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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Ok, got a response to the Supreme court Stump Speech.

He kind of got upset and said I was threatening/fear mongering. And that a presidency is only 4 years, if Trump or Cruz are so bad they can be impeached like Nixon was.

And then someone else chimed in with the George Carlin bit.

I don't know where to begin.

I cannot for the life of me, get a direct response to the Supreme Court issue. No one. No one actually responds to it. The run away so hard.
My banning was not a joke/meme. To suggest that this was all in good fun is a serious case of revisionist history.

Many people were absolutely confounded that I was so ardent in my defense of his model (at the time), and even accused my brother of being an alt account. All of my posts (and my brother's posts) regarding this have been deleted. There is nothing humorous about anything of this, from my perspective.

I find the fact that you immediately made this a big issue the second you got back rather than just quietly taking the loss hilarious. Streisand Effect, let it go, etc. I find the fact that you think the mods banned you unjustly and that people actually talked about Tyler's model seriously afterwards (or even presently) amusing too.

If that frustrates you, well, join the club of neogaf posters who never get to live down their infamous moments because of tags. I'll just borrow one of your favorite phrases you used to throw at me a lot, I think it was..."tough titties"? Maybe you can make a big deal about quitting Poligaf again.
I view it as a form of harassment. I most certainly will not keep quiet about it if it continues to happen.
Bro its not harassment, its the internet. All I'm saying is if you want to have fun you gotta ignore posts and trollbaits.
I find the fact that you immediately made this a big issue the second you got back rather than just quietly taking the loss hilarious. Something something, Streisand Effect, let it go, etc. I find the fact that you think the mods banned you unjustly and that people actually talked about Tyler's model seriously afterwards (or even presently) amusing too.

If that frustrates you, well, join the club of neogaf posters who never get to live down there infamy because of tags. I'll just borrow one of your favorite phrases you used to throw at me a lot, I think it was..."tough titties"? Maybe you can make a big deal about quitting Poligaf again.
And heed this advice. Look at my tag of shame.
In case people in here didn't see this, about half a million people in California have probably mistakenly signed up for the American Independent Party instead of being Independent. The AIP is an ultraconservative anti-abortion anti-immigrant anti-gay party.

In California, you must be registered independent or with a party to vote in that party's primary.


The AIP has quite the history. They were the vehicle for George Wallace's 1968 presidential run, to date the last third party run to have carried any states. They quickly fell off after that, but as late as 1976 they had enough pull to get Lester Maddox, former governor of Georgia, as their candidate*. Since then, the party has descended into factionalism and had at least one split. At this point they only exist in California, affiliating with various national parties in different elections. It's doubtful they would qualify for ballot status without the misleading name.

*As an aside, Maddox's running mate was Bill Dyke, a name that probably means nothing to most of you. However, I know there's a couple of Madisonians herewho might recognize him as the last Republican mayor of Madison (as hard as it is to believe that Madison ever had a conservative Republican mayor). Dyke had been ousted from the mayor's office in 1973 by none other than a young Paul Soglin.
I view it as a form of harassment. I most certainly will not keep quiet about it if it continues to happen.
I didnt mean to harass you, like I said before I had no idea what you went through. I always liked you dawg, your long winded arguments made me laugh. (trolly/shit stirring posters are my guilty pleasure)
You could never be tyler anyway, you're neil.

User 406

What's a pivot? Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word in the way other people view that word.

He has the greatest pivots the world has ever seen, just the best pivots, they're incredible.

If Hillary was in prison, she would probably lose Utah, Texas, Georgia, and Mississippi, but I'm pretty confident she'd win North Carolina, Virginia, and states more liberal than those two.

Our first Felon President. Breaking down the barriers indeed, except for that one that keeps her in the cell.

Back to fantasy policy roundup, I'd really like to see copyright revamped so it can go back to being an incentive for the creation of works that actually enter the public domain before the heat death of the universe. Yeah, I know it won't happen. So while I'm at it, I also want the NRA declared a terrorist organization and for the drone strikes to begin shortly.


I find the fact that you immediately made this a big issue the second you got back rather than just quietly taking the loss hilarious. Streisand Effect, let it go, etc. I find the fact that you think the mods banned you unjustly and that people actually talked about Tyler's model seriously afterwards (or even presently) amusing too.

If that frustrates you, well, join the club of neogaf posters who never get to live down their infamous moments because of tags. I'll just borrow one of your favorite phrases you used to throw at me a lot, I think it was..."tough titties"? Maybe you can make a big deal about quitting Poligaf again.

