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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I agree. Republicans still dominate state and local election, and own congress for the moment, and had the supreme court until recently. Takes a long time for folks to accept reality if indeed they are done nationally.
I've always found it funny that the party that's so mad at Muslims for not calling and denouncing extremists has so much trouble doing the same thing for extremists in its own party.

But they've elected too many racists bigots (Trump is far from their first) to national office to change any time soon. Heck, every time they've even remotely tried to change, the constituents have revolted and voted in someone even further left. The best hope they have is to abandon ship and create a third party at this point.



Deirdre Walsh ✔ ‎@deirdrewalshcnn
Boehner backs Trump, says "Anybody who doesn't think Donald Trump can win, just watch"

Phil Mattingly ✔ ‎@Phil_Mattingly
Boehner: "I did my best to bring our party together, but I don't know what the knuckleheads want. Still to this day I don't know."

Rebecca Ballhaus ✔ ‎@rebeccaballhaus
Boehner: “Shutting down the government to get rid of Obamacare might have been about the dumbest thing I ever saw.”

I love I-don't-give-a-fuck Boehner.


I love I-don't-give-a-fuck Boehner.



ahm.... legacy?

democrats do seem fond of pointing out clinton's budget surplus like it meant something, after all.

Hm. This weird duality can also be attributed to the way he handled federal expenditure. Dude tries hard to decrease the deficit because.... why, exactly?

He actually wrote about cutting social security to eliminate the deficit in his fucking book, so as far as I can tell Obama just really truly believes that the deficit is bad and SS is unsustainable. One of the few places where I'm actually glad the GOP made it impossible for Obama to do something.

I mean, I guess he's a constitutional law professor and a community organizer so you can't expect him to be good at macroeconomics too. Everybody has to be bad at something!
Chances that Glenn Greenwald reports on this poll?


Hillary Clinton holds a slim lead over Donald Trump in their presidential race in Missouri based on a new poll published Friday, according to The Kansas City Star.

Clinton leads Trump 42 to 40 percent in the DFM Research of Minnesota poll conducted on behalf of the United Transportation Union. The lead is within the poll's 3.8 percent margin of error.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Here is a great video where Sam Seder from the majority report and Jimmy Dore of TYT go at it over "Bernie or bust".

Watch all 4 parts:

Jimmy looks stupid and unprepared when Sam calmly calls him out on his incorrect historical references and straight up revisionist nonsense. Then Sam kicks his teeth in by simply playing out his argument and seeing that it does nothing to further the progressive agenda. As a Sam Seder fan that can't stand Jimmy on TYT this debate was cathartic


my distaste for YouTube debates is butting up against my desire to watch Jimmy get taken down a peg
She'll win MD, VA, FL and mst likely NC with an outside chance at GA.
Florida is not readily southern though
The more south you get in Florida the more North you end up... Until you get to Miami then.. Not as much. I wanted her to win a traditional southern GOP state just for the salt.


Florida is not readily southern though
The more south you get in Florida the more North you end up... Until you get to Miami then.. Not as much. I wanted her to win a traditional southern GOP state just for the salt.
I hear what you're saying, but just because the state is not culturally Southern, doesn't mean that it's not geographically Southern.
More from that Missouri poll:

▪ Sen. Roy Blunt, a Republican, leads Secretary of State Jason Kander, a Democrat, 49 percent to 35 percent. (UPDATE: A separate but contemporaneous poll, taken by Remington Research for Missouri Scout, has it Blunt 44 percent, Kander 37 percent.)

▪ Kander is unknown in the state. Forty percent of those surveyed have never heard of him, compared with five percent who’ve never heard of Blunt.

▪ Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump, 42 percent to 40 percent.

▪ Chris Koster, the Democrat, is ahead of all four Republican candidates for governor. Peter Kinder is close; the rest lose by double-digits.

▪ Catherine Hanaway also lacks name ID in the GOP governor’s race. Forty-one percent of respondents have never heard of her.

▪ Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any of the 11 politicians in the survey: 63 percent unfavorable. Fifty-six percent have unfavorable views of Barack Obama.

▪ Sen. Claire McCaskill has the highest favorable rating, at 49 percent.

The margin of error is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points with a 95 percent confidence level.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/the-buzz/article69418112.html#storylink=cpy

Very surprised/happy about how high McCaskill's favorables are. Maybe she can survive the purge of 2018 after we lose Donnelly/Heitkamp/others.
Clinton won't win Missouri. If there's a state where white resentment will hurt her in a year she otherwise may have been able to win, it's that state. But as with Georgia and Arizona it could be another state where she forced Trump to waste resources.


