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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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It would be a media thing and not a delegate thing since I think basically delegate differences will be flat after today.
All I know is Hillary better win or America am cry. Seriously. Trump is our best bet for an optimal Dem electoral map but the risk is that if there's an October surprise of sorts we're stuck with this fascist pig as a President.

I've never seen someone with such a hollow platform get so far in politics. I think it's true, Idiocracy is finally here. The question is if it spreads to the middle and not just the right-wing.


It would be a media thing and not a delegate thing since I think basically delegate differences will be flat after today.

Delegate difference will be flat, but Rubio could get fucked in Louisiana though lol, he might not hit the floor again

also SO fenderp, thats awesome man
Will it? The Koch's openly declared their distaste for Trump and have sat on their money for the entire campaign so far, their groups aren't even really attacking Hillary, and the RNC can pull a "Trump can handle himself as he has so far, he's a winner, we need to focus on down ballot candidates who are not."

GOP's plan is to pair Trump with a "friendly" VEEP, then have Trump impeached by a Republican controlled House to allow the "friendly" VEEP take over


This is why I want to get Bernie's message out there into the American electorate.

In my opinion, Campaign Finance Reform is the single biggest issue in American politics. It's the reason Republicans so vehemently fight climate change regulation, it's the reason Republicans are such staunch supporters of supply side economics, and it's also the reason there was so much push back from the government against net neutrality.

“Democracy is not about the Koch brothers and a handful of billionaires spending $900 million in this campaign cycle,” he said (via the Belleville News Democrat). “That is more money than either the Democratic or Republican parties is spending. When you have a situation where one family is spending more money than either of the major political parties, that’s not democracy. That is OL-I-GAR-CHY, and we’re going to change that.”


I heard an interesting article on NPR this morning, where minister and Trump fan James Linzey was interviewed about why evangelicals are supporting Trump considering that, you know, he's practically the walking embodiment of the seven deadly sins.

I thought the interview was a hysterical exercise in cognitive dissonance. Linzey condemns Cruz as a hypocrite (which, okay, sure) whose "religious talk is just for show" and explains that he backs Trump because "he's not a bought man and he means what he says when he lays out his policies", i.e. securing the borders and kicking out immigrants. Linzey then declares he's not voting for someone based on what their faith is, which I thought was amusing coming from someone who wrote a book called A Divine Appointment in Washington D.C.. He also dismisses Trump owning, say, a casino with a strip club in it as just business because, hey, business is business.

Probably the key moment is when NPR mentions Trump's pro-choice past, to which Linzey immediately declares that he only cares what Trump believes right now and that people can change and that shows growth - but, that when Mitt Romney says mean things about Trump, that's hypocrisy and that Mittens has thrown away his moral values. All of which is to say that I imagine we can look forward to many evangelicals, such as Two Falwell, cheerfully endorsing Trump because he'll make America great again and that any abrupt changes or conflicts in ideology are fine so long as he's sufficiently born again politically. Not that this sort of disconnect is new or surprising.

Since I'm not exactly up on my evangelical figures, I wondered who Jim Linzey was and found an expose from a religious right watchdog website that helped clear up where Linzey is coming from:

James Linzey said:
I want Americans, I want everybody listening, to go out and buy 5 weapons and 5,000 bullets - for your own protection, for self defense. Because I believe that foreign soldiers will come to our houses, to rape our wives and teenage daughters and kill the men right in front of them - and then the women will bear children of an ethnic stock different from what they are, and that's how you alter the course of any society; you change the ethnic stock.


James Linzey said:
Of course, see, this whole illegal immigration thing is a ploy. It's done deliberately. It's not done by accident. This is not a matter of `Oh, they're coming over the border because they can't get a job in Mexico.' - NO. The world bankers did the same thing to Mexico that they are now doing to America. That's why they're coming up here. Now they want to make us the same ethnic group through intermarriage, and rape, and killing the Caucasians.