Increasingly convinced that he wants a tag over this. Don't understand why he'd be beating this drum so hard otherwise.
Anyone remember jamesinclair? He used to post here a lot and his dream of a perfect utopia was the one where cars are banned and there is a nationwide highspeed railway. I think he cycled to work or something. I always liked the idea of a highspeed interstate rail system in US but shitbag GOP governors never allow it.
Reading about Andrew Jackson portraying himself as a populist for hating people that didn't own slaves and reading about Andrew Jackson forcing expelling Native Americans and murdering them in the process made me think that Trump would be so mad about today if he had any idea who Andrew Jackson was.

Jackson did show how "Break up the big banks!" can have, uhh, not good consequences.


I think we'd be better off in carless/public transit society, but we're so far down the car infrastructure path that self-driving electric cars with cleanly (nuclear, solar, wind, water) generated electricity is probably the best real solution present
Anyone remember jamesinclair? He used to post here a lot and his dream of a perfect utopia was the one where cars are banned and there is a nationwide highspeed railway. I think he cycled to work or something. I always liked the idea of a highspeed interstate rail system in US but shitbag GOP governors never allow it.

Yeah. I vaguely remember his fall. I don't think it was the copper prices schtick. I vaguely remember him taking an extreme stance on women's pay scale due to having child birth and then admitting it was a troll near the end too. Heh
Ok, got a response to the Supreme court Stump Speech.

He kind of got upset and said I was threatening/fear mongering. And that a presidency is only 4 years, if Trump or Cruz are so bad they can be impeached like Nixon was.

And then someone else chimed in with the George Carlin bit.

I don't know where to begin.

I cannot for the life of me, get a direct response to the Supreme Court issue. No one. No one actually responds to it. The run away so hard.
What's the big deal? We can just call the Supreme Court.
Yeah. I vaguely remember his fall. I don't think it was the copper prices schtick. I vaguely remember him taking an extreme stance on women's pay scale due to having child birth and then admitting it was a troll near the end too. Heh
Woah didnt know that's how he got booted. Lol
I find the fact that you immediately made this a big issue the second you got back rather than just quietly taking the loss hilarious. Streisand Effect, let it go, etc. I find the fact that you think the mods banned you unjustly and that people actually talked about Tyler's model seriously afterwards (or even presently) amusing too.

If that frustrates you, well, join the club of neogaf posters who never get to live down their infamous moments because of tags. I'll just borrow one of your favorite phrases you used to throw at me a lot, I think it was..."tough titties"? Maybe you can make a big deal about quitting Poligaf again.

Thanks for letting me know what you found funny. Good times.

Bro its not harassment, its the internet. All I'm saying is if you want to have fun you gotta ignore posts and trollbaits.

And heed this advice. Look at my tag of shame.

The internet is notorious for harassment. I suppose it would be better if I just contacted a mod instead of addressing it here, so I'll just do that instead.

I didnt mean to harass you, like I said before I had no idea what you went through. I always liked you dawg, your long winded arguments made me laugh. (trolly/shit stirring posters are my guilty pleasure)
You could never be tyler anyway, you're neil.

I understand. I know you weren't being malicious, but I just wanted to let you know, because the 'joke' has worn out its welcome. Not by you, just in general.

You get a lot farther by ignoring the comments and pm'ing a mod if it becomes harassment. That's been my experience.

You're right, I'll heed this advice.


Speaking of equal pay and the impact of child birth, this is one of the main reasons I see for equal paternity and maternity leave timelines by law: It levels that particular playing field.


Ok, got a response to the Supreme court Stump Speech.

He kind of got upset and said I was threatening/fear mongering. And that a presidency is only 4 years, if Trump or Cruz are so bad they can be impeached like Nixon was.

And then someone else chimed in with the George Carlin bit.

I don't know where to begin.

I cannot for the life of me, get a direct response to the Supreme Court issue. No one. No one actually responds to it. The run away so hard.

I've gotten:
- she won't really appoint liberals (never mind that she was the 11th most liberal senator in her time there)
- we can lobby SCOTUS
- court packing! we can simply expand SCOTUS to X members once back in power

Nothing really realistic. Even DLC wunderkind Bill "The Alleged Embodiment of Everything Wrong With the Democratic Party" Clinton appointed the General Counsel of the ACLU when he had his first pick, and this was back in fhe considerably more conservative environment of 1993. Nevermind that even if Trump were impeached, we'd still be stuck with his appointees for decades.

I'm going to keep on calling folks out until they can come-up with something grounded in reality. I know that these folks' votes will not likely be decisive, but it's fun to watch them twist in the wind.