I've be thinking a lot today. Voting for a candidate doesn't make you a hero or a villain, voting for a candidate doesn't make you anything. When you vote, it should be for a reason. I believe the reason to vote is that you care and understand enough about a particular issue, the American thing to do as a good citizen of our great republic is to be a part of the process, directly or indirectly, and have your say. I don't for color, or personality, or gender, or if I could have a beer with the person, I vote on things that matter to me.

None of this sounds unreasonable, but after thinking some more, it seems that another thing can be important to: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?
And just like that they fall in line to support a racist, xenophobic, small-handed prick.

I wouldn't exactly call that an endorsement.

I want to hear Boehner's opinion of the freedom caucus.

His comments about shutting down the government should be enough.

: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?

That's just one aspect of voting. In a first past the post voting system (specifically with our electoral college), the degree to which it matters will vary by election and location. It should be more important for local elections and the like.
More from that Missouri poll:

Very surprised/happy about how high McCaskill's favorables are. Maybe she can survive the purge of 2018 after we lose Donnelly/Heitkamp/others.
I could see a couple of the red state senators holding on.

In order of likelihood, I guess it would be something like Manchin > Tester > McCaskill > Heitkamp > Donnelly. But I wouldn't peg any of them as any worse than a Toss-up (but wouldn't call any of them Lean D or better, either).

But then again, things could change. IIRC McCaskill had high approval ratings before 2012 - until 2012, when she was up for re-election and suddenly people turned on her.
I've be thinking a lot today. Voting for a candidate doesn't make you a hero or a villain, voting for a candidate doesn't make you anything. When you vote, it should be for a reason. I believe the reason to vote is that you care and understand enough about a particular issue, the American thing to do as a good citizen of our great republic is to be a part of the process, directly or indirectly, and have your say. I don't for color, or personality, or gender, or if I could have a beer with the person, I vote on things that matter to me.

None of this sounds unreasonable, but after thinking some more, it seems that another thing can be important to: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?

I don't know what the difference is between "does X deserve my vote" and "do I think X is the best choice for this office". I don't know what you mean by "deserve my vote".
I could see a couple of the red state senators holding on.

In order of likelihood, I guess it would be something like Manchin > Tester > McCaskill > Heitkamp > Donnelly. But I wouldn't peg any of them as any worse than a Toss-up (but wouldn't call any of them Lean D or better, either).

But then again, things could change. IIRC McCaskill had high approval ratings before 2012 - until 2012, when she was up for re-election and suddenly people turned on her.

I agree there. Poor Heikamp and Donnelly, even though Donnelly is pro-life.


No Scrubs
Meh, she doesn't do that great in big sweeping settings but in a small setting she is very human.

According to the reporters who have covered her at State and the current campaign, it's like they're dealing with a different person now. The woman just doesn't campaign well and does better when she's got an actual job to do.



She's not super charismatic, that's it John.

Does he really claim she doesn't care about civil rights advocacy? She seems passionate and energized when talking about women's rights, LGBT rights and minority rights.
andrew napolitano wrote an opinion peice trying to say that the russians have 20k emails that they are debating whether they should release them/talk about them.

He didn't give any sources or proof.

This is why I hate much of the right. While I don't LOVE Hillary, its just bullshit like this that turns me off from them. I mean if there is proof, release it.If not, stop with the click bait.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think that's particularly insightful commentary. It's Joe Scarborough tier. I hope Jon thinks things other than "she's awkward" or "she panders a lot" because that's in essence what he said.


Id give up 30 years of dominance at the presidential level for 8-10 years of dominance in Congress and president

Edit... Warren would wasted as VP and I really hope Clinton wouldn't do that.

Not for him, considering how conservative he is. And people would likely be clamoring for a woman on the ticket given the event that Sec. Clinton lost.

For Clinton, it still makes no sense.


She's not super charismatic, that's it John.

Does he really claim she doesn't care about civil rights advocacy? She seems passionate and energized when talking about women's rights, LGBT rights and minority rights.

Despite being hyper-liberal as an adult and far, far more generous with my time, compassion and money than many of my peers in college, my somewhat flat affect convinced many people I was cold, cruel...I believe one friend (in jest, but still) used the world "evil" once. I have always been mystified as to what I'm doing that convinces people of this.

At the risk of running into a cliché, I think at least in part it has to do with me not smiling enough and generally being disinterested in kissing people's asses. Especially if they expect me to.

So, y'know. Hillary's whole deal sounds familiar to me.


I don't know what the difference is between "does X deserve my vote" and "do I think X is the best choice for this office". I don't know what you mean by "deserve my vote".

This is my philosophy as well. I'm not voting for Candidate X so that he or she can enjoy all of the luxuries of the Oval Office. I'm voting for them because they would have the most positive impact on my life / the lives of those around me / the country / the world.

The question is less "Do they deserve it?" and more "Who leads to the best possible outcome for me?"
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