poll taken over a month and a half ago
Isn't that completely fucking up the expectation game for the Sanders campaign!?
poll taken over a month and a half ago
Brothers and sisters I guess polls can be wrong...Isn't that completely fucking up the expectation game for the Sanders campaign!?
skipping this town hall because i literally can't see out of my left eye
Isn't that completely fucking up the expectation game for the Sanders campaign!?
I'll check the highlights later...I'm not watching Fox News if I don't have to.
SUPPORTERS of presidential hopeful Donald Trump have demanded rival Ted Cruz disavow a controversial preacher who called for the death penalty for gay people moments before sharing a stage with the Texas Senator.
Kevin Swanson, a Christian pastor known for his far-right anti-homosexual views, made the shocking comments at the National Religious Liberties Conference in November.
Yes, Leviticus 20:13 calls for the death penalty for homosexuals, Swanson said.
Yes, Romans chapter one verse 32, the Apostle Paul does say that homosexuals are worthy of death. His words not mine. And I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I am not ashamed of the word of god. And I am willing to go to jail for standing on the truth of the word of god.
The comments have only been seized on in recent days by Trump supporters after Senator Cruz and third-placed candidate Marco Rubio used the support of white supremacist David Duke to hammer the billionaire.
You okay? I hope you're okay.
Bernie just said he knows about white poverty. Okay...
mostly. my eyes get abnormally dry in general thanks to this goddamn kidney disorder, and yesterday it finally caused an abrasion on that one (last time this happened was in October)
I just need to put ointments/drops on for the next few days, and then actually remember to put a different ointment/drop in every night forever
otherwise, i'm very much not gonna be okay. best case, my eyesight's permanently worse; worst case, i'm actually blind
mostly. my eyes get abnormally dry in general thanks to this goddamn kidney disorder, and yesterday it finally caused an abrasion on that one (last time this happened was in October)
I just need to put ointments/drops on for the next few days, and then actually remember to put a different ointment/drop in every night forever
otherwise, i'm very much not gonna be okay. best case, my eyesight's permanently worse; worst case, i'm actually blind
Today marks the day I changed my mind officially about who to vote in the Primary.
I intended to vote Bernie as a "message" vote, but the constant anti-Hillary spew has convinced me that I'll vote for this to end as early as possible instead. I don't think Bernie is a strong candidate and Hillary's the more well-rounded choice anyway.
I never realized this was on.. Did I miss anything?
bernie doesn't realize taht speculation taxes could never pay for nationwide free college
if you makea tax larger than the margin of any transaction you kill the incentive for making the transaction in the first place
Oh.. Did he pivot back to Wall Street in the same answer?Somehow Bernie managed to take a question about the national debt, and completely misunderstand it as a question about his healthcare plan. When pressed on it, he responded with his free college plan.
The way I'm going to fight ISIS is that I voted against the war in Iraq.
Bernie's talking points are so old now. Watching him in a few different things just makes it so tiring after a while.
Bernie's talking points are so old now. Watching him in a few different things just makes it so tiring after a while.
Oh.. Did he pivot back to Wall Street in the same answer?
Not even shocked to both counts.Yes. Not even lying. He did.
And now an audience member got to bad mouth Hillary.
Not even shocked to both counts.
Americuh indeed..It was masterful.
"Hey, Socialism sux right? At least you're more honest than Hillary. BTW go Trump!"