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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I doubt he can win the Primary. Where are his funds?

Yeah, good luck trying to run for Senate when you have the second worst Senate attendance record in the past year and are on record sayibg you loath the place and want to leave. I think that pivot might be too much for Rubio, but who knows. We've had people endorse Trump after calling him cancer and a pathological liar.
I really wish the bullshit about FBI investigation ended already. I know there's nothing there. I don't understand the need to drag it and spend millions to find something that's not there. There are a hundred different things they can investigate. Can someone change movie piracy to Hillary's emails:



Jon Stewart thing aside, I really underestimated how much and how many people hate Hillary. Its not just a GOP thing... like, people don't really like her.

She's really a weaker candidate than I assumed.
It helps him get elected and get other liberal policies?

Voters want a lower deficit, you can blame this on whatever but its the state of things and I think trying to convince people that it doesn't matter is a fools errand and a recipe for electoral disaster with few if any upsides. And if its done through taxes on the rich I don't have a problem with it (and its likey also good policy)

I'm big on either not mentioning, ignoring or outright lying about it. Y'know, the republican strat that didnt seem to particularly harm ronnie or w.

I mean, I guess he's a constitutional law professor and a community organizer so you can't expect him to be good at macroeconomics too. Everybody has to be bad at something!

Nevar 4get

I doubt he can win the Primary. Where are his funds?

Yeah, good luck trying to run for Senate when you have the second worst Senate attendance record in the past year and are on record sayibg you loath the place and want to leave. I think that pivot might be too much for Rubio, but who knows. We've had people endorse Trump after calling him cancer and a pathological liar.

Not just that. After the primaries, whatever other rep interested in the seat knows perfectly well how to destroy him. Dude's done in the short term.


I really wonder what the Daily Show would have been like with Stewart this election. Would he have been a Bernie proponent? Would he play this up as "worst election ever" like these comments suggest?

Man, that Women with Ambition article from a couple pages ago is hitting me hard and feels pretty apparent.


Jon Stewart thing aside, I really underestimated how much and how many people hate Hillary. Its not just a GOP thing... like, people don't really like her.

She's really a weaker candidate than I assumed.

What 30 years of targeted propaganda does to you. She was much more outspoken early in Bill's presidency, that ended when the media and her opponents sunk their fangs into her.


Yeah, good luck trying to run for Senate when you have the second worst Senate attendance record in the past year and are on record sayibg you loath the place and want to leave. I think that pivot might be too much for Rubio, but who knows. We've had people endorse Trump after calling him cancer and a pathological liar.

I don't know. The dudes in the Republican primary all suck. Rubio seriously might be able to ride in and win off name recognition alone.


I've be thinking a lot today. Voting for a candidate doesn't make you a hero or a villain, voting for a candidate doesn't make you anything. When you vote, it should be for a reason. I believe the reason to vote is that you care and understand enough about a particular issue, the American thing to do as a good citizen of our great republic is to be a part of the process, directly or indirectly, and have your say. I don't for color, or personality, or gender, or if I could have a beer with the person, I vote on things that matter to me.

None of this sounds unreasonable, but after thinking some more, it seems that another thing can be important to: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?

Jesus christ, just vote for the dude that thinks mexicans and muslims are rapists and terrorists already.


I really wonder what the Daily Show would have been like with Stewart this election. Would he have been a Bernie proponent? Would he play this up as "worst election ever" like these comments suggest?

Man, that Women with Ambition article from a couple pages ago is hitting me hard and feels pretty apparent.

I honestly believe Trump doesn't win the nom with Jon on tv.

Part of Trump securing the nom is him flooding the airwaves with different quotes so he doesn't really have a single quote aside from "Make America great again".

CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and morning shows loved showing his clips as intos to news segments and he frankly has more clout with the American people than anyone else. Colbert was off the air and his team doesn't have the edge he used to have.

And frankly Noah is a wet blanket.