Ah. Now Linzey's support of Trump makes perfect sense.

This is why I want to get Bernie's message out there into the American electorate.

In my opinion, Campaign Finance Reform is the single biggest issue in American politics. It's the reason Republicans so vehemently fight climate change regulation, it's the reason Republicans are such staunch supporters of supply side economics, and it's also the reason there was so much push back from the government against net neutrality.

Are you also under the false assumption that the only reason Hillary has talked about campaign finance reform is due to the Sanders?
Or because they're both narcissistic assholes.



I heard an interesting article on NPR this morning, where minister and Trump fan James Linzey was interviewed about why evangelicals are supporting Trump considering that, you know, he's practically the walking embodiment of the seven deadly sins.

I thought the interview was a hysterical exercise in cognitive dissonance. Linzey condemns Cruz as a hypocrite (which, okay, sure) whose "religious talk is just for show" and explains that he backs Trump because "he's not a bought man and he means what he says when he lays out his policies", i.e. securing the borders and kicking out immigrants. Linzey then declares he's not voting for someone based on what their faith is, which I thought was amusing coming from someone who wrote a book called A Divine Appointment in Washington D.C.. He also dismisses Trump owning, say, a casino with a strip club in it as just business because, hey, business is business.

Probably the key moment is when NPR mentions Trump's pro-choice past, to which Linzey immediately declares that he only cares what Trump believes right now and that people can change and that shows growth - but, that when Mitt Romney says mean things about Trump, that's hypocrisy and that Mittens has thrown away his moral values. All of which is to say that I imagine we can look forward to many evangelicals, such as Two Falwell, cheerfully endorsing Trump because he'll make America great again and that any abrupt changes or conflicts in ideology are fine so long as he's sufficiently born again politically. Not that this sort of disconnect is new or surprising.

Since I'm not exactly up on my evangelical figures, I wondered who Jim Linzey was and found an expose from a religious right watchdog website that helped clear up where Linzey is coming from:


Ah. Now Linzey's support of Trump makes perfect sense.


I mean... Left Right and Center had a Trump supporter on this week. SHE was latina.


Well this is bizarre/disappointing: Medgar Evers' brother is endorsing Donald Trump.


Charles Evers, the brother of murdered civil rights leader and icon Medgar Evers, has endorsed Donald Trump for president.

“I believe in him first of all because he’s a businessman,” Charles Evers said to the Clarion-Ledger. “I think jobs are badly needed in Mississippi.”

Evers’ brother, Medgar Evers, was the first field secretary for the NAACP in Mississippi, an investigator into the death of Emmett Till and prominent desegregationist who was assassinated in his driveway in Jackson, Miss., in 1963.

Although Charles Evers, 93, also has a storied history in Mississippi’s civil rights movement—he was also the state’s NAACP field secretary and the first black mayor in Mississippi post-Reconstruction—he became a Republican in 1980 and endorsed Ronald Reagan for president that year.

Evers says, “I haven’t seen any proof of [Trump] being a racist. All of us have some racism in us. Even me.”

Evers then referenced a recent proclamation by Gov. Phil Bryant declaring April "Confederate Heritage Month” and said that Trump was not endorsing such overt acts of racism, according to he Clarion-Ledger.

Evers adds that he respects Trump’s religious faith and that he hopes to meet him in person during a Monday rally in Madison, Miss.[/b]

Mississippi’s GOP presidential primary is next Tuesday.
Indeed they do, which is why when they change to something offensive, its evolved use should be admonished, not ignored just because it wasn't the original definition of the word.

I don't see it as offensive at all personally.

I think it is more perception than reality that it is offensive.


Look up the Citizens United case and see which candidate they were trying to take down with their infomercial. Hint hervname rhymes with Killary Hinton.


