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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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PoliGAF, I have a question, I think.

I'm only 21 and doesn't really remember any presidencies before Obama. And as much as I like Obama, I've been somewhat disappointed with his ability to get things through Congress. Healthcare was a big win, but since then it seems as though Republicans have blocked him at every turn. Guns are as easy to buy as ever, we're threatened with government shutdowns seemingly every year, and, most importantly to me by far, we've seen absolutely no meaningful climate change legislation passed (the new EPA rules aren't going to do much long-term). Obviously, none of this is Obama's fault, but from what I understand of the time period, Bill Clinton was able to get a lot more accomplished.

I have been rooting for Hillary throughout this primary, because she strikes me as as a really skilled/experienced politician. She actually kind of reminds me of Frank Underwood, in a positive I'm-going-to-get-stuff-done-whatever-it-takes kind of way. I'm not actually 100% sure where I got this idea from, but Hillary certainly has the experience.

I am convinced that HIllary will win the precedency this November. What's beginning to worry me though are her favorability ratings. If she's this unpopular now, and we haven't even gotten into the real election yet, will she have the public support necessary to be a productive president?

Asked another way—and I guess this is my real question—do favorability ratings generally have an impact on a president's power, and if so, are they likely to hamper HIllary?
Hillary had a really high favorability up until the primary started. I have a feeling they'll change drastically again when the general starts, and even more again after the election (our first inauguration of a female president will be a big deal). i.e. I don't think its really worth caring or worrying about right now.

Her ability to get things done will have more to do with her ability to play political games in office. TBH, I have a feeling she'll be a lot better at this than Obama was. He's just not been great at playing games making people feel important/empowered.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Honestly, Wowfunhappy, I think Hillary's favorability numbers will settle a bit below where Obama's were. Obama had his race dogging him in favorability numbers, but no baggage. Hillary has her gender dogging her, but I think all of her negatives are already baked in 100% and I don't expect them to go down. Trump has a MUCH steeper hill to climb, with far more baggage. He has been defined quite thoroughly by the primary, and remaking a bombastic image to any effective degree will be impossible. You can't come back typically from saying things Trump has which is why there were so many surprised people at him winning the nom.

But, the Republican Primary is not the general election.

Regarding what she can get done, unless the house changes hands, her best bet is to attract some of the more sane remaining house republicans, there are not many left but there may be enough with the house pickups in November to get something done. It's either that or wait it out and really focus on midterms. They had to deal with Blue Dog Democrats back when passing the ACA, but they are basically gone. I'll take some reasonable compromises with some house Republicans if it means getting immigration reform or another objective completed. But as with all things, there are limits ;p
PoliGAF, I have a question, I think.

I'm only 21 and doesn't really remember any presidencies before Obama. And as much as I like Obama, I've been somewhat disappointed with his ability to get things through Congress. Healthcare was a big win, but since then it seems as though Republicans have blocked him at every turn. Guns are as easy to buy as ever, we're threatened with government shutdowns seemingly every year, and, most importantly to me by far, we've seen absolutely no meaningful climate change legislation passed (the new EPA rules aren't going to do much long-term). Obviously, none of this is Obama's fault, but from what I understand of the time period, Bill Clinton was able to get a lot more accomplished.

I have been rooting for Hillary throughout this primary, because she strikes me as as a really skilled/experienced politician. She actually kind of reminds me of Frank Underwood, in a positive I'm-going-to-get-stuff-done-whatever-it-takes kind of way. I'm not actually 100% sure where I got this idea from, but Hillary certainly has the experience.

I am convinced that HIllary will win the precedency this November. What's beginning to worry me though are her favorability ratings. If she's this unpopular now, and we haven't even gotten into the real election yet, will she have the public support necessary to be a productive president?

Asked another way—and I guess this is my real question—do favorability ratings generally have an impact on a president's power, and if so, are they likely to hamper HIllary?

GOP strategically decided to obstruct at every opportunity to make sure Obama never got a biparitsan win. Can't do much about that. He got healthcare through because Dems controlled the senate, house and POTUS.

There's a chance Hillary wins and the senate doesn't flip and were in gridlock. Somone can correct me if I'm wrong, but even if Dems control the senate, it might not be by enough to stop filibusters.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I can't stand by silent while Church's chicken is shamed, even if that puts me in agreement with terrible taste Adam

I have to second this. I won't speak highly of their entire menu, but they seem to have the best spicy chicken between KFC and Popeye's.


No Scrubs
GOP strategically decided to obstruct at every opportunity to make sure Obama never got a biparitsan win. Can't do much about that. He got healthcare through because Dems controlled the senate, house and POTUS.

There's a chance Hillary wins and the senate doesn't flip and were in gridlock. Somone can correct me if I'm wrong, but even if Dems control the senate, it might not be by enough to stop filibusters.