If Oliver had done the daily show then maybe he would cover the campaign more but he seems content covering the issues that nobody aside from maybe Frontline would cover.
I've be thinking a lot today. Voting for a candidate doesn't make you a hero or a villain, voting for a candidate doesn't make you anything. When you vote, it should be for a reason. I believe the reason to vote is that you care and understand enough about a particular issue, the American thing to do as a good citizen of our great republic is to be a part of the process, directly or indirectly, and have your say. I don't for color, or personality, or gender, or if I could have a beer with the person, I vote on things that matter to me.

None of this sounds unreasonable, but after thinking some more, it seems that another thing can be important to: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?

In general, I don't care about "deserving" my vote. It's more important to me that people in general are better off under the candidate that I vote for.

I will say, I am partially voting for Hillary because she's a woman. I get it, colorblind/genderblind is a big thing people push, but it's just not true. Would it be okay if our Congress and other high offices were populated entirely by Korean people? No (but some of them should be!) because not all Americans are Korean. Our representative government should represent us, and different Americans have different experiences. Obama's experience as a black man are different from Bill Clinton's, no matter what their policy proposals are. Hillary's experience as a woman matters, and it's sad that we still haven't thought a female President would be a good move to help women with their issues.

andrew napolitano wrote an opinion peice trying to say that the russians have 20k emails that they are debating whether they should release them/talk about them.

He didn't give any sources or proof.

This is why I hate much of the right. While I don't LOVE Hillary, its just bullshit like this that turns me off from them. I mean if there is proof, release it.If not, stop with the click bait.

There's never any proof. I love freedom of the press, but damn, sometimes this shit borders on slander when people print the old "I heard from somebody that Hillary had Vince Foster's body stuffed onto a satellite!" headlines, and then follow it up with "My source is secret." I get it, essential for freedom, blah, blah, but it's still frustrating sometimes.
Man, that Women with Ambition article from a couple pages ago is hitting me hard and feels pretty apparent.

I posted that article on r/politics because I'm a crazy person.

They really do not like hearing that it's kind of weird she has such bizarrely low favorability, despite being popular and well liked her entire career, so maybe there's some underlying biases present in society that are causing it.

The very idea that Hillary might be despised right now, despite previous popularity, because of sexism, just is such an abhorrent idea that they can't even humor it.


No Scrubs
Jesus christ, just vote for the dude that thinks mexicans and muslims are rapists and terrorists already.


I honestly believe Trump doesn't win the nom with Jon on tv.

Part of Trump securing the nom is him flooding the airwaves with different quotes so he doesn't really have a single quote aside from "Make America great again".

CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and morning shows loved showing his clips as intos to news segments and he frankly has more clout with the American people than anyone else. Colbert was off the air and his team doesn't have the edge he used to have.

And frankly Noah is a wet blanket.

If Oliver had done the daily show then maybe he would cover the campaign more but he seems content covering the issues that nobody aside from maybe Frontline would cover.

Jon could have potentially done a lot of damage all around.



Beth FouhyVerified account
In intvu w @ajjaffe, Trump's butler calls for Obama to be "hung from the portico of the White Mosque," calls Obama daughters "rent-a-kids"

Alex Seitz-Wald ‏@aseitzwald 12m12 minutes ago
Alex Seitz-Wald Retweeted Beth Fouhy
More: "I think he should be hung next to Hillary Clinton and I think it should be public...should be televised."


For someone who critically covered the media for so long, he seems to have no problem falling right in line with their narrative. Sad to see him fall into the same traps.

I mean, didn't he kind of fall for the media's love fest with Obama, too? I forget, that feels like so long ago.

I do think there's some truth to the impact he would have had. Stewart felt like daily required watching for political heads but now no one fills that role.


FiveThirtyEight: Don’t Worry About The Electoral College Math (Yet.)

It’s been an unpredictable year so far. (See Trump, Donald.) But the general election is off to a predictable start. Three Quinnipiac polls released on Tuesday, showing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton neck and neck in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, got far more attention than they deserved. That’s not because Trump can’t win those states, or the election. Rather, we’re still six months from Election Day and no single poll should receive much attention. Moreover, I would caution against getting bogged down in state polls — even of swing states. The truth is — with some notable exceptions — winning the national popular vote typically means winning the presidency; the Electoral College matters only in very close elections, and most of the time not even then.

