More Bloomberg stuff from NYT.
The only shot he had at making it work would be Bernie vs Trump, when that evaporated the plan went with it.
More Bloomberg stuff from NYT.
the real test of the willpower of those calling for a "political revolution" will be in the midterms, as it always is
will they be able to brave the nigh-insurmountable trials of voting... during a time that isn't the presidential election?!
I'm pissed that this seems to have been the comment/action that hurt him. Not because it shouldn't have hurt him (or any other candidate) - any one who did what he did deserves to get creamed over it. Rather I'm like "Really?" after the man apparently got better numbers after calling swaths of people rapists/murders, trying to ban a religion, advocate for war crimes, etc. Like all that shit is apparently "fine" but the KKK is where you draw the line America? Fuck off.
Vouch for what?
lol you stay defending some dumb shit.
The federal government sued Boeing for moving. This isn't way out of left field.
You don't seem too familiar with their operations.
You implied that I didn't post that comment on this thread because of how it would have been received.
I'm telling you that I couldn't give TWO SHITS about how many people disagree with me in PoliGAF, and even my most fervent opponents who know my posting history would agree with that fact.
Oh yeah you're a tough guy Jeb. Real tough.You implied that I didn't post that comment on this thread because of how it would have been received.
I'm telling you that I couldn't give TWO SHITS about how many people disagree with me in PoliGAF, and even my most fervent opponents who know my posting history would agree with that fact.
Is NLRB really considered an NGO? The Fed?How 'bout some receipts. The only recent incident I've seen of Boeing being sued for moving was by the NLRB in 2011, something requested and later retracted by the union they employ in Washington state, over the opening of another factory in South Carolina that didn't cost any jobs in Washington.
So not the federal government but an independent agency, and at the request of a motivated party (as a negotiating tactic clearly) and later withdrawn well before any kind of judgement.
Yeah what seems to have hurt him isn't his demonisation of minorities, but his implicit attack of the facade that white people aren't as above race as they'd like to admit.
Look at Joe Scarborough's reaction for example.
And then This can be the lead in to the threadPoliGAF 2016 |OT3| In the Ghetto, in the Ghettoooooooo
There's this. But some caucus states don't release vote tallies until later in the year.Does anyone know where a good place to keep track of the popular vote totals in the dem primary? I understand caucusus make it not exact, but it's annoying they are keeping pop. vote totals out of the wiki page when it's included in the 08 dem primary page.
A battle is being waged within Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's campaign about whether he should even remain in the Republican presidential race ahead of his home state primary on March 15, sources say.
Rubio himself is "bullish" on his odds of winning the critical primary, despite some advisers who are less hopeful and believe a loss there would damage him politically in both the short- and long-term.
Publicly, the campaign is maintaining they are still a contender in this race, touting a Sunday win in Puerto Rico's primary that delivered Rubio 23 delegates. But privately, the campaign is having a debate about whether or not he should remain in the mix -- even for his home state of Florida's primary.
"He doesn't want to get killed in his home state," one source familiar with the discussions said, noting "a poor showing would be a risk and hurt his political future."
Oh damn.There are two lines of thought within the campaign: getting out before Florida, and hanging in there.
On the one hand, some advisers are warning that if Rubio does poorly in his home state, it could not only hurt his presidential campaign but also his future politically, including a potential gubernatorial run in 2018 or chance to be on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate.
"Cruz won his home state. If Rubio can't win his, that's a problem," one prominent supporter said.
But others within the campaign are urging Rubio to stay in the race, predicting a better-than-expected finish in Florida.
Rubio's victory for his Senate seat against the governor makes him optimistic he can come from behind, said one source close to the campaign. The senator also believes his experience in the state translates to a superior ground game and infrastructure than that of his competitors.
The latter line of thinking seems to be winning, for the moment. But a particularly awful Tuesday could change the rationale, a source warned.
Our final poll (Ohio) including Bloomberg showed his ability to bring people together- under water with D's, R's, I's alike
The problem is, I believe the GOP Establishment is willing to sacrifice Rubio for the small chance he can help them gain a brokered convention.
If he can't win Florida he's not of much use to them. Giving his votes to Cruz/Kasich would probably hurt Trump more.The problem is, I believe the GOP Establishment is willing to sacrifice Rubio for the small chance he can help them gain a brokered convention.
News anchors are terrible at acting their... own job. Wolf, John King, and the lot all sound unconvincing as hell on HoC.
Also, Rubio is fucking dead and buried, it's over. PPP Ohio poll:
Trump: 38
Kasich: 35
Cruz: 15
Rubio: 4
Rubio's favorability is 33% positive, 51% negative, his brand is over after the dick jokes.
The U.S. Supreme Court, without hearing oral argument, has unanimously reversed an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that denied parental rights to a lesbian adoptive mother who had split with her partner. The decision is a direct repudiation of an Alabama Supreme Court decision that refused to recognize a Georgia adoption.
Trump schooling Rubio on Trump University
Rubio's fucked either way IMO. Might as well roll the dice in Florida at this point.
I get the sense that this isn't coming from the establishment, but rather, from his camp.
If he can't win Florida he's not of much use to them. Giving his votes to Cruz/Kasich would probably hurt Trump more.
Trump schooling Rubio on Trump University
This is defense. Trump just gotta ignore this.
Bloomberg's advising team should probably never get work again:
"BLOOMBERG WINS GEORGIA" -Something that was literally predicted by Bloomberg's team.
Yeah, the South would love his stance on gun control.
I love how American white people are so fucking stupid racially that they can't recognize racism unless a candidate talks about being conflicted about Nazis/KKK.
Black people and Latinos figured Trump out a bit sooner!
Also, glad Bloomberg actually had the human decency to not risk a Trump/Cruz presidency.
Also, Rubio is fucking dead and buried, it's over. PPP Ohio poll:
Trump: 38
Kasich: 35
Cruz: 15
Rubio: 4
20% of Trump's supporters think Scalia was murdered.
Rubio's favorability is 33% positive, 51% negative, his brand is over after the dick jokes.
poll taken over a month and a half ago
Fundraising effort.What is this
poll taken over a month and a half ago
poll taken over a month and a half ago
Bloomberg's advising team should probably never get work again:
"BLOOMBERG WINS GEORGIA" -Something that was literally predicted by Bloomberg's team.
I'm going to watch this shit show.