They'd need 60 to beat a filibuster.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GOP strategically decided to obstruct at every opportunity to make sure Obama never got a biparitsan win. Can't do much about that. He got healthcare through because Dems controlled the senate, house and POTUS.

There's a chance Hillary wins and the senate doesn't flip and were in gridlock. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but even if Dems control the senate, it might not be by enough to stop filibusters.

They have to decide if they want to leave the filibuster behind, and after the GOP nominating trump it's really get rid of it now, or plan on keeping it for a long time. I think it will depend on how much of a landslide the election is, and if the house changes hands. But remember, If by some miracle the house does change hands, don't expect 100% cooperative liberal dems either, many of the pickups needed would be from more conservative areas.
What's interesting to me is that Hillary has promised to get Bill Clinton back in the business of designing policy once they get in the white house. Another two-for-one deal! Hopefully Jerry Brown shuts the hell up this cycle.
It's not that weird.

People who want "less liberal" policies among the pool of Dem voters don't like Obama, shocking, and by proxy Clinton, also shocking. They probably would prefer a less black and less female President. And are the type of voters that see Obama as a sitting President having a run for his money in Oklahoma.

Another old white man is less "liberal" when it comes to The Social Justice War (tm).
I would say it's pretty racially insensitive considering those costumes invoke pretty stereotypical images of Mexicans on a Holiday that has very little to do with that.

It would be like wearing fake afros or donning blackface on MLK day. Or, somewhat less egregiously, people who wear Rastafarian colors and celebrate Bob Marley on 4/20, as if marijuana was all that man was about.

Cinco de Mayo is supposed to be about Mexican pride. You operate a Mexican restaurant. Do a damn special and call it a day.

It was racist as fuck. Like black history month frat party black face racist. If I had seen that I probably would have yelled at them and stormed out, I don't think I would have been able to maintain composure.

If you took pictures this could easily go viral in today's climate.

Okay, I'm glad I wasn't over reacting then. I thought it was offensive...Well, won't be going back there again. Why do people do shit like that? I mean, my first response to that would be "Should we do this?"

And Bernie just needs to be quiet.

Also, idk if anyone is in the market for a 2DS but I got one today at Walmart for $40.with Mario Kart 7


For Dems to win 60 seats, they'd not only have to keep their seats in CO and NV, but also win in AK, AZ, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, LA, MO, NH, NC, OH, PA, WI. Or win in Arkansas instead of Alaska.

They have to decide if they want to leave the filibuster behind, and after the GOP nominating trump it's really get rid of it now, or plan on keeping it for a long time. I think it will depend on how much of a landslide the election is, and if the house changes hands. But remember, If by some miracle the house does change hands, don't expect 100% cooperative liberal dems either, many of the pickups needed would be from more conservative areas.

Is there talk they might not leave it behind?

For Dems to win 60 seats, they'd not only have to keep their seats in CO and NV, but also win in AK, AZ, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, LA, MO, NH, NC, OH, PA, WI. Or win in Arkansas instead of Alaska.


Haha ok


Trump responded to Ryan, by the way.


It's dead until it revives in 2020 if Trump fails
I disagree. The formula is already out of the bottle. People want national populism, not conservatism. They don't give a shit. I guarantee you that within the next 8 years we see a dramatic shift in House ideological makeup. I think this goes along with Makai's theory of realignment as well (although last I checked he seems to be unsure if this is happening anymore). Liberalism in the classical sense of free trade and social progressivism will be part of the Democratic platform almost exclusively, while the Republican party will become more nationalistic, protectionist, xenophobic, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
It's dead until it revives in 2020 if Trump fails

Yeah, I really don't know if democrats can continue this all the way through 2020, and I doubt Trump will be seen as a good idea even to his supporters after he loses hard.

Hillary has a hard time being liked as it is, and it'll only get worse when she's president, plus people may be pretty tired of democrats after 12 years.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Is there talk they might not leave it behind?

I've not heard any yet. But it's damn early, the shit officially hit the fan on Tuesday, it's going to take a few months to plan and analyze. I personally think it should be considered.

Also, it does seem like nobody is paying any attention to Sanders anymore. Even NPR is referring to Clinton and Trump as apparent nominees.
I disagree. The formula is already out of the bottle. People want national populism, not conservatism. They don't give a shit. I guarantee you that within the next 8 years we see a dramatic shift in House ideological makeup. I think this goes along with Makai's theory of realignment as well (although last I checked he seems to be unsure if this is happening anymore). Liberalism in the classical sense of free trade and social progressivism will be part of the Democratic platform almost exclusively, while the Republican party will become more nationalistic, protectionist, xenophobic, etc.

Well that's scary to think about. Nationalistic parties never lead to anything good.


And to add to the answers from wowfunhappy's question:
I suspect that after this shitshow with Trump, a lot more GOP reps and senators are going to start reaching across the aisle under Hillary. The smart ones will know that they need to repair their brand, and what better way then uniting under the first female president and shaking some hands?

