I'm Diablosing fam
I need the Don to win 2 of 4
All things work together for good. We just have to pretend that Trump is the good thing in this scenario.I'm Diablosing fam
I need the Don to win 2 of 4
Same dawg. Same.I'm Diablosing fam
I need the Don to win 2 of 4
Why? Proportional states that don't heavily favor the winner in closed caucuses that heavily favor Cruz, they don't matter.
I don't think optics matter in that shit show.Optics!
Why? Proportional states that don't heavily favor the winner in closed caucuses that favor Cruz, they don't matter. No one is getting a significant delegate advantage out of this.
Media but I think people are freaking out. I think he just has to win Louisiana.
These seemingly dissonant positions aren't all that strange from a Christian perspective. A former heathen coming into the flock is seen as a lot more forgivable than someone from within the flock leaving it, or being seen as using their position as a religious man of stature to achieve immoral ends.
It's why Trump's perception as previously not a very religious man actually helps him here. Of course, a lot of Christians can see that he's probably lying and trying to get ahead with the religious right. But there are a lot of Christians out there who see (or want to see) his recent faith-based policy stances as genuine. It is the Christian way.
This is also why the "dishonest" attacks against Cruz are so effective, because he set himself up to be trusTed man of God. The standard is higher. Every move he makes that shows otherwise is going to hurt him with that base. Same sentiment with Mitt.
I feel like he has the Deep South on LOCK.
I need him to also win just one more though. At the very least a #LittleMarco shut out.
Panic profusely about things (even if they are illogical and absurd) happen.What odes it mean to "Diablosing"?
Little Marco is going to win Puerto Rico on Sunday though
There are way, way too many GOP debates. It's kind of counterproductive. Not sure if I can sit through another one.Little Marco is going to win Puerto Rico on Sunday though
This Michigan GOP chair spinning why their candidates haven't spent time in flint.
Say crass things just say them nicely.Rubio 24:30 onward:
... How in the world is the party that is against "political correctness" so against vulgarity? This is so stupid.
So who's seen as being the easiest to beat in November with Hillary as the nominee?
I want to say Trump, the numbers are there. But he's been so unpredictable so far, it's hard to not imagine him weaseling his way out of mathematical probability somehow. Probably the most afraid of him now, actually.
Cruz, did seem like a threat at first. But he's shot himself in the foot by stubbornly refusing to pivot closet to the middle in any sort of way. I see no way a hardcore right candidate who wants to carpet bomb middle east territories and put boots on the ground, limit women's rights, repeal gay marriage, and eats boogers wins an general election in 2016 and onward.
Kasich, maybe. He's certainly the Jinkx Monsoon of the Right, but he has no chance.
Say crass things just say them nicely.
So who's seen as being the easiest to beat in November with Hillary as the nominee?
I want to say Trump, the numbers are there. But he's been so unpredictable so far, it's hard to not imagine him weaseling his way out of mathematical probability somehow. Probably the most afraid of him now, actually.
Cruz, did seem like a threat at first. But he's shot himself in the foot by stubbornly refusing to pivot closet to the middle in any sort of way. I see no way a hardcore right candidate who wants to carpet bomb middle east territories and put boots on the ground, limit women's rights, repeal gay marriage, and eats boogers wins an general election in 2016 and onward.
Kasich, maybe. He's certainly the Jinkx Monsoon of the Right, but he has no chance.
So who's seen as being the easiest to beat in November with Hillary as the nominee?
I want to say Trump, the numbers are there. But he's been so unpredictable so far, it's hard to not imagine him weaseling his way out of mathematical probability somehow. Probably the most afraid of him now, actually.
Cruz, did seem like a threat at first. But he's shot himself in the foot by stubbornly refusing to pivot closer to the middle in any sort of way. I see no way a hardcore right candidate who wants to carpet bomb middle east territories and put boots on the ground, limit women's rights, repeal gay marriage, and eats boogers wins an general election in 2016 and onward.
Kasich, maybe. He's certainly the Jinkx Monsoon of the Right, but he has no chance.
Thanks! I'm a proud new daddy with a new little queen
Define "long time."Is it wrong to assume mississippi has been under republican control for a long time? If jobs are so badly needed in 'ssippi, then all trump could do to ameliorate that is lower taxes further, which, assuming gop control, did nothing to prevent this from developing, or hope for some sort of federal funding, which would be more likely to occur under clinton.
But whatever trumps a businesssman he probably farts jobs. Old people fucking love the businessman angle
The fact that you were able to compare Kasich to Jinkx Monsoon makes you an awesome person. You win one internet.
Two orange idiots who should get punched in the face is enough of a connection for me.I figured you'd appreciate it.
I tried to squeeze in a Trump as Phi Phi O'Hara reference, but I couldn't make it work.
I can't even imagine.The Mississippi House went from 67 Democrats and 55 Republicans in 2011 to 74 Republicans and 48 Democrats this year. Ouch.
Rubio from 28:30 onward is pretty much the reason why the GOP is a failed party.
Rubio in the space of three minutes:
"I will never force the military to violate the rules of war or their moral code."
"We will bring terrorists to Gitmo and torture them until they give up all information if I'm president."
"I am a strong Christian and that guides everything I do."
This guy is one of the intellectual leaders of "movement conservativism" and he is completely ideologically incoherent. There's nothing here.
The Mississippi House went from 67 Democrats and 55 Republicans in 2011 to 74 Republicans and 48 Democrats this year. Ouch.
1) Kasich would be the most effective vs. Hillary
2) Rubio would be the second most effective
3) I think you can't give it to Kasich even at a contested convention because he would be by far the least popular candidate
4) This is a good thing because Kasich/Rubio is scary
5) Hillary is being indicted so it doesn't matter
its sad dems dont seem to care about their own state mid term electionsThe Mississippi House went from 67 Democrats and 55 Republicans in 2011 to 74 Republicans and 48 Democrats this year. Ouch.
This man is as Christian as a spade.
I don't care that Rubio has four or five religions. You wonder what makes a man do that, though.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio appeared to chuckle at a supporter’s suggestion Tuesday that Hillary Clinton should be waterboarded at a campaign rally in South Carolina.
This is truly a historic year. Were either going to elect a woman, a Jew, the Zodiac Killer, or the start of the Fourth Reich.
I have a demo code for Bravely Second if one of you wants it
From Tumblr. Dead.
Currently the RNC requires a nominee to win the majority of delegates in 8 states, which means Rubio and Kasich might not even meet minimum requirements.
So who's seen as being the easiest to beat in November with Hillary as the nominee?
I want to say Trump, the numbers are there. But he's been so unpredictable so far, it's hard to not imagine him weaseling his way out of mathematical probability somehow. Probably the most afraid of him now, actually.
Cruz, did seem like a threat at first. But he's shot himself in the foot by stubbornly refusing to pivot closer to the middle in any sort of way. I see no way a hardcore right candidate who wants to carpet bomb middle east territories and put boots on the ground, limit women's rights, repeal gay marriage, and eats boogers wins an general election in 2016 and onward.
Kasich, maybe. He's certainly the Jinkx Monsoon of the Right, but he has no chance.
Currently the RNC requires a nominee to win the majority of delegates in 8 states, which means Rubio and Kasich might not even meet minimum requirements.