State polling is really good when we have a lot of it. That was one lesson of 2012, when the state polling in aggregate gave us a better picture of the national popular vote than the national polls did. And 2012 was not a fluke: State polls taken at the end of a campaign are often more telling than the national polls because there are lot more of them, among many different unique electorates.

But that math works only when you have a lot of state polling. From the first presidential debate last year in early October to Election Day, there were 126 polls taken in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania combined. According to HuffPost Pollster, only 96 national general-election polls were taken over the same period. In all of 2016 so far, we’ve had only 21 polls in these three states combined. That’s equal to the number of Clinton vs. Trump polls that have been conducted nationally in the last month.

For now, if you’re interested in whether Trump or Clinton is likely to be our next president, I’d pay attention to the average of national polls. Let’s wait until we’re closer to the election and we have a lot more state polling before we zoom in closer than 30,000 feet.

More at the link.


Despite being hyper-liberal as an adult and far, far more generous with my time, compassion and money than many of my peers in college, my somewhat flat affect convinced many people I was cold, cruel...I believe one friend (in jest, but still) used the world "evil" once. I have always been mystified as to what I'm doing that convinces people of this.

At the risk of running into a cliché, I think at least in part it has to do with me not smiling enough and generally being disinterested in kissing people's asses. Especially if they expect me to.

So, y'know. Hillary's whole deal sounds familiar to me.

Yeah I know the feeling. I don't smile too much, even if I'm not in a bad mood or anything. Resting bitch face so to speak lol.

Jesus christ, just vote for the dude that thinks mexicans and muslims are rapists and terrorists already.

It's not that simple! What about the destruction of trade deals worldwide? This is very important to HUELEN10



His freed is going to be a dumpster fire of salt for months to come.

Jay Cost ‏@JayCostTWS 4h4 hours ago
And the RNC should resolve to hand control of its rules to a blue ribbon panel (ala McGovern-Fraser) to design a fair and sensible process.

Jay Cost ‏@JayCostTWS 4h4 hours ago
Priebus, Bruce Ash, and John Ryder should submit their resignations immediately.

Jay Cost ‏@JayCostTWS 4h4 hours ago
It has terribly mismanaged its authority, and that Priebus is now insisting we sacrifice our principles due to its mistakes is absurd.

Jay Cost ‏@JayCostTWS 5h5 hours ago
The first thing that needs to happen in 2017 is the power to set the nomination rules needs to be stripped from the RNC.
She's not super charismatic, that's it John.

Does he really claim she doesn't care about civil rights advocacy? She seems passionate and energized when talking about women's rights, LGBT rights and minority rights.

She sounds patronizing when she talks about LGBT rights to me
I've be thinking a lot today. Voting for a candidate doesn't make you a hero or a villain, voting for a candidate doesn't make you anything. When you vote, it should be for a reason. I believe the reason to vote is that you care and understand enough about a particular issue, the American thing to do as a good citizen of our great republic is to be a part of the process, directly or indirectly, and have your say. I don't for color, or personality, or gender, or if I could have a beer with the person, I vote on things that matter to me.

None of this sounds unreasonable, but after thinking some more, it seems that another thing can be important to: does Candidate X deserve my vote?

I don't think that's something I have considered before, and I see that perhaps I should. Is his an important question to you guys?

To me, it's about the Supreme court. Whoever will bring in someone forward thinking and not a backwards hyper-conservative asshole like Scalia is who I would vote for.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I am 100% convinced nothing will change as a result of Trump winning the nomination. The GOP will continue doing the things they do, their representatives will continue falling in line, and their voter base will continue to voter for them regardless of who is the candidate.

Trump is going to do fine in the GE. He probably won't win, but it will be nowhere near the slam dunk everyone here thinks. Hillary is despised by a lot of people. I don't get it at all, but she is. That drives the GOP base and it may keep away independents.


