 point lead among likely Democratic voters in the most recent Reuters poll. She's also up 5 over the all voters thing that was showing a Bernie lead a month ago.


i know the close times of the caucuses - but when do we expect to start getting results?

Need to plan my drinking appropriately.
Obviously I disagree with you (I even provided an example of real human beings behaving badly in the name of supporting a political cause). This is demonstrably for you an issue of terminology; you don't want a group of people being labeled as "BernieBros" because you claim it has an agenda. I'm sorry to tell you that this is real. I've already suggested anyone who claims all supporters are BernieBros is crazy. You've unfortunately conflated what I feel is a very real problem with anonymous straight white men on the internet with people who want to dismiss Bernie and his supporters.

I'm not impressed by you attempting to drag NeoGAF and me through the mud.

I wouldn't have a problem with HillaryBros either. I don't think anyone cares enough about her to, for example, post on Tulsi Gabbard's facebook though. If someone had, I would call them a HillaryBro, a HillaryGirl, or whatever have you. My agenda is to identify and shame obvious hate speech on the internet, which is why I have no problem naming names.

I see the establishment money, has gotten to the red tags while I was away with my child's birth.
i know the close times of the caucuses - but when do we expect to start getting results?

Need to plan my drinking appropriately.
MSNBC begins coverage at 4. However, I think they said there was no exit or entrance polling being done. So who the hell knows.
Only campaigns with presence at Bowling Green site, which could get 3000 voters: Kasich, Rubio

On my list of reasons why Trump is going to get boat raced in the general, number 5 or 6 is that he isn't investing in campaign infrastructure. The RNC and Koch network will help mitigate this, but if your strategy relies on getting out people who normally don't vote then you have to have boots on the ground. One of the big lessons from the Obama coalition that people ignore because its boring, hard work.


Thanks. Most worried about Kansas, well see how good Cruz's people really are at this.

MSNBC begins coverage at 4. However, I think they said there was no exit or entrance polling being done. So who the hell knows.

KY GOP saying don't expect results until 7pm EST.

Great thanks.

think I'm just gonna sort through the mess tomorrow. Kinda worried about Donald today, he has to go at least 2/4


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Thanks. Most worried about Kansas, well see how good Cruz's people really are at this.

Great thanks.

think I'm just gonna sort through the mess tomorrow. Kinda worried about Donald today, he has to go at least 2/4

i think only 1 for 4, i dont think he will win caucuses


Great thanks.

think I'm just gonna sort through the mess tomorrow. Kinda worried about Donald today, he has to go at least 2/4

He's got Maine and Louisiana. Solid chance in Kentucky as well. Not as worried. Cruz likely to take Kansas.


The RNC and Koch network will help mitigate this
Will it? The Koch's openly declared their distaste for Trump and have sat on their money for the entire campaign so far, their groups aren't even really attacking Hillary, and the RNC can pull a "Trump can handle himself as he has so far, he's a winner, we need to focus on down ballot candidates who are not."
Congratulations. &#128522;

Thanks! I'm a proud new daddy with a new little queen

Will it? The Koch's openly declared their distaste for Trump and have sat on their money for the entire campaign so far, their groups aren't even really attacking Hillary, and the RNC can pull a "Trump can handle himself as he has so far, he's a winner, we need to focus on down ballot candidates who are not."



I see the establishment money, has gotten to the red tags while I was away with my child's birth.
I'm a proud new daddy with a new little queen
You need to protect them by joining the Revolution to destroy the establishment, the big banks, the corporate health care industry and the the bought and paid for academia so that unlimited free health care and free eight-year university can be provided.

Don't let Hillary doom us to another eight years of corporatist hell.


Hillary's up to a 16 point lead among likely Democratic voters in the most recent Reuters poll. She's also up 5 over the all voters thing that was showing a Bernie lead a month ago.

At some point the only thing Bernie will have to point to is that he hasn't dropped out yet. We are rapidly approaching full Gilmore

Half of them are about how The Last Guardian is never getting made.
Hillary naysayers said the Last Guardian would never come out. They also said Bernie could never win the nomination. Therefore President Sanders. QED.
You need to protect them by joining the Revolution to destroy the establishment, the big banks and the the bought and paid for academia so that unlimited free health care and free eight-year university can be provided.

Don't let Hillary doom us to another eight years of corporatist hell.

I think the establishment has already gotten to my Heathcare provider and put something in my child's vitamin k shot.
Will it? The Koch's openly declared their distaste for Trump and have sat on their money for the entire campaign so far, their groups aren't even really attacking Hillary, and the RNC can pull a "Trump can handle himself as he has so far, he's a winner, we need to focus on down ballot candidates who are not."

At some point they have to because if Trump gets blown out its going to kill those down ballot races. Modern politics is too nationalized to leave your Presidential candidate for dead, even if you hate the guy.


Hillary's up to a 16 point lead among likely Democratic voters in the most recent Reuters poll. She's also up 5 over the all voters thing that was showing a Bernie lead a month ago.

Sixteen points up is consistent with the 538 projections of how the delegate count went on Super Tuesday.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
naw man, if donald loses 3 states that will be disastrous

there would be so many articles of how the debate tanked him

It would be a media thing and not a delegate thing since I think basically delegate differences will be flat after today.
Awww. Congratulations on a beautiful baby. I hope you were caught up on sleep! The first few weeks are rough

Thanks! And a thank you to everyone else.

My wife was induced and then went through 40 slow hours of labor, 2.5 hours of pushing and we ended up doing a c section anyway. I slept 3 hours in 2 days. We're still at the hospital, but things are much better now. It was instant love
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