That was only marginally related to Hilary at all as a collation was attempting to air a negative video about her, but it was against FEC law at the time.
Is it wrong to assume mississippi has been under republican control for a long time? If jobs are so badly needed in 'ssippi, then all trump could do to ameliorate that is lower taxes further, which, assuming gop control, did nothing to prevent this from developing, or hope for some sort of federal funding, which would be more likely to occur under clinton.
But whatever trumps a businesssman he probably farts jobs. Old people fucking love the businessman angle


Bernie bros are a gross generalization. Bernie has the majority of young females. It's a generalization with an agenda, just like any stereotype. Can you deny that there are bad people in any group?

Think of using such a term for any other group. Thugs. Islamic Terrorists. New york liberal. Super predators. These are all racially loaded words with an agenda. It's a disgusting tactic and people using it know why they are doing it.

People brought up tyt as an example of "bernie broing". Criticize tyt on substance. On sexism? Complete bullshit

The Young Turks? Fuck yes they are Bernie Bros. it's embarrassing watching them.

TYT are the Rush Limbaugh/Mark Levin/Glen Beck of the left.

Complete idiots who are full of themselves and just a bad representation of liberals overall.
The incredible demonstration of stupidity here comes not from the (obviously not sincere) belief, but that anyone would buy it:

A senior Justice Department official is arguing that 3- and 4-year-olds can learn immigration law well enough to represent themselves in court, staking out an unconventional position in a growing debate over whether immigrant children facing deportation are entitled to taxpayer-funded attorneys.

Jack H. Weil, a longtime immigration judge who is responsible for training other judges, made the assertion in sworn testimony in a deposition in federal court in Seattle. His comments highlighted the plight of thousands of juveniles who are forced to defend themselves each year in immigration court amid a surge of children from Central America who cross the southwestern U.S. border .

“I’ve taught immigration law literally to 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds,” Weil said. “It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of patience. They get it. It’s not the most efficient, but it can be done.”

He repeated his claim twice in the deposition, also saying, “I’ve told you I have trained 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds in immigration law,” according to a transcript. “You can do a fair hearing. It’s going to take you a lot of time.”


Thanks! I'm a proud new daddy with a new little queen

What a cute baby :D

That was only marginally related to Hilary at all as a collation was attempting to air a negative video about her, but it was against FEC law at the time.
What are you even arguing here? The case was related to the Hillary d documentary. If you're arguing that I'm starting the entire case was only about Hillary, I'm not. But to ignore that she wasn't at the heart of that case isn't factually accurate.


But here. Here is Hillary arguing for getting rid of Citizens United back in May. Bernie's campaign officially launched a week later. He announced two weeks before.


She stated right off the bat near the start of her campaign that the overturning of Citizens United would be a litmus test for all Supreme Court nominees.


That alone would change the landscape of the issue.

Two things that strike me as interesting in that article, I find it ironic that the speech was in front of 200 wealthy democratic donators on top of Bernie Sanders being mentioned directly in the article.

“If elected president, I will have a litmus test in terms of my nominee to be a Supreme Court justice,” Sanders said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “And that nominee will say that we are all going to overturn this disastrous Supreme Court decision on Citizens United because that decision is undermining American democracy. I do not believe that billionaires should be able to buy politicians.”

Are you also under the false assumption that the only reason Hillary has talked about campaign finance reform is due to the Sanders?

What are you even arguing here? The case was related to the Hillary d documentary. If you're arguing that I'm starting the entire case was only about Hillary, I'm not. But to ignore that she wasn't at the heart of that case isn't factually accurate.

She wasn't involved other than the initial video used was against FEC law at the time. It's just a strange point to make even prior to considering how she has been benefiting from that ruling going forward.

It would be like blaming Folgers in that famous McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm impressed at how many delegates he got over her in caucus states. Should ban those, debbie.


I heard an interesting article on NPR this morning, where minister and Trump fan James Linzey was interviewed about why evangelicals are supporting Trump considering that, you know, he's practically the walking embodiment of the seven deadly sins.