No Scrubs
Anyone remember jamesinclair? He used to post here a lot and his dream of a perfect utopia was the one where cars are banned and there is a nationwide highspeed railway. I think he cycled to work or something. I always liked the idea of a highspeed interstate rail system in US but shitbag GOP governors never allow it.

I'd be down on that stuff. I'm actually thinking about taking a train to Seattle at some point in the summer.
Gov. Sam Brownback plans to take more money from the state’s highway fund, cut higher-education spending and scrutinize other options – including cutting funding for schools – to close a widening budget gap.

The highway department announced it would delay 25 projects slated to start in the next two fiscal years, including ones in Harvey and Reno counties. State universities would see funding cut between 3 and 5 percent.

The state faces a projected shortfall of more than $290 million over the next 15 months, based on projections offered by the state’s economists on Wednesday.

This is the fourth time in less than two years that the state’s projected revenue has been scaled back, a trend many analysts blame on income tax cuts that Brownback ushered into law in 2012.

Budget director Shawn Sullivan presented what he called the best three options to fill the budget hole at a news conference Wednesday evening. None involves raising taxes.

“The governor doesn’t believe it’s useful right now to have debate about raising taxes on small businesses or anyone else,” Sullivan said, predicting that proposals to roll back the tax cuts would fail to pass the Legislature.

[whisper]That's because the governor is a fucking moron and probably wears a Ronald Reagan mask during sex[/whisper]



[whisper]That's because the governor is a fucking moron and probably wears a Ronald Reagan mask during sex[/whisper]


Yeah I read this earlier as well as an accompanying piece in the local paper. They were thinking about getting rid of the small business tax exemption but the piece ended saying that Brownback would probably veto and there wasn't much support in the legislature. Whatever. They know the problem and the solution. Just a question of how shitty they will let it get here.
I've gotten:
- she won't really appoint liberals (never mind that she was the 11th most liberal senator in her time there)
- we can lobby SCOTUS
- court packing! we can simply expand SCOTUS to X members once back in power

Nothing really realistic. Even DLC wunderkind Bill "The Alleged Embodiment of Everything Wrong With the Democratic Party" Clinton appointed the General Counsel of the ACLU when he had his first pick, and this was back in fhe considerably more conservative environment of 1993. Nevermind that even if Trump were impeached, we'd still be stuck with his appointees for decades.

I'm going to keep on calling folks out until they can come-up with something grounded in reality. I know that these folks' votes will not likely be decisive, but it's fun to watch them twist in the wind.

Lmao. I'll give that answer some credit, as it is the only one that actually addresses the issue in some sort of structural tangible way. But it also might actually be the worst answer.

Not even god king FDR could expand the court. Nor should he be able to. The constitutional precedent expanding the court like that would set would effectively kill the system of checks and balances

And yeah I like in New England so it isn't like some Bernie fans voting for Jill Stein is going to change anything, but I wish people would just say that instead if anything.


Lmao. I'll give that answer some credit, as it is the only one that actually addresses the issue in some sort of structural tangible way. But it also might actually be the worst answer.

Not even god king FDR could expand the court. Nor should he be able to. The constitutional precedent expanding the court like that would set would effectively kill the system of checks and balances

That was my basic reaction. Dems stumble upon Senate supermajorities all the time; we can just wait for the Trump backlash, right? /s


Why isn't Bernie doing better with the american public? I'm in dental school on scholarship, so ideas like free public education and healthcare aren't particular important for me. I'll have the funds to pay my own way through life if things go smoothly.

Has he been negative lately? Sure, but not any more than Hillary in my opinion. Just haven't been much of a fan of her foreign policy ideas. And flip flopping on some important rights like gay marriage don't particular have me jumping up and down for her. And she runs against a competitor that doesn't take wall street donations, and still continues on her methods?

People say he won't be able to pass what he's proposing. That may be true, but thats only because we have some dysfunctional leaders representing our "best" interest. So we just continue on with the status quo and allow business to continue on like usual?
I've gotten:
- she won't really appoint liberals (never mind that she was the 11th most liberal senator in her time there)

In regards to this, I often hear specifically that she'll maybe be willing to appoint someone socially liberal, but she's lying when she says she'll appoint someone who will overturn Citizens United. When I point out that even if you assume the worst about her, overturning Citizens United is still in her self-interest, the response is always crickets chirping.
Why isn't Bernie doing better with the american public? I'm in dental school on scholarship, so ideas like free public education and healthcare aren't particular important for me. I'll have the funds to pay my own way through life if things go smoothly.