They shat the bed on the first black president; they can't afford to miss again. The history textbooks will definitely have chapters on Obama and Hillary, and the GOP will be right there with passages that read like Thurmond agendas under Obama. 0 for 2 under Hillary would mean entire generations will know them as "the non-governing government party."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
i read that Vox article, and yeah it's something I think everyone here expects to happen. It was perfectly fine to attack Trump for being an unserious buffoon during thee primary since you had so many "respectable" Republican alternatives. But during the general? Well, there's only two candidates and they're on opposing teams, so sure Mr. Trump says he'll happily commit war crimes, but it's not like Secretary Clinton's an angel either, what with her private e-mail server and all.

The best course of action for Hillary to take is to not say anything stupid. Let Trump come out and insult her day in and day out, and she'll come out looking like a more sympathetic.


Conservatives are so FUCKED. Doesn't matter who wins this election because the small government idiots have already lost. It's over, Reagan is dead.
I disagree. The formula is already out of the bottle. People want national populism, not conservatism. They don't give a shit. I guarantee you that within the next 8 years we see a dramatic shift in House ideological makeup. I think this goes along with Makai's theory of realignment as well (although last I checked he seems to be unsure if this is happening anymore). Liberalism in the classical sense of free trade and social progressivism will be part of the Democratic platform almost exclusively, while the Republican party will become more nationalistic, protectionist, xenophobic, etc.
You say this like conservatism as Goldwater and Reagan preached was actually still a thing.

The Bush/Hastert era is a decade past now.



TO: Those who think both leading presidential candidates are dishonest and have little chance of leading America forward:

(…or, stated more simply)

TO: The majority of America:

Note: If you are one of those rare souls who genuinely believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are honorable people – if they are the role models you want for your kids – then this letter is not for you. Instead, this letter is for the majority of Americans who wonder why the nation that put a man on the moon can’t find a healthy leader who can take us forward together.

I want to tell you about four unsolicited conversations from the Fremont Wal-Mart this morning:

**Retired union Democrat meat-packer:
“What the heck is wrong with that city where you work? Why can’t they give us a normal person? Is it really so hard?”
Me: “Actually, it is for them – because most people in DC buy the nonsense that DC is the center of the world. You and I, despite our party differences, both agree that Fremont is the center.”
Union Democrat (interrupting): “…Because this is where my grandkids are.”

**Young evangelical mom:
“I want to cry. I disagree with Hillary Clinton on almost every single thing – but I will vote for her before Trump. I could never tell my kids later that I voted for that man.”

**Middle-aged Republican male (more political than the other folks):
“It feels like the train-car to hell is accelerating. Why is DC more filled with weirdos and yet more powerful at the same time? How do we slow this down long enough to have a conversation about actually fixing our country?”

**Trump supporter (again, unsolicited):
“Please understand: I’m going to vote for him, but I don’t like him. And I don’t trust him – I mean, I’m not stupid. But how else can I send a signal to Washington?!”
I’ve ignored my phone most of today, but the voicemail is overflowing with party bosses and politicos telling me that “although Trump is terrible,” we “have to” support him, “because the only choice is Trump or Hillary.”

This open letter aims simply to ask “WHY is that the only choice?”

Melissa and I got the kids launched on homework, so I’ve been sitting out by the river, reflecting on the great gap between what folks in my town are talking about, and what folks in the DC bubble are talking about.

I trust the judgment of this farm town way more than I trust DC. And so I’d like to share a dozen-ish observations on these Wal-Mart and other conversations today:
Trump's the guy who holds down A after throwing a Pokeball, thinking it ups his chances.
I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.

That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!


I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.

That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Of course he would say that, he wants a 3rd party "constitutionalist" to run, lol.
I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.

That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!

I feel fucking cheated!!

This is up there with Dragon Warrior Monsters lying to me about not catching boss monsters with meat. Up there with the Zodiac Spear in FFXII.

This is bullshit.
INDIANAPOLIS – In March, Congressman Todd Young confirmed through his campaign manager that he would support the Republican Party’s nomination for President “whoever it is.” Well, now that Donald Trump has been declared the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for President - will Todd Young stay true to his word? Will Congressman Young support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for President of the United States?

It begins here.
I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.

That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!

Those old original games were jank as hell. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Generation_I#Other_issues

Mess (but fun!).


I feel like Hillary has taken more of a stand in the last 24 hours than the entire GOP did during the primary. Or at least the candidates.
I learned recently that the way Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow was programmed, there is no difference in the likelihood of catching a Pokemon whether you get them under half health or if they even have just a sliver of HP left.

That's right, all those years of nudging a Pokemon's HP down ever so slightly without making them faint were for nothing!

get it right nerd, it's 1/2 HP with a Great Ball, 1/3 with anything else :p


I notice Chelsea's op-ed doesn't once mention the threat of Guam capsizing.

Possibly because of Big Banks™ on its...banks?
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