I thought the interview was a hysterical exercise in cognitive dissonance. Linzey condemns Cruz as a hypocrite (which, okay, sure) whose "religious talk is just for show" and explains that he backs Trump because "he's not a bought man and he means what he says when he lays out his policies", i.e. securing the borders and kicking out immigrants. Linzey then declares he's not voting for someone based on what their faith is, which I thought was amusing coming from someone who wrote a book called A Divine Appointment in Washington D.C.. He also dismisses Trump owning, say, a casino with a strip club in it as just business because, hey, business is business.

Probably the key moment is when NPR mentions Trump's pro-choice past, to which Linzey immediately declares that he only cares what Trump believes right now and that people can change and that shows growth - but, that when Mitt Romney says mean things about Trump, that's hypocrisy and that Mittens has thrown away his moral values. All of which is to say that I imagine we can look forward to many evangelicals, such as Two Falwell, cheerfully endorsing Trump because he'll make America great again and that any abrupt changes or conflicts in ideology are fine so long as he's sufficiently born again politically. Not that this sort of disconnect is new or surprising.

Since I'm not exactly up on my evangelical figures, I wondered who Jim Linzey was and found an expose from a religious right watchdog website that helped clear up where Linzey is coming from:

These seemingly dissonant positions aren't all that strange from a Christian perspective. A former heathen coming into the flock is seen as a lot more forgivable than someone from within the flock leaving it, or being seen as using their position as a religious man of stature to achieve immoral ends.

It's why Trump's perception as previously not a very religious man actually helps him here. Of course, a lot of Christians can see that he's probably lying and trying to get ahead with the religious right. But there are a lot of Christians out there who see (or want to see) his recent faith-based policy stances as genuine. It is the Christian way.

This is also why the "dishonest" attacks against Cruz are so effective, because he set himself up to be trusTed man of God. The standard is higher. Every move he makes that shows otherwise is going to hurt him with that base. Same sentiment with Mitt.
How Donald Trump broke Fox News' debate rules
Donald Trump consulted with his campaign manager during the first commercial break at Thursday night's Republican debate, violating ground rules from Fox News stating that candidates would not be allowed to have contact with their campaigns, rival campaign sources told CNNMoney.

While that exchange was the clearest violation of debate rules to date, the sources said, it followed a pattern: At multiple debates, Trump has consulted with his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski backstage even though it was expressly forbidden by the networks.

Thursday night's debate in Detroit marked a new extreme, however, as Lewandowski went directly onto the stage to meet with Trump during the commercial break. As in previous debates, Fox News had explicitly informed the campaigns that candidates were not allowed to communicate with their campaign staff during commercial breaks, the sources said.
Mike Lee should die of lead poisoning:

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said he is holding up bipartisan legislation to address the water crisis in Flint because Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, has not asked for federal help and the state does not need it.

"Michigan has an enormous budget surplus this year" and a rainy-day fund totaling several hundred million dollars, Lee said. The state has approved $70 million in emergency funding for Flint, and Snyder has requested at least $165 million more toward the Flint emergency.

"The people and policymakers of Michigan right now have all the government resources they need to fix the problem," Lee said. "The only thing Congress is contributing to the Flint recovery is political grandstanding."


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Rubio Campaign Hires New Candidate In Top-Level Staff Shakeup

“Everyone at Rubio ’16 is very grateful for Marco’s hard work these past 10 months, but we think someone with a fresh, new approach will give us the best shot at winning the Republican nomination and taking the White House in November,” said campaign manager Terry Sullivan, adding that while Rubio would no longer be a part of the campaign going forward, the rest of the organization would remain in place, exactly as is. “This campaign is a well-oiled machine with a terrific network of volunteers and staffers across the country, and with a little bit of new energy in a key position, we’re confident our message will appeal to all Americans.”

“Once we get a new candidate on board, Rubio ’16 will be perfectly positioned for a big Super Tuesday and beyond,” Sullivan added. “Voters are excited for a new American century.”
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