Has he been negative lately? Sure, but not any more than Hillary in my opinion. Just haven't been much of a fan of her foreign policy ideas. And flip flopping on some important rights like gay marriage don't particular have me jumping up and down for her. And she runs against a competitor that doesn't take wall street donations, and still continues on her methods?

People say he won't be able to pass what he's proposing. That may be true, but thats only because we have some dysfunctional leaders representing our "best" interest. So we just continue on with the status quo and allow business to continue on like usual?

In my opinion, it's because much of the Democratic electorate simply sees no need to switch away from Hillary Clinton. They simply view her as the better candidate, not him as a bad candidate.

However, he has closed the national gap with Democrats, so that general sentiment IS changing.


So even those supers can switch at any time, counting Hillary's pledged support, she only needs 453 more delegates to clinch the nomination with supers.

Let's use Benchmark's data for the next Tuesday states and ignore the CD minutia:

CT: 55 delegates, 55% Hillary, 30 delegates
DE: 21 delegates, 60% Hillary, 13 delegates
MD: 95 delegates, 66% Hillary, 63 delegates
PA: 189 delegates, 55% Hillary, 104 delegates
RI: 24 delegates, 53% Hillary, 13 delegates

That gives her a net 223 delegates, which is about half of what she needs.

Let's give Sanders wins in May, minus Guam:

Indiana: 55% Sanders
Guam: 60% Hillary
West Virginia: 65% Sanders
Kentucky: 57% Sanders
Oregon: 60% Sanders

That would give Hillary: 37 + 4 + 10 + 24 + 24

Another 99 delegates. She gets creamed in May but still only needs 131 delegates more delegates.

Virgin Islands: 60% Hillary
Puerto Rico: 75% Hillary
California: 53% Hillary
Montana: 70% Sanders
New Jersey: 60% Hillary
New Mexico: 55% Hillary
North Dakota: 75% Sanders
South Dakota: 65% Sanders

4 + 45 + 252 + 6 + 76 + 19 + 5 + 7

414 delegates. Easily clearing her mark with pledged.

And then:

DC: 75% Hillary

15 delegates.

That would put her pledged delegate total at 751. 2197 pledged delegates total, just shy of what she'll need to win the supers. With current pledged supers, she'll be at 2699.


No Scrubs
In my opinion, it's because much of the Democratic electorate simply sees no need to switch away from Hillary Clinton. They simply view her as the better candidate, not him as a bad candidate.

Pretty much. He hasn't given the Obama coalition a reason to switch over, if anything he's given them reason to stay where they are now.
Pretty much. He hasn't given the Obama coalition a reason to switch over, if anything he's given them reason to stay where they are now.

I agree with that as well.

What's curious is how they're roughly even in national polls now, yet the closed primaries are showing a different story. Assuming the polls aren't off, why do you think this is?


Pretty much. He hasn't given the Obama coalition a reason to switch over, if anything he's given them reason to stay where they are now.

And the negatives I listed just aren't important? I guess its just too much of a character issue for me, and the way she responds sometimes during the debates just emphasizes those feelings.
It's kind of weird that the Democrats have made zero major ads based on Kansas.

I mean, I think most of the non-rich voters in the GOP think Supply Side is garbage and they're just in for the Christianity and racism stuff, but still!


Why isn't Bernie doing better with the american public? I'm in dental school on scholarship, so ideas like free public education and healthcare aren't particular important for me. I'll have the funds to pay my own way through life if things go smoothly.

Has he been negative lately? Sure, but not any more than Hillary in my opinion. Just haven't been much of a fan of her foreign policy ideas. And flip flopping on some important rights like gay marriage don't particular have me jumping up and down for her. And she runs against a competitor that doesn't take wall street donations, and still continues on her methods?

People say he won't be able to pass what he's proposing. That may be true, but thats only because we have some dysfunctional leaders representing our "best" interest. So we just continue on with the status quo and allow business to continue on like usual?

Because he hasn't been able to expand his demographic base from younger white voters to African Americans and Latinos. His singular tone is very alluring to younger liberals, but has been off-putting to many minorities who have different, more focused issues affecting their communities. Bernie had an uphill battle to make inroads with these communities considering the Clintons have deep roots in the AA community. He has failed in that regard and always defaults to energizing his already engaged base.


Found the perfect shirt for adam.

Manky, you're spot on re: copyright. The public domain is a good thing. Artists, young and old, having access to a robust public domain library to expand upon the good and slough off the bad parts of art throughout history is a big part of what drives innovation in creativity, and low-cost or free access to art from fairly recent epochs is perhaps the most important part of that.

Not to mention, just for example, "The Grapes of Wrath" is a titanically great work of art, and it should not be sealed behind a monetary wall.
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