Here is a great video where Sam Seder from the majority report and Jimmy Dore of TYT go at it over "Bernie or bust".

Watch all 4 parts:

Jimmy looks stupid and unprepared when Sam calmly calls him out on his incorrect historical references and straight up revisionist nonsense. Then Sam kicks his teeth in by simply playing out his argument and seeing that it does nothing to further the progressive agenda. As a Sam Seder fan that can't stand Jimmy on TYT this debate was cathartic

I think this is the most pointed part of that interview:



Oh man, the mental gymnastics in this part of the interview:



Don't overcorrect.

I mean... is it overcorrecting if a dude like Jon Stewart clearly seems to be voting for her only to vote against Trump? I see this more and more, even with some of my liberal friends.

Maybe my assumptions were just waay off before, but I don't really remember this much hate/meh toward hillary, especially given that she's running against fucking Trump.

Part of me does wonder if this will die down once Bernie's out of the picture, I'm guessing that it will.


I am 100% convinced nothing will change as a result of Trump winning the nomination. The GOP will continue doing the things they do, their representatives will continue falling in line, and their voter base will continue to voter for them regardless of who is the candidate.

Trump is going to do fine in the GE. He probably won't win, but it will be nowhere near the slam dunk everyone here thinks. Hillary is despised by a lot of people. I don't get it at all, but she is. That drives the GOP base and it may keep away independents.

I agree that the polling aggregate will certainly tighten, but I think the swing states will be fairly static throughout the election. Keep in mind that the two week period when one of the Never Trump PACs ran the ad will women reading Trump's sexist remarks saw Trump's negatives among women plunge 19%. The more his past remarks get airtime nationally and in the swing states, his negatives will fly up. Hillary's negatives are fairly baked in, but there are a TON of Trump quotes that have never really been aired to a large audience.


Man, who would have thought that Billy Corgan would become a pro wrestling promoter who gives interviews on politics to Infowars.
Wouldn't be super surprised if Montana or the Dakotas went to Hillary.

Small populations, relatively elastic, competitive for Democrats in downballot races.

35,000 votes going from Romney to Obama would have flipped ND in 2012.


Oh dick off, Jon Stewart.

I really hate the narrative surrounding Hillary, because it seems to completely ignore what a lot of Black people think about her.

Her Breakfast Club interview was probably one of the best interviews she's given all primary in terms of showing "real personality" and what happens? She gets slammed for pandering.


I am 100% convinced nothing will change as a result of Trump winning the nomination. The GOP will continue doing the things they do, their representatives will continue falling in line, and their voter base will continue to voter for them regardless of who is the candidate.

Trump is going to do fine in the GE. He probably won't win, but it will be nowhere near the slam dunk everyone here thinks. Hillary is despised by a lot of people. I don't get it at all, but she is. That drives the GOP base and it may keep away independents.

I've felt this way for a while. I still don't know if Hillary will win but if she does I'm willing to bet it's by the skin of her teeth.


Oh dick off, Jon Stewart.

I really hate the narrative surrounding Hillary, because it seems to completely ignore what a lot of Black people think about her.

Her Breakfast Club interview was probably one of the best interviews she's given all primary in terms of showing "real personality" and what happens? She gets slammed for pandering.

something something female standards.

Even liberals are guilty of it.
I am 100% convinced nothing will change as a result of Trump winning the nomination. The GOP will continue doing the things they do, their representatives will continue falling in line, and their voter base will continue to voter for them regardless of who is the candidate.

Trump is going to do fine in the GE. He probably won't win, but it will be nowhere near the slam dunk everyone here thinks. Hillary is despised by a lot of people. I don't get it at all, but she is. That drives the GOP base and it may keep away independents.

Even if he wins 45% of the vote, which is a large chunk of the vote, that should tell the GOP they don't need to do anything different. I don't get the Hillary hate as well, but I don't think there is a population in this country that could elect Trump without a huge GOTV effort on Trump's side.

I highly doubt that will happen.

It could happen, it could not happen. I don't know, maybe it's like a 50/50 chance of it happening or not. People here shouldn't handwave